Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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O and best bet - Trump will prolly lose that law suit.

Seth Moulton another liberal from my state just became the 19th Dem candidate - decorated Marine - bright guy - not a fan of his politics though - way better choice than Warren though.
I saw that....sorry but just don't picture him going anywhere....looks like a marine.....and his personality is at "parade rest"

Warren just keeps coming up with some decent ideas though...and has thought them out pretty well....she is taking all this pretty serious...not sure she would be my pick though....I'll take Joe......if not I like Beto….I liked Cory until he kind of turned it racial and really thought he was going to be a strong contender...but has shot himself in the foot now....not a sanders fan at all....but he has the young ones sold on change.....kind of like ...wait for it....TRUMP!....I know the Dems would really like a women...and a black women would just be a plus...but harris screwed up years ago in letting the cop killer off....the mayor and I think he might be the gay one......did a hell of a job in his city...especially for the down and out....I lik what he has done in the past...but if he is the gay one...won't go anywhere.....we are not there yet!...on top of that trump took that back a hundred years also
I saw that....sorry but just don't picture him going anywhere....looks like a marine.....and his personality is at "parade rest"

Warren just keeps coming up with some decent ideas though...and has thought them out pretty well....she is taking all this pretty serious...not sure she would be my pick though....I'll take Joe......if not I like Beto….I liked Cory until he kind of turned it racial and really thought he was going to be a strong contender...but has shot himself in the foot now....not a sanders fan at all....but he has the young ones sold on change.....kind of like ...wait for it....TRUMP!....I know the Dems would really like a women...and a black women would just be a plus...but harris screwed up years ago in letting the cop killer off....the mayor and I think he might be the gay one......did a hell of a job in his city...especially for the down and out....I lik what he has done in the past...but if he is the gay one...won't go anywhere.....we are not there yet!...on top of that trump took that back a hundred years also

He is the gay one and yeah believe not ready for that either.

Uncle Joe is your best choice by far - can give Trump fits where it counts - however I bet Bernie ends up with the nomination this time for same reasons you stated - hope so cause don’t think the Bern can take on Trump like Uncle Joe could.
Blkdlaur what do you mean giving me a thumbs down.....trump is about as close to being another Hitler as we have ever seen...if you would hang up your gestapo coat you would see it

Geez - you guys have some balls - Hitler was responsible for millions of innocent deaths - where do you get off comparing our President to a mass murderer??? Hard to take you guys seriously when you say crap like that - REALLY is :|
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Geez - you guys have some balls - Hitler was responsible for millions of innocent deaths - where do you get off comparing our President to a mass ******* ???? Hard to take you guys seriously when you say crap like that - REALLY is :|

well that is about the only difference.....and the facts aren't out on that yet if he starts pulling out of a bunch of countries.....his propaganda and gift to gab...and his trying to stifle the press.....prosecuting his enemies'….a lot of similarities....mmmm what did hitler do to the jews?....what is trump doing to the immigrants?
you don't see any similarities there?
bet you can't guess what book he keeps on his night stand and reads everynight……….hint hint...it was written by Hitler!

ok maybe he is nothitler...but pretty close...how about we just call him shitler?

I know...you like the guy......but hey Charlie......we don't just want tuna that tastes good we want tuna with good taste
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hey and while we are at it...it seems your crook n thief......may have some problems and really not wanting anyone to see his bank records.....committing fraud on bank loans...

hey you might have noticed....but as much as I go out of my way to remain neutral and positive....I really don't like the guy
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He is the gay one and yeah believe not ready for that either.

Uncle Joe is your best choice by far - can give Trump fits where it counts - however I bet Bernie ends up with the nomination this time for same reasons you stated - hope so cause don’t think the Bern can take on Trump like Uncle Joe could.

I know a lot of Dems that won't vote for the Bern!..he has a movement with the young....and he is going all out to get the black vote...learning from his mistakes last time....but I think a vote for Bernie is a vote for trump

BTW just to show you how popular your man is...when the patriots won the superbowl...they presented trump with a helmet…..but yet a few years prior when they won the superbowl and presented Obama with a helmut...it was signed by the whole team!
well that is about the only difference.....and the facts aren't out on that yet if he starts pulling out of a bunch of countries.....his propaganda and gift to gab...and his trying to stifle the press.....prosecuting his
enemies'….a lot of similarities....mmmm what did hitler do to the jews?....what is trump doing to the immigrants?
you don't see any similarities there?
bet you can't guess what book he keeps on his night stand and reads everynight……….hint hint...it was written by Hitler!

ok maybe he is nothitler...but pretty close...how about we just call him shitler?

I know...you like the guy......but hey Charlie......we don't just want tuna that tastes good we want tuna with good taste

Got me laughin with Shitler - GOOD one !!!

Stifle the press ???? Those shitbirds been lying about him for 2 years - not much stifling been going on there - calling them fake news???? Well - hell yeah - they ARE fake news!!!!!

I see absofuckinlutely no comparison with the immigrant issue - all Trump is trying to do is ENFORCE our laws. You think it’s ok immigrants just walk in to our country and over tax our education and welfare services????

Prosecuting his enemies???? What ya think your party has been trying to do to him!!!!!
Payback is a BITCH !!!!!
hey and while we are at it...it seems your crook n thief......may have some problems and really not wanting anyone to see his bank records.....committing fraud on bank loans...

hey you might have noticed....but as much as I go out of my way to remain neutral and positive....I really don't like the guy

NOOOOOOOO - you don’t like Trump - say it ain’t so - I don’t believe it - O - I get it - you LOVE Trump ;}
I know a lot of Dems that won't vote for the Bern!..he has a movement with the young....and he is going all out to get the black vote...learning from his mistakes last time....but I think a vote for Bernie is a vote for trump

BTW just to show you how popular your man is...when the patriots won the superbowl...they presented trump with a helmet…..but yet a few years prior when they won the superbowl and presented Obama with a helmut...it was signed by the whole team!

Yup - I agree with ya about Bernie.

Kraft and Brady are friends of Trump.
Do you know that when Kraft’s wife died Trump called Kraft every week for over a year to see how he was doing - this before he was president - that’s the kind of guy he is - people that really know him - like Kraft - like him. I give ya that he acts like an ass sometimes - maybe even more’n sometimes - but I do believe most of the time his heart is in the right place.
Stifle the press ???? Those shitbirds been lying about him for 2 years - not much stifling been going on there - calling them fake news???? Well - hell yeah - they ARE fake news!!!!!

you know anyone that holds that office they are going to dig and scrutinize everything he does......and when he lies and tries to cover up.....they smell *******......so I don't feel sorry for him...he brought it all on himself...had he been truthful and etc.....probably no where near as bad...but it goes with the office!...I can remember the right raising hell because Obama had his feet on the desk...my how things have changed huh...wonder why?

I see absofuckinlutely no comparison with the immigrant issue - all Trump is trying to do is ENFORCE our laws. You think it’s ok immigrants just walk in to our country and over tax our education and welfare services????

no I am not for all the illegals.....and right now things are bad in their countries and they are actually doing what they are entitled to do...seek asylum.....cutting off funds to a country that doesn't have anything to begin with is sure not the answer...true boarders right now a problem...but most of the real ******* comes in through the posts of entry....and a lot more illegals here from expired visas than anything else...taking ******* away from their parents is not the answer.....all you are doing is planting in some childs head how bad America is...maybe a new terrorist in the making...don't agree with separating the *******...the other send more judges and etc to the boarder to take care of the problem and let those in that qualify....he lacks leadership qualities to take care of the problem....building a wall will do nothing!

Prosecuting his enemies???? What ya think your party has been trying to do to him!!!!!
Payback is a BITCH !!!!!

no you are going to see payback and it is coming......he is not above the law no matter what he says and who he convinces of how great he is...our party did nothing that anyone else wouldn't do.....if your campaign hired a bunch of people friendly with Russia...and you made moves that favored Russia.....you need to be investigated....why do you think old motormouth is silent here the past couple days...he knows they are close to getting his ass and no way of lying his way out...he encourage Flynn to lie..he fired everyone that warned him about Russia...that was how he started his campaign....not only are we finding out more about what all he did with Russia...but some "conns" he did before being pres.....bank fraud a serious issue...and a few others they are getting close on....after a while even the right will have to jump ship and leave him hanging......even if they don't go through on any impeachment...it will hurt him a lot come re-election time...yes he has people like you who don't care how crooked he is...and have all these hopes he is going to do great things for you....but 2 years in office with both houses in his fvor and what did he get done......tax laws that favor him!

ok...so I get a little biased on occasion...a crook is a crook

I know he and kraft are good friends......perverts have a way of finding each other.....doesn't change the fact that the entire team signed Obama's helmut and no one signed trumps

I think his heart is in his wallet...he can not get money from any other source right now....owes 1.2 billion.....and he is milking tis country out of everything he can
typical trumpie comment!
if we had rigged the election we would have the office...….haven't you read any news for the past couple of years? the whole world knows Russia put him in office

an investigation that had limits to begin with...unlike the one the right did on bill Clinton....and Mueller did uncover a lot of other stuff...but it was outside his scope of investigation....but not so with congress....they are picking up on it....and digging...with any luck this guy will leave office in handcuffs...but hell now even the attorney general is his personal lawyer instead of working for the country....so the is no limits to the cover up he can get away with

be interesting to see what Mueller has to say when called in front of congress
A little bit of SJW back-fire,

First off, Bravo for the girl. I would expect my ******* to do the same.
Secondly, the dick head boys have a point.
But what really gets me is the schools comment, "We don't advocate violence as a means for students to attain safety..."

We are no longer allowed to defend ourselves? Are we all Quakers now?

This is the world we are moving to - wake up.
well how about the gal that is a admitted Bernie sanders supporter.....and claims when she was running for office and biden came to help her campaign.......Biden rubbed her shoulder....now she is complaining Bidens apology is not sincere

takes all kinds.....he helped her in the past and now she wants to burn him for it!
typical trumpie comment!
if we had rigged the election we would have the office...….haven't you read any news for the past couple of years? the whole world knows Russia put him in office

an investigation that had limits to begin with...unlike the one the right did on bill Clinton....and Mueller did uncover a lot of other stuff...but it was outside his scope of investigation....but not so with congress....they are picking up on it....and digging...with any luck this guy will leave office in handcuffs...but hell now even the attorney general is his personal lawyer instead of working for the country....so the is no limits to the cover up he can get away with

be interesting to see what Mueller has to say when called in front of congress

I think referring to how Bernie got screwed over by Hillary and maybe how she even got to run - cause she deleted 33,000 emails - then bleach bit the hard drive - and had her peeps beat the shite outta her electronics with hammers - all while under subpoena for those things - talk about obstruction of justice.

No - the entire world knows - Democrats are full of ******* and would like for people to think Russia put him in office - but they have something called intelligence so they know that is just Democrat propaganda.
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