Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You better be careful or the Forum Snitch will tell on you. Or maybe he just reports us "liberals" ... I'll have to ask him the next time he's on here.
View attachment 2569077

I would think after a while someone would just tell HIM to find another thread....how many times has he complained about someone from politics

AND doesn't say a lot about his intelligence...when he is so unhappy about what is said and yet keeps coming back...he has been caught in a few lies before...so the guys is nothing but bullshit....fake news...and apparently a cry baby ….I don't ignore him....just don't respond to what he posts...someone else wants to that's up to them...for me...he has pegged the bullshit meter to many times..I made the statement a while back about the tariffs doing permanent damage to some areas of the country...he went on about me lying and being fake news and etc...…..yet when Daphne posted a full page on all the damage from the tariffs he was so glad someone saw his point of view.......when caught in a lie will backtrack and etc...trying to seem the know it all...that was just the latest from him so for me he is just full of *******....think a couple of other mods have seen the same thing....so I doubt his crying amounts to anything
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things that make you go Mmmmmmm

a little more Mmmmmm

William Barr’s *******-in-Law Just Landed a Job Advising Trump ...
Later today, William Barr is expected to be confirmed as Donald Trump’s next attorney general, despite just three Democrats voting to advance his nomination earlier this week. But the Barr ...
  • Author: Bess Levin
and more....

  • William Barr Directs DOJ Official to Defy Congressional ...
    Apr 25, 2019 · Attorney General William Barr directed a Justice Department official to defy a congressional subpoena to testify before a House committee, according to a letter obtained by Newsweek, a move that ...
  • Barr threatens not to testify before House committee
    Apr 28, 2019 · Attorney General William Barr is balking at appearing before a House Judiciary Committee this week to testify about special counsel Robert Mueller's report …
◙ Issuing SUBPOENAS With No Teeth

Congress is challenging a high level, professional CROOK ... he's played all the angles many times. He knows what works and doesn't work. Key part of being a "high level" CROOK is controlling the judicial systems. Its a chess game for Trump, and he's quite skilled and aware that controlling the most powerful pieces on the board are more likely to guarantee him a win. If nothing else, he'll play the game to a stalemate, refuse to forfeit, and just run OUT the clock. There's really no 'criminal enforcement' mechanism in place. Waste of Time! AG Barr is already indicated he's not responding to a subpoena, and telling his people they don't have to respond, and, the suspicion and dirt just keep piling up on the Trump Administration.
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a little more Mmmmmm

William Barr’s *******-in-Law Just Landed a Job Advising Trump ...

  • Author: Bess Levin
What, possibly, can be so surprising about this? Trump has played all the angles many times. Key part of being a "high level" CROOK is controlling the judicial systems all the way to the Supreme Court.
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◙ Issuing SUBPOENAS With No Teeth

Congress is challenging a high level, professional CROOK ... he's played all the angles many times. He knows what works and doesn't work. Key part of being a "high level" CROOK is controlling the judicial systems. Its a chess game for Trump, and he's quite skilled and aware that controlling the most powerful pieces on the board are more likely to guarantee him a win. If nothing else, he'll play the game to a stalemate, refuse to forfeit, and just run OUT the clock. There's really no 'criminal enforcement' mechanism in place. Waste of Time! AG Barr is already indicated he's not responding to a subpoena, and telling his people they don't have to respond, and, the suspicion and dirt just keep piling up on the Trump Administration.

I really don't think trump himself knows ******* about the law or the constitution......but he has surrounded himself with some smart crooks...this will end up in court....just what trump is counting on.....and we know who controls the court right now.....but he is not a dicktator!

right now he has the senate and the courts and etc all in his favor.....all we can do is cheer on the NYC ag...he has no control there...and if he doesn't get re-elected...good chance there will be jail time....all his lawyers are not going to be able to drag that out enough...but then again if he keeps repealing?...….once out of office how much loyalty will his 2 new justices feel they owe him...honor among thieves you know
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Most people in this country are sick of the endless investigations - incase ya didn’t know - be nice if Democrats wanted to get something DONE besides trying to overturn the last presidential election.
Most people in this country are sick of the endless investigations - incase ya didn’t know - be nice if Democrats wanted to get something DONE besides trying to overturn the last presidential election.

we do want to get something done......overturn the asshole using the white house for profiteering and racketing and spying on the us for Russia...where was "most of these people" when all the investigation into Clinton...are you saying they weren't sick of those?....maybe it is mostly a partisan crowd then wouldn't you say?.....they weren't sick then and are sick now?...guess these fuckers just must be sick in not caring about their country wouldn't you say?
ever think that maybe you being so partisan is just adding to the problem?...or your behavior and remarks just fuel and already partisan problem...of course not.....partisan people don't see it just add fuel to the problem...instead of being part of that most people problem you could maybe educate your self to what is happening…..but your being part of that partisan crowd are not really interested are you....and that "most people" in the country is not quite accurate is it? when the majority of the country think this guy is a liar...so guess it means it is not "most people"...it is a small percentage...wouldn't that be closer to the truth......of course it is...but that wouldn't go with your usual daily statement
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Just saw a recent poll done on MSNBC

56% of Americans are against impeachment

37% of Americans are for impeachment

Ergo MOST Americans are DONE with these horseshite partisan investigations - I rest me case.
Just saw a recent poll done on MSNBC

56% of Americans are against impeachment

37% of Americans are for impeachment

Ergo MOST Americans are DONE with these horseshite partisan investigations - I rest me case.

you are kind of putting a little slant on that and posting it on how you want it to be....whereas most americans do not want impeachment because there are a lot of people like you...that worship this antichrist and would do damage to the country were that to happen.....where as voting the devil out is a better solution.....but then he will just claim a rigged election and try and claim the election null and void...he will have to be forcibly removed no matter how it happens anyway

BTW...your only case is insanity
WHO is putting a SPIN on WHAT ???
Read what you wrote - all the spin is yours - totally. I just posted what I saw on Meet the Press on MSNBC just a few minutes ago.
Facts there just facts.
WHO is putting a SPIN on WHAT ???
Read what you wrote - all the spin is yours - totally. I just posted what I saw on Meet the Press on MSNBC just a few minutes ago.
Facts there just facts.
and I gave you the reason for those numbers......guess you haven't heard Pelosi for the past month or so...even before the Mueller report!
and I gave you the reason for those numbers......guess you haven't heard Pelosi for the past month or so...even before the Mueller report!

Only radical left progressives want impeachment - thankfully a smaller percentage of people - I maintain most Americans are sick of investigations and whining about Trump - let the people decide again next election - trouble is when he wins again those people still won’t shut up - unless they get voted out - which I think if they keep it up will happen - people have had enough of SORE LOSERS !!!!! Taint the American way.
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