Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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China..if you are listening and I hope you are......run more adds and show the rest of the country just how much damage trump is doing with his trade wars....show the country the error of trumps ways
Not a Russian plant my ass...……..at least 3 people on his campaign had direct contact with WikiLeaks....an out fit our gov was after for stealing military secrets and publishing them....plus well known they have direct ties with Russia

but now Giuliani claiming getting info from Russia is alright.....sure if you work for them!

our perverted pisser needs to be tried for treason!
Calm down - chill out - he’s about as much of a Russian plant as you are - you really need to support Eric Swalwell though if ya REALLY feel that way - methinks you’re both daft ;}
Calm down - chill out - he’s about as much of a Russian plant as you are - you really need to support Eric Swalwell though if ya REALLY feel that way - methinks you’re both daft ;}

I'm as calm as they get....he should be tried for treason!

Swalwell seems like a decent guy.....just wanting the truth and the facts..nothing wrong with that....as for his Pres bid...have no idea what he stands for...just hope he is against Russian plants
He’s more against Russian plants than you are - if that is even possible :|

by he I am guessing you mean trump....and yes I already know that.....what's with your man sueing congress to block them from seeing his tax returns......something he said he would show during the election...ANOTHER lie!....and just what does he have to hide?...Russian income?...tax fraud?
by he I am guessing you mean trump....and yes I already know that.....what's with your man sueing congress to block them from seeing his tax returns......something he said he would show during the election...ANOTHER lie!....and just what does he have to hide?...Russian income?...tax fraud?

I meant Swalwell - he’s super anti Russian plant.

Don’t blame Trump for fighting back now - obvious to anyone with half a brain that the Dems are out to get him by any means necessary - they just want to dig and dig and dig til they unearth anything - everybody else is seeing enough is enough - you guys - by digging are digging your own grave - people are REALLY done with Democrat whining and pissing and moaning - time ta realize ya LOST the election and NO amount of bitchin gonna change it - why not DO something productive now !!!
O and best bet - Trump will prolly lose that law suit.

Seth Moulton another liberal from my state just became the 19th Dem candidate - decorated Marine - bright guy - not a fan of his politics though - way better choice than Warren though.
Trump is too arrogant and too much of a control freak to allow Russia to call the shots. Being a Russian plant would go against everything Trump wishes to be, Making him highly unlikely to be a plant. If anything, Trump is controlling Them, which again is highly unlikely. Therefor either case is unlikely to be true. Think about it.
No doubt in my mind. Trump doesn’t play second fiddle to ANYONE.

No politician in history could have stood up to the bashing Trump took for the last 2 years and survived it - balls of steel - I believe lots of people are starting to respect his resolve.

Main Street Media - the entire Democrat Party - a weaponized FBI and DOJ - a biased Special Counsel investigation all aligned against him - and he survived it all. Now instead of having to be on defense he can go on the offense. Some heads are going to roll and America is going to see wherein the treason lay.
See, there you go, making excuses and argument FOR the Chump of all Presidents. The words you may be looking for are "probably cause". We already know he has used money from his charity organization for himself and his family members. We already know he lies on the average of 7-8 times a day. We already know he's cheated on all 3 of his wives. We already know he's denied & lied acknowledgement of the bribery/hush money to his various "sluts". We already know he's acknowledged many times on video of WikiLeaks, but now says he knows nothing about WikiLeaks. We know he lied for years about Obama's birth certificate and healthcare, and his "middleclass" tax cuts, and his WALL. We can't acknowledge ALL his various lies because there's probably not enough space here. Sure, with the help of his hand-picked AG, he's appeared to have escaped collusion ... not that he's not guilty. Obstruction? He obstructs everything. I truly believe that AG Barr is going to regret his words and decisions regarding the Russian investigation. History will eventually reveal EVERYTHING and his dishonorable name will be attached to the wrong side of US history forever.
Its all gonna come out, TwoBi ... hopefully before his second term, if he's fortunate to be the elected one. We'll ALL be better off when he's gone.
Mac, if the brightest minds in the deep state couldn’t find an indictable offense, why should we listen to your legal analysis?
Ha ha ha ha.

Taking information from a foreigners is illegal.

Actually, it isn't, but let's go with the narrative.

Swalwell gets caught trying to take defaming information from Russians. And it's recorded. A russian.

But that's o.k., becuase he furthers the narrative.

Ha ha ha ha.

Let's investigate Swalwell. Wait.............We only investigate our political enemies.
I meant Swalwell - he’s super anti Russian plant.

Don’t blame Trump for fighting back now - obvious to anyone with half a brain that the Dems are out to get him by any means necessary - they just want to dig and dig and dig til they unearth anything - everybody else is seeing enough is enough - you guys - by digging are digging your own grave - people are REALLY done with Democrat whining and pissing and moaning - time ta realize ya LOST the election and NO amount of bitchin gonna change it - why not DO something productive now !!!
swalwell seems like decent guy just wanting the truth....hasn't really made ant crazy statements yet anyway

naturally you don't blame trump...you support him....but what has he got to hide?....dems want him ..YES...because he has lied and covered up so much...and brought more corruption to Washington than any 5 politicians...and with him appointing everyone who covers for him instead of letting the truth out...have to find out the answers...no one is above the law...and he is doing a pretty good job of showing that he is....no...enough is not enough....still covering up for the guy...I have given you several reasons for him having ties to Russia in the past and yo just ignor them.....how long did you guys dig on Clinton..and that was fine..but now shoe on other foot..enough is enough.....typical of the right and their double standard....the only people done with the dems whining are the trumpies...most want answers...I think I saw 70% in the mueller report wanting it all out!...doesn't sound like people whining abou it...unless you are referring to the answers...and here we go with you lost the election...and I suppose I am supposed to give the usual answer?
we didn't lose the election..the country did...and Russia won!
No doubt in my mind. Trump doesn’t play second fiddle to ANYONE.

No politician in history could have stood up to the bashing Trump took for the last 2 years and survived it - balls of steel - I believe lots of people are starting to respect his resolve.

Main Street Media - the entire Democrat Party - a weaponized FBI and DOJ - a biased Special Counsel investigation all aligned against him - and he survived it all. Now instead of having to be on defense he can go on the offense. Some heads are going to roll and America is going to see wherein the treason lay.

Except Hillary....12 hours in front of a bunch of right wingers...and nothing...2 years of investigations and nothing...Bill Clinton..5 years of Star looking at everything he has ever done...and get him for a blowjob.....trump hasn't seen anything yet...he needs more orange die and crawl into a pumpkin patch!
funny the DOJ and the FBI..most respected in the world...until trump says they are liars.....liars...who is he calling a liar?...look at the last one he fired and disgraced......and come to find out it was because he wouldn't fire Mueller.....look at Comey...trump wanted him to drop the investigation and he wouldn't..fired and disgraced...all of this justice problems is because your man says so...and he wouldn't lie would he?

what you call offense...most would call baby hood vindictiveness....
Just came out this weekend that Senator Richard Burr was passing along privileged information to the President while the Republican Senate was doing THEIR investigation last year, and he was head of the Senate investigative committee. A BIG no no!
Mac, if the brightest minds in the deep state couldn’t find an indictable offense, why should we listen to your legal analysis?
If smartass 'one liners' is all you have to contribute, why don't you STFU?! Besides, Mueller's investigation found plenty, like 11 admitted charges of obstruction. Can't see the other side of the report on collusion, can we, because the President's new obstructionist lawyer, AG Barr, blacked every other word out and refuses to release the investigative report.
So, again, if you have nothing but one liners, either shut up or at least put on a clown outfit while your posting. kapish'!
I'll save you some time. What Burr did might be illegal. If it is, and IF it was classified, or about a matter that wasn't public, he should face criminal charges.

Like some on your favored side of the aisle.

See how I do that? You should try it. It's called equal treatment, and equal justice under the law. Not selective treatment and selective justice predicated on whether you favor their political ideology.

Your second part about criminal charges is just factually incorrect, and most on the far left, the side you favor, agree with me on that.
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