Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Did we ever figure out where this was written, or more accurately, misquoted from? An entire thread, 243 pages long, started by an error filled original post.

Ha ha ha ha...

ever think maybe different countries have different interpretations?....no of course you didn't...you don't think at all
I am not certain if Trump has a god-complex like Kim Jung-Un or maybe MrPutin, but I wonder if there would be any here that would prefer this guy with a severe god-complex to be POTUS over Trump in 2020?

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The left can’t seem to accept that Trump won the election.

Now they can’t accept the results of the Mueller Report.

Democrats are having a conniption fit over Barr saying he believes that Trump’s 2016 campaign was spied on (Watergate-esque) - but you’d have to be deaf - dumb - and blind not to see that the Obama Administration weaponized the FBI and DOJ to do just that.

Inspite of it all - guess what - Trump WON

Time for the left to start to accept WTF !!!!

haven't you repeated and repeated that same statement several times now?
so I guess it is only fitting I give my same reponse...several times now

why is it so many trump supporters still wave the confederate flag....people who once surrendered...and are now nothing more than a leech on society...sorry just had to throw that in since not one southern state pays for itself.....they all draw more from the gov in subsidies of some kind than they ever pay in....for the country...nothing has changed since they surrendered...the north still gives them money....and they wave their flag......thinking uncle rumpskin is going to give them more?

and as for the Mueller report......the cover-up continues with a man he has appointed to cover for him.

Spying is pretty serious charge...….maybe that why Mueller didn't push that issue....need pretty solid evidence to convict on that...although with "little hands-little dick"...I'm sure it is true....and will come out someday...maybe not soon enough.....but there will come a time when someone writes a book and tells...…….but for now...he is just the head asshole shitting on the country.....and a bunch of fools eating it up
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I am not certain if Trump has a god-complex like Kim Jun-Un or maybe MrPutin, but I wonder if there would be any here that would prefer this guy with a severe god-complex to be POTUS over Trump in 2020?

View attachment 2542212

hell no....just like trump...he is in love with himself!....maybe that is why his last wife went black.....matter of fact so did Nicole kidman….both wives went BBC after being married to him!
lets just conveniently forget that we have seen Trump's 2005 taxes thanks to Rachel Maddow. Of course Maddow's big reveal was about as exciting as Geraldo and Al Capone's vault
gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif Wow, you Trump "chumps" are really naïve, aren't you? You knuckleheads fall for anything. You folks eat his crap every day and call it chocolate ice cream. Now he's gotten his self-serving AG Barr to bring up "wire tapping" again, except Trump has gotten him to use the word "spying" ... fools!
Listen up, Trump Chump h-h, do you think that 2005 tax return (which is over 12 years old at the time) was not purposely leaked by either Trump or someone close to Trump? Nooooo, that'd be too obvious, wouldn't it? An anonymously delivered 2-page summary report at that. No info on his sources of income (which he has 500+ sources), or his partners, or who he's paying hugh interests to (one of which is the Communist Bank of China, no emolument review, etc etc. And it just so happens 2005 he had 900+ million of real estate losses which he gets double deductions.
I swear, if the Trumpster said the twin towers bombing was an "inside job" or the moon landing was faked, you "chumps" would dive right in and believe the liar. You're an idiot, as well as a Trump Chump. h-h!
Coincidedntly, 80% of the taxes Trump paid that year fell under the "alternative minimum tax" law which your fearless leader is wanting to get rid of.

this evidence against my client must be thrown out under the 4th amendment cus the ocifer didn't have no probably cause! Thanks for putting your mistake in quotes and bold type to highlight
'probable cause' ... definition Cornell Wex Legal Dictionary​
Probable cause is a requirement found in the Fourth Amendment that must usually be met before police make an arrest, conduct a search, or receive a warrant. Courts usually find probable cause when there is a reasonable basis for believing that a crime may have been committed (for an arrest) or when evidence of the crime is present in the place to be searched (for a search). Under exigent circumstances, probable cause can also justify a warrantless search or seizure.
Now, quit following me around, Trump Chump ... I could give a ******* what you think. Go look for your wife, old man! Maybe she'll give you some pussy after 15-20 years of celibacy.
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ever think maybe different countries have different interpretations?....no of course you didn't...you don't think at all

It is misquoted, and taken out of context. Both. I posted the original quote early on. If you recognized the quote, or were willing to learn to better yourself, you might show some curiosity. As it is, you are where you are, becuase of your actions, not anyone else. Which is fine. This is America, you are free to be wherever you are.

This said, it would serve you well to stop posting about thing that you obviously know nothing about. You stand a better chance of fooling people, and advancing in life, if you stop advertising just how clueless you are.

You absolutely have the right to your opinion. But I have the right to come on here and ask you for links, which you can never provide, to graphically illustrate just how incorrect you are.

And I actually like you. Daphne is an authoritarian, as evidenced by her behavior when she was a moderator on the political topics. Hew actions actually jeopardized the owners of this board by potentially piercing the broad immunities granted to message board operators under §230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 .

And that folks, is a fact. Court tested fact. And an example where foolishness is certainly allowed, until such foolishness jeopardizes someone else.
That's a trumpfarts problem. No one else is allowed to have their own opinion, when they do trumpfarts first weapon of choice is to call everyone a liberal, then the name calling starts and the falsehoods, lies, and fakery. You cannot reason with them, You cannot discuss because their best friends hypocrisy and asinine will be their to make sure their own stupidity wins the day. Even when they are wrong.

OMG - the very definition of dense in full display
It is misquoted, and taken out of context. Both. I posted the original quote early on. If you recognized the quote, or were willing to learn to better yourself, you might show some curiosity. As it is, you are where you are, becuase of your actions, not anyone else. Which is fine. This is America, you are free to be wherever you are.

This said, it would serve you well to stop posting about thing that you obviously know nothing about. You stand a better chance of fooling people, and advancing in life, if you stop advertising just how clueless you are.

You absolutely have the right to your opinion. But I have the right to come on here and ask you for links, which you can never provide, to graphically illustrate just how incorrect you are.

And I actually like you. Daphne is an authoritarian, as evidenced by her behavior when she was a moderator on the political topics. Hew actions actually jeopardized the owners of this board by potentially piercing the broad immunities granted to message board operators under §230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 .

And that folks, is a fact. Court tested fact. And an example where foolishness is certainly allowed, until such foolishness jeopardizes someone else.

Better myself? ....this coming from the board jester?...….I already consider myself several steps better than you......your trump devotion says a lot about you for one.....you try to raise your self to some standard that is still several steps below a moron....
and yes I am very familiar with the quote...….but again there oh "uneducated one with loud mouth...ye might need some more education" ...not all saying are the exact same thing in different countries...….ever hear of translation?...of course not....but then you probably don't get much further than your porcelain throne you are so full of *******
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Don’t you ever get tired of just turning everything around on who you’re arguing with it’s antagonizingly Obvious :|

you ever look at and pay attention to what you type....you copy what we have posted a few days earlier...then switch it around and repost it...if you want to try and cut someone....come up with something original....all you do is complain about the left...and call people names.....and how much smarter we are than you...BTW just threw that last one in to antagonize you with facts!

that can be fact checked @subhub's intelligent briefings for young Einstein's….
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you ever look at and pay attention to what you type....you copy what we have posted a few days earlier...then switch it around and repost it...if you want to try and cut someone....come up with something original....all you do is complain about the left...and call people names.....and how much smarter we are than you...BTW just threw that last one in to antagonize you with facts!

that can be fact checked @subhub's intelligent briefings for young Einstein's….

Total BS - I took all you guys insults and name calling up until the Mueller Report came out - then - well - I just had enough - now you wanna insult ya get it right back - but this is new for me - and - I must admit - doesn’t feel quite right : |
Total BS - I took all you guys insults and name calling up until the Mueller Report came out - then - well - I just had enough - now you wanna insult ya get it right back - but this is new for me - and - I must admit - doesn’t feel quite right : |

just goes to show you have no patience....you gave up to quick.....we have plenty more to dish out...….the mueller report is no where near a stopping sign....nor is it anywhere near done just because a trumpie is giving the world his version of events......or what trump wants to be the version....

skin getting a little thin?....not good on a political thread!

besides I think I have pointed out to you on numerous occasions...…..you do the same *******...you just don't see it!

and trumpie...or trumptard…….really just signs of effection…..in a way.....

but hey if we didn't like you we would treat you like nongolfer
or just smack you like a rented mule!...(you have to be a real country fuck to understand that one)

I never told you this before...but I am very sensitive...every time you call me a libber...I feel like crying.....
well maybe not crying...hard to cry when you are elated
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I took all you guys insults and name calling up until the Mueller Report came out
Do you have privy to news the rest of us don't ... like, when did the Mueller Report come out? As of this morning it hadn't come out. Your President's AG Barr hasn't released Mueller's report; he release a 2 page summary of a 400 + pages report, of what HE felt the report from Mueller implied, EXCEPT that Mueller said there was not enough evidence for exoneration, whereas AG Barr took it upon himself to say the his President was fully and completely exonerated. Isn't that something? No one gets to read what Mueller and his investigation team wrote, even though Barr's promise of the report's full release would be this past week ... now he says by the 15th ... wanna make any bets on THAT ONE? I mean, it seems that the only people Trump hires are people who will lie for him, and when they don't, he fires them.
So, big boy, if you want to slap us around a while ... take a GO at us. Barr wouldn't answer the question when asked if the President had seen the full Mueller report; don't you wonder why? Hell, he's not gonna get tabbed with perjury. Barr said he thinks the President was spied upon during the campaign ... don't you wonder where he got that information? And he's pumped Trump up to go out and publically declare he WAS spied upon AND that he's been fully exonerated. Don't you wonder where Trump got his "factual" information " Afterall, this is the same CHUMP that declares that windmills cause cancer, and now says he doesn't know anything about WikiLeaks, although a couple dozen videos show him campaigning and saying how much he likes WikiLeaks, etc ... hummm. Maybe that was another person but I swear he looked and sounded like our Liar-N-Chief. I mean, its not like he's a very good liar. He even said he had more people at his inauguration than Obama and told his staff to tell the press that ... like, how stupid can you be? Very easy to look at those aerial photos, but Trump said they were false, too. What a dipshit!
Listen up, cowboy, its all gonna come out anyway, either now but, for sure well before the 2020 election. His tax records, his bribery & obstruction charges, his mishandling of donations and charity funds, the request to provide top secret clearances to all his lying ******* ... its ALL GONNA COME OUT, blkdlaur. So why are you setting yourself up for embarrassment? You Trump Chumps will believe anything the liar says. Hell, if Trump said the earth is flat, you bozos would swear it as well. He's a "******* magnet".

.....avatar_CoolCuck2.jpg ....................... gif_Yellowball-laughing8.gif
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Funny as the US administration says the world is important for its trade and health. Yet here you are saying you don't give two shits... Not very bright are you...
ummm the last I heard the world needs the US for its for its food and to import their products. our biggest export is defense products. we do make the best killing machines and the world is lined up to buy them. so im not in the least concerned about the health of the US or if you are referring to the medical industry we do have the best doctors and care that's why the wealthy from all over the world come here for treatment.
no I really don't give two shits what the socialist world thinks.
I think you just like to hear that ass gas pass out your mouth....like Al frankin said...….I'm resigning over a joke picture....and the worst predator the country has ever seen is still supported and in the white house....and how many of your republicans are currently serving time on baby ******* charges......but I would expect you to say nothing less....when that's what you think with....less!
Al Franken was an idiot and no Republicans were involved with Jerry Epstein or Pizzagate nice try come back when you have a clue.
ummm the last I heard the world needs the US for its for its food and to import their products. our biggest export is defense products. we do make the best killing machines and the world is lined up to buy them. so im not in the least concerned about the health of the US or if you are referring to the medical industry we do have the best doctors and care that's why the wealthy from all over the world come here for treatment.
no I really don't give two shits what the socialist world thinks.
you dumb *******....plenty of other countries can supply that food....Mexico is and has been looking at Portugal for it's grain instead of buying from the US...now that ******* for brains keeps picking on them.....and the EU has already started buying from Russia....maybe that was what ******* for brains wanted to begin with when he started his trade embargo....and you whistle dicks on the right let him do all that....you gave other countries the chance to shop around and find out the US is not necessarily the only choice!

yes we sell a lot of killing material...but so does Russia and China.....guess you forgot about them!

Best Dr.s in the world......who knows for sure checked the numbers put out last week....the life expectancy in this country declined by 3 years....the only country to have a decline in life expectancy!....even the poorer nations have better health care and take better care of the population in the US...but then maybe that is the rights game plan...******* off all those with no money for health care....seems to be a plan... and one that is working....so agin there dick breath...check on what you seem to be so good at posting before you post it......make you look like a horses ass when you are wrong all the time!
And it just so happens 2005 he had 900+ million of real estate losses
Bullshit. Trump had a 900 million dollar loss, but that was back in 1995. It also wasn't revealed in his stolen, illegally released Maddow 2005 tax return. It was revealed by.....Trump himself in his own book.


Of course his big loss during the 90's recession was played up by the liberal media. They had lots of people just like you convinced he didn't pay taxes for 18 years because of it. Ole Maddow clearly was figuring she'd have the scoop on his 2005 taxes showing he paid nothing.....then....oops, he paid a higher percentage than the big majority of Americans. Trump likely paid a far higher net percentage of his income in taxes than you did Mac.

Your President's AG Barr hasn't released Mueller's report; he release (sic) a 2 page summary of a 400 + pages report, of what HE felt the report from Mueller implied, EXCEPT that Mueller said there was not enough evidence for exoneration, whereas AG Barr took it upon himself to say the his President was fully and completely exonerated.

No he released a 4 page summary which included quotes from Mueller's report. You've demonstrated you are mathematically challenged, but surely you can count past two can't you????


You really need to take a breath. You're so apoplectic over anything Trump you may wind up hyperventilating.

Try not to let your head explode on this, but the latest from the left leaning Gallup poll shows Trump's approval rating is tied with Obummer's approval at this point in his presidency:

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