Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Snopes, Fact Check etc, Which are NOT a credible sources, but sources that for some reason, posters on here like to cite, does not even agree with sub on this one:

Yeah, I knew that. Was going to see if subhub would admit he was spewing BS or not.

One interesting quote that actually is in Trump's book according to that Snopes article: "People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts."

Based on that Trump quote, and the amount of hyperbole I've seen thrown out on here, I've reached the clear conclusion that MacNLies IS actually Donald Trump.
Not even close. Trump has an end game. MacNFries doesn't seem to have any goal except anyone other than Donald Trump.

That's fine. He has the right to think this way.

The issue I have, has always been argument s devoid of fact and no clear policy goal.

Examples throughout the thread. Trump can't meet P U T I N alone, but apparently it's o.k. that Obama did. We are against the farm policy. Except we were fine with it in Democratic administration. Tariffs are bad. When asked about existing tariffs in the framework of TPP, no response, likely due to no understanding that we have always had barriers to trade, tariffs and retaliatory actions. Look at this quote. There is no such quote. Look at this meme. Is there a point to this meme that furthers your argument?

The policy and principled stand of most on this thread is as follows: We hate the other side. We hate it so much, we complain about the other side's policies, even when such policies represent no change from the policies in ******* when our side implemented them. We listen to CNN or Fox. We post headlines. When presented with links from economists, Presidential historians etc, we don't care. Or attention span is not long enough to comprehend a detailed debate, we are programmed for Twitter.

If they had ANY intellectual honesty, or awareness, they would see on many of their points, I actually agree, fully or partially.

But I can't let a post such as the OP on this specific thread stand without calling it what it is. An opinion, not supported by one fact.
Well if that is actually a quote in his book it should be very easy for you to provide a link proving your claim. Show us a reputable link (not one of your idiotic memes) proving Trump's book has the quote "if you repeat a lie often enough they will believe" in it.
normally I would just say go screw your self...but

If You Repeat A Lie Often Enough - It Becomes The Truth ...
Trump used this one directly after his own election, attempting to explain away his 3 million plus loss of the popular vote. There was no collusion... This one seems to be evolving a little bit, but it perfectly displays the if you say it enough people will believe it sentiment.
The book is available on line. Go ahead and do a CNTL F search, and get back to me when you find the quote.
Nope. You provide a credible source. You bashed the source you provided. So provide a source that is credible. Not my fault you used, in your own words, a noncredible source. And not my job to do your work for you.
Who said a lie told often enough becomes the truth?
The quote is generally attributed to Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, who was Adolf Hitler's Propaganda Minister in Nazi Germany. It's also, in various forms, been used by and/or attributed to several people since... Including Lenin and various Chinese ministers.
Who said Repeat a lie often enough and it will believed?

Not that hard.
Not that hard to what? Show where the quote originated? Well done. Although that wasn't the question, now was it?
Not that hard to what? Show where the quote originated? Well done. Although that wasn't the question, now was it?

That is where the quote comes from - it is being miss-quoted. So yeah - not that hard to figure out.
Just like the multiple other quotes I proved to be miss-quoted or taken out of context. Point being - MEMES are half true and half false, just like today's media. Because of that you DO need to do the work if you want to find the truth instead most simply choose to blindly believe what a MEME states because they want it to be true. You need to find as many sources you can, for and against your argument because someplace in between is the truth.
That is where the quote comes from - it is being miss-quoted. So yeah - not that hard to figure out.
Just like the multiple other quotes I proved to be miss-quoted or taken out of context. Point being - MEMES are half true and half false, just like today's media. Because of that you DO need to do the work if you want to find the truth instead most simply choose to blindly believe what a MEME states because they want it to be true. You need to find as many sources you can, for and against your argument because someplace in between is the truth.
Really? Misquoted? That's what you are going with? Nobody stated that Drumpf originated the quote. It was stated it was used in his book. It is not germane to this discussion as to where it originated. So, if you will, please provide a credible source (and nongolfer stated Snopes is not credible) that supports the claim that Drumpf did not use that quote in his book.
normally I would just say go screw your self...but

If You Repeat A Lie Often Enough - It Becomes The Truth ...
Trump used this one directly after his own election, attempting to explain away his 3 million plus loss of the popular vote. There was no collusion... This one seems to be evolving a little bit, but it perfectly displays the if you say it enough people will believe it sentiment.
This is your usual deflection tactic. It doesn't say a damn thing about Trump saying that in his book. Once again, you claimed:
well if you remember one of the quotes in his book...if you repeat a lie often enough they will believe ….and those trumpies believe!
So show us proof of that being in the book, or you're demonstrating to all (at least all with a modicum of intelligence) that you're just spewing made up bullshit.
This is your usual deflection tactic. It doesn't say a damn thing about Trump saying that in his book. Once again, you claimed:

So show us proof of that being in the book, or you're demonstrating to all (at least all with a modicum of intelligence) that you're just spewing made up bullshit.

He doesn't have to substantiate it. He made the claim. You say he is wrong. Prove it.
Really? Misquoted? That's what you are going with? Nobody stated that Drumpf originated the quote. It was stated it was used in his book. It is not germane to this discussion as to where it originated. So, if you will, please provide a credible source (and nongolfer stated Snopes is not credible) that supports the claim that Drumpf did not use that quote in his book.

I'm not the one that made the claim that it was in Trumps book, the burden of proof is on the one who made that claim. I'm pointing out Trump didn't originate the quote, therefor he is being miss-quoted or it is taken out of context. What does nongolfer have to do with it? What matters is if YOU find Snopes credible or not - which I'm guessing you do since you keep driving that point home.
Hey i am just going by the same philosphy as you guys did with Hillary Clinton.

Nobody on the left had a problem with her and with all the mounting evidence all i ever heard from the left was well if you had any proof she would be in jail.

Hey i am just going by the same philosphy as you guys did with Hillary Clinton.

No you're not. You just make ******* up and call it doing the same as was done by HC supporters. In fact not s single original thought or action has been anything other than an ill thought out pile of obstruction, lies and fantasy from you supporting trump! You claim its the Dems who did this when history and facts don't really back your stand point up.

Nobody on the left had a problem with her and with all the mounting evidence all i ever heard from the left was well if you had any proof she would be in jail

After Trey (I will keep making congressional hearings until I get my way)Toady used over 60 million dollars of US tax money to find exactly 'NOTHING' on HC so exactly where is this 'mounting evidence you speak of. Because ALL THE INVESTIGATIONS by REPUBLICANS CLEARED HC. So you can see why you're being told to prove it or shut up.

Some of the problems in getting evidence on Trump and his house of criminals are these.

1. Trump used his family and friends for contacts with the Russians and always on foreign soil away from US eyes.
2. Trump and his cowards in the Senate are doing everything to deny a fair investigation by obstructing requests made by the DOJ and the Mueller investigation.
3. Trump and people like you are the mainstream of falsehoods being posted into the public domain. The altered facts, twisted logic and double standards means the Mueller investigation is going to take long than expected. Yet it is slowly getting closer to Trumps inner circle which will result in more than a couple of that family going to jail.

So when you guys get your proof on Trump and he is ousted from office or goes to jail then you can say i told ya so but until then its all white noise from you guys.

You really tried hard at that piece of dis-information didn't you, but unfortunately for you, the evidence is mounting against trump. The only white noise is from all you trump supporters who claim everything is fake news. Or do you believe that trumps family members such as the idiot JT who released his e-mails only for them to prove he knew about the Russian interference is white noise too...

Don't answer that as we all know you will claim that's not what it meant. Even when 99% of the legal experts say otherwise...Because on here you all are posting nothing but white noise... . The new Republican motto

Celaverimus, Mentiri, infitias eo​
It's not in Trump's book. I've read the book, and I have it available in an e format. I had to go into my office today, August 1st things, and the employees like their paychecks, so I pulled it up and ran a CTRL F search. Just to make sure.

One of the reasons I sign the front of payroll checks, as opposed the the backs of payroll checks is that I don't argue in a disingenious, and illogical manner.

A poster claims this is in Trump's book.

Snpoes, which is biased LEFT, states this is not true.

In the interim, the original poster posts another link. I read through that link. No where does it indicate this quote is in Trump's book.

Another poster wants more links proving it isn't in the book.

A couple of things happen there. First, in my life, after my combat experience, I give orders, I don't take orders. Second, most of the time I'd happily comply, but how exactly do you prove something doesn't exist? Most people with common sense accept that fact that is it does exist, it should be easily found, unless there are circumstances that prevent this. There are no such circumstances that apply here.. That book is widely available, and available for little, to no cost.

Again, what we seem to have here is an emotional hatred that blinds people.

As I mentioned previously, the left could easily win the midterms if they concentrated on real issues. It's a midterm after a Presidential election, and tey can now run as outsiders. But what we are witnessing instead, is they seem to want to concentrate on quotes that don't exist.

Outside of a couple of times someone on the left posted a link with a real issue, and several I agree with them on, there is no substance or facts, mostly wishful thinking.

Further, on the issues of real substance, such as tariffs which I agreed with, and asked some substantive questions about, there is no debate. Wy? Because it isn't about the issue, it is about can we get Trump with this issue. And probably also about the posters are unable to answer substantive questions about the issue.

That isn't my problem. If it is your problem, and it is your problem anywhere outside of a message board, I'm guessing this has consequences in other areas of your life. Such as, why am I the employee, and not the boss. Why does that guy make more money than me?

Whether you admit to the scoreboard on this debate in this thread or not, unfortunately when you lave this message board, you don;t have much choice except to accept the scoreboard kept by other in life. Scoreboards don't lie. They are pretty much black and white. There is a winner, and there is a loser. The easiest asn most readily available scoreboard is the size of your paycheck.

Arrogant? Not intended to be. Reality? I don;t know, you tell me when you cash your payroll check on August 1st.

I'm not in the habit of being right just to be right. I'm in the habit of being right becuase right equals reality, and right pays much, much better than wrong pays, and wrong equals incorrect.
guess the judge didn't buy all the lies!

Federal judge allows emoluments case against Trump to proceed

A federal judge on Wednesday rejected President Trump’s latest effort to stop a lawsuit that alleges Trump is violating the Constitution by continuing to do business with foreign governments.
The ruling, from U.S. District Judge Peter J. Messitte in Greenbelt, Md., will allow the plaintiffs in the case — the attorneys general of Maryland and the District of Columbia — to proceed with their case, which says Trump has violated the Constitution’s little-used emoluments clause.
The plaintiffs now want to interview Trump Organization employees and search company records to determine which foreign countries have spent money at Trump’s hotel in downtown Washington.
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