Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The state of the Democrat Party is in total decay - just look at the pathetic candidates they’re fielding - only one they have that has a real chance against Trump - ole Uncle Joe - Bernie is trying to subvert. I ALMOST feel bad for them ;}
The new crop of freshmen that got voted in are giving Pelosi fits and rapidly pissing off the American population at large - 2020 gonna be very interesting the way things are going.
I like how These "Sanctuary" states are now mad because Trump wants to send all the immigrants to those states. Nancy now calls immigrants "trash". But I am sure this will all somehow show Trump as a Racist. lol
A lesson for the Left.

The state of the Democrat Party is in total decay - just look at the pathetic candidates they’re fielding - only one they have that has a real chance against Trump - ole Uncle Joe - Bernie is trying to subvert. I ALMOST feel bad for them ;}
The new crop of freshmen that got voted in are giving Pelosi fits and rapidly pissing off the American population at large - 2020 gonna be very interesting the way things are going.

Budajudge is an obvious plea for votes. I wonder if a man comes forward and claims sexual harassment from Budajudge, if the left will dismiss it or shout #METOO - #BELIEVEALLMEN
Be an interesting turn of events if that happened for sure ! Don’t think America is quite ready for an openly gay President - maybe the left is but the average American - don’t think so.
The state of the Democrat Party is in total decay - just look at the pathetic candidates they’re fielding - only one they have that has a real chance against Trump - ole Uncle Joe - Bernie is trying to subvert. I ALMOST feel bad for them ;}
The new crop of freshmen that got voted in are giving Pelosi fits and rapidly pissing off the American population at large - 2020 gonna be very interesting the way things are going.
state of decay??????/…….that decay you smell is from having your head up your ass....pathetic candidates.....look at how many said that about trump....even the ass from N.C....said the country would go to pot if he got in...now look at him can't wait to drop to his knees for the chumpster
Joe is a good one...and there are a few more....but some will drop after a while....what's funny is one of the ones with the best message...is gay guy....doesn't stand a chance of a snowball in hell...has proven himself to be a decent candidate though

the new crop of freshman....nothing wrong with them...hell look at last time we got some senators...the 2 from Iowa....really sinking pretty low there...one a racist and the other an idiot.....and if it wasn't for gerrymandering your man nunnes wouldn't be back.....the only one creating a storm for the dems is the muslin gal...and she again had a good message.....just trump twisted it around and put the vid of the twin towers there all to pump up the idiots...and it worked....and that cumbucket you put in the white house is going to fool around and get someone killed...and I hope he gets charged over it....if she was to get shot and she has several death threats...2 of whom have quoted trumps post....I think there would be hell to pay......….but like all the rest of his crimes.....the law means nothing to him.....and you people have elevated him to a god like status so it is easier to kiss his ass

you are starting to sound like german shepard…...and we all know he is a complete idiot...put him right down there with nongolfer...not quite that low but close....there is still hope for you to see the light......just use your hands to push on those ass cheeks…..and pull with your shoulders...you can get your head out of your ass....you don't want to end up like 2bi with your head there and just expelling human waste and calling it language.....did I miss anyone?...I try to be an equal opportunity offender

Oh damn I forgot HH...but that's easy to do....his dad had to tie hamburger around his neck just to get the dog to play with him
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Be an interesting turn of events if that happened for sure ! Don’t think America is quite ready for an openly gay President - maybe the left is but the average American - don’t think so.

what are you saying....you haven't given it some thought before?....comeon
one else carries a tube of Vaseline where ever they go.....callused hands?.....right!

just saying

besides bet you paid no attention to the handle of the guy you made that remark to
doubt he could converse on the subject without reminiscing....

I know...the insults have hit a new low...….
but then for you republicans...there is no life like the low life!
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Budajudge is an obvious plea for votes. I wonder if a man comes forward and claims sexual harassment from Budajudge, if the left will dismiss it or shout #METOO - #BELIEVEALLMEN

I have heard of men complaining they have been harassed...not sure of the type of guy that would complain though....I'd just have to show them the one eared elephant....or give them a ride on the crotch rocket

I'm over looking more of your silly assed remarks about the left......you just don't know better
state of decay??????/…….that decay you smell is from having your head up your ass....pathetic candidates.....look at how many said that about trump....even the ass from N.C....said the country would go to pot if he got in...now look at him can't wait to drop to his knees for the chumpster
Joe is a good one...and there are a few more....but some will drop after a while....what's funny is one of the ones with the best message...is gay guy....doesn't stand a chance of a snowball in hell...has proven himself to be a decent candidate though

the new crop of freshman....nothing wrong with them...hell look at last time we got some senators...the 2 from Iowa....really sinking pretty low there...one a racist and the other an idiot.....and if it wasn't for gerrymandering your man nunnes wouldn't be back.....the only one creating a storm for the dems is the muslin gal...and she again had a good message.....just trump twisted it around and put the vid of the twin towers there all to pump up the idiots...and it worked....and that cumbucket you put in the white house is going to fool around and get someone killed...and I hope he gets charged over it....if she was to get shot and she has several death threats...2 of whom have quoted trumps post....I think there would be hell to pay......….but like all the rest of his crimes.....the law means nothing to him.....and you people have elevated him to a god like status so it is easier to kiss his ass

you are starting to sound like german shepard…...and we all know he is a complete idiot...put him right down there with nongolfer...not quite that low but close....there is still hope for you to see the light......just use your hands to push on those ass cheeks…..and pull with your shoulders...you can get your head out of your ass....you don't want to end up like 2bi with your head there and just expelling human waste and calling it language.....did I miss anyone?...I try to be an equal opportunity offender

Oh damn I forgot HH...but that's easy to do....his dad had to tie hamburger around his neck just to get the dog to play with him

You are really anally fixated :|
Not that there’s anything wrong with that ;}
You are really anally fixated :|
Not that there’s anything wrong with that ;}

thanks...when it comes to defending the left from the right......I take pride in being an ass!
out of all the people I know....I can not think of a person I like better than myself!

besides I can not keep taking time out of my "porn time" just to insult all of you guys!
And further in the land of Trumptards world and his sheep followers..

WASHINGTON (AP) — With release of the special counsel's fuller report looming, President Donald Trump and his campaign are twisting the words of his attorney general and the facts of the Russia investigation.

His 2020 campaign is telling supporters in fundraising pitches that Attorney General William Barr had revealed illegal spying against Trump during the 2016 presidential race. But it's not true. While Barr told lawmakers that he believed spying took place, he never concluded it was illegal and made clear several times he was not suggesting a crime had occurred.

And the reps wonder why the are considered the party of the stupid!

Meanwhile, Trump kept up his refrain that special counsel Robert Mueller had totally exonerated him despite Mueller's exact quotes in Barr's summary that he did not. A redacted version of Mueller's full report is expected in the coming days.

So as i mentioned in an earlier comment, the orange menace hasn't been cleared of anything. Very different from the unicorn stories the Reps are peddling!
our biggest export is defense products. we do make the best killing machines and the world is lined up to buy them.

So is Russia's China's the UK's Germany's, and the world is lining up to buy theirs also...So your point is mute.

ummm the last I heard the world needs the US for its for its food

LOL tell that to the farmers who needed bailing out for the tune of eleven billion and whose markets are no longer available due to their former customers going to other sources.

if you are referring to the medical industry we do have the best doctors and care that's why the wealthy from all over the world come here for treatment.

Wrong. The US doesn't even make the top 5 health care countries in the world. Taiwan, Switzerland, China,Canada, the UK. the US is rather low on the stats. Hell even Cuba is better at No 10. The wealthy actually go to Switzerland the UK or France.

we do have the best doctors

Wrong again Germany does and has led the world for quite some time now.

no I really don't give two shits what the socialist world thinks.

Well when reality hits you in the face you only have yourself to blame. And already in the US reality is coming home daily.

Better yet go to these US businesses and tell them you don't care...

Truform: The Tennessee manufacturer depends on competitively priced steel to fabricate products and compete in a global marketplace. Tariff-induced steel price spikes have ****** it to raise prices, hurting consumers and leading its customers to switch to cheaper foreign competitors. If it cannot retain its customers, it will have to lay off employees .

Tusco Display: The Ohio custom store fixtures maker laid off 20 contract workers, furloughed 10 employees, and put off plans to spend $1 million on a new system for washing, drying, powder coating, and curing metal products because of tariffs.

Trent Thiele: "We usually try to expand a little bit every year just so we aren't going backward," the Iowa farmer says. "We did not expand any at all this year due to where we're at, with the uncertainty."

The Metalworking Group: The Ohio manufacturer had to expend about 1,000 hours on repricing and renegotiating contracts because it could no longer honor its old prices. The company also had to delay plans to spend some $500,000 on equipment and hire more employees because prices were so uncertain due to tariffs.

Also go talk to the wheat, barley producers and tell them you don't care they lost the Japanese market by up to 7% to Europe and the money they have lost and continue to lose is ok according to you. Its no wonder the US is in trouble if the orange menace and you his followers have the crazy thinking you display.
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