Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Civil suit. They would need to prove damages, correct? They now have standing, which I always assumed they would get, but since you are a pretty sharp guy, frm a legal perspective, how do you think they establish damages?

Just a brief legal analysis on the back of a napkin will suffice.
with the three retards on here spouting their *******...I could post these meme's all day and enjoy myself...and never run out of meme's

I think these were created just for the right wing loonies!
because there are so many available

I will throw this one in just for yuks since I have things to do

with the three retards on here spouting their *******...I could post these meme's all day becuase I dont understand the issues, and can't really post anything to support what I am told my position on these issues should be


Retards is name calling, and a fairly disparaging remark about mentally disadvantaged persons. Using this term and calling others retards, speaks to you much more than it will ever impact me. Or my net worth.
He isn't media. And I don't care if you can fly.

This argument and line of logic would certainly not get laughed at in Court, or lose in debate. Clearly a winning strategy. Can not verify or document, but I say so, so it is so. On my employer's time, at my job, where I am supposed to be working. But instead am stealing my employer's time, and posting on a message board. Probably with my employer's computer, and or internet connection.
the onus is in your anus......since you have your head in your ass it should be easy to find it
Just like MacNLies, I knew you wouldn't be able to put on your big boy pants and admit you were wrong.

The full text of his book is online right here:


If what you claimed were true, a simple control F search would let you show us the proof. Conversely anyone who cares to be enlightened can do the same search and see you claim was pure horseshit.
Just like MacNLies, I knew you wouldn't be able to put on your big boy pants and admit you were wrong.

The full text of his book is online right here:


If what you claimed were true, a simple control F search would let you show us the proof. Conversely anyone who cares to be enlightened can do the same search and see you claim was pure horseshit.

So now we know (again). As if we haven't known this from the first time it was debunked.
LOL< yeah I totally get why the left is so confused and easily manipulated.

On a serious note. The more they do this, the more it helps my side's election efforts. Also, the left in this thread isn't representative of the majority of the left. That's pretty clear. There are a lot of people that lean left that can make an argument, and potentially win the argument. There is no one, and I mean NO ONE, on the left in this thread that is capable of doing this.
It's not in Trump's book. I've read the book, and I have it available in an e format. I had to go into my office today, August 1st things, and the employees like their paychecks, so I pulled it up and ran a CTRL F search. Just to make sure.

One of the reasons I sign the front of payroll checks, as opposed the the backs of payroll checks is that I don't argue in a disingenious, and illogical manner.

A poster claims this is in Trump's book.

Snpoes, which is biased LEFT, states this is not true.

In the interim, the original poster posts another link. I read through that link. No where does it indicate this quote is in Trump's book.

Another poster wants more links proving it isn't in the book.

A couple of things happen there. First, in my life, after my combat experience, I give orders, I don't take orders. Second, most of the time I'd happily comply, but how exactly do you prove something doesn't exist? Most people with common sense accept that fact that is it does exist, it should be easily found, unless there are circumstances that prevent this. There are no such circumstances that apply here.. That book is widely available, and available for little, to no cost.

Again, what we seem to have here is an emotional hatred that blinds people.

As I mentioned previously, the left could easily win the midterms if they concentrated on real issues. It's a midterm after a Presidential election, and tey can now run as outsiders. But what we are witnessing instead, is they seem to want to concentrate on quotes that don't exist.

Outside of a couple of times someone on the left posted a link with a real issue, and several I agree with them on, there is no substance or facts, mostly wishful thinking.

Further, on the issues of real substance, such as tariffs which I agreed with, and asked some substantive questions about, there is no debate. Wy? Because it isn't about the issue, it is about can we get Trump with this issue. And probably also about the posters are unable to answer substantive questions about the issue.

That isn't my problem. If it is your problem, and it is your problem anywhere outside of a message board, I'm guessing this has consequences in other areas of your life. Such as, why am I the employee, and not the boss. Why does that guy make more money than me?

Whether you admit to the scoreboard on this debate in this thread or not, unfortunately when you lave this message board, you don;t have much choice except to accept the scoreboard kept by other in life. Scoreboards don't lie. They are pretty much black and white. There is a winner, and there is a loser. The easiest asn most readily available scoreboard is the size of your paycheck.

Arrogant? Not intended to be. Reality? I don;t know, you tell me when you cash your payroll check on August 1st.

I'm not in the habit of being right just to be right. I'm in the habit of being right becuase right equals reality, and right pays much, much better than wrong pays, and wrong equals incorrect.

Wait. You are using a site that YOU claim is unreliable. Therefore you linking to that site is unreliable. See, you don't get it both ways. Either it is unreliable or it is reliable. Which is it?

You don't take orders? Sure you don't.

How do you prove it? Really? Run that CTRL F search you claim to have, take a screen shot of your negative result and post it. Not difficult.

Your scoreboard for life is a paycheck? That speaks volumes to your character.

But let me guess. You are in the fortune cookie business or maybe bumper stickers because "Right equals reality, and right pays much, much better than wrong pays, and wrong equals incorrect," is quite the chestnut.
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