Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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well how about the gal that is a admitted Bernie sanders supporter.....and claims when she was running for office and biden came to help her campaign.......Biden rubbed her shoulder....now she is complaining Bidens apology is not sincere

takes all kinds.....he helped her in the past and now she wants to burn him for it!

She’s burning him - for the Bern ;}
I think referring to how Bernie got screwed over by Hillary and maybe how she even got to run - cause she deleted 33,000 emails - then bleach bit the hard drive - and had her peeps beat the shite outta her electronics with hammers - all while under subpoena for those things - talk about obstruction of justice.

No - the entire world knows - Democrats are full of ******* and would like for people to think Russia put him in office - but they have something called intelligence so they know that is just Democrat propaganda.

where did you get that info...fox news....or a trump website!

yes and you KNOW Russia put him in there....you just keep your head....in the sand
where did you get that info...fox news....or a trump website!

yes and you KNOW Russia put him in there....you just keep your head....in the sand

Come onnnnnnnnn !!!
That’s all common knowledge.
Everybody knows that stuff.

The American people elected him - Russia nope - all they did was get liberals to nonstop bitch about it though.
yes she is...….that's the kind of ******* bern did last time and got caught....what is really irritating and I'm sure it is going through Joes head......he went there to campaign for her....and she won...go figure!

People have no fucking gratitude or loyalty anymore - and it REALLY SUX.

That woman is a twit - ungrateful and obviously didn’t deserve Uncle Joe’s help.
Like they say “No good deed goes unpunished.”
Why would he grace those lying arseholes with his presence - all they have done is lie about him for over 2 years !!!!

wrong....they just repeat what he tells them....nothing but the truth the whole truth and nothing but...isn't that what his presidency is based on?...he just gets pissed when they repeat what he says....guess old carrot top doesn't know they have films and records of what he says....I think he just doesn't want to answer any questions...because they fact check so much

Mmmm what do you suppose is going through the pumpkins head right now....former white lawyer being called in front of congress.....mmmm i'm guessing obstruction will be a major part of everything for a while....the guy has a battleship mouth with a tug boat ass......and he is about to get his ass in the sewer....but that's nothing new for him being in the sewer.....hell he meets a higher class of people there
Come onnnnnnnnn !!!
That’s all common knowledge.
Everybody knows that stuff.

The American people elected him - Russia nope - all they did was get liberals to nonstop bitch about it though.

wrong...it keeps growing about what she did everytime someone tells it....guess you missed the popular vote count for one.....and the intelligence from several different countries....hell it was the Dutch even that pinpointed exactly where most of it was coming from in the kremlin

given any thought to a ******* lately....it might clear your mind
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People have no fucking gratitude or loyalty anymore - and it REALLY SUX.

That woman is a twit - ungrateful and obviously didn’t deserve Uncle Joe’s help.
Like they say “No good deed goes unpunished.”

I hope she gets what due her....and Bernie......betting he is behind it....if she was so outraged about it.....why almost 2 weeks to bring it back up again....wouldn't have anything to do with joe announcing today he is in!
I hope she gets what due her....and Bernie......betting he is behind it....if she was so outraged about it.....why almost 2 weeks to bring it back up again....wouldn't have anything to do with joe announcing today he is in!

It is sooooooooo obvious that it’s bullshit just by her timing alone - much like when that woman tried the same thing with Judge Kavanaugh - no one is gonna believe her or give a ******* - everyone one that knows Biden well - says he’s just an affectionate touchy feely guy - hell all he did was like massage her shoulders - taint like he grabbed her by the puss like ole Donald bragged about doin - now is it - and he won - Joe be fine - if anything - gonna piss people off at Bernie.
It is sooooooooo obvious that it’s bullshit just by her timing alone - much like when that woman tried the same thing with Judge Kavanaugh - no one is gonna believe her or give a ******* - everyone one that knows Biden well - says he’s just an affectionate touchy feely guy - hell all he did was like massage her shoulders - taint like he grabbed her by the puss like ole Donald bragged about doin - now is it - and he won - Joe be fine - if anything - gonna piss people off at Bernie.

wonder how many or long before it ever gets tied to Bernie......look at last election....people mad at Hillary because the bern didn't win....and yet he said nothing about it....he knew what ******* he had pulled and didn't want it all out...I just know about the campaign chiefs...and Hillary's big donors.....who knows how much more ******* he pulled...he hacked the DNC computers.....hell that should have told them how easy it was!

it is just the idea of it and what she is trying to pull...will it effect anyone?..who knows...maybe some women..maybe not
what's really funny …...I guess the bern had some sexual harassment within his own campaign....when asked about it on...... 60 minutes I think it was.....he said...."terrible, just terrible, to bad to even talk about!"

naturally he doesn't want to talk about it....
wonder how many or long before it ever gets tied to Bernie......look at last election....people mad at Hillary because the bern didn't win....and yet he said nothing about it....he knew what ******* he had pulled and didn't want it all out...I just know about the campaign chiefs...and Hillary's big donors.....who knows how much more ******* he pulled...he hacked the DNC computers.....hell that should have told them how easy it was!

it is just the idea of it and what she is trying to pull...will it effect anyone?..who knows...maybe some women..maybe not

Nothing good about the ******* she’s pulling - obvious to everyone she’s doing it to knock Biden back and advance Bernie - won’t work though - Bernie can’t beat Trump - Joe might have a good chance if that Ukraine horseshite doesn’t catch up to him.
what's really funny …...I guess the bern had some sexual harassment within his own campaign....when asked about it on...... 60 minutes I think it was.....he said...."terrible, just terrible, to bad to even talk about!"

naturally he doesn't want to talk about it....

Yeah I remember that - dirty business all the way around - Bernie is too far left to be electable - Biden is moderate and electable if he doesn’t move too far left to please the radicals that are trying to run your party now.
Yeah I remember that - dirty business all the way around - Bernie is too far left to be electable - Biden is moderate and electable if he doesn’t move too far left to please the radicals that are trying to run your party now.

I listened to all those on CNN last night....got to admit Warren has some good ideas....and has them worked out....mostly on taxes on the rich....think the other 3.....to include harris...and she sounded good and kind of reasonable even...but between those 4 Warren had the best approach to things and had a good answer for every question.....for whatever reason.....just don't see her going anywhere though...and have no idea why because I like a lot of what she says...harris is up there in ratings ...mainly because the Dems would love to have a women....but I don't see any of those going anywhere......one of those was the bern...he gave a few funny answers.....and you can see just the way he talks about how we need this and that and compared to others we should have....firey speech....but unlike warren he gives no real details
Nothing good about the ******* she’s pulling - obvious to everyone she’s doing it to knock Biden back and advance Bernie - won’t work though - Bernie can’t beat Trump - Joe might have a good chance if that Ukraine horseshite doesn’t catch up to him.

no one will bring up Ukraine.....because trump has pretty much handed that over to Russia.....and they won't want to talk about that either
matter of fact I doubt anyone will want to bring up anything on foreign affairs after some of the mess's trump has done....I see the Queen has invited him back to the UK......I think they just want to remind him and the rest of the country what people overseas think of him!
Yeah I remember that - dirty business all the way around - Bernie is too far left to be electable - Biden is moderate and electable if he doesn’t move too far left to please the radicals that are trying to run your party now.
He wont win the nomination. He is an old white guy.
I listened to all those on CNN last night....got to admit Warren has some good ideas....and has them worked out....mostly on taxes on the rich....think the other 3.....to include harris...and she sounded good and kind of reasonable even...but between those 4 Warren had the best approach to things and had a good answer for every question.....for whatever reason.....just don't see her going anywhere though...and have no idea why because I like a lot of what she says...harris is up there in ratings ...mainly because the Dems would love to have a women....but I don't see any of those going anywhere......one of those was the bern...he gave a few funny answers.....and you can see just the way he talks about how we need this and that and compared to others we should have....firey speech....but unlike warren he gives no real details

Trump ruined Warren by labeling her
Pocahontas / Lie-a-watha and she took the bait - she pretty much wrecked herself after that - I’m not a fan of hers. Biden is your best bet by far in my opinion.
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