Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Sure. I see you once again support your argument with a factual link. With respect to Daphne's link, the part that publication left out were the Constitutional concerns about limiting a President's power.

But throw all of that aside. Let's stipulate to Congress forsing Trump to sign one bill.

How about the other sanctions Trump imposed? How about the $200 MM in lethal aid he just doled out?

Was there some Congressional pressure forsing him to do these things?

And yes, I posted links to this yesterday.

Links. You see them a lot from me. Not only are they plentiful, they are to point and they give the complete story. many times the sources are experts in tehir fields. Not reporters. So my links are probably worthless, and we should all believe your posts.

You don't have to agree, but I think it would be a benefit to accept reality.
again your ass is showing.....my last word on the subject

BTW people!...not poeple!

So no link? No links to counter my several links showing your post is incorrect and misplaced?

What you are saying is that you do not post evidence, and I do, but reasonable people should believe you. Because you say so?
Are we all agreed now, Trump is the only guy ever to meet with P U T I N privately
Yes, I agree with that. Did you even look at the links you provided or just copy the links because of the titles? One doesn't even work. Your links are useless and certainly doesn't prove anything. When you read "meet privately" that means its not open to a press recording, you moron. It certainly doesn't mean only MrObama and MrPutin were the only ones in the room.
Quit loading your BS into the forums, jerkoff ...
Obama met P U T I N at the end of a G8. Only ones in the room. The links are difficult to find because they are old. That's why I posted multiple links, and archived links.

Every single one say privately. He did meet with aides at least once. Twice I think.

I have no idea how old you are. but I remember form news reports was well.

This is not a hill to die on.

You keep on talking about worthless links, but go ahead and search back 10 years and see if you can find one where Obama and P U T IN were recorded as you state as fact. First, you're going to meet the same challenges as me. Old and archived. Second, no such link exists.

I'll give you an easier search. If Trump was the first American President to meet P U T I N privately, I'm guessing there is a recent news story stating this. Go ahead and find it. You know why you won't be able to find it? Becuase it is not true.

Bush met privately.

Clinton did as well.

No one in the room.
LOL, I've long since lost count of how many times I caught ole MacNLies red handed posting complete bullshit. The one thing you can bet on is he'll never admit being wrong despite incontrovertible proof. He'll deflect, deny, and denigrate with elementary school name calling....not necessarily in that order.

Seems to be the only thing the left has. You know what the left always say...

Obama met P U T I N at the end of a G8. Only ones in the room. The links are difficult to find because they are old. That's why I posted multiple links, and archived links.
Every single one say privately. He did meet with aides at least once. Twice I think.
Well, I found it and it says PrezObama & VladPutin met with Susan Rice & a Russian Aid..... see 2nd paragraph. Note the article says they met in private.


[nongolfer quote: Nasty, nasty little things those facts are to some poeple attempting to make an argument devoid of them.]​

I'll say again since your comprehension level seems to be about that of Trump .... if it says PRIVATE that means no press or reporters were there. Usually 1-2 people from each side. Besides, you damn well know IF Obama met with MRPutin "alone" ... the Republicans would have been all over it. Its not like they didn''t harass the President ofr 8 solid years, nongolfer.

Now .... repeat again how wrong I am? Or, show me the meeting of which you refer ... or shut the fuck up.

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Well, I found it and it says PrezObama & VladPutin met with Susan Rice & a Russian Aid..... see 2nd paragraph. Note the article says they met in private.


[nongolfer quote: Nasty, nasty little things those facts are to some poeple attempting to make an argument devoid of them.]​

I'll say again since your comprehension level seems to be about that of Trump .... if it says PRIVATE that means no press or reporters were there. Usually 1-2 people from each side. Besides, you damn well know IF Obama met with MRPutin "alone" ... the Republicans would have been all over it. Its not like they didn''t harass the President ofr 8 solid years, nongolfer.

Now .... repeat again how wrong I am? Or, show me the meeting of which you refer ... or shut the fuck up.

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My posts were about the meeting in 2015?

The Group of Eight was in Turkey in 2015?

Right in your "proof" they are talking about Turkey and Group of 20.

I dindt say Obama and P U T I N and Obama met multiple times?

I didn't say they had aides present at some of these meetings?

You are either being dishonest, or you just don't understand.

So you are asking me how worng you are. Tere are no degrees of worng, but you are worng.
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