Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Ahhhh, had to happen, they suppress voting, gerrymander districts, commit voter fraud then blame others, so it only makes sense they make the rules to debates or refuse to "play". As long as the rules included "not lying on stage & making ******* up", and cutting off the sound of the mikes when the other candidate is presponding to a question. Bet Trump wouldn't accept those rules.

It has Trump's fingerprints all over it.

"Chicken, chicken, chicken" .... gif_chicken3.gif
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Because, it's all they have... Which is pathetic, it shows who they really are, they are against the advancement of the US.
It's impossible for anyone who supports Democrats to NOT be lying hypocrites... That's a proven fact.
FACT is you can only believe a Trumptard is when they're trying to insult you or asking to fuck your *******.
Yeah we’ve been down this road before - we all know Trump went to Wuhan and batched it up himself 😆

Tell me o crazy one - why with Dems having ALL the levers of power do they have ZERO interest in finding out the origin of COVID ??????!!
again.....you have such a short memory.........when the trump virus was spreading like crazy around the country......the right was in control............................now.....we all know where it came from and have found out as much as China id going to let us......the Dems are trying to stop it.....but the biggest obstacle the is the obstructionist party
HEY Dems who ya think is paying for the smart phones Debacle Joe is passing out for free to the illegals flooding our border ????!!

Ya think us ?

The citizens of the good ole USA

I’m thinking most Americans that are law abiding citizens have to pay for their OWN cell phones - don’t think most citizens are gonna like it when they realize Debacle Joe is rewarding the illegals with phones for BREAKING our laws and at OUR expense 🤨
are they anything like the ones trump and company used for Jan 6th?
As everyone can see, my point is proven by the gibberish posted by this guy who says he is a woman, has threatened me with violence openly. Threats that no Democrat has ever followed through with once they look up at me in public...

You, sir, are the poster c.hild for birth control.
lol, Ms. Tardo Taylor Greene "Imma report you to the Capitol Police ... whaaa, snifffle". I have offered you 3 opportunities to phone/facetime verify and/or meet in person and you have pissed you pants in front of everyone. This includes your "duh, no you dint ..." and I reposted the invites here for all to see. Even you know you are a whining pansy "freatened me wit violets ... errr, violence openly too. And that whack-a-mole picture makes me cwry ... is violence twooo". You are the worst kind of arrogant passive aggressive pansy, constantly insulting and pontificating - then whining like a baby when it gets thrown back you. Now get back to romancing those palms ... Dope. :devilish:


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Think maybe cause lil Lord Fauci was funding gain of function research ???
your problem with fuaci is..........trump didn't like him.....because he made trump look bad.........and if trump doesn't like someone ...naturally you have to follow suit or look stupid.......Oh wait....you look stupid either way with your comments



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