Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Your position is absurd - doesn’t deserve a response. Next you’ll posit he’s an alien or something equally ridiculous. TDS in full display :|
That's IT .... that's WHAT YOU GOT? That ALL? Wow, your 'buds' are sure gonna be disappointed in YOU in the morning.
Hey, what about all the times Trump and his ******* denied talking to the Russians? How many times do you think? That's a question to YOU!
Read this 'wonder boy'! Probably your buddies will say this is FAKE NEWS like the President tells them to say ...

"Fake News, Fake News, ALL Fake News!"
......... TRUMP PARROT
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So no link? So the basis of your statement is actually a fantasy, and isn't remotely related to fact, or reality? I thought so.
"I'm gonna tell on YOU!"
ps ... you could simply quit addressing me (I'll give U the same courtesy) OR, just put me on pic_IgnoreButton1.jpg Now go tell the teacher I said THAT!
64% of the country think he has lied or attempted to lie to obstruct...…...mmmmm
impeachment to follow?

2 years of extremely biased reporting by the media will do that - talk about telling untruths what about all the lies the media has been pushing about Russia that the Mueller Report refuted??? As noted before Hillary actually gets to obviously obstruct - delete 33,000 emails - bleach bit her hard drive - have her people beat up her electronics with hammers while all of that was under a subpoena and she skates but now you guys are pushing that Trump obstructed an investigation into a crime of which he was deemed innocent - something about all this REALLY stinks - dontcha think???!
2 years of extremely biased reporting by the media will do that - talk about telling untruths what about all the lies the media has been pushing about Russia that the Mueller Report refuted??? As noted before Hillary actually gets to obviously obstruct - delete 33,000 emails - bleach bit her hard drive - have her people beat up her electronics with hammers while all of that was under a subpoena and she skates but now you guys are pushing that Trump obstructed an investigation into a crime of which he was deemed innocent - something about all this REALLY stinks - dontcha think???!
biased reporting?????? well maybe...the country doesn't like a commie!.....but he just doesn't like it when you repeat his lies and ask about them

as for Russia and the mueller report...that is all documented.....and mueller opened the door for more....and like any cockroach he is scurrying from the light

like any true republican....when the heats comes down on the doughboy lets talk Hillary huh?

the reason she skates...….how many investigations can you have on someone and still find nothing....and like any true dicktator part of his complaint with the doj is they won't put her in jail....see yesterday where she talked about impeachment?

trump wasn't deemed innocent of anything..... did not break any laws to go to jail for......but did plenty to be impeached for!

if trump didn't obstruct why is he so worried about calling anyone from the whitehouse?....he knows he told them to fire Mueller....to obstruct!

Now p u t I n has a Konnie and a Donnie as loyal pets serving him
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Hell you’d throw everyone with an R after their name in the klink - who you shitting???
r after their name?....you do know under Nixon 2 ag served time and lost everything!....nail one of these crooks under trump and he won't see near the cover up we are seeing now....your "Ushanka" is just keeping you from seeing the facts
poor old trump...….Obama still beats him...even on twitter....and matter of fact he is losing followers.....wonder why....i'm sure he has several on here that are devoted.....as for the rest of the country.....slipping?
biased reporting?????? well maybe...the country doesn't like a commie!.....but he just doesn't like it when you repeat his lies and ask about them

as for Russia and the mueller report...that is all documented.....and mueller opened the door for more....and like any cockroach he is scurrying from the light

like any true republican....when the heats comes down on the doughboy lets talk Hillary huh?

the reason she skates...….how many investigations can you have on someone and still find nothing....and like any true dicktator part of his complaint with the doj is they won't put her in jail....see yesterday where she talked about impeachment?

trump wasn't deemed innocent of anything..... did not break any laws to go to jail for......but did plenty to be impeached for!

if trump didn't obstruct why is he so worried about calling anyone from the whitehouse?....he knows he told them to fire Mueller....to obstruct!

Now p u t I n has a Konnie and a Donnie as loyal pets serving him

Hillary skated cause the fix was in - all this Russian horseshite is simply deflection - but I suspect not for much longer.
Hillary skated cause the fix was in - all this Russian horseshite is simply deflection - but I suspect not for much longer.

republicans after Hillary for years....and nothing.....after years all the get Bill for was a blow job....how long did they spend on Benghazi?..all republican appointed comittees and they still didn't like the results so appointed another...and another...same results nothing....the feds looked into the emails.....nothing...how many times you want them to keep doing that?....the Russian *******......one time and found a treasure trove of info....finally after all these investigations someone might go to jail!

I know ...hard to take......you spent 2 years kissing someone's ass......only to find out it is "tainted" and leaves a fowl taste in your mouth.....I think the Dems are working on a anti-trump mouth wash....look for a tube called....congressional hearings
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I'm waiting ... or are you going to wait until the rest of your pack shows up in the morning to make YOUR ARGUMENT for you? I have to go to work at 7AM .... unlike some of you so called business proprietors who employ 'slaves' like me to do their work for them!
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You are really loosing some credibility here Mac. You may not want to acknowledge Trump as YOUR president, but if you live in this country, he is YOUR president - get over it. Hitler is a LEFTIST, I suggest you do some reading up.
Now you are a "slave" to your employer? LOL so now everyone should work for themselves? Be your own boss? Then stop bragging about how well off you are with your company car and become self employed. - get a fucking clue.

Next I want to challenge you to post a link to ANY BILL or Proposal that points in the direction of Dictatorship - any ONE bill, ANY. I'll wait. Not your Opinion, not your BS RUSSIA claims, none of that - a solid LINK to ANY bill proposed by Trump that points to a dictatorship.
And now...….like any self appointed dicktator…..he is going to use his newly appointed judges to stop impeachment in the supreme court

hint hint...one way to get at least a hesitation on impeachment.....do something for the country!

he is going to have to start a lot of campaigning soon....so all those suckers can pay for that army of lawyers he has fighting everything
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And now...….like any self appointed dicktator…..he is going to use his newly appointed judges to stop impeachment in the supreme court

hint hint...one way to get at least a hesitation on impeachment.....do something for the country!

he is going to have to start a lot of campaigning soon....so all those suckers can pay for that army of lawyers he has fighting everything

I’m pretty sure impeachment lives only in the minds of the left - average fair minded Americans are really getting sick of whining Dems and their horseshite investigations - you people have nothing but bullshit policies to push now and far left radicals pushing them - too bad you’ve been proven now to be such SORE f’n LOSERS !!!!!
I’m pretty sure impeachment lives only in the minds of the left - average fair minded Americans are really getting sick of whining Dems and their horseshite investigations - you people have nothing but bullshit policies to push now and far left radicals pushing them - too bad you’ve been proven now to be such SORE f’n LOSERS !!!!!

The left is really showing who the real "dictator wanna-bees" are. The left will kick and scream until they get their way - just like a dictator. The left will condemn and silence anyone that does not agree with them - just like a dictator. THe left tears down social constructs - just like a dictator. The left is pushing socialism - Can't say dictator loud enough there. Remind me again who is trying to be the dictators?
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