Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The Latest: Senate approves stopgap spending bill

The Senate has approved legislation to temporarily fund the government and avoid a federal shutdown over President Donald Trump’s border wall.

Senators passed the measure on voice vote Wednesday without a roll call. It goes next to the House. Congress faces a Friday deadline when funding for part of the federal government expires.

Trump has not yet said he will support the measure, but the White House says he’ll take a look.

It does not provide $5 billion Trump wanted for the wall. Instead, it funds border security and other agencies at current levels through Feb. 8.

Without resolution, more than 800,000 federal employees could be furloughed or ordered to work without pay days before Christmas.

The Latest: Senate approves stopgap spending bill
Associated Press
10 days ago · The Senate has approved legislation to temporarily fund the government and avoid a federal shutdown over President Donald Trump’s border wall. Senators passed the measure on voice vote Wednesday without a roll call.

Senate blocks Trump's spending cuts - Washington Times
Jun 20, 2018 · Senators voted Wednesday to block President Trump's $15.4 billion spending cuts package, with lawmakers saying it trimmed the budget too much.

Senate rejects billions in Trump spending cuts as two ...
Dec 14, 2018 · The Senate on Wednesday rejected billions in spending cuts proposed by the Trump administration as two Republicans joined all Democrats in voting no. The 48-50 vote rebuffed a …

anymore of your dipshit trump logic?

you are the perfect example of where the term "trumpies" came from
Whenever a leader wants to garner support, anywhere in the world and over the centuries, they have used the fear of the outsider and the promise of protection to do so. It is protectionism 101 and America had fallen for it.
Whenever a leader wants to garner support, anywhere in the world and over the centuries, they have used the fear of the outsider and the promise of protection to do so. It is protectionism 101 and America had fallen for it.

agree there...the republicans use that a lot....and they have a bunch of gullible people
and say something about it to them they get very hostile
Whenever a leader wants to garner support, anywhere in the world and over the centuries, they have used the fear of the outsider and the promise of protection to do so. It is protectionism 101 and America had fallen for it.

Yeah that’s essentially true however we have illegals killing citizens - the last case a legal immigrant that was a police officer killed by an illegal Mexican alien - we also have ******* flooding across a completely porous border killing something like 70,000 Americans a year.
Yeah that’s essentially true however we have illegals killing citizens - the last case a legal immigrant that was a police officer killed by an illegal Mexican alien - we also have ******* flooding across a completely porous border killing something like 70,000 Americans a year.

not so...….there Mr. Brainwashed trump supporter......
how many people are killed every year in this country due to violence?

Deaths From Gun Violence: How The U.S. Compares With ... - NPR
Feb 15, 2018 · The Florida shooting is the latest reminder of the persistent gun violence in the United States. Rates of gun deaths in the U.S. are far greater than in much of the rest of the world.

and the percentage of americans killed by illegals......

Have Undocumented Immigrants Killed 63,000 American ...
Claim: Undocumented immigrants have killed 63,000 U.S. citizens since 9\/11.
Fact checked by snopes.com

as for *******....maybe a lot of pot...but most is an addictive white substance and that is NOT Mexico...one of the major ******* anymore...prohibited chemical...made right here

now i'm sure you can get someone like 2bi to go along with your "story".....but your claim is just not true!

The NRA is probably more responsible for deaths in the US than imigrants

DAMN IT..I know you are a smart person........ why do you listen to all these lies and bullshit?
not so...….there Mr. Brainwashed trump supporter......
how many people are killed every year in this country due to violence?

Deaths From Gun Violence: How The U.S. Compares With ... - NPR
Feb 15, 2018 · The Florida shooting is the latest reminder of the persistent gun violence in the United States. Rates of gun deaths in the U.S. are far greater than in much of the rest of the world.

and the percentage of americans killed by illegals......

Have Undocumented Immigrants Killed 63,000 American ...
Claim: Undocumented immigrants have killed 63,000 U.S. citizens since 9\/11.
Fact checked by snopes.com

as for *******....maybe a lot of pot...but most is an addictive white substance and that is NOT Mexico...one of the major ******* anymore...prohibited chemical...made right here

now i'm sure you can get someone like 2bi to go along with your "story".....but your claim is just not true!

The NRA is probably more responsible for deaths in the US than imigrants

DAMN IT..I know you are a smart person........ why do you listen to all these lies and bullshit?

Not ONE should be killed by an ILLEGAL alien - ONE is too many!!!! They shouldn’t be here to ******* people at all. Do liberals NOT grasp the concept of ILLEGAL ????!
Not ONE should be killed by an ILLEGAL alien - ONE is too many!!!! They shouldn’t be here to ******* people at all. Do liberals NOT grasp the concept of ILLEGAL ????!

do you not grasp the fact of the number of violent deaths in the country compared to the rest of the world....do you not grasp that any of those is to many?...Violence has become a way of life in this country and you seem to be ok with that...lets just sort out the ones killed by immigrants and the others are ok?

gang deaths in Chicago and L.A is ok...as long as it's not from an immigrant guess that's what you are saying...or did say!
not that you would be interested...they didn't sort out immigration

Violent Crime: The US and Abroad - Criminal Justice Degree Hub
The most dangerous US cities rank among the most deadly cities in the world. New Orleans, which topped the list in 2012, saw one homicide for every 2000 residents. To put this number in perspective, the average homicide per 100,000 citizen rate for the US is 4.8.

but lets stop the ones by immigrants...….let the rest go.....

Voices: How violent are undocumented immigrants?
Jul 16, 2015 · Voices: How violent are undocumented immigrants? MIAMI - The war over illegal immigration in this country has, unfortunately, usually been fought through hyperbole.

The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant - The New York Times
Mar 30, 2018 · But Oakland, like Orange County, has had increasing immigration and falling crime. In Lawrence, though ******* and robbery rates grew, overall violent crime rates still fell by 10 percent.

What We Know (and Don’t Know) About Immigrants and Violent ...
Immigrants have committed violent crimes, and will continue to do so. But all the available research shows that claims that they pose a special threat are, in a word, bogus. There is, though, strong evidence that anti-immigrant rhetoric does pose a threat — to immigrants themselves. After Trump was elected, reports of hate crimes soared. Latinos and Muslims — people who look foreign-born, even if they are …

pull your fucking head out of Trump's ass......and read something once in a while instead of just buying all the ******* he dishes out!
Just more bullshit to sell you his fucking wall!....something he can say after he is impeached..."see I built that"...and it will become the trump wall...just like the trump tower and etc

you sound like 2bi now
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Damn must be just great I guess.....several on here that way....don't have to think or use your head or read/listen to the news......just blindly believe and follow what someone says!
seems to be the way of the right....no actual knowledge of world events
do you not grasp the fact of the number of violent deaths in the country compared to the rest of the world....do you not grasp that any of those is to many?...Violence has become a way of life in this country and you seem to be ok with that...lets just sort out the ones killed by immigrants and the others are ok?

gang deaths in Chicago and L.A is ok...as long as it's not from an immigrant guess that's what you are saying...or did say!

If you understood English - you would know that was NOT what I was saying.
Damn must be just great I guess.....several on here that way....don't have to think or use your head or read/listen to the news......just blindly believe and follow what someone says!
seems to be the way of the right....no actual knowledge of world events

Yeah unlike you and most libs that believe everything the totally biased media feeds you - 93 % of which is negative liberal propaganda.
Whenever a leader wants to garner support, anywhere in the world and over the centuries, they have used the fear of the outsider and the promise of protection to do so. It is protectionism 101 and America had fallen for it.

The UK has let millions of immigrants in,

Hows that working out for you?

What you said there may be true - but for the US it's not "fear". We are just sick of paying for all these illegals that have no intention to do anything for this country. We are sick of seeing our own go without while we give give give to the illegal immigrant.
Not ONE should be killed by an ILLEGAL alien - ONE is too many!!!! They shouldn’t be here to ******* people at all. Do liberals NOT grasp the concept of ILLEGAL ????!

No they don't understand that word.
The only time the left is concerned about death (or those being shot) is when it is more than 5 in a school and/or the weapon was an "assault weapon". Any other death they don't care about - I have proven that time and time again. It's also partly the reason for the assault on law enforcement.
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Yeah unlike you and most libs that believe everything the totally biased media feeds you - 93 % of which is negative liberal propaganda.

yeah go ahead and get your facts from trump and fox news!


how's that Mexican wall working out for you?
and the swamp looks like it is about drained......along with the treasury
and how is your new Trump healthcare?
and I see by his tax returns he isn't as rich as he says
want me to go?...but I'm sure Fox news has explained all that to you
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fuck....dealing with 2 trumpies
thought one had some smarts...knew the other was flat brain dead...but seem to be a matched set


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