Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Until the corruption is dealt with, this is all you will get.

corruption runs rampant in your party...and for how long now have you defended your party
If the Democrats didn't have double standards they wouldn't have any standards and once again that's why hes called MacNlies.

I think you just like to hear that ass gas pass out your mouth....like Al frankin said...….I'm resigning over a joke picture....and the worst predator the country has ever seen is still supported and in the white house....and how many of your republicans are currently serving time on baby ******* charges......but I would expect you to say nothing less....when that's what you think with....less!
Funny as hell Germansheep is calling Mac a liar... When all the reptards have done since day one is lie... 5,500 from their retard in chief alone.. Hypocrisy, obtuse, simple minded, asinine in their thought, methods and word... Sums up the reptards to a tee.
The words you may be looking for are "probably cause".
"probably cause"???? Have to remember that one! Your honor, this evidence against my client must be thrown out under the 4th amendment cus the ocifer didn't have no probably cause! Thanks for putting your mistake in quotes and bold type to highlight :ROFLMAO:
And why should he be able to avoid paying his taxes while you and I pay ours? Why would you continue making excuses and protecting this worthless fool?
Oh yes, lets just conveniently forget that we have seen Trump's 2005 taxes thanks to Rachel Maddow. Of course Maddow's big reveal was about as exciting as Geraldo and Al Capone's vault. Big buildup of "we know he didn't pay anything" and then....Trump paid $38 million in taxes that year at an overall 25% tax rate. Trump's 25% combined rate in 2005 is of course higher than most people's top marginal rate these days thanks to the Trump tax cuts. But why bother with reality and facts when you can cry Russia Russia Russia and liberal dolts will chant along blindly?
The man is a scumbag ... douchebag ... fornicator.
Oh no....not a fornicator!!! Surely no one on this site would ever approve of fornication....string him up!!!
Says one of the biggest on here... Your hypocrisy is as astounding, you and the bubble heads are some of the biggest children for name calling, being obtuce, selective memory, and hypocritical in your stance. You bubble heads really are the sites best entertainment. So you got what you dished out...And now your whining while claiming its others..LOLOLOL... Seriously ,you lot are the reason the world laughs at the state of Trumps America...jus sayin

SO typical of a liberal - accuse someone you disagree with of that which you are guilty - number one strategy of the left - no doubt.
well for those of you who don't give a ******* about the future.....what the world thinks might be important someday...like trading goods.....or a war...I swear you have the IQ of a rock!

Yeah - I get what he says - like Trump says - America should come first - that’s all.
Funny as hell Germansheep is calling Mac a liar... When all the reptards have done since day one is lie... 5,500 from their retard in chief alone.. Hypocrisy, obtuse, simple minded, asinine in their thought, methods and word... Sums up the reptards to a tee.

FUNNY - I was feeling all that about you - libtards just throw it all out there at you all the time - while they themselves practice what they’re accusing you of - and - oh one other thing - - - SO PREDICTABLE !!!!
The left can’t seem to accept that Trump won the election.

Now they can’t accept the results of the Mueller Report.

Democrats are having a conniption fit over Barr saying he believes that Trump’s 2016 campaign was spied on (Watergate-esque) - but you’d have to be deaf - dumb - and blind not to see that the Obama Administration weaponized the FBI and DOJ to do just that.

Inspite of it all - guess what - Trump WON

Time for the left to start to accept WTF !!!!
SO typical of a liberal - accuse someone you disagree with of that which you are guilty - number one strategy of the left - no doubt.

LOL Well done for proving my point perfectly...And of course describing yourself to a tee...'AGAIN!!!
FUNNY - I was feeling all that about you - libtards just throw it all out there at you all the time - while they themselves practice what they’re accusing you of - and - oh one other thing - - - SO PREDICTABLE !!!!
Naw doubt that for a minute. You Trumpfarts are incapable of independent thought! .. So your reply is PREDICTABLE>>>>EACH AND EVERY TIME..Enjoy.
funny....that seems to work both ways....but you wouldn't notice that would you

That's a trumpfarts problem. No one else is allowed to have their own opinion, when they do trumpfarts first weapon of choice is to call everyone a liberal, then the name calling starts and the falsehoods, lies, and fakery. You cannot reason with them, You cannot discuss because their best friends hypocrisy and asinine will be their to make sure their own stupidity wins the day. Even when they are wrong.
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