Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Reps. Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan plotted with Trump to stop Biden from becoming president, House January 6 committee says​

  • Jan. 6 committee says GOP lawmakers worked with the Trump White House to stop Biden from becoming president.
  • Reps. Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, and Marjorie Taylor Greene were among the GOP representatives named by a former White House aide.
  • They participated in calls and meetings in which they discussed legal avenues to claim Trump won the election, the aide said.
Republican lawmakers held calls with former President Donald Trump in December 2020 to plot ways to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, according to court records filed by the congressional committee investigating the January 6 Capitol riot.

The committee filed deposition excerpts on Friday, which detail how Republican lawmakers, such as Reps. Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan, plotted with Trump to stop then-candidate Joe Biden from becoming president.

Gaetz, Jordan, and other Republican lawmakers participated in calls and meetings with Trump and his aides after he lost the 2020 presidential election, according to testimony given to the committee by Cassidy Hutchinson, who served as an aide to former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

Addressing state Republican Party in Anaheim, Kevin McCarthy avoids talk of ongoing controversy​

California Congressman Kevin McCarthy, who has been catching heat for recorded comments he made about former President Donald Trump and the January 6 assault on the Capitol, was the keynote speaker at the state's Republican Party Convention dinner Saturday night.

Despite the national headlines, the Bakersfield Republican did not address the controversy in his speech, though the crowd at the function still greeted him warmly.

McCarthy is line to become Speaker of the House if the GOP wins control in the November election, but conventional wisdom is that he needs Trump's support fend off rivals.

Mark Meadows Aide Names Lawmakers in Trump WH Meetings Leading Up to 1/6​

Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide for former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, listed the names of Donald Trump allies, who were involved in meetings and phone calls with the former president and his top aides leading up to the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot, according to excerpts from a testimony released in a federal court filing on Friday.

Disney in Texas? Judge invites company to move amid DeSantis feud​

AUSTIN (KXAN) — A Texas judge penned the chairman and CEO of Walt Disney recommending the company relocate from Florida to Texas this week amid a feud between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Disney.

“While you, your company, employees, and diverse fans face authoritarian, anti-business, and culture war attacks from extremists in Florida, we in Fort Bend are more ready to welcome the Disney family with thousands of good paying jobs and billions of dollars of investments,” Fort Bend County Judge KP George wrote.

Republicans are more than capable of blowing the 2022 midterms​

If you don’t believe the Republicans can blow their chances of winning majorities in the House and Senate midterms this year, then you have not paid attention to the past five years of U.S. politics.

At least three factors could reverse the predicted fortune for the GOP. The first would be voter apathy by traditional Republicans, conservatives and people of faith. The second would be — drum roll, please — potential fallout from anything Donald Trump says, does or hints. And the third would be a full-court press by Democrats, aided by some in the mainstream media, to come across as suddenly moderate while metaphorically throwing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as far overboard as possible.

All three factors will happen to some extent. The question is, will some combination of them be enough to hold the Democratic majority in Congress after November?

Apparently Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) main strategy for winning is to avoid mentioning anything that Republicans would do if they regained majority control.
Democrats remind me of the sovereign citizens movement. They are as brainwashed.


didn't you just bring up that you want discussion and that you are not a republican........like all republicans you are a lying MF'er

tell us again how you are open minded and like discussion....what a fucking dick head.......another fox news puppet

what makes it all so funny

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How about if she isn't imprisoned by 2023, you agree to leave the site forever???
lol, our lil floppin' faggot, is all puffed up making "leave the site forever" deals and the RepTard Peanut Gallery is all in "duh, fumbs up for us". How about we'll give you a whole dollar to shut your drooling piehole to help prevent the stench and puss from oozing out? Deal Dopey? :devilish:


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Let me again attempt to explain as clear as I possibility want to. I am not a Democrat or a Republican and I am not attached to any of the Independent parties such as Libertarian, Green or others. As for the the elected members of the Democrat Party I do not support or like most of them at all, they are mostly corrupt, criminal and unpatriotic.

I do not agree with some of these Democrat platforms and/or values. and the wording of others.


Platform:  Defending Civil Rights  Ensuring access to a quality education  Transitioning to clean-energy  Protecting the environment and fighting global warming  Providing quality, affordable health care to all Americans  Comprehensive immigration reform  A tax system that benefits all Americans, especially middle-class families  Ensuring our troops have training, equipment, and support while they are deployed and providing care for the members and their families when they return home  Government that is open, transparent, and responsive to the needs of the people  Protecting social security, strengthening Medicare, and helping American’s save for retirement ADP/TDC Electoral Engagement Resources | U.S. Political Parties & Organizations 2 | P a g e  Investing in science and technology and increasing support for more advanced research, labs, and classrooms.  Providing equal access to voting for all Americans

I also don't agree with some of these Republican platforms and/or values. and the wording of others. But of the two parties the Republic Party under Trump would get my vote. I can name a few RINO's that are worthless in their party. McConnell, Graham, Romney, Collins, Cheney and McCarthy.


 Country is exceptional  Constitution should be honored, valued, and upheld  Leaders should serve people, not special interests  Families and communities should be strong and free from government intrusion  Institution of traditional marriage is the foundation of society  Government should be smaller, smarter and more efficient  Health care decisions should be made by us and our doctors  Paychecks should not be wasted on poorly run government programs  Military must be strong and prepared to defend our shores  Culture should respect and protect life  Children should never be left in failing schools  Veterans should have the best care  Social programs should help lift people out of poverty  America should be energy independent

RESOLUTION REGARDING THE REPUBLICAN PARTY PLATFORM WHEREAS, The Republican National Committee (RNC) has significantly scaled back the size and scope of the 2020 Republican National Convention in Charlotte due to strict restrictions on gatherings and meetings, and out of concern for the safety of convention attendees and our hosts; WHEREAS, The RNC has unanimously voted to forego the Convention Committee on Platform, in appreciation of the fact that it did not want a small contingent of delegates formulating a new platform without the breadth of perspectives within the ever-growing Republican movement; WHEREAS, All platforms are snapshots of the historical contexts in which they are born, and parties abide by their policy priorities, rather than their political rhetoric; WHEREAS, The RNC, had the Platform Committee been able to convene in 2020, would have undoubtedly unanimously agreed to reassert the Party’s strong support for President Donald Trump and his Administration; WHEREAS, The media has outrageously misrepresented the implications of the RNC not adopting a new platform in 2020 and continues to engage in misleading advocacy for the failed policies of the Obama-Biden Administration, rather than providing the public with unbiased reporting of facts; and WHEREAS, The RNC enthusiastically supports President Trump and continues to reject the policy positions of the Obama-Biden Administration, as well as those espoused by the Democratic National Committee today; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Republican Party has and will continue to enthusiastically support the President’s America-first agenda; RESOLVED, That the 2020 Republican National Convention will adjourn without adopting a new platform until the 2024 Republican National Convention; RESOLVED, That the 2020 Republican National Convention calls on the media to engage in accurate and unbiased reporting, especially as it relates to the strong support of the RNC for President Trump and his Administration; and RESOLVED, That any motion to amend the 2016 Platform or to adopt a new platform, including any motion to suspend the procedures that will allow doing so, will be ruled out of order.
Why would I go meet someone in person who has threatened that I should be taken out and shot????
Ohhh, Ollie ollie oxen free, where is floppin' faggot, our self-professed Mall Cop on all discrepancies, especially when on McCarthy lying out of his ass again, weaving and dodging here and there? floppin' is always sniffing every butt crack for a missing comma or a slightly gray area in every post, but can't seem to come up with anything on this one. Once a RepTard, always a Hypocrite ... Dope. :devilish:


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How do you know when a REPUBLICAN is lying? Easy one of course, as when their mouths are moving they LIE by Second Nature. And YES, they do LIE even while they're eating their Free Government Subsidized Lunches at their cafeteria.
LYING is part of their character ... even when their LIE is videoed or voice recorded. No matter, they'll look you squarely in the eyes and tell you "It Just Ain't So, Its Fake Media".

The audio is part of a phone call between McCarthy, R-Calif., and Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., that took place days after the insurrection. In the recording, which was first reported on by journalists for The New York Times and aired on MSNBC on Thursday, McCarthy is heard saying, "The only discussion I would have with (Trump) is I think this (impeachment) will pass, and it would be my recommendation that he should resign."

The recording contradicts a prior statement from McCarthy's spokesperson Mark Bednar, who told the Times, “McCarthy never said he’d call Trump to say he should resign.”

“That is really the illness that pervades the Republican leadership right now. That they say one thing to the American public and something else in private," Elizabeth Warren told Bash.
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Your using that article as evidence to prove that MTG's testimony was full of misleading answers??
Oh poor, poor Stanley, I use the source's reports, not the article itself. I could have chose a dozen other sources who REPORTED the same story. So what you are saying is ALL of the various sources (news media) are fabricating the minutes of the video recorded Jan 6th Capitol Building riot committee with Margorie Greene?
Come on, man, if indeed the words were false or fabricated, or exaggerated, more than one conservative news media would come to the rescue to refute the "lying left biased media" as Republicans like to call them.
Why, oh why, can you not occasionally just accept what's happened to the political party, itself? The party can still be FIXED, but they have to break away from the baby milk provided by Trump ... that's a given.
My dad has always been a Republican, but even he readily admits that the Republicans have lost their way. If Ronald Reagan were alive, he'd be kicking ass and taking names. God, he was a strong, right Republican but I can't recall him ever being as evil as Republicans are now. Its all about the party, country & the constitution be damned.
As they definitely SHOULDN'T ... no leniency for the attackers on the US Gov & democracy.
Burn 'Em Baby, BURN 'EM ALL!

• Jurors have heard — and rejected — an array of excuses and arguments from the first Capitol rioters to be tried for storming the U.S. Capitol.​
• A wealth of video evidence and self-incriminating behavior by riot defendants has given prosecutors the upper hand in many cases. Mary McCord, a Georgetown University Law Center professor and former Justice Department official, said jurors often won’t have to rely on witness testimony or circumstantial evidence because videos captured much of the violence and destruction on Jan. 6.​
“When I was a prosecutor trying cases, I would have loved to have had cases where the entire crime was on video. That just doesn’t happen that often. But for jurors, it can be very powerful,” she said.​
The PUBLIC is reaching the boiling point on this attack on the US Government. Democrats, lead by X-President Obama, are starting to take up the sword of JUSTICE and take the initiative on this attack by Right Wing false media information. As the TRUTH comes out ... as the videos & recordings prove these devious traitors WRONG the public will begin to swing away from these LIARS.

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