Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Don’t you ever get tired of just turning everything around on who you’re arguing with it’s antagonizingly Obvious :|

LOLOL Just when the bar for stupidity couldn't be raised and higher. You come along and prove it can be.
Ha ha ha ha. Someone thinks tariffs are permanent. Such economic acumen. Or rather, such ability to cut and paste. Ha ha ha ha.

reading or comprehension problems?
no one has said the tariffs are permanent…..just that they are doing permanent damage to US biz!
pay attention!

you might want to read what Biz insider says about trumps tariffs!....educate yourself so that others don't have to laugh at you!
you are just to eager to try and make fun of someone pointing out the facts you should know... rather than educate yourself!

we have improved the economy in Japan and Russia and a few others at the US expense...don't listen to your lord and assmaster he is not helping us with the tarriffs
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and now on a health care note......united health care up over 22% for the quarter....but I guess that's just good practices huh?...that's what you would expect to hear from the right
but those poor people putting up the money to try and keep health care.....

americans borrowed 88 million last year to pay for health care

and yet the average CEO of health care took home right at 18million dollars a year

1 out of every 5 americans is struggling with health care debt!
Permanent is a long time. Do you have a link to a credible source, or expert stating this?

Ha ha ha ha.

I told you to look what Biz insider says about the tariffs....I would think being a biz man like you say you are you would be familiar with what they have to say

or just use your search engine to see the damage the tariffs are causing.....been a lot of biz fold over this

quit looking in the trump handbook and use your computer to find out information for your self!
I am familiar. Now could you provide a link to a credible source please? And a link germane to what you are stating as fact specifically.

IF you were familiar...that would be the end of the conversation but...….

I have already given it to you...….you should know about it IF you are the biz man you say you are....I gave you just one source....but they went into pretty good detail...so you look it up...I'm just saying you don't have any idea of what you are talking about....you spout *******...make it factual!
Tariffs always hurt the consumer in the beginning, but it makes our economy stronger, keeps jobs, and makes us more independent in the long run. We can either struggle for a few years while industry adjust and be better off in the long run. Or we can continue to loose jobs and industry until we become total reliant on foreign goods and unable (or unwilling) to provide for ourselves.

Who looses and who gains very greatly from business to business. Making the claim that "hundreds of businesses are closing" without analysis as to why they are closing is simply hyper-boil that the left likes to spew. My area was affected greatly by the tariffs on steel and aluminum, but not a single company closed because of it and all have adjusted. The market simply needs time to adjust as well.

However, I do think Trump did it backwards. He should have helped the steel and aluminum industry gear up before he imposed the Tariffs. It;s taking too long for the prices of our own metals to come down.

If anyone is affected in a major way it would be the recycling industry, China is no longer taking our crap - er I mean "scrap".
IF you were familiar...that would be the end of the conversation but...….

I have already given it to you...….you should know about it IF you are the biz man you say you are....I gave you just one source....but they went into pretty good detail...so you look it up...I'm just saying you don't have any idea of what you are talking about....you spout *******...make it factual!

No place did it indicate permanent damage. Try again.
Tariffs always hurt the consumer in the beginning, but it makes our economy stronger, keeps jobs, and makes us more independent in the long run. We can either struggle for a few years while industry adjust and be better off in the long run. Or we can continue to loose jobs and industry until we become total reliant on foreign goods and unable (or unwilling) to provide for ourselves.

Who looses and who gains very greatly from business to business. Making the claim that "hundreds of businesses are closing" without analysis as to why they are closing is simply hyper-boil that the left likes to spew. My area was affected greatly by the tariffs on steel and aluminum, but not a single company closed because of it and all have adjusted. The market simply needs time to adjust as well.

However, I do think Trump did it backwards. He should have helped the steel and aluminum industry gear up before he imposed the Tariffs. It;s taking too long for the prices of our own metals to come down.

If anyone is affected in a major way it would be the recycling industry, China is no longer taking our crap - er I mean "scrap".

wrong......right now it has shown other countries where they can buy the same product...….do you think they will come back to us after this tariff deal and pay the same price......NO......they have found other markets so now we will have to be more competitive ( lowering our prices)
it might help in some things...but hurt more than it helps....look at how much grain we sell to mexico…..and now they are working on a deal with Portugal......Russia has already increased it's soybean sales since the tariffs...the eu now buys a lot of gas from Russia...so much so they are working on a pipeline....had the tariff deal been done 40 years ago...yes......but now the world is to competitive...to lose any customers...reducing prices to keep the sale..that's permanent...and like the tv/radio manuf biz in S.C closing it's doors because of the China tariffs...400 jobs GONE!
So you can't link. Because what you state as fact, is in fact, not a fact, per your choice of source.

You sir, are fake news. And disingenuous. And fundamentally dishonest.

you dipshit....just because you are to fucking stupid to looking something up...or lack the ability to read and comprehend...you think everything is fake...you sir are not fake when it comes to being a natural dumbshit!

so just quit posting your fake arguments when it is abundantly clear you have no fucking idea of what you talk about....and you wonder why we don't take you serious!....and I placed you several steps below german shepard...he just makes stupid claims...you go out of your way to be ignorant!
you dipshit....just because you are to fucking stupid to looking something up...or lack the ability to read and comprehend...you think everything is fake...you sir are not fake when it comes to being a natural dumbshit!

so just quit posting your fake arguments when it is abundantly clear you have no fucking idea of what you talk about....and you wonder why we don't take you serious!....and I placed you several steps below german shepard...he just makes stupid claims...you go out of your way to be ignorant!

There is a fairly significant difference between my pointing out you are disingenuous and dishonest, which has been proven here (by your own links and sources), and your name calling.

Please refrain from calling me any additional names. I've not called you names. If you have anger issues, or other emotional issues, please seek some help. PM me, I'm happy to help you find a qualified professional who can help you work through your issues.
There is a fairly significant difference between my pointing out you are disingenuous and dishonest, which has been proven here (by your own links and sources), and your name calling.

Please refrain from calling me any additional names. I've not called you names. If you have anger issues, or other emotional issues, please seek some help. PM me, I'm happy to help you find a qualified professional who can help you work through your issues.

I'm sure you know a lot of shrinks and have had personal dealings with them!
now go away your childish games are pure bullshit!
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