Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Oh boy, here we go with another Edjumication Lesson by the #1 Professor in the Political Threads. Go ahead, TnC93, edjumicate me on why inflation and gas prices are high.
Ok, I'm guessing that blowing too much air into the yellow ducky innertube causes inflation, that right?

Joe Biden's done a pretty good job fighting the covid virus, but No Thanks to any Republicans who continued belly aching about using masks, mandatory vaccines, etc. Their PRIMARY function, however, since Biden took office has been to turn the people AGAINST Democrats & Biden ... that's ALL, not help to the citizens. They have NO PLANS for anything going on right now. Hell, it wouldn't matter if Biden wanted to give every family in America a FREE pack of Juicy Fruit chewing gum, the Republicans would find something wrong with the idea. REPUBLICANS HAVE NO PLANS FOR ANYTHING, TnC.
Deficit spending is the only thing that causes inflation to rise... Trump was guilty of that too, but not to the level of Biden... Look at the train-wreck bill that was for so called "infrastructure"... That pos would have caused inflation to rise at even more of a rate than it already is.

Now, to oil prices, we were a net exporter of oil during the Trump years, but when Democrats get into power, they demonize oil because of environmental fairy tales. As a nation, we are the only one on earth to be capable of completely self-sustaining ourselves.... Everything we need can be obtained, either by manufacturing or farming, right here without the need of any other nation.

You Democrats are really bad at this stuff, instead of focusing on what's important, you focus on things like men calling themselves women, or some other bullshit.

One thing on which we agree, Republicans do their best work when they are in the minority. Local committees, such as the county committee here in Phelps County, Missouri aren't the problem, it's the state and national committees where the real problem lies.

Local county committees are nearly libertarian, we know that taxes based on income are theft, we know our rights, and people in other states, such as you, can go fuck yourself when it comes to trying to ******* us to conform to your stupid need of government to live your life for you.
Deficit spending is the only thing that causes inflation to rise... Trump was guilty of that too, but not to the level of Biden... Look at the train-wreck bill that was for so called "infrastructure"... That pos would have caused inflation to rise at even more of a rate than it already is.
Deficit spending is not the only reason, TnC, but it plays a major part, and I'm not denying that. How interesting now that a Democrat is in the White House, that you say this, however. Deficit spending was primarly pushed by Reaganomics over 40 years ago and every Republican president since Reagan. Wasn't it Ronald Reagan the initiator of deficit spending over 40 years ago, and it wasn't because the nation was sinking into turmoil. Republicans were passing out tax cuts right and left each time they gained control and backed up their ridiculous tax cuts with the "tax cuts pay for themselves". I recall Reagan, Bush and Cheney all saying that. When Reagan took office the national debt was well under 2 trillion; it took primarily George Bush & Trump to escalate the deficit spending idea. Remember when the deficit totally disappeared while Clinton was in office, and how it took George Bush less than 2 years to totally wipe that surplus off the books and then hand a huge national debt and deficit spending to Obama to "fix"? And when Trump took over from Obama, he was given a "spending deficit" that was going DOWN, and immediately reversed it twofold with his "tax cuts for the rich & corporations".
When Obama & Biden took office they took over US economies that were in major stress. The US missed going into another Great Depression by inches when Obama took over the mess Bush Jr left him. The national debt was well over 10 trillion by then.
What exactly would you do as President to save a country from another Great Depression without spending money? Everytime the Democrats want to spend money on infrastructure to put people back to work, you Republicans start whining and crying as they did THIS TIME saying they can't afford to spend money on infrastructure. You said NOTHING when Republican tax cuts were given to primarily the richest Americans with the "trickle down" promises of "tax cuts create jobs" bullshit.

Deficit Spending Not The Only Cause of Inflation

• Compared to Democratic presidents, Republicans are estimated to add between 0.75% and 1.2% more to the deficit (as a percent of GDP) each year they are in office. This result controls for economic conditions, and explains 75% of the variation in the annual changes to deficits.​
• In order to make a fair comparison between Democratic and Republican deficit policies, one has to account for the economic conditions that each president encounters in office. It’s possible for one party to be unlucky and have more terms in recession periods, which would make it appear as though that party is more spendthrift.​
• The George W. Bush administration experienced two recessions, one slight at the beginning of the term and the great recession starting late 2007 and through early 2009. Notice that the reduction of revenues in 2002 is just as significant as in 2009. This isn’t primarily the result of people making less money and paying less taxes — this is a significant tax cut that reduced revenues. Similarly, the effects of the Trump tax cuts are visible in 2018, as revenues decreased even more than during the great recession of 2008–2009.​
• Both the Bush and Trump administrations argued that “tax cuts pay for themselves” as each passed significant tax cuts soon after taking office. The data suggests that this logic is faulty, as tax rates in the U.S. aren’t high enough to produce significant behavioral changes when they are reduced, and typical reductions aren’t large enough to have immediate impacts. Instead of spurring economic growth and thus more revenues, tax cuts simply increase budget deficits.​
Taylor White

Taylor White ... Consultant, developer, statistical analyst. Published reports with CMS and the FDA along with a manuscript in the journal Vaccine

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Local county committees are nearly libertarian, we know that taxes based on income are theft, we know our rights, and people in other states, such as you, can go fuck yourself when it comes to trying to ******* us to conform to your stupid need of government to live your life for you
Are you trying to provoke yet another argument so you can later sit back and say Democrats start "name calling", etc etc?
I was attempting to give you a sensible answer with supportive material & charts, and you start telling me to go fuck myself?
As you know, I have no problem getting into yet another name calling argument with you brainless Republicans except that it's like a dog chasing its tail; you guys just keep running in circling around to the same responses. You refuse to accept facts if it disagrees with your assumptions. I don't have the luxury of "time" on here as some of you do. I have family & job obligations that won't allow me to spend an entire DAY going back and forth with ridiculous name calling comments while not even discussing the real topics. So, if you have no desire to DISCUSS the topics you should take your own advice, quit addressing me and just go fuck yourself. You're not looking for answers, you're looking for someone to blame.
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Deficit spending is the only thing that causes inflation to rise... Trump was guilty of that too, but not to the level of Biden... Look at the train-wreck bill that was for so called "infrastructure"... That pos would have caused inflation to rise at even more of a rate than it already is.

Now, to oil prices, we were a net exporter of oil during the Trump years, but when Democrats get into power, they demonize oil because of environmental fairy tales. As a nation, we are the only one on earth to be capable of completely self-sustaining ourselves.... Everything we need can be obtained, either by manufacturing or farming, right here without the need of any other nation.

You Democrats are really bad at this stuff, instead of focusing on what's important, you focus on things like men calling themselves women, or some other bullshit.
One thing on which we agree, Republicans do their best work when they are in the minority. Local committees, such as the county committee here in Phelps County, Missouri aren't the problem, it's the state and national committees where the real problem lies.

Local county committees are nearly libertarian, we know that taxes based on income are theft, we know our rights, and people in other states, such as you, can go fuck yourself when it comes to trying to ******* us to conform to your stupid need of government to live your life for you.
You have the right to sell this bullshit all you want; I will exercise my right NOT to buy these lies. Oil usage plummeted due to Covid contraction for two years causing production cuts. Now global usage has exploded and producers are not or unable to keep up with the usage.

Infrastructure. You make repairs/upgrades to your home, your vehicles but you Republicans have spawned so many tax cuts/breaks for the wealthy combined with constant increases in military spending with NO reinvestment in the country itself. You choose to ignore scenarios like the I-35 bridge collapse in MN, Flint, MI water pollution, CA/NV water wars, east coast port redredging and the list goes on.

You call yourself an American when it's convenient, but anytime there's a NATIONAL solution you cry leave us out-how many years out of the last 30 have you refused federal disaster aid for tornadoes?

Selfish and self centered.
Politics is just the big ******* telling us what we should or shouldn't do, but there crooked they take for themselves first lining there pockets with gold and sliver and shitting on the people who believed all there bullshit of a better tomorrow,the only way out of this shitswirling vortex is simply just Bury your head into the sand cause this shits infinite
Well, the US Court definitely woke up....summary judgement granted to plaintiffs who sued the government over the mask mandate. Biden's administration was found to have exceeded their authority and violated the rulemaking law.

Gotta love the judge's wording!

Because "our system does not permit agencies to act unlawfully even in pursuit of desirable ends"...the Court declares unlawful and vacates the Mask Mandate

You have the right to sell this bullshit all you want; I will exercise my right NOT to buy these lies. Oil usage plummeted due to Covid contraction for two years causing production cuts. Now global usage has exploded and producers are not or unable to keep up with the usage.

Infrastructure. You make repairs/upgrades to your home, your vehicles but you Republicans have spawned so many tax cuts/breaks for the wealthy combined with constant increases in military spending with NO reinvestment in the country itself. You choose to ignore scenarios like the I-35 bridge collapse in MN, Flint, MI water pollution, CA/NV water wars, east coast port redredging and the list goes on.

You call yourself an American when it's convenient, but anytime there's a NATIONAL solution you cry leave us out-how many years out of the last 30 have you refused federal disaster aid for tornadoes?

Selfish and self centered.

fuck.....you pretty much hit all that right on the head........to bad they can not comprehend anything that doesn't say what they want........childish little fuckers.....wouldn't you say..........or just plain fucking ignorant
Deficit spending is the only thing that causes inflation to rise...

this is so dumb it's incredible.

just think about it for more than 30 seconds. Inflation is when things cost more. So what makes something like a Big Mac cost more?

well, two possible reasons:

  1. McDonald's costs have gone up (they pay more for labor, logistics, supplies etc, they have to charge more to remain profitable, and sell fewer units as a result)
  2. People are willing to pay more for a Big Mac
This second category can happen because people are hungry, or because people have more cash and are willing to spend it. In 2022, it's pretty clear that costs are the big driver. But even so, let's look at the second category: more money around

All debt creates more money, that's how fractional reserve banking works. The US deficit is one kind of debt, your local municipal bonds are another kind of debt.

If you add up all the public debt, you get a number that's smaller than all the private debt. That means that private lending (to businesses, to households, etc) have a bigger effect on the money supply than all government spending at every level added together.

That's why the fed is raising interest rates. Less private debt, less expansion of the money supply
fuck.....you pretty much hit all that right on the head........to bad they can not comprehend anything that doesn't say what they want........childish little fuckers.....wouldn't you say..........or just plain fucking ignorant

Jesus Herbert Christ you completely NAILED how I feel about you Dems !!!!!!! 👍👍
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