Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Yet again you cannot back it up with anything proves my point!. You trumptards use the you have nothing when daily more and more evidence and facts are made public about your Orange menace. His family. Their criminal actions. And those of the rep party support for them.

Yet your ego and pride blind you to that fact...'have nothing'. Wait and see, then come back and see who is laughing the hardest... And it won't be you!

Well done for describing you Trumptards with that one! Reading back you all have the following philosophy and are blinded by your Orange menace.

1. What you say is the truth. Everyone else is lying
2. Only you post proof. Everything else is fake news.
3. You're always right so everyone else is wrong.
4. No-one other than you can post factual posts.
5. When challenged use the 'you have nothing' ruse
6. Keep arguing even when proven wrong. Wear them down by being as obtuse as one can.

Hey i am just going by the same philosphy as you guys did with Hillary Clinton.

Nobody on the left had a problem with her and with all the mounting evidence all i ever heard from the left was well if you had any proof she would be in jail. So when you guys get your proof on Trump and he is ousted from office or goes to jail then you can say i told ya so but until then its all white noise from you guys.

I has memes and gifs too!
And after making a post that references a different P U T I N - Obama meeting, which he thinks proves he is correct, the above high level language comes out.
If you're going to take a victory lap, you should probably make sure you have won first.
This is way more proof that Obama never met one-on-one in private with MrPutin than you've provided that he did. There is no record of it because, oh Einstein, he NEVER DID.
Q: How many one-on-one meetings did Putin have with Obama?
It depends on what you mean by “one on one”.​
Obama and all of his predecessors would have insisted on the presence of translators and other aides to record what was discussed and what was agreed. If by “one on one” you mean just Obama and his retinue, with just Putin and his retinue, then I am aware of only one.​
If by “one on one” you mean the kind of thing that President Trump has already done and is saying he will do again, with no other Americans present, then that is completely unprecedented and completely un-presidential.

And, nongolfer, I'll refrain from taking laps around the room if you will just please SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH. You've got to be the most annoying ASSHOLE to post in these threads. Go back from whence you frik'n came. Get a JOB ... go FUCK something ... see a frik'n MOVIE. gif_Yellowball-Middlefinger.gif
Could you post something credible, outside of Quora?

Remember, I have some additional links I have available. But I'm waiting until you sufficiently dig the hole.

Forgive me that I don't accept Quora. Te first answer is from Mr. Greg larson. His credentials are that he studied at Corvallis High School, and lives in Boston.

His first sentence is:

It depends on what you mean by “one on one”.

Obama and all of his predecessors would have insisted on the presence of translators and other aides to record what was discussed and what was agreed. If by “one on one” you mean just Obama and his retinue, with just Putin and his retinue, then I am aware of only one.

Let's break down his credibility. Would have? So he doesn't really know for sure.


If by “one on one” you mean the kind of thing that President Trump has already done and is saying he will do again, with no other Americans present, then that is completely unprecedented and completely unpresidential.

In additional to not being very good at spelling, we know the nationality of the translator.

You ever hear of Doris Kearns Goodwin? SHe favors your side. Why not start reading some of her stuff?

Keep going. Or just admit that you really post things sometimes, screaming that you are correct, calling for other people to post proof, but you never really have any proof of your own.

And tehn when you get caught, you resort to insults and name calling.

But you don't need to admit this. All one has to do is read through the thread.
And, nongolfer, I'll refrain from taking laps around the room if you will just please SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH. You've got to be the most annoying ASSHOLE to post in these threads. Go back from whence you frik'n came. Get a JOB ... go FUCK something ... see a frik'n MOVIE. View attachment 1995557

Quoted so you don't attempt to edit. I'll close this off completely within the next several days.

Keep digging. I'll give you a hint. I already know the answer, and the outcome. And unless you can magically change documented history, you're not going to like it.

Also, play close attention to the fact I never insulted you, or called you a name.
It was once written, and I quote, "No country is destroyed from without unless it is first destroyed from within!"
I can only suggest, "Wake up! Take time out to smell the roses! Please recognize what's going on around you!"

Did you ever correct the first sentence yet? I gave you the actual quote and the author.
I have some additional links I have available. But I'm waiting until you sufficiently dig the hole.
Well, so far you've proven NOTHING ... you're wanting me to prove YOUR POINT.
Rocky III quote 'Rocky vs Clubber Lane' ... "Go For It!" I'll waste no more time on your BS lies. Personally, I think you're full of *******, nongolfer.
Forgive me that I don't accept Quora. Te first answer is from Mr. Greg larson. His credentials are that he studied at Corvallis High School, and lives in Boston.
His first sentence is: It depends on what you mean by “one on one”.
And I think I explained the very same thing to you earlier. "Private" the way Trump & MrPutin did it ... never done before Trump. Now think about it ... he did the same thing in China and they STILL don't know what they talked about. The Liar-N-Chief doesn't want witnesses that way he can tell yet another lie when things don't go his way. Thing is, the first time he met with Russians with no witnesses, behind closed doors, he gave them highly classified information. How do we know that? Because once the Russian news read the Russian interpreter's notes, and posted it in their NEWS sources, Trump admitted to it and said it was "Presidential Privilege". Are you not the least bit concerned what highly classified information he might be giving away behind closed doors?
Are you not the least bit concerned what highly classified information he might be giving away behind closed doors?

Based on Israel's response and comments afterwards? No.

But that you would not investigate this further, and believe headlines is not surprising at all, since you are still lending credibility to Quora and an annomous poster whoe expertise is a high scool diploma, over multiple sources, one an expert in the subject matter, indicating otherwise as evidenced by your quote beleo:

"never done before Trump."

Notwithstanding the video tape of Reagan's walk, and subsequent explanation of what was discussed. And the sideline meeting of Obama, without even interpreters. Which matches Trump's first meeting exactly in the nature of no one being present. Trump's second meeting interpreters were present.

Anyway, as I said, once you post some credible links, and once I have had my share of entertainment watching you try to turn an untruth into a truth, I have some additional links to post.

Keep going, you're so far not doing very well.
Now he's trying to convince you that what you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening!!
And he wants you to believe ONLY HIM! The Liar-in-Chief! Below is a quote of his speech.

"Just remember, what you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening," the President said in a speech in Kansas City, Missouri, on Tuesday, amid signs that the antennae that sensed political forces in the 2016 election that no one else detected are quivering with potential trouble ahead.
In one sense, Trump's address to the Veterans of Foreign Wars was a typically brazen appearance, as he boasted about the good story he has to tell on the roaring economy -- his best pitch to voters in the midterm elections -- and slammed Democrats on immigration, another motivating factor for his base.
Now he's trying to convince you that what you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening!!
And he wants you to believe ONLY HIM! The Liar-in-Chief! Below is a quote of his speech.

"Just remember, what you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening," the President said in a speech in Kansas City, Missouri, on Tuesday, amid signs that the antennae that sensed political forces in the 2016 election that no one else detected are quivering with potential trouble ahead.
In one sense, Trump's address to the Veterans of Foreign Wars was a typically brazen appearance, as he boasted about the good story he has to tell on the roaring economy -- his best pitch to voters in the midterm elections -- and slammed Democrats on immigration, another motivating factor for his base.

well if you remember one of the quotes in his book...if you repeat a lie often enough they will believe ….and those trumpies believe!
"Just remember, what you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening,"

This bears repeating as we have seen in this thread, multiple posters who have either seen, or heard something that is happening, posted it as fact, and after factual links are posted which clearly show they are being misled still maintain Fake New as accurate.

Reasonable people can clearly see the above quoted statement by our President is accurate.

In some, but not all instances. But oddly enough, in almost every instance in this thread, with few exceptions.

This is how Fake News and confirmation bias works.

The 90/10 over tells us that 90% of the people do X, but only 10% of the people get X Result.

With respect to this thread, who is in the 90%?
well if you remember one of the quotes in his book...if you repeat a lie often enough they will believe ….and those trumpies believe!
Well if that is actually a quote in his book it should be very easy for you to provide a link proving your claim. Show us a reputable link (not one of your idiotic memes) proving Trump's book has the quote "if you repeat a lie often enough they will believe" in it.
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