Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I’m pretty sure impeachment lives only in the minds of the left - average fair minded Americans are really getting sick of whining Dems and their horseshite investigations - you people have nothing but bullshit policies to push now and far left radicals pushing them - too bad you’ve been proven now to be such SORE f’n LOSERS !!!!!

you need to check your facts....I know you just read the impeachment thread...it is the trumpies doing the whinning….horseshite investigations....my how that comes out when the shoe is on the other foot.....the right likes to do as they please and yet when it's the lefts turn...cry and cry and cry
and just what policies has the right put out...Mmmm tax cuts for the rich.....doing away with the ACA....damn the right has done a lot for America...and here comes the sore loser statement again....how many times is that?....do I really need to tell you the same response to your same statement AGAIN
The left is really showing who the real "dictator wanna-bees" are. The left will kick and scream until they get their way - just like a dictator. The left will condemn and silence anyone that does not agree with them - just like a dictator. The left tears down social constructs - just like a dictator. The left is pushing socialism - Can't say dictator loud enough there. Remind me again who is trying to be the dictators?
you are just plain fucking nuts......so absorbed in your hitler wanna be you never could see straight.....and how many stupid statements have you made with nothing to back them up but your mouth!

tell us again how you are independent and yet support everything there is about the right...and condem everything about the left.....instead of 2bi it should be 2faced!
how long did you guys investigate the Clintons.....looking for anything....still wanting her in jail...and found nothing...NOTHING.....but exaggerations as time goes on and trump tells the story for the 100th time...and you people believe because you want to believe even though the facts are not there!....and because there is nothing there it must be a corrupt DOJ

and yet now that the worm has turned....and we are digging and finding out trump has been fucking this country long before he was even president....and there are plenty of facts to back it up...even trump said this morning Mueller talked to over 500 people..waste of time...guess they were all wrong....intelligence from several different countries tell us how he is mixed up with the Russians....and you people are ok with that

that is the height of stupidity....refusal to see the facts...and just plain being an asshole putting party over country

now cry some more about the left...it's all you got....
You may not want to acknowledge Trump as YOUR president, but if you live in this country, he is YOUR president - get over it.
He is THE President, not MY President. I recognize him as a "plant President" ... not elected by the majority. And certainly not supported by the majority.
QUOTE="TwoBiFour, post: 2332415, member: 43197"] I want to challenge you to post a link to ANY BILL or Proposal that points in the direction of Dictatorship - any ONE bill, ANY. [/QUOTE]
Well, ok ... let me gather some notes when I get home around 6PM, ok. Can't do that here in the office, but, I got some things to mention. While you wait, give this some thought: his Muslim ban ( discriminated against people based on national origin and religion; a breach of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment and the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution)
The left is pushing socialism - Can't say dictator loud enough there. Remind me again who is trying to be the dictators?
Are you sure you understand what a dictator is? The discussion is regarding Trump, not a political ideology. The right is pushing a Plutocracy. Which is worse? Representation by the Few for the FEW, or representation by the Few for the MANY? Which seems to be morally right, do you think?
Well, ok ... let me gather some notes when I get home around 6PM, ok. Can't do that here in the office, but, I got some things to mention. While you wait, give this some thought: his Muslim ban ( discriminated against people based on national origin and religion; a breach of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment and the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution)

It's not a "Muslim" ban - it's a ban from "Known terrorist Muslim Countries" It's a ban to ensure we are not letting terrorist into this country. HUGE difference. But I am guessing you know that, but that truth doesn't meet your narrative. Don't preach me your leftist propaganda.

A breach of the Due Process clause ? please. who here wants to CONVICT based on your feelings, with no trial??? (try looking in the mirror)

Are you sure you understand what a dictator is? The discussion is regarding Trump, not a political ideology. The right is pushing a Plutocracy. Which is worse? Representation by the Few for the FEW, or representation by the Few for the MANY? Which seems to be morally right, do you think?
The career Politicians are catering to the big business from BOTH parties and both catter to the few. Surly you jest.

Let me lay it out for you - but first you might want educate yourself a bit on Benito Mussolini

Mussolini controlled the press and they were only allowed to report on what Mussolini let them report on. Does Trump control the media? Not even close. You know who does have heavy influence over the media? the LEFT. If anything the mainstream media is against Trump. We could spend years sorting out all the fake news spewed by CNN.

Mussolini Controlled the education system and indoctrinated young people. Does Trump control the education of this country? NOPE. You know who does? The left. I suggest you open your eyes and look around at what is going on in schools and collages across the nation. The left has been pushing their propaganda for some time now. Any conservative has a hard time speeking at any collage and most are cancelled before they even get to speak and the ones that are get drowned out by protestors.

Mussolini had a militant group that would silence anyone with an opposing view point. Does trump have that? NO - you know who does? THE LEFT. Do some research into ANTIFA and BLM. Look at what they get away with and what others would never be allowed to do. Portland is afraid of ANTIFA and does nothing to stop them.
Antifa protesters in Portland, Oregon, positioned themselves in the middle of downtown traffic on Saturday — and started forsing drivers to follow their directions. They cursed at the drivers and even chased down one elderly driver who didn’t listen to them (see the tweet directly below). And here is video of an elderly man who didn’t heed their street orders — so they chased him down.
The city did nothig to stop them. ANTIFA behaves exactly like the militant ******* Mussolini had. Since when was an ALt Right group allowed to close down highways and re-direct traffic in Downtown Portland? But don't take my word for it, I think you have a search engine. btw, police officers are dropping like fly's in Oregon, when a city or state won't back up the boys in blue, no one will work for you.

Mussolini divided the nation, pitting one group of people against the other to create unrest. Does Trump do that? Nope - wrong again. You know who does? THE LEFT. The left has created false narratives to keep people fighting. Like the caravan the left started and marched them to our door step. Remember this picture? The left media used it against Trump. I'll give you ONE guess what President this was under (hint: the picture was taken in 2014) and I have already mentioned ANTIFA, BLM, lets also throw in TYT. Not to mention Obama drove a hard wedge with the whole Teravon Martin issues.

Mussolini controlled speech. His citizens had to be careful what they said in public. Does Trump do that? I don't think so, other than him forgetting he is not running a corporation. But you know who does???? take a guess Mac, yep - the LEFT. I have posted article after article about the left trying to create laws that will JAIL you for not using the correct pronoun. The LGBT community has pushed transgenders into sports. Male athletes are beating females in almost every sport and no one is allowed to say anything for fear of being labeled a raciest, homophobia or what ever. Articel after Article of popel being shut down simply becasue they spoke their mind. Companies ****** to close becasue of what they believe. The left has been trying to control speech for some time now, hell, they even won't use the word "Christian" anymore. now they are called "Easter Worshipers" - it's sad you can't see what is right in front of you. Your hate for Trump blinds you.

I could go on, watch the documentary on Mussolini. The only thing the Mussolini and Trump have in common is their arrogance.

I'll await your link to an actual BILL that Trump as submitted.

By the way - what was YOUR thoughts when the right was comparing Obama to Hitler? Lots of similarities there as well. The fact is Mac, it's just an ignorant comparison in either case.
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It's not a "Muslim" ban - it's a ban from "Known terrorist Muslim Countries

I guess that would about cover every country except the Saudis.....Mmmm do you happen to know who was flying those planes on 911?
you are being blind to the facts and just taking trumps word for it!
but that's beside the fact...you can't just bann complete countries

Mussolini controlled the press and they were only allowed to report on what Mussolini let them report on. Does Trump control the media?

he is trying....even has people on here calling it fake news...when it is the same news we all have been wtching for years...but because they now report on trump...he wants to silence them

You know who does have heavy influence over the media? the LEFT. If anything the mainstream media is against Trump. We could spend years sorting out all the fake news spewed by CNN.

exactly what I was saying about fake news...and you are a prime example....the mainstream media all covers the president and always has...all of them...and the pres is always under scrutiny or haven't you noticed

Mussolini controlled the press and they were only allowed to report on what Mussolini let them report on. Does Trump control the media
guess you haven't seen a trump press conference...when he has one.....he doesn't call on who he doesn't like or who asks something he doesn't like...even tries to get them banned...but guess you didn't notice

Mussolini Controlled the education system and indoctrinated young people.

Education system sucks in this country and has for a while now......but trump tried getting into the education system and got into trouble...remember Trump university?

You know who does? The left. I suggest you open your eyes and look around at what is going on in schools and collages across the nation.
If the left had anything to do with it there would be more money there.....ever notice any democratic candidate running for office? they all want to raise more for education!

The left has been pushing their propaganda for some time now.
and what would you call Fox news and briebart and a few others?..and what about Rush Limbaugh ann coulter and a few others....I think they lean towards the right

Any conservative has a hard time speeking at any collage and most are cancelled before they even get to speak and the ones that are get drowned out by protestors.

Mmmm wonder why that is.....don't suppose it has to do with the way they push budget cuts do you? especially in education

Mussolini had a militant group that would silence anyone with an opposing view point. Does trump have that? NO

wrong again there cum breath....haven't heard about all the death threats the gals got when they came forward...or the muslim gal in congress...pretty much documented that for a while in NYC he had mob ties.....but now he just brain washes dummies on the right...guess you never heard trump tell someone to punch a guy in the face he would pay for the legal fees...or that the 2nd amendment people should take care of Hillary...hear the news today? arrested some people plotting to ******* some Dems

Do some research into ANTIFA and BLM. Look at what they get away with and what others would never be allowed to do

guess the KKK and a few others have slipped your mind huh?

Since when was an ALt Right group allowed to close down highways and re-direct traffic in Downtown Portland?

Mussolini had a militant group that would silence anyone with an opposing view point. Does trump have that? NO

guess you have missed one of your local white supremists rallies

The city did nothig to stop them.

Kind of like any protest group...with a permit!

I could go on and on....but from the looks of things you just don't
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It's not a "Muslim" ban - it's a ban from "Known terrorist Muslim Countries" It's a ban to ensure we are not letting terrorist into this country. HUGE difference. But I am guessing you know that, but that truth doesn't meet your narrative. Don't preach me your leftist propaganda.

A breach of the Due Process clause ? please. who here wants to CONVICT based on your feelings, with no trial??? (try looking in the mirror)

The career Politicians are catering to the big business from BOTH parties and both catter to the few. Surly you jest.

Let me lay it out for you - but first you might want educate yourself a bit on Benito Mussolini

Mussolini controlled the press and they were only allowed to report on what Mussolini let them report on. Does Trump control the media? Not even close. You know who does have heavy influence over the media? the LEFT. If anything the mainstream media is against Trump. We could spend years sorting out all the fake news spewed by CNN.

Mussolini Controlled the education system and indoctrinated young people. Does Trump control the education of this country? NOPE. You know who does? The left. I suggest you open your eyes and look around at what is going on in schools and collages across the nation. The left has been pushing their propaganda for some time now. Any conservative has a hard time speeking at any collage and most are cancelled before they even get to speak and the ones that are get drowned out by protestors.

Mussolini had a militant group that would silence anyone with an opposing view point. Does trump have that? NO - you know who does? THE LEFT. Do some research into ANTIFA and BLM. Look at what they get away with and what others would never be allowed to do. Portland is afraid of ANTIFA and does nothing to stop them.

The city did nothig to stop them. ANTIFA behaves exactly like the militant ******* Mussolini had. Since when was an ALt Right group allowed to close down highways and re-direct traffic in Downtown Portland? But don't take my word for it, I think you have a search engine. btw, police officers are dropping like fly's in Oregon, when a city or state won't back up the boys in blue, no one will work for you.

Mussolini divided the nation, pitting one group of people against the other to create unrest. Does Trump do that? Nope - wrong again. You know who does? THE LEFT. The left has created false narratives to keep people fighting. Like the caravan the left started and marched them to our door step. Remember this picture? The left media used it against Trump. I'll give you ONE guess what President this was under (hint: the picture was taken in 2014) and I have already mentioned ANTIFA, BLM, lets also throw in TYT. Not to mention Obama drove a hard wedge with the whole Teravon Martin issues.

Mussolini controlled speech. His citizens had to be careful what they said in public. Does Trump do that? I don't think so, other than him forgetting he is not running a corporation. But you know who does???? take a guess Mac, yep - the LEFT. I have posted article after article about the left trying to create laws that will JAIL you for not using the correct pronoun. The LGBT community has pushed transgenders into sports. Male athletes are beating females in almost every sport and no one is allowed to say anything for fear of being labeled a raciest, homophobia or what ever. Articel after Article of popel being shut down simply becasue they spoke their mind. Companies ****** to close becasue of what they believe. The left has been trying to control speech for some time now, hell, they even won't use the word "Christian" anymore. now they are called "Easter Worshipers" - it's sad you can't see what is right in front of you. Your hate for Trump blinds you.

I could go on, watch the documentary on Mussolini. The only thing the Mussolini and Trump have in common is their arrogance.

I'll await your link to an actual BILL that Trump as submitted.

By the way - what was YOUR thoughts when the right was comparing Obama to Hitler? Lots of similarities there as well. The fact is Mac, it's just an ignorant comparison in either case.

LIKE your style !!!!
Refreshing hearing some truth for a change.
LIKE your style !!!!
Refreshing hearing some truth for a change.

you wouldn't know the truth if it was right in front of you....your brain cells are to malnourished to understand anything

after all how many times have you stated you lost get over it...once a day?
your only line of defense
The Trump Family’s History With the KKK | The Nation
Jan 04, 2018 · The Trump Family’s History With the KKK The Trump Family’s History With the KKK Linda Gordon on Fred Trump, plus Nancy MacLean on the roots of …

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for ...
That same month, Rachel Pendergraft — the national organizer for the Knights Party, a standard-bearer for the Ku Klux Klan — told The Post that Trump's campaign offered the organization a new ...

Donald Trump and the Ku Klux Klan: A History | The New Yorker
For months, as Donald Trump developed his political repertoire, he adopted an uncharacteristic reply for questions about fascism and the Ku Klux Klan: silence, or something close to it. He used …

Donald Trump Is the First White President - The Atlantic
In Trump, white supremacists see one of their own. ... But there really is no other way to read the presidency of Donald Trump. The first white president in American history is also the most …

Is Donald Trump a white supremacist? | Salon.com
Jan 13, 2018 · January 13, 2018 1:30pm (UTC) The election of Donald Trump energized white supremacists both in America and around the world. With his campaign they emerged from the shadows of American public life and moved into the mainstream. This journey should not be a surprise.
Donald Trump pledges to curb press freedom through libel ...
Feb 26, 2016 · Donald Trump pledges to curb press freedom through libel laws. The first amendment states that “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press”. It is a foundation stone of democracy in the United States. This was most recently asserted by the supreme court in 1964, in a unanimous decision in New York Times v...

Donald Trump Thinks the Freedom of the Press Is ...
Oct 13, 2017 · Rescind the Muslim Ban Immediately. Urged someone to buy the New York Times to “ either run it correctly or let it fold .” While Trump tries to portray journalists at the “enemies” of Americans, it’s his attacks on the press that amount to an assault on the cornerstone of American democracy: the First Amendment.
Donald Trump Is Dividing Our Country. The United States usually is an example of democracy, freedom and justice for the world. This country was built by immigrants, diversity of races and religions. The only race that matters in America is the human race — even wild animals have rights in this land. This is what makes America great.

Poll: Most Americans Believe Trump Is Dividing the Country
Aug 23, 2017 · Poll: Most Americans Believe Donald Trump Is Dividing the Country. By Sarah Begley. August 23, 2017. A new poll from Quinnipiac University found that most Americans believe that President Donald Trump is doing more to divide the country than to unite it.

Most Say Trump Is Dividing the Country - Political Wire
Aug 23, 2017 · Most Say Trump Is Dividing the Country. August 23, 2017 at 12:01 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment. A new Quinnipiac poll finds that 63% of voters say that President Trump is doing more to divide the country, while 31% say he is doing more to unite the country, his worst score yet on this question.

Donald Trump Is Dividing Our Country - The Odyssey Online
Donald Trump Is Dividing Our Country. The United States usually is an example of democracy, freedom and justice for the world. This country was built by immigrants, diversity of races and religions. The only race that matters in America is the human race — even wild animals have rights in this land. This is what makes America great.
Which political party in the United States (the Democrats ...
Mar 31, 2015 · Rick Perry and most of the Tea Party-influenced candidates talk about closing the Department of Education. Rejection of a Common Core will be the litmus test in 2016 now that the Elephants have quit talking about abortion.

Democratic Party on Education - On The Issues
Mar 05, 2013 · Democrats are the party of public education. We must be willing to close persistently failing schools that have not responded to help, in favor of new schools with new staff and new approaches. Democrats are the party of public education and therefore we must be the party that demands the most from public education.
even with all of that above....some people will still remain stupid...ignorant is a way of life for a republican....after all if it isn't on Fox news it doesn't exist...
they are a product of the education system they have trashed!...all in an effort to cut wages and break teacher unions
Iowa Rep. Andy McKean Switches to Democratic ... - time.com
Rep. Andy McKean, Iowa’s longest-serving Republican lawmaker, left his party on Tuesday to join the Democrats, and cited President Donald Trump as a factor in his decision. “With the 2020 …

Iowa’s Longest-Serving Republican Switches Parties Because ...
6 hours ago · State Representative Andy McKean said he would join the Democratic Party and called President Trump’s behavior unacceptable. “If this is the new normal,” he said, “I want no part of it.”
2bi....I can understand your devotion to trump...….you both have so many similarities......you both just say whatever pleases you....with no regards for the facts.....and not understanding that everyone else is able to use the internet to fact check...so in that way...you are just like trump...or more realistically...a baby bird......all mouth and ass

very few are at your intellectual level....actually there aren't that many that low
All leftist news outlets - which proves my point in what I said. The left controls the media and the kool-aid drinkers swallow it all up - unable to think for themselves. Opinions and hyper-boil - no facts.

Trump didn't divide the country - the left did that all by themselves, look at your own behavior. You think anyone wants to have a conversation with a Troll? Trumps arrogance is matched only by the left. (Which is probably why the left hates him so much)
All leftist news outlets - which proves my point in what I said. The left controls the media and the kool-aid drinkers swallow it all up - unable to think for themselves. Opinions and hyper-boil - no facts.

Trump didn't divide the country - the left did that all by themselves, look at your own behavior. You think anyone wants to have a conversation with a Troll? Trumps arrogance is matched only by the left. (Which is probably why the left hates him so much)

for a factual reply see my previous post......for stupid comments look at what you wrote

mac will enlighten you soon anyway...if that's possible because for you I think the light is out
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