Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Ya want better lies ???

Listen to Nadler and Schiff ;}

you confused by the facts......your "ciphering" is off just a tad...….30 different instances where he obstructed....that alone is enough
and why is it that the republicans are all silent and just saying lets move on

trump tried to do more but his staff refused to follow his orders

there is more than enough in there to start impeachment

but I would rather not..... let these republicans just keep supporting him and lets see what happens next election
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I wonder how many on the right would support Schiff for president?
I bet there are a lot!

and just a guess but sarah sanders on borrowed time?...admitted to mueller she lied to the press about the FBI
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I wonder how many on the right would support Schiff for president?
I bet there are a lot!

and just a guess but sarah sanders on borrowed time?...admitted to mueller she lied to the press about the FBI

Schiff for president - surely you jest !

Ole Uncle Joe paid us a visit - stood with the Stop & Shop workers on strike in Dorchester today - twas much appreciated by all that are striking there
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Schiff for president - surely you jest !

Ole Uncle Joe paid us a visit - stood with the Stop & Shop workers on strike in Dorchester today - twas much appreciated by all that are striking there

I jest....but he is more factual than you give him credit for
he just gives you FACTS you don't want to hear!

wonder why uncle joe isn't announcing yet....pretty evident he is going to run...saving on campaign funds and making speeches????
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"I am not a crook"

But I am very treasonous!
it would appear he is guilty as hell....just can not indict a sitting president

more to follow...……………………...
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I jest....but he is more factual than you give him credit for
he just gives you FACTS you don't want to hear!

wonder why uncle joe isn't announcing yet....pretty evident he is going to run...saving on campaign funds and making speeches????

He’s letting Bernie’s smear attempt die down prolly - no doubt he’s gonna run
"I am not a crook"

But I am very treasonous!
it would appear he is guilty as hell....just can not indict a sitting president

more to follow...……………………...

Amazing how people see things so differently.
What I see is a man falsely accused by weoponized government agencies that rigged an investigation into his opponent and then threw itself into spying on and delegitimizing his presidency when he got elected. No conspiracy (collusion) was found. So now his opposition wants us to believe he obstructed an investigation to which he knew he was innocent. Over 2 years of investigations and pounding by the media that he was guilty of COLLUSION and guess what - he WASN’T.
So now all ya got is he obstructed justice to a crime that was not committed. You guys will HOWL - WHINE - ATTACK - already going after Barr. When the whole truth comes out as it surely will - it will be your side that will have lost all credibility even within it’s own ranks.
What I see is a man falsely accused by weoponized government agencies that rigged an investigation into his opponent and then threw itself into spying on and delegitimizing his presidency when he got elected.

I don't agree with falsely accused. That's a pretty high bar. We could get there, but it would be difficult.

Weaponized government agencies and rigged investigations? We are already there. As evidenced by the firings and resignations of almost the entire leadership of both DOJ and FBI.

That's still not enough for partisans however.

What I have predicted on here, and we are getting closer to, is that we will see indictments, guilty pleas, and guilty verdicts of some of the above.

And the partisans on here, who lack objectivity, will still not believe what is clearly documented fact.
Amazing how people see things so differently.
What I see is a man falsely accused by weoponized government agencies that rigged an investigation into his opponent and then threw itself into spying on and delegitimizing his presidency when he got elected. No conspiracy (collusion) was found. So now his opposition wants us to believe he obstructed an investigation to which he knew he was innocent. Over 2 years of investigations and pounding by the media that he was guilty of COLLUSION and guess what - he WASN’T.
So now all ya got is he obstructed justice to a crime that was not committed. You guys will HOWL - WHINE - ATTACK - already going after Barr. When the whole truth comes out as it surely will - it will be your side that will have lost all credibility even within it’s own ranks.
man you have got it bad......falsely accused? GUILTY AS *******!

weaponized gov agencies....what gov wouldn't check out someone enlisting a whole bunch of Russian friends and ties

gov rigged election for his opponent? If that was the case don't you think she would have won?...and what about all the Russian help your man had?

delegitimatizing his presidency?...he did that on his own with all the lies and Russian crap

No conspiracy and no collusion found? wrong again...just there is no law against collusion so that will be up to congress...not innocent of any of those charges either just can't indict a sitting pres so for now he gets off on charges...again it goes back to congress and impeachment if they decide

over 2 years of investigations?...how many years and how much money for the right to try and get Hillary?...and with the help of Russia trump got in

strange how you people on the right see things just how you want to see them

true when the truth comes out and he is found to have been linked to Russia and all the cover up the right provided for him...where will you stand then?

and how many people did he fire to try and get things stopped?...if he was so innocent what's the big deal.....hell he fired and made all kinds of false accusations again 2 people in the DOJ because they wouldn't fire Mueller for him....and several on his staff resigned or fired because they wouldn't do it...I think you need to take the time to read that report instead of what you hear on fox news......and speaking of fox news they are even starting to get tired of his *******

and what are those other 10 or 12 mueller investigations into trump......that barr decided not to release?
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Five years is statute of limitation on obstruction which Mueller laid out the steps for convicting him. His new defense attorney, AG Barr, can't get him out of those. So, Trump doesn't get elected, he goes to court. If he does get re-elected, he escapes conviction and proves what he said early in his first year. He could go down to Time Square and shoot someone dead and get away with it. Lots of lying & denying in the "partial" Mueller report that his attorney, AG Barr blessed everyone with.
I'm betting on his luck running out. He's good at the con-job because that's all he's done all his life. And I'm hoping the same for the new AG for his obstruction.
I'm betting on his luck running out.

The only time a rich mans luck runs out is when his money runs out - Bernie Madoff is prof of that. I too would like to see some convictions come from all this whether it's Trump, Hillary, Obama or anyone else that was involved in all this - but just isn't going to happen. This is nothing more than a Huge distraction. If I were the government, I would much rather have the people fighting over Russia Russia Russia and not focused on things like a failing heath care system, a Fraudulent IRS and unconstitutional taxes, Big business in Poverty, Opioids and other pharma , Patriot Act, Bailouts of the worlds largest banks, Government illegal search and seizure, the "Red Flag" Laws, Unjust legal system and over crowded jails, Failing school systems across the nation, and over all fleecing of America. - you know, all the things that are real.
The only time a rich mans luck runs out is when his money runs out - Bernie Madoff is prof of that. I too would like to see some convictions come from all this whether it's Trump, Hillary, Obama or anyone else that was involved in all this - but just isn't going to happen. This is nothing more than a Huge distraction. If I were the government, I would much rather have the people fighting over Russia Russia Russia and not focused on things like a failing heath care system, a Fraudulent IRS and unconstitutional taxes, Big business in Poverty, Opioids and other pharma , Patriot Act, Bailouts of the worlds largest banks, Government illegal search and seizure, the "Red Flag" Laws, Unjust legal system and over crowded jails, Failing school systems across the nation, and over all fleecing of America. - you know, all the things that are real.

his money has run out....several times.....and if you look at what he owes different banks around the world 1.2 BILLION dollars....he can't pay it....so he is broke!.....Russia has been bankrolling him for quite a while now......look at what his sons told some reporters on the golf course be fore trump was pres.....and right now he is making plenty off being pres and using that to his advantage...so the man is broke...and can't manage money and now he is in charge of ours?

what did Hillary or Obama have to do with any of this...the steele report was something he started working on for the UK where he was a spy for the UK....but quit it.....a lot of us politicians were aware of some of it...….Cruz and another republican gave money to finish it....but trump won the primary before that happened...so he went to Hillary the only one left running against trump and she gave money...…..as for Obama having anything to do with anything....when he found out about it...he went to McConnell and Ryan and told them...they both told him to not say anything as it would "taint' the election and people not vote....all of that can be looked up if you want to fact check!

Huge distraction? from what?...possibly and probably Russia dictated our election...what good does our vote count if we let another country take over the election.....right now Russia is already back at...they know that....and China is throwing in their 2 cents..against trump and he is crying about that!...China is taking out full page adds in newspapers where the tariffs are hurting people..the add is telling people how trumps tariffs are the cause...so I guess being a DEM we just sit back and see which country does the most to effect the election?

the rest of your statement is just crazy!....yes health care should be a major focus..and the dems do have a plan...although several candidates have their own which is kind of out there....and yes taxes do need some work......if you look we are the country with the biggest disparity between the classes.....the rich here want to turn this country into another mexico and it's working!

the opiod thing...nailed a bunch of Dr.'s this week and hopefully they get more...but need to concentrate more on the manuf also!

and as for Blkdlaur liking your statement....what does he know his mind has already been "tainted"...he is a trumpie also!

well I have a bunch of sandbass calling for me so time to get the boat back out...caught almost 70 yesterday!
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The only time a rich mans luck runs out is when his money runs out
See, this is where Trump is unique ... he uses someone else's money, then, when he loses, simply claims bankruptcy, leaving his lender with the losses, and he gets to claim 15 years of spread out "real estate losses" ... and pays no taxes, or very little taxes. If it wasn't for the AMT, he'd have paid very little on the 2005 tax return they have. That tax return showed $7 million in regular & self-employment taxes, and $31 million by the AMT, which is why he wants to get rid of it. He would have paid the same rate as a family earning $75,000-100,000 without that AMT due to his write-offs.
Given the chance, he'd bankrupt the country while changing his dollars to rubles and getting out of the country, and again, just walk away.
Factually inaccurate again. Link to where any tax plan seriously considered did this to the AMT. I'll save you some time. There is no link, as it is fake news.
See, this is where Trump is unique ... he uses someone else's money, then, when he loses, simply claims bankruptcy, leaving his lender with the losses, and he gets to claim 15 years of spread out "real estate losses" ... and pays no taxes, or very little taxes. If it wasn't for the AMT, he'd have paid very little on the 2005 tax return they have. That tax return showed $7 million in regular & self-employment taxes, and $31 million by the AMT, which is why he wants to get rid of it. He would have paid the same rate as a family earning $75,000-100,000 without that AMT due to his write-offs.
Given the chance, he'd bankrupt the country while changing his dollars to rubles and getting out of the country, and again, just walk away.

I'm waiting to see if it shows how much he gets from daddy p u t I n
Your quote, and your statement below:

"which is why he wants to get rid of it. "

My request:

"Link to where any tax plan seriously considered did this to the AMT. "

Your link is not applicable, and does not support your statement.

As I said, another factually inaccurate statement. Facts, they matter to those of us who live in reality.
"Link to where any tax plan seriously considered did this to the AMT. "
You're kidding, right? I'm not going to do your research for you, nongolfer. My point was, which was valid, that Trump paid a majority of his taxes BECAUSE of the alternative minimum wage law. In fact, in 2005, had the AMT not been inforced, Trump would have paid the equivalent of ≤5% federal taxes.
He's vowed to eliminate the AMT so HE (Donald J TRUMP) can pay LESS taxes ... although he insists its for the middleclass. There have been quite a few years where he did NOT pay ANY federal taxes, and often someone else suffered his burden of losses. He's a leach to society ... pure, first class LEACH! How can congress prove emolument violations by Trump or anyone esle
Here's the attachments; I'm not about to try to prove YOUR POINT.

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I'm not going to do your research for you, nongolfer. My point was, which was valid, that Trump paid a majority of his taxes BECAUSE of the alternative minimum wage law. In fact, in 2005, had the AMT not been inforced, Trump would have paid the equivalent of ≤5% federal taxes.
He's vowed to eliminate the AMT so HE (Donald J TRUMP) can pay LESS taxes ... although he insists its for the middleclass. There have been quite a few years where he did NOT pay ANY federal taxes, and often someone else suffered his burden of losses. He's a leach to society ... pure, first class LEACH!
Here's the attachments; I'm not about to try to prove YOUR POINT.

shouldn't have looked it up for him.....he likes to argue and pretend he knows something when he doesn't...and wants you to prove your point when he never has...his facts are just his opinions...and not even good ones!
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