Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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QUOTE="TwoBiFour, post: 2332415, member: 43197"] I want to challenge you to post a link to ANY BILL or Proposal that points in the direction of Dictatorship - any ONE bill, ANY.
Well, ok ... let me gather some notes when I get home around 6PM, ok. Can't do that here in the office, but, I got some things to mention. While you wait, give this some thought: his Muslim ban ( discriminated against people based on national origin and religion; a breach of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment and the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution)

Looks like you need to look in the mirror Stuart....
ryango Mac if you're having trouble posting correctly, try reading the instructions first ... oh wait, you're too stupid to read the instructions, aren't you. Getting a post to turn out correctly is simply way too difficult, huh? Figures ... IQs are low in the Trump TDS camp these days.
There....fixed it for ya ;)

While you wait, give this some thought: his Muslim ban ( discriminated against people based on national origin and religion; a breach of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment and the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution)
It wasn't a "Muslim ban" first of all. As to the legality of it, you should review the Supreme Court ruling on Hawaii v. Trump before further demonstrating your ignorance.
Looks like you need to look in the mirror Stuart....

There....fixed it for ya ;)

It wasn't a "Muslim ban" first of all. As to the legality of it, you should review the Supreme Court ruling on Hawaii v. Trump before further demonstrating your ignorance.

you should listen to your Pres.....".I Donald j trump am imposing a complete Muslim bann on all muslim's entering the country until we can figure out just what the hell is going on"

he didn't get by with it...but he tried and like everything else has come up with ways of sidetracking the law
By the way - what was YOUR thoughts when the right was comparing Obama to Hitler? Lots of similarities there as well. The fact is Mac, it's just an ignorant comparison in either case.
That's just another typical MacNLies logical fallacy, Argumentum Ad Hitlerum. It's an all too common tactic used by the weak minded when all else fails in an argument. http://wiki.c2.com/?ArgumentumAdHitlerum

Wait....check out Mac's bedtime reading....

you should listen to your Pres.....".I Donald j trump am imposing a complete Muslim bann on all muslim's entering the country until we can figure out just what the hell is going on"
Oh, please, you'll hurt hoping hubby's feelings. I try to ignore him most the time. Looking for a job, his wife, sex with anyone that can stand his arrogance. He has a lot of things on his mind these days ... just forgot, I'm sure, didn't you hoping hubby? "Poor thang!"
Hitler is a LEFTIST, I suggest you do some reading up
Of course he was a leftist ... did I say he wasn't? The discussion is in regards to Trump edging towards fascism and dictatorship ... please try to pay attention, TwoBi. TRUMP was a leftist before he became whatever he is now. Democrats didn't want his sorry ass in their party; Trump saw opportunity in the "fractured all to hell" Republican party and took the party OVER remember? Recall the GOP debates where he high jacked the GOP primaries? Surely you don't think Trump was there to bolster up the Republicans?! haha ... so silly of you! He simply planned using Republicans as his means to an end ... I mean this is what self-proclaimed Nationalist dictators do, you know. In fact, its the basic difference between democracy & a dictatorship ... "means & ends". Its what he said regarding how the citizens of N Korea stood at attention for their dictator, remember?
Democracy = is about "means" ... a constitution, a system of government, basic rules of law, and a independent judiciary.​
Dictators = is about "ends" ... starting with accumulating and preserving power. And a dictator (like Trump) is willing to use any "means" to accomplish his goals ... norm breaking decisions, ignoring and violating responsibility to secure & protect American democracy at all cost.​
examples: Shutting down the government & declaring Nat'l Emergencies for no reason, turning Americans against each other, not taking any additional actions to secure our Russian infiltrated election system, working with MrPutins emissaries during the elections, etc.​
Another BIG example: Trump's Nat'l Security Team (all of them ... Mathis, Bolton, Pompeo and others, all recommended Trump not pull US troops out of Syria. So, what did Trump do? He did what he wanted to do, and probably because he heard the recommendation to pull the troops out of Syria on .... wait for it .... FOX NEWS, where he seems to park his fat ass 8 hours out of the day as he twitters away his thoughtless ideas when he can't find someone to play golf with him. Just as he did Today ... quote: "If Congress tries to impeach me, I'm prepared to go all the way to the Supreme Court". Brilliant of him, wasn't it; probably heard THAT on Fox News, you think? Someone tell Trump the SCOTUS doesn't get involved in impeachments, please!​
Trump's Signs of Dictatorship ...​
►Attempts to intimidate & limit the media and press; kicking those he doesn't like out of his press conferences and meetings​
►Using STATE power to punish opponents, like the PR attack of Amazon​
►Stacking the judicial, his cabinet and administration systems with loyal Trump followers willing to lie and cover for him. Anyone specifically come to mind? Like AG Barr?​
►Demonizing his opposition, calling them "enemies of the people" and using misrepresentations like he did the black football players, the FBI, etc​
►Selective Law Enforcement using political pardons, and law & order type rhetoric directed at immigrants, human rights violations​
►Bypassing his Congress to implement proclamations, administrative orders, nat'l security memoranda, etc like the PPACA with no replacement, or the oil pipelines, while ignoring environnmental recommendations, or running Homeland Security by "himself", etc.​
Trump says he3's gonna fight the Democrats against reveiling his W2s and the subpoenas. Trump thinks he doesn't apply to the Congressional "oversight" reviews; that he is excluded because he's the President. He'll soon find out that is false.
Should I go ON and ON and ON, TwoBi?
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There simply is NO end to the rant of the whining left - anyone else tired of listening to their regurgitating the talking points of the Dems posted constantly by their propaganda division the MSM???? I sure am :|
anyone else tired of listening to their regurgitating the talking points of the Dems posted constantly by their propaganda division the MSM???? I sure am :|
And we grow tired of your complaining in what we post and you post NOTHING in return BUT more sarcasm! Go back and read your last dozen or so posts here ... see what YOU had to say. I'll tell you what you had to say ... NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING.
Tired of hearing us, here? It's an easy process, actually ... pic_IgnorBUTTON.jpg ... but, as the others, you won't do it. Know why? Because you see there may be some truth in what we say! It'll become more apparent when Trump's W2s come out, and a full copy of the Mueller Report is seen by Democrats.
Show us that you're different blkdlaur ... JUST DO IT! Show us you're not like the others.
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And we grow tired of your complaining in what we post and you post NOTHING in return BUT more sarcasm! Go back and read your last dozen or so posts here ... see what YOU had to say. I'll tell you what you had to say ... NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING.
Tired of hearing us, here? It's an easy process, actually ... View attachment 2563741 ... but, as the others, you won't do it. Know why? Because you see there may be some truth in what we say! It'll become more apparent when Trump's W2s come out, and a full copy of the Mueller Report is seen by Democrats.
Show us that you're different blkdlaur ... JUST DO IT! Show us you're not like the others.

mac there is an old saying...you can't teach an old dog new tricks....nor can you teach a republican the facts of life
All that BULL ******* and NO LINK - go figure.

Again I'll ask - can ANYONE - even the resident Troll, provide a LINK TO A BILL that Trump has proposed that enforces dictatorship???
Or even racism for that matter.

Mac, everything you listed has been done by several - if not all - presidents at one time or another. Regan was a Democrat at first too - does that make him Hitler, does that make him a dictator wannabe? I am asking for DIRECT PROOF that he is trying to take over the government and create a dictatorship (can't happen). Something you have been unable to provide but claim to be fact. Just like your claims he is a raciest and yet he hasn't made any move in legislation towards any minority group. If anyone is trying to bring back segregation it's the minority groups themselves.
I didn't just make this up. Note, its on the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC
View attachment 2563618

Powerful and continuing Nationalism - A Nationalist yes, nothing wrong with that. Continuing and "powerful" playful words added to make it sound "bad". Ooooo. If you think nationalism is bad, then I suggest you divorce and marry a minority.

Disdain for human rights - example? Oh you mean locking K[ids in cages - like Obama did - got it.

Identification of enemies as a Unifying cause - LOL really, You mean like FDR after Pearl Harbor and GB jr after 9/11?

Supremacy of the Military? Really? example please.

Rampant Sexism - I'll give you this one, but even Obama had an affair while in the White house - something the media choose to ignore. Trump might be addicted to sex, but I wouldn't call it "sexism". Unless you can provide a link that bans women from doing "things" because they are women.

Controlled Mass Media - seriously? Trump does not in any way control the media. He just won't allow some dickhead from CNN badger him during his press conferences.

Obsession with national security - are we all? you worry about your family getting gunned down but not about terrorist?

Religion and government intertwined - LOL what? even Obama claimed to be a "Christian" which is a lie. I don't see Trump pushing his religion of pussy worship. However the up and becoming DNC candidate 'ol Pete sure is making it clear he is a strong Christian, must mean he is a Fascist.

Corporate power protected - again laughable. Every president has been bought by the banks - oh wait, that was Obama. Well all the rest were bought by mega corps like the one you work for, Insurance - oh wait, that was Obama again. crap. Well maybe the rest were bought by the Auto industry... wait ....

Labor power Suppressed - link???

Disdain for the intellectuals and the arts - What?? lol now your just reaching. (by the way, Hitler was an art lover)

Obsession with crime and punishment - Obsession? no. again we should be punishing crime, you don't think so?

Rampant cronyism and corruption - Again, name a president this wasn't true.

Fraudulent elections - You must be talking about how the left is encouraging and even trying to make it legal for non-citizens to vote. or are you referring to letting Felons, mass murderers, ******* to vote. Maybe you refer to the mass import of votes. Both sides are fraudulent in their elections - your a fool to think otherwise.

According to your list - our entire government is a fascist! This is all hyper-boil

And by the way, here are the original 12, the last two were added because the left has to twist things to make people like you scared and afraid.

It's also funny how this "flyer" didn't show up in the museum until 2017..

Humm, lets see - what things can I write about Trump that seem true, and call it "Signs of Fascism" to scare the Americana people. Lets see now ....

(hook line and sinker!)
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All that BULL ******* and NO LINK - go figure.

Again I'll ask - can ANYONE - even the resident Troll, provide a LINK TO A BILL that Trump has proposed that enforces dictatorship???
Or even racism for that matter.

Mac, everything you listed has been done by several - if not all - presidents at one time or another. Regan was a Democrat at first too - does that make him Hitler, does that make him a dictator wannabe? I am asking for DIRECT PROOF that he is trying to take over the government and create a dictatorship (can't happen). Something you have been unable to provide but claim to be fact. Just like your claims he is a raciest and yet he hasn't made any move in legislation towards any minority group. If anyone is trying to bring back segregation it's the minority groups themselves.

you suffer a lot of hoof n mouth disease....need to get medical attention immediately
apparently you don't have access to a television or radio news of any kind....what's he doing right now with blocking all the subpoenas...something to hide
Dictators = is about "ends" ... starting with accumulating and preserving power. And a dictator (like Trump) is willing to use any "means" to accomplish his goals ... norm breaking decisions, ignoring and violating responsibility to secure & protect American democracy at all cost.examples: Shutting down the government
Check - Obummer and his democrap buddies in the Senate shut down the government
declaring Nat'l Emergencies for no reason,
Check - Obummer declared national emergencies then went to play golf
turning Americans against each other
Check - Obummer did that in spades
not taking any additional actions to secure our Russian infiltrated election system,
Check - Obummer knew about Russians trying to infiltrate the 2016 election and didn't act to stop it
working with MrPutins emissaries during the elections, etc.
Possible - Unclear about Obummer yet, but we know his former Secretary of State Shrillary worked with the Russians, getting them paid to dig up dirt on her political opponent.

Damn lucky we managed to survive the Obummer dictatorship by your "logic"
Check - Obummer and his democrap buddies in the Senate shut down the government

Check - Obummer declared national emergencies then went to play golf

Check - Obummer did that in spades

Check - Obummer knew about Russians trying to infiltrate the 2016 election and didn't act to stop it

Possible - Unclear about Obummer yet, but we know his former Secretary of State Shrillary worked with the Russians, getting them paid to dig up dirt on her political opponent.

Damn lucky we managed to survive the Obummer dictatorship by your "logic"

where in the hell do you come up with these screw ball facts?
Mad magazine? Didn't know they were around anymore!

who just shut the gov down TWICE?...your man in the WH

who just declared nat'l emergency on the boarder and went and played golf...AND has spent more time playing gold than the last few pres together...all this from a candidate that said he wouldn't have time for any!

Yes Obama knew about the Russian hacking before the election...and wanted a bi-partisan solution and went to McConnell AND ryan both of whom told him to let it go so as to not scare off voters!

Hillary didn't start the dirt digging on her opponent that was started by 2 republicans during the primary...they just lost before he got through so went to Hillary as she was the last opponent left

get those facts straight there or else you could wind up with some kind of demented problem like your pal 2bi
If Trump is innocent as he says, It all goes away very easily when Trump:
► Agrees to testify under oath to questions by the Congress oversight committee​
►Releases his tax returns​
►Releases the unretracted Mueller investigational report​
►Quits blocking the requested congressional subpoenas to those involved in his administration​
Yet you Trump Chumps believe what a man, who lies on average 7-8 times a day, says to you. Sorry, I can't believe a habitual LIAR who has been involved in some 4 thousand lawsuits and married & cheated on 3 different wives.
Powerful and continuing Nationalism - A Nationalist yes, nothing wrong with that.
Sure there is; Germany & Japan found that out during the 1st half of the 20th century; look how far they prospered since that time. Also, nationalism is often confused with patriotism (a good thing). With nationalism, its easy to create a "us" against "them" mentality with the rest of the world. It puts strain on our ally relationships. Nationalism, on the social level, was responsible for ethnic cleansings in countries such as Germany, Japan, Turkey, Cambodia, Rwanda, China, etc. Russia & MrPUTIN uses a combination of economic & political nationalism of his country's gas & oil to neighboring countries to bully them ... to keep them in line.
Disdain for human rights - example? Oh you mean locking K[ids in cages - like Obama did - got it.
No comparison, actually. Obama's administration did it with specific individuals who had records of ******* & gun trafficking, arrest/warrant records, etc ... ones they knew were bad, but were using children (sometimes not even THEIR children) as a means of deception. It certainly wasn't being done on a large scale like Trump.
Obsession with national security - are we all? you worry about your family getting gunned down but not about terrorist?
No, I'm worried about our 2020 election being hacked by the Russians again ... something that your President denies and has done nothing about because it benefits HIM. What it says is Russia gaining control of our democratic processes ... something they are doing around the world. You tell me this ... don't you agree we were hacked by the Russians? Don't you feel the President should be bolstering up our securities to stop them. Trump doesn't!

Gotta go ... back tonight!
Yet you Trump Chumps believe what a man, who lies on average 7-8 times a day, says to you. Sorry, I can't believe a habitual LIAR who has been involved in some 4 thousand lawsuits and married & cheated on 3 different wives.

Never said I believe him, never said he wasn't a scum bag - But the facts don't support your claims. Just as the facts didn't support many right wing claims that Obama was Hitler, or that GWB was Hitler, or that Clinton was Hitler. My whole point Mac is that without Facts to back it up, these comparisons are ignorant. Based on feelings, your comparisons can be placed on just about anyone.
No comparison, actually. Obama's administration did it with specific individuals who had records of ******* & gun trafficking, arrest/warrant records, etc ... ones they knew were bad, but were using children (sometimes not even THEIR children) as a means of deception. It certainly wasn't being done on a large scale like Trump.

Think your response is a bit biased. You got to be kidding me - Obama had justification but the 1400 per day pouring into our country are all 100% inocent families right? I challenge you to open you home to a refugee family since you think they are so innocent.

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