Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Well when reality hits you in the face you only have yourself to blame. And already in the US reality is coming home daily.

Better yet go to these US businesses and tell them you don't care...

Truform: The Tennessee manufacturer depends on competitively priced steel to fabricate products and compete in a global marketplace. Tariff-induced steel price spikes have ****** it to raise prices, hurting consumers and leading its customers to switch to cheaper foreign competitors. If it cannot retain its customers, it will have to lay off employees .

Tusco Display: The Ohio custom store fixtures maker laid off 20 contract workers, furloughed 10 employees, and put off plans to spend $1 million on a new system for washing, drying, powder coating, and curing metal products because of tariffs.

Trent Thiele: "We usually try to expand a little bit every year just so we aren't going backward," the Iowa farmer says. "We did not expand any at all this year due to where we're at, with the uncertainty."

The Metalworking Group: The Ohio manufacturer had to expend about 1,000 hours on repricing and renegotiating contracts because it could no longer honor its old prices. The company also had to delay plans to spend some $500,000 on equipment and hire more employees because prices were so uncertain due to tariffs.

Also go talk to the wheat, barley producers and tell them you don't care they lost the Japanese market by up to 7% to Europe and the money they have lost and continue to lose is ok according to you. Its no wonder the US is in trouble if the orange menace and you his followers have the crazy thinking you display.
So you basically gave me the deck chart off of the Titanic. Our Employment numbers are the highest in 50 years. More blacks, Latinos, and women in the workforce than ever. The market is fantastic. once gain you know nothing about the US.
you dumb *******....plenty of other countries can supply that food....Mexico is and has been looking at Portugal for it's grain instead of buying from the US...now that ******* for brains keeps picking on them.....and the EU has already started buying from Russia....maybe that was what ******* for brains wanted to begin with when he started his trade embargo....and you whistle dicks on the right let him do all that....you gave other countries the chance to shop around and find out the US is not necessarily the only choice!

yes we sell a lot of killing material...but so does Russia and China.....guess you forgot about them!

Best Dr.s in the world......who knows for sure checked the numbers put out last week....the life expectancy in this country declined by 3 years....the only country to have a decline in life expectancy!....even the poorer nations have better health care and take better care of the population in the US...but then maybe that is the rights game plan...******* off all those with no money for health care....seems to be a plan... and one that is working....so agin there dick breath...check on what you seem to be so good at posting before you post it......make you look like a horses ass when you are wrong all the time!
LOL Mexico and Russia are going to feed the world huh? Hey asshat remember a few years ago when you couldn't even buy a loaf of bread in a Russian grocery store?
Ill take a local Urgent Care before any third world quack. Better yet maybe you can get an appointment with a third world shrink to examine your head.
So you basically gave me the deck chart off of the Titanic. Our Employment numbers are the highest in 50 years. More blacks, Latinos, and women in the workforce than ever. The market is fantastic. once gain you know nothing about the US.

sure they are....have to work 2 jobs to make ends meet......wages not keeping up with inflation.....or haven't you noticed.....jobs at a higher rate than ever before going overseas.....where are all the manuf. jobs?....not here...even the car manuf and Harley Davidson.....heat and air units....all going or gone overseas...the only people making money now have a college education......but they still can't make ends meet paying for that education and trying to live

unemployment down does not mean the country is in good shape
LOL Mexico and Russia are going to feed the world huh? Hey asshat remember a few years ago when you couldn't even buy a loaf of bread in a Russian grocery store?
Ill take a local Urgent Care before any third world quack. Better yet maybe you can get an appointment with a third world shrink to examine your head.

again there oh foot in mouth man......I never said mexico is going to feed anyone....they are shopping with other countries on the grain we used to sell them.....yes Russia is providing grain now more than ever.....did you think they would stay some kind of backward nation?....like you?!

take our urgent care......see the numbers put out last week...….we are the only country in the world that has gone down in years living life expectancy or what ever you want to call it....people in this country BORROWED 88million dollars to pay for health care last year......that's people taking out of life savings hocking their house and land....whatever.....and yet some health ins companies have had a major increase in profits.....one had 22.2% in the first quarter of this year

we have people dying for lack of health care...our life expectancy is going down....do we really have that good of health care?

I'm sure where you live there are vets all over the place that take care of you and your dog....the rest of the country wants a DR. they can afford

even the supply of dr.s is going down...why you might ask...well some would...but you wouldn't......the cost of education....there again they are not making enough to cover their education and make a living anymore....the only ones making the big money.....these big corps that own Urgent care...the hospitals.... and the ******* companies...

next time you go to urgent care look at the Dr....kind of young.....needs that guaranteed salary to make ends meet....ask him about what he makes!....I'm sure he will tell you how much he owes for degree!....after time at urgent care and get most of education paid for then they strike out on their own.....and want to make up for lost time....and charge accordingly.....and later on they come back to urgent care so they can work less hours and etc to retire

most of your Dr.s are just as pissed at the health care system as we are.....like I said the Big corps and ******* companies are the ones MAKING A KILLING
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I know this is not an unbiased post but here is another American that supports Trump and he is a Black guy too. Seeing that this is not an objective post any critical are welcome to find any holes with his arguments. Certainly there will be those that will love what he says and there will be those that loathes what he says as he speaks for your country:


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I know this is not an unbiased post but here is another American that supports Trump and he is a Black guy too. Seeing that this is not an objective post any critical are welcome to find any holes with his arguments. Certainly there will be those that will love what he says and there will be those that loathes what he says as he speaks for your country:


there will always be that one or two....look at the two sisters supposedly supporting trump...come to find out they were getting paid.....not that this gy is...but like I said there is always that one
there will always be that one or two....look at the two sisters supposedly supporting trump...come to find out they were getting paid.....not that this gy is...but like I said there is always that one
Make that at least three @subhub174014 if you add this guy and Kanye, and given time to look around there might be more?

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Make that at least three @subhub174014 if you add this guy and Kanye, and given time to look around there might be more?

I am sure it is taking you awhile to find these...….just like a billionaire democrat...there are a few but not many...…..but hate to pop your bubble.....but I think if you look a little harder....this guy had issues with trump and has changed his mind.....same with kayne..he said he had been used and wants nothing to do with trump now....so we are back to your first post....and....there is always that one
blackpastors for trump make a lot of news.....but when reality sinks in and they change their mind....they are NOT for trump....not so much news....don't remember the circumstances...but pretty sure not a trumpie now....so we are back to the first one you found.and a couple on this board.....I will see if I can dig up on that pastor as to what changed his mind

for one thing....like trump he got caught in a bunch of lies about Obama....saying that blacks had been treated worse under Obama...and etc.....all had the ability to be fact checked and found to be false...lost a lot of credibility there
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blackpastors for trump make a lot of news.....but when reality sinks in and they change their mind....they are NOT for trump....not so much news....don't remember the circumstances...but pretty sure not a trumpie now....so we are back to the first one you found.and a couple on this board.....I will see if I can dig up on that pastor as to what changed his mind

for one thing....like trump he got caught in a bunch of lies about Obama....saying that blacks had been treated worse under Obama...and etc.....all had the ability to be fact checked and found to be false...lost a lot of credibility there
Well even if I cannot find any other Black guys or Black women that vocally support Trump online like the examples I just cited just earlier there are always the silent majority that you never see and never hear about as they don't want to be be called names and go through any debates yet make their presence known in the ballot box. As November 2020 approaches time will tell whether there will be four more years of Trump or if Trump was just a one-hit wonder? And should he lose or after a possible second term, with the umbrella of POTUS removed feel free to go after him in the courts if you can.
Look up Candace Owens.

And then just imagine her laced up in Hip boots, leather corset and a bull whip in her hand. :mstickle:
Funny how when she thought about confronting her parents they thought nothing wrong about her being a lesbian, but they were greatly concerned about the fact she was, gasp, a conservative.

She is definitely a cutie, but with her being a lesbian any love from me towards her would only be uni-directional, but it would be fun to watch. ?:love:?‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍?

I know this is not an unbiased post but here is another American that supports Trump and he is a Black guy too. Seeing that this is not an objective post any critical are welcome to find any holes with his arguments. Certainly there will be those that will love what he says and there will be those that loathes what he says as he speaks for your country:


GREAT bunch of vids - laughed me arse off - THANKS !!!
GREAT bunch of vids - laughed me arse off - THANKS !!!
He has loads more on his website too at https://davidharrisjr.com and as time progresses I can see David Harris Jr become more vocal and prominent and who knows maybe he might even get the attention from a screaming malevolent irrational banchee in the Netherlands too and she might call him a Trumptard as well? But at least this guy is a fan of his and I suspect you might know of him?



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Well even if I cannot find any other Black guys or Black women that vocally support Trump online like the examples I just cited just earlier there are always the silent majority that you never see and never hear about as they don't want to be be called names and go through any debates yet make their presence known in the ballot box. As November 2020 approaches time will tell whether there will be four more years of Trump or if Trump was just a one-hit wonder? And should he lose or after a possible second term, with the umbrella of POTUS removed feel free to go after him in the courts if you can.

The courts in Ny and NJ already have a good case against him....anyone else would go to jail...but he has enough lawyers to drag it out past his lifetime

and if he gets re-elected it won't be because of the blacks......from what I see they are mobilizing against him

I still wonder if your guy isn't another one of those paid endorsers like the two sisters

but he will always have blkdlaur…...but does that count for anything?

and no all those vids aren't great...they just make the page slower to load I shouldnve responded to your vid...just your comment...that just adds more vids to the page

and to top it all off..............so much division and hate right now...and it is on the rise right now it seems.........most of it seems to be coming from our own home grown rednecks!......and trump stirs up a lot

what's that song by...the oak ridge boys?....no think it was buck owens?...…...hate ..discontent and misery is all I have....that about sums up the country as a whole right now

also THAT is trump's doing....remember Romney saying he could only help a percentage of the country....lot of ******* over that comment and he didn't get elected.....trump has just catered to a percentage of the country...wealthy...KKK....religious right....and let everyone else be damned....look at the muslim congress women...he has made comments about her...knowing she has already had death threats...didn't stop him ...and now they have increased with two of the ones doing the threats have referenced trumps remarks
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sure they are....have to work 2 jobs to make ends meet......wages not keeping up with inflation.....or haven't you noticed.....jobs at a higher rate than ever before going overseas.....where are all the manuf. jobs?....not here...even the car manuf and Harley Davidson.....heat and air units....all going or gone overseas...the only people making money now have a college education......but they still can't make ends meet paying for that education and trying to live

unemployment down does not mean the country is in good shape

If you look at all the jobs lost in manufacturing the vast majority have been lost to airomation
Think it more appropriately describes the left right now ;}

what are you trying to say??

have you noticed the news today?
I will assume NOT!.....several in the white house fear trump will have a melt down over the mueller report...why would someone who has complete vindication need to worry!...and that big...Purple horse...….the gop ride in on..is about to croak!
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