Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Gee, I almost forgot you, cumbreath ...View attachment 1993916.... had any lately? Your wife sure has. Guess she uses you as a cleanup boy ... LOL

And after making a post that references a different P U T I N - Obama meeting, which he thinks proves he is correct, the above high level language comes out.

If you're going to take a victory lap, you should probably make sure you have won first.

Also, previously I posted a link, a link, unlike your fantasy made up stuff.. The link was frm Psychology Today, and examines the mental issues involved with people who go to insults and name calling.I'd encourage you to read it, and get some help. Acceptance is the first step.
US Under trump bullying 'again' for profit!

Opposition to Breast-Feeding Resolution by U.S. Stuns World Health Officials

A Brooklyn mom unable to nurse fed her baby donated breast milk. The $70 billion ******* formula industry has seen sales flatten in wealthy countries in recent years.CreditJames Estrin/The New York Times
By Andrew Jacobs
  • July 8, 2018

Leer en español
A resolution to encourage breast-feeding was expected to be approved quickly and easily by the hundreds of government delegates who gathered this spring in Geneva for the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly.
Based on decades of research, the resolution says that mom’s milk is healthiest for children and countries should strive to limit the inaccurate or misleading marketing of breast milk substitutes.
Then the United States delegation, embracing the interests of ******* formula manufacturers, upended the deliberations.
[Read more about how the Trump administraton’s stance conflicts with existing medical advice.]
American officials sought to water down the resolution by removing language that called on governments to “protect, promote and support breast-feeding” and another passage that called on policymakers to restrict the promotion of food products that many experts say can have deleterious effects on young children.
When that failed, they turned to threats, according to diplomats and government officials who took part in the discussions. Ecuador, which had planned to introduce the measure, was the first to find itself in the cross hairs.
The Americans were blunt: If Ecuador refused to drop the resolution, Washington would unleash punishing trade measures and withdraw crucial military aid. The Ecuadorean government quickly acquiesced.

The showdown over the issue was recounted by more than a dozen participants from several countries, many of whom requested anonymity because they feared retaliation from the United States.
Health advocates scrambled to find another sponsor for the resolution, but at least a dozen countries, most of them poor nations in Africa and Latin America, backed off, citing fears of retaliation, according to officials from Uruguay, Mexico and the United States.
“We were astonished, appalled and also saddened,” said Patti Rundall, the policy director of the British advocacy group Baby Milk Action, who has attended meetings of the assembly, the decision-making body of the World Health Organization, since the late 1980s.

Young Jean Lee’s Unsafe Spaces

“What happened was tantamount to blackmail, with the U.S. holding the world hostage and trying to overturn nearly 40 years of consensus on the best way to protect ******* and young baby health,” she said.
In the end, the Americans’ efforts were mostly unsuccessful. It was the Russians who ultimately stepped in to introduce the measure — and the Americans did not threaten them.

The United States ambassador to Ecuador, Todd C. Chapman, left, in Quito’s historical center with a guide, center, and the undersecretary of state for political affairs, Thomas A. Shannon.CreditJose Jacome/EPA, via Shutterstock
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The State Department declined to respond to questions, saying it could not discuss private diplomatic conversations. The Department of Health and Human Services, the lead agency in the effort to modify the resolution, explained the decision to contest the resolution’s wording but said H.H.S. was not involved in threatening Ecuador.
“The resolution as originally drafted placed unnecessary hurdles for mothers seeking to provide nutrition to their children,” an H.H.S. spokesman said in an email. “We recognize not all women are able to breast-feed for a variety of reasons. These women should have the choice and access to alternatives for the health of their babies, and not be stigmatized for the ways in which they are able to do so.” The spokesman asked to remain anonymous in order to speak more freely.
Although lobbyists from the baby food industry attended the meetings in Geneva, health advocates said they saw no direct evidence that they played a role in Washington’s strong-arm tactics. The $70 billion industry, which is dominated by a handful of American and European companies, has seen sales flatten in wealthy countries in recent years, as more women embrace breast-feeding. Over all, global sales are expected to rise by 4 percent in 2018, according to Euromonitor, with most of that growth occurring in developing nations.
The intensity of the administration’s opposition to the breast-feeding resolution stunned public health officials and foreign diplomats, who described it as a marked contrast to the Obama administration, which largely supported W.H.O.’s longstanding policy of encouraging breast-feeding.
During the deliberations, some American delegates even suggested the United States might cut its contribution to the W.H.O., several negotiators said. Washington is the single largest contributor to the health organization, providing $845 million, or roughly 15 percent of its budget, last year.
The confrontation was the latest example of the Trump administration siding with corporate interests on numerous public health and environmental issues.
In talks to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Americans have been pushing for language that would limit the ability of Canada, Mexico and the United States to put warning labels on junk food and sugary beverages, according to a draft of the proposal reviewed by The New York Times.
[Read more about the Trump administration’s stance on junk food warning labels during Nafta talks.]
During the same Geneva meeting where the breast-feeding resolution was debated, the United States succeeded in removing statements supporting soda taxes from a document that advises countries grappling with soaring rates of obesity.
The Americans also sought, unsuccessfully, to thwart a W.H.O. effort aimed at helping poor countries obtain access to lifesaving medicines. Washington, supporting the pharmaceutical industry, has long resisted calls to modify patent laws as a way of increasing ******* availability in the developing world, but health advocates say the Trump administration has ratcheted up its opposition to such efforts.
The delegation’s actions in Geneva are in keeping with the tactics of an administration that has been upending alliances and long-established practices across a range of multilateral organizations, from the Paris climate accord to the Iran nuclear deal to Nafta.
Ilona Kickbusch, director of the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, said there was a growing fear that the Trump administration could cause lasting damage to international health institutions like the W.H.O. that have been vital in containing epidemics like Ebola and the rising death toll from diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the developing world.
“It’s making everyone very nervous, because if you can’t agree on health multilateralism, what kind of multilateralism can you agree on?” Ms. Kickbusch asked.

The opening of the World Health Assembly in May. After American officials pressured Ecuador, it was Russia that introduced a resolution in support of breast-feeding.CreditPeter Klaunzer/EPA, via Shutterstock
A Russian delegate said the decision to introduce the breast-feeding resolution was a matter of principle.
“We’re not trying to be a hero here, but we feel that it is wrong when a big country tries to push around some very small countries, especially on an issue that is really important for the rest of the world,” said the delegate, who asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the media.
He said the United States did not directly pressure Moscow to back away from the measure. Nevertheless, the American delegation sought to wear down the other participants through procedural maneuvers in a series of meetings that stretched on for two days, an unexpectedly long period.
In the end, the United States was largely unsuccessful. The final resolution preserved most of the original wording, though American negotiators did get language removed that called on the W.H.O. to provide technical support to member states seeking to halt “inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children.”
The United States also insisted that the words “evidence-based” accompany references to long-established initiatives that promote breast-feeding, which critics described as a ploy that could be used to undermine programs that provide parents with feeding advice and support.
Elisabeth Sterken, director of the ******* Feeding Action Coalition in Canada, said four decades of research have established the importance of breast milk, which provides essential nutrients as well as hormones and antibodies that protect newborns against infectious disease.
A 2016 study in The Lancet found that universal breast-feeding would prevent 800,000 baby deaths a year across the globe and yield $300 billion in savings from reduced health care costs and improved economic outcomes for those reared on breast milk.
Scientists are loath to carry out double-blind studies that would provide one group with breast milk and another with breast milk substitutes. “This kind of ‘evidence-based’ research would be ethically and morally unacceptable,” Ms. Sterken said.
Abbott Laboratories, the Chicago-based company that is one of the biggest players in the $70 billion baby food market, declined to comment.
Nestlé, the Switzerland-based food giant with significant operations in the United States, sought to distance itself from the threats against Ecuador and said the company would continue to support the international code on the marketing of breast milk substitutes, which calls on governments to regulate the inappropriate promotion of such products and to encourage breast-feeding.
In addition to the trade threats, Todd C. Chapman, the United States ambassador to Ecuador, suggested in meetings with officials in Quito, the Ecuadorean capital, that the Trump administration might also retaliate by withdrawing the military assistance it has been providing in northern Ecuador, a region wracked by violence spilling across the border from Colombia, according to an Ecuadorean government official who took part in the meeting.
The United States Embassy in Quito declined to make Mr. Chapman available for an interview.
“We were shocked because we didn’t understand how such a small matter like breast-feeding could provoke such a dramatic response,” said the Ecuadorean official, who asked not to be identified because she was afraid of losing her job.
Well, I found it and it says PrezObama & VladPutin met with Susan Rice & a Russian Aid..... see 2nd paragraph. Note the article says they met in private.


[nongolfer quote: Nasty, nasty little things those facts are to some poeple attempting to make an argument devoid of them.]​

I'll say again since your comprehension level seems to be about that of Trump .... if it says PRIVATE that means no press or reporters were there. Usually 1-2 people from each side. Besides, you damn well know IF Obama met with MRPutin "alone" ... the Republicans would have been all over it. Its not like they didn''t harass the President ofr 8 solid years, nongolfer.

Now .... repeat again how wrong I am? Or, show me the meeting of which you refer ... or shut the fuck up.

View attachment 1993913

LOL. nongolfer does like his little qoutes. Pity he has no comprehension or understanding of their use. That, and the fact most of his so called facts are anything but. Also this quote sums him up, and many of trumps supporters to a tee. 'Nasty, nasty little things those facts are to some people attempting to make an argument devoid of them.' fruit didin't fall far from the tree on that one!

So glad I don't have to suffer his, and a few others like golfer, inept and asinine remarks and comments.
LOLOL So going by what you have said that countries like the the UK who have a Government health care system, are communist??????... Shee well done for proving you do talk ******* and lots of it! Also, unlike the US a lot of western countries tax the rich at a higher rate for social programmes.... So nearly all of Europe is a communist country according to YOUR values and comment..

Please stop talking you're an embarrassment!

Another person that cannot read....liberals....sigh.

I said its a communist/ socialist idea....i didnt say anything about it making an entire country communist or socialist. I said it makes subhub the communist since he supports ideas like that.
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If you have to ask what the point is then why are you trying to take part in any discussions as the article is very clear. Also please stop with the 'its a plant' bullshit. Its quite clear that's your last line of defence when you have NOTHING!

Un no you guys who hate Trump have nothing. If you did he would not still be in office.
A spokesperson for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which led the negotiation on the resolution, denied that trade sanctions were part of the discussion about the resolution. “Recent reporting attempts to portray the U.S. position at the recent World Health Assembly as ‘anti-breastfeeding’ are patently false,” HHS national spokesperson Caitlin Oakley told me. “The United States was fighting to protect women’s abilities to make the best choices for the nutrition of their babies.”
well again your lack of...…..your statement was we are hurting Russia through oil sales...looks like you gave up having any smarts at all on that one....and now want to jump into another one with others...is there a point to that?
you can't win one......and they aren't either so you just want to be on a team?...even a losing one!

We are hurting Russia thru oil sales.. .if the environmentalists get out ofthe way and we start pulling the shale gas and oil out of the US that we have and not buy it from Russia and if other countries started buying from us and not Russia it will most certainly hurt Russia. We have more oil and gas than just about any country on earth.
"Of course, aggressive is often the way of the Trump administration. As President Trump wrote on Twitter yesterday, “The failing NY Times Fake News story today about breast feeding must be called out.” "

And it needs to be pointed out, this policy represent NO change from previous Administrration's policiy. NONE.

I would rate the link as misleading. They present one die, which we now see is disingenious, and do not present the other side, nor do they anywhere state this has been US policy for the last several decades.

While not Fake News, very, very misleading. And obviously effectively misleading, as it has mislead someone in this thread.
LOL. nongolfer does like his little qoutes. Pity he has no comprehension or understanding of their use. That, and the fact most of his so called facts are anything but. Also this quote sums him up, and many of trumps supporters to a tee. 'Nasty, nasty little things those facts are to some people attempting to make an argument devoid of them.' fruit didin't fall far from the tree on that one!

So glad I don't have to suffer his, and a few others like golfer, inept and asinine remarks and comments.

Except MacNFries post is not germane. And as has been pointed out, he is stilll incorrect. Pointed out with links are are to point about the time P U T I N met provately with Obama. Not a lnk to an entirely different meeting

G8 meeting does not equla G 20 meeting.

Another example of denying reality.
'Nasty, nasty little things those facts are to some people attempting to make an argument devoid of them.'

This part remains true, but not in the way you think it does.

So glad I don't have to suffer his, and a few others like golfer, inept and asinine remarks and comments.

And out come the insults. Even after the OP supports a post proven to be inaccurate.
Any credible links or posts from the usual suspects yet? I see several attempts were made throughout hte night, and early this morning. Strange, after these attempts were refuted, with actual facts, those posters seem to have disappeared.

These posters, all self identified as smarter than everyone else, certainly would be able to post throughout the day. No way they are someone's employee, and barred from posting while at work. Certainly as smart as they are, they are the boss, or own the company, correct?

Donald J Trump, the first American President in history to meet with P U T I N with no one else present. Big news. I wonder why we can't find an article supporting this if it is a historical precedent.

I'll just let MacNfries keep defending his falsehood. Eventually when I tire of that, I'll post some additional links. I've had these, but I'm just saving them, and letting him keep doing Google searches.
We are hurting Russia thru oil sales.. .

Falling oil prices hurt Russia more than sanctions

The key problem for the Russian oil industry, in addition to the low oil prices, is the lack of fresh capital and access to technology created by the sanctions regime. Although the oil and gas industry is a major target of Western sanctions, financial strains have been partially alleviated by reducing capital expenditure and rouble devaluation, which cut operating costs by around 30%. In addition, foreign energy companies, including ExxonMobil, Statoil, and BP, have continued to operate in Russia, despite the sanctions.
What is more, Russia has been actively strengthening its economic ties with Asia (China in particular), with important gas deals agreed with the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) on the Power of Siberia and Altai pipelines, Vankor oilfield in Eastern Siberia, as well as the Yamal LNG project.
However, low oil prices seem a more troublesome and difficult problem to overcome than the sanctions imposed by the West. Despite the relatively stable output of around 10 million barrels per day, depressed prices greatly affect the Russian budget and economy, which is set to lose $1.4 billion in tax revenues per
each $1 fall in the oil price over the course of the year.
In March 2015, the government was ****** to amend the budget in order to adapt to the $50 oil price level, and it is likely that the 2016 budget will also be tailored accordingly.
How have U.S. sanctions impacted Russia's economy?

Declining oil prices worldwide since 2012 are the primary reason for Russia’s economic woes given the country’s dependence on oil revenue and exports, said Susanne Wengle, a University of Notre Dame professor who studies Russia’s political economy.
The Russian government’s revenue is tied to oil prices, so a struggling oil industry significantly affects both the private and public sector, Wengle said. In its long-term budget projections, Russia assumed oil prices above $100 per barrel, but in 2016, prices sometimes dropped below $30.
If the sanctions weren’t in place, "the Russian economy would likely have struggled just as much," she said.

Europe increasingly dependent on oil imports, above all from Russia

According to “A Study on oil dependency in the EU”, published on 11 July, since 2000, there has been a gradual decline in total final consumption of oil and petroleum products in the EU (on average a 1.1% reduction per annum). As a Briefing based on the study notes, this decline is due to “a reduction of oil demand outside the transport sector, improvements in vehicle efficiency, the blending of biofuels and, in more recent years, reduced demand following the recent global economic downturn.”
Despite this decline, the EU has become increasingly dependent on crude oil imports, which now amount to 88% of the region’s total consumption. Diesel imports doubled between 2001 and 2014 to €35 bn in 2014. In 2015 (when the oil price was exceptionally low), total spending on crude oil imports in the EU was €187 bn, making a total of around €215 bn, €425 per capita. According to T&E, the EU should not just be talking about gas imports when it comes to energy security, but also about its dependence on oil and diesel imports.
Un no you guys who hate Trump have nothing. If you did he would not still be in office.

Yet again you cannot back it up with anything proves my point!. You trumptards use the you have nothing when daily more and more evidence and facts are made public about your Orange menace. His family. Their criminal actions. And those of the rep party support for them.

Yet your ego and pride blind you to that fact...'have nothing'. Wait and see, then come back and see who is laughing the hardest... And it won't be you!

Oh they can read - they just can't comprehend.

Well done for describing you Trumptards with that one! Reading back you all have the following philosophy and are blinded by your Orange menace.

1. What you say is the truth. Everyone else is lying
2. Only you post proof. Everything else is fake news.
3. You're always right so everyone else is wrong.
4. No-one other than you can post factual posts.
5. When challenged use the 'you have nothing' ruse
6. Keep arguing even when proven wrong. Wear them down by being as obtuse as one can.
Russian Oil Exports Set for Record as Europe Competition Grows
Stephen Bierman
Dina Khrennikova
‎July‎ ‎3‎, ‎2016‎ ‎4‎:‎00‎ ‎PM

“If production remains steady, then it will likely be a record year for exports,” said Christopher Haines, head of oil and gas at BMI Research. “This should mean competition is strong, especially with Iran sending more oil into southern Europe.”

Russia, the world’s biggest energy exporter, signaled in April it would boost oil production and shipments after the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries failed to adopt a plan to ease a supply glut, in part because Iran didn’t want to participate. The Persian Gulf nation has moved quickly to increase output and regain customers in Europe after sanctions on its exports were lifted in January.

Russian Urals crude, which is similar to Iran’s flagship blend, was the main beneficiary when Iran was barred from selling oil in Europe in 2012 because of its nuclear program. Since sanctions were lifted, Iranian exports have doubled to about 2.1 million barrels a day, with shipments to Europe of 445,000 barrels a day in May, compared with about 600,000 prior to the imposition of sanctions in mid-2012.


The US is not hurting Russia's oil sales at all...it's the drop in prices and Iran back into selling oil!
Yet again you cannot back it up with anything proves my point!. You trumptards use the you have nothing when daily more and more evidence and facts are made public about your Orange menace. His family. Their criminal actions. And those of the rep party support for them.

Yet your ego and pride blind you to that fact...'have nothing'. Wait and see, then come back and see who is laughing the hardest... And it won't be you!

Well done for describing you Trumptards with that one! Reading back you all have the following philosophy and are blinded by your Orange menace.

1. What you say is the truth. Everyone else is lying
2. Only you post proof. Everything else is fake news.
3. You're always right so everyone else is wrong.
4. No-one other than you can post factual posts.
5. When challenged use the 'you have nothing' ruse
6. Keep arguing even when proven wrong. Wear them down by being as obtuse as one can.

there is no hope for a Trumpie...they see and hear only what suits them......facts are just something to be twisted to suit their purpose
Well done for describing you Trumptards with that one! Reading back you all have the following philosophy and are blinded by your Orange menace.

1. What you say is the truth. Everyone else is lying
(links posted, no links from DaphneD)
2. Only you post proof. Everything else is fake news.
(No links posted by Daphne. Links posted for what she disagrees with)
3. You're always right so everyone else is wrong.
(Not always, but yes, in every instance where there is posted evidence, and you are unable to post evidence to support your wild speculation)
4. No-one other than you can post factual posts.
(You prove this, not us)
5. When challenged use the 'you have nothing' ruse
(You have never supporting link, how is this untrue?)
6. Keep arguing even when proven wrong. Wear them down by being as obtuse as one can.[/QUOTE]
(never acknowledge links with evidence, but keep incessantly posting that you are right)

And finally, when unable to post a valid argument supported by any evidence, resort to name calling, as you did immediately in your response.
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