Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Automation sorry spell check got me
some...not all....Harley and the autos going over tariffs mainly....carrier if you remember right just left for cheaper wages....same with AT&T moving all their call centers to india….wages there $2 an hour...can't compete with that...but those fuckers that leave should have to pay....heavily.....hard to bring those jobs back once they are gone....like trump is already finding out
what are you trying to say??

have you noticed the news today?
I will assume NOT!.....several in the white house fear trump will have a melt down over the mueller report...why would someone who has complete vindication need to worry!...and that big...Purple horse...….the gop ride in on..is about to croak!

I’ll be glad when all this crap is behind us - Russia sure got a ton of bang for their buck - sowed an unbelievable amount of dissension for whatever they spent in 2016.
P u t i n must be laughing his arse off :|
some...not all....Harley and the autos going over tariffs mainly....carrier if you remember right just left for cheaper wages....same with AT&T moving all their call centers to india….wages there $2 an hour...can't compete with that...but those fuckers that leave should have to pay....heavily.....hard to bring those jobs back once they are gone....like trump is already finding out

I have 2 Harleys and been riding a long time - first Harley was a 47 Knucklehead - I and lots of people I ride with are really pissed at them.
The biggest thing they had going was that they were made in the USA - I think Harley made a HUGE mistake going overseas but it was in the works for years - way before Trump got elected.
I’ll be glad when all this crap is behind us - Russia sure got a ton of bang for their buck - sowed an unbelievable amount of dissension for whatever they spent in 2016.
P u t i n must be laughing his arse off :|

knew there was a reason I liked you...….we can agree on something...….but that doesn't mean we will be showering together
Sounds like Trump is doing exactly what the left asked for...

Trump threatens Harley-Davidson: If it moves operations overseas, ‘they will be taxed like never before!’

HD isn't moving overseas, it's only moving part of it's production - the part that makes bikes to sell over seas. They aren't sold here anyways.
Key word here is "some manufacturing".

Harley-Davidson, blaming tariffs, will shift some manufacturing overseas

Wouldn't make any sense at all to move ALL production out of the country, then pay heavy import tax to sell in the US where the vast majority of their sales are. The bikes built to sell in the states will still be built in the states - well - "assembled" anyways.
I have 2 Harleys and been riding a long time - first Harley was a 47 Knucklehead - I and lots of people I ride with are really pissed at them.
The biggest thing they had going was that they were made in the USA - I think Harley made a HUGE mistake going overseas but it was in the works for years - way before Trump got elected.

Harley has never been the same since they got bought out by a LAWN MOWER manuf company several years ago!....the wiring started being made in Mexico.....the chrome and etc done in germany…….assembly here!

I had a knucklehead years ago....was going down the freeway and just started blowing hot oil all over my leg....got it stopped and tried to take care of my leg...luckly a friend came along....left the fucking bike along side the road!....have had a lot of jap bikes since..hate to admit that.....but always liked riding
Sounds like Trump is doing exactly what the left asked for...

Trump threatens Harley-Davidson: If it moves operations overseas, ‘they will be taxed like never before!’

HD isn't moving overseas, it's only moving part of it's production - the part that makes bikes to sell over seas. They aren't sold here anyways.
Key word here is "some manufacturing".

Harley-Davidson, blaming tariffs, will shift some manufacturing overseas

Wouldn't make any sense at all to move ALL production out of the country, then pay heavy import tax to sell in the US where the vast majority of their sales are. The bikes built to sell in the states will still be built in the states - well - "assembled" anyways.

they do sell a lot of bikes in the EU
But Harley is a good example of how we have let big biz become to big...….one company owns Harley and about 90% OF THE LAWN MOWERS SOLD.....Murray manuf murray and several other brands to include the john Deere lawn mower.......I needed a new saw a while back and saw a Stanley (used to be a good product) it was everything I wanted ...bought ..got it home...a real piece of *******!....took it back and bought a deWalt….I have a lot of De walt and think they are great and never give me any problems...telling a friend about how bad Stanley was and how good dewalt was...….told they are all made by the same company...and that includes Milwaukee another brand I thought was great...looked it up...it's true!...how can they manuf 2 good products and on the same assy line.. a piece of *******...I could go on about all the big conglomerates any more...taking the price up and the choices out
Harley has never been the same since they got bought out by a LAWN MOWER manuf company several years ago!....the wiring started being made in Mexico.....the chrome and etc done in germany…….assembly here!

I had a knucklehead years ago....was going down the freeway and just started blowing hot oil all over my leg....got it stopped and tried to take care of my leg...luckly a friend came along....left the fucking bike along side the road!....have had a lot of jap bikes since..hate to admit that.....but always liked riding

Yeah - AMF Harleys sucked - all the old Harleys leaked oil but I loved my 47 Knuckle - wish I had it now. Never blew an oil line - but always a puddle under it no matter what I did.
The new Evolution engines run great and no puddles - would love to get another Knucklehead but they’re so damned expensive now :{
Yeah - AMF Harleys sucked - all the old Harleys leaked oil but I loved my 47 Knuckle - wish I had it now. Never blew an oil line - but always a puddle under it no matter what I did.
The new Evolution engines run great and no puddles - would love to get another Knucklehead but they’re so damned expensive now :{
evolution ….close to being a jap and still being American....good motor and trouble free

as for AMF....they did put Harley on the stock market....but started the overseas bullshit!
The courts in Ny and NJ already have a good case against him....anyone else would go to jail...but he has enough lawyers to drag it out past his lifetime

and if he gets re-elected it won't be because of the blacks......from what I see they are mobilizing against him

I still wonder if your guy isn't another one of those paid endorsers like the two sisters

but he will always have blkdlaur…...but does that count for anything?

and no all those vids aren't great...they just make the page slower to load I shouldnve responded to your vid...just your comment...that just adds more vids to the page

and to top it all off..............so much division and hate right now...and it is on the rise right now it seems.........most of it seems to be coming from our own home grown rednecks!......and trump stirs up a lot

what's that song by...the oak ridge boys?....no think it was buck owens?...…...hate ..discontent and misery is all I have....that about sums up the country as a whole right now

also THAT is trump's doing....remember Romney saying he could only help a percentage of the country....lot of ******* over that comment and he didn't get elected.....trump has just catered to a percentage of the country...wealthy...KKK....religious right....and let everyone else be damned....look at the muslim congress women...he has made comments about her...knowing she has already had death threats...didn't stop him ...and now they have increased with two of the ones doing the threats have referenced trumps remarks
The manner in which you describe how Trump is polarizing America @subhub174014 it would be as if he was a destructive ******* of nature like a hurricane or a tornado when in fact he is just a man like you or me despite being POTUS, having his connections, and being as wealthy as he is, but in many circles I would imagine his five lettered name has become like a four lettered curse word.
The manner in which you describe how Trump is polarizing America @subhub174014 it would be as if he was a destructive ******* of nature like a hurricane or a tornado when in fact he is just a man like you or me despite being POTUS, having his connections, and being as wealthy as he is, but in many circles I would imagine his five lettered name has become like a four lettered curse word.

nothing like you and me.....this guy for one has an ego problem far bigger than both of ours....and must have figured out early on he is an ass....so started lying to try to impress.....and besides what you think...he is a racist....and has taken us back years in civil rights...selling parks and gov land to the oil companies....green... the damage to the air and etc all for money for his friends...on and on...he has fucked up every major dept we have....sold to the highest bidder....one that I'm sure people will notice soon.....taking the restrictions off of what those big trucks can spray out into the air now

a major reason he doesn't want his taxes or income or any of that shown...….if he had to pay all he owes......he couldn't do it...he would be broke!
and yet people want him running our economy....as for him making the economy so great....he inherited a growing economy...and will take him a while to completely fuck it up...but he is getting there …..I live in a very redneck state....and even your trump lovers aren't praising him so much any more kind of quiet on the subject......they know...but refuse to admit they supported the jerk....like some on here...they blindly support the right no matter the person
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and the countries biggest cover up continues...even has the justice department in on it now....

Jr and cuckner meeting with the Russians must have been about adoption like trump said
Manafort giving all those polling papers to the Russians....was just showing them how things work over here so they would understand our elections better I guess
stones working with wiki-leaks.....just a part time job to supplement his income while working with the trump campaign

best one....trump firing all those people...depressed about being spied upon

must really think someone will buy all that...but I'm sure the trumpies will....after all would their man lie?

guess I just expected better lies than that!
and the countries biggest cover up continues...even has the justice department in on it now....

Jr and cuckner meeting with the Russians must have been about adoption like trump said
Manafort giving all those polling papers to the Russians....was just showing them how things work over here so they would understand our elections better I guess
stones working with wiki-leaks.....just a part time job to supplement his income while working with the trump campaign

best one....trump firing all those people...depressed about being spied upon

must really think someone will buy all that...but I'm sure the trumpies will....after all would their man lie?

guess I just expected better lies than that!

Ya want better lies ???

Listen to Nadler and Schiff ;}
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