Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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The UK has let millions of immigrants in,

Hows that working out for you?

What you said there may be true - but for the US it's not "fear". We are just sick of paying for all these illegals that have no intention to do anything for this country. We are sick of seeing our own go without while we give give give to the illegal immigrant.

Did you watch that video? It had one brief clip of Farage and the rest was irrelevant. Actually, we're ok with immigrants. We've always had them and they contribute a lot.
There is occasionally trouble, but there is anyway. We had enoch Powell back in the 50s- he was the most trump like we've had.
Did you watch that video? It had one brief clip of Farage and the rest was irrelevant. Actually, we're ok with immigrants. We've always had them and they contribute a lot.
There is occasionally trouble, but there is anyway. We had enoch Powell back in the 50s- he was the most trump like we've had.

Yes I watched - I'm not as biased as you might think. But I also know Immigration is not working out well for most of Europe. There are several groups gaining traction against ****** immigration. These globalist ideas are bad for the world. The whole thing reminds me of the Borg.

It was wrong for the left to encourage this caravan that marched to our boarder. Not for our safety - but for theirs.
Like I stated before - if illegals voted Republican, the left would have that wall built by now.

Just note it's the "Illegal" part that concerns me.
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Here is what the wall will bring the us.

No us company can supply enough cement to build the wall. Only Mexico can.
No us company can get enough man power to build the wall. Only Mexico can.
Building the wall will mean changing migration pattern for animals
Building the wall will mean changing the flow of rivers which means fishing will change. As will agriculture.
This means price increases to food
Building the wall will take time which means good paying jobs in Mexico for Mexicans which means less labour to price America’s food crops. Which means increased prices.

Building the wall will put a strain on building materials which means an increase in home prices and increase in infrastructure prices and delay.

The wall is two thousand miles long. This wall has to be manned so plan on four thousand people per shift on year wall four shifts a week which is a twelve hour shift. Not counting the time to get on station each day. While these watchers be getting minimum wage I think not. Plus over time. Then there is the management for these sixteen thousand watchers. Plus the security forces, plus another 2000 to cover such employees and vacations. Then there are the maintenance crews, the repair crews, all of thes costs area a never ending yearly cost.

Will this wall stop them. NO.
Here is what the wall will bring the us.

No us company can supply enough cement to build the wall. Only Mexico can.
No us company can get enough man power to build the wall. Only Mexico can.
Building the wall will mean changing migration pattern for animals
Building the wall will mean changing the flow of rivers which means fishing will change. As will agriculture.
This means price increases to food
Building the wall will take time which means good paying jobs in Mexico for Mexicans which means less labour to price America’s food crops. Which means increased prices.

Building the wall will put a strain on building materials which means an increase in home prices and increase in infrastructure prices and delay.

The wall is two thousand miles long. This wall has to be manned so plan on four thousand people per shift on year wall four shifts a week which is a twelve hour shift. Not counting the time to get on station each day. While these watchers be getting minimum wage I think not. Plus over time. Then there is the management for these sixteen thousand watchers. Plus the security forces, plus another 2000 to cover such employees and vacations. Then there are the maintenance crews, the repair crews, all of thes costs area a never ending yearly cost.

Will this wall stop them. NO.

Your fears are completely unfounded - do you have a source for these claims or are they your own assumptions. Where do you get the Idea that only Mexico can provide cement ?? lol, you do understand how cement is made correct? I also think we can provide adequate man power. Obviously we can't block off rivers and divert water ways - you really think that is the intent? The wall isn't intended to be a long, single, continuous structure. If large sections of the boarder were walled, we would only need to patrol those areas not walled.

So building the wall will mean good paying jobs for Mexicans - is that not the reason they come here in the first place? Less labor to price Americas food crops??? So you acknowledge that we use cheap labor (illegals) to pick our food and you are OK with that? Obviously you don't want the prices to increase if we have to start paying American workers. How not surprisingly hypocritical of you. ;)

I don't think they intend to use 2x4s and plywood for the wall, so I think home prices will be fairly safe.

Why would the wall have to be maned??? That is the whole purpose of the wall, so we don't need to patrol 2000 miles of open terrain. It would mean LESS man hours. Where do you come up with these numbers?

Will it stop them? nope - your right there but something needs to be done - what is YOUR suggestion?

Personally, I would much rather give the 5B to the military, go after the cartel, and make Mexico the 51st state of the union - problem solved.
Wow, are you seriously suggesting annexing a sovereign state? Sounds like Put in.

Let them decide - as many that want to come here I'm betting they will welcome it. Are they not fleeing the cartel and the ******* labor? You do understand that the cartel controls the Mexican government - right? Even if we don't make them a state of the union, we can at least try to help them revolt and make Mexico a better place to live. Or maybe they come here for the free hand outs ??? You have to look at why they are leaving, I don't think they want to leave their own harratige - so whay are they so eager to come?
He has a point about animals. These areas are habitats and territory for many species.

I give our engineers a bit more credit than that - obviously there will have to be open areas for this. Those areas would have to be patrolled. Like I said, the wall isn't intended to be a single continuous structure.
First off 5 Billion is just a Starting Point for this job. Even you have to admit that very few governments jobs of this size don’t have cost over runs.
Second ask your friends in the us would they take a construction job in the middle of a hot desert for minimum wage? That’s what your southern boarder is a hot mountainist desert and in some areas a river. Think Rio Grand. So would you build your wall on the north side of the river there by giving up access to the river and the water. As for the people that pick your food yes they are for the most part Mexican and illegals. Have been for years. As for wood being used for the wall no it will not be the wall it will be the forms used for the cement used to build the wall. And yes you will have to build the wall. You will still have tunnels being build under the wall. You will need people to clear away sand build up along the walk burying it as you cannot stop the wind. Building the wall will be the cheap part maintaining it will be the expensive part. By the way both major parties have been for the wall or fence. Not sure why it has not been built already. Oh yah the us government has spent more money that it takes in for years. It has allowed jobs by American companies to be shipped over seas. A lot of jobs that were in the manufacturing sector have been automated in the past twenty years down sizing the work *******. This is from a factory I personally know of. In the late seventies GM in Canada had 48000 employees making cars at three plants. Today the have 2000 employee at two plants. The difference is automation. Same number of cars mind you. This will change over the next years as these plants are closing due to the market no longer buying cars but trucks and SUVs. The big three have given up on the small and mid sized car to the Japanese and Korean companies which make cars in North American for North America. Now the big three auto makers are getting into the electric car market. However they want to build the cars where. China. They are spending millions on making the cars self driving with all the bells and whistles.the internet will be used to help these cars get around. This is being done in North America. There is a problem that these cars built in China will be hooking up to the G5 system you know the one the west does not was the Chinese telecommunications manufacturers to be part of because they may use it to spy on us. Just think what the Chinese could do if they could control even ten percent of the cars on the road.

The wall is the least of the US’s problem.

Try this. Try and find a pair of American Made Blue Jeans. Yes I mean Lee, Levi, Wrangler. Or better yet a pair of running shoes. Now you know why America is in trouble.
Let them decide - as many that want to come here I'm betting they will welcome it. Are they not fleeing the cartel and the ******* labor? You do understand that the cartel controls the Mexican government - right? Even if we don't make them a state of the union, we can at least try to help them revolt and make Mexico a better place to live. Or maybe they come here for the free hand outs ??? You have to look at why they are leaving, I don't think they want to leave their own harratige - so whay are they so eager to come?
To be honest I think they'd still come. America has sold itself around the world very well. I'm talking goods and services, but I'm also taking about America as a brand in itself. The American dream is still a powerful one, although Trump is doing a good job of damaging it! My ******* told me recently that she dreams of going to America. Meanwhile, we have boatloads of Iranians and others crossing the channel every day and they clearly view the UK in a similar way. It is only a matter of time before we have a disaster in this, the busiest shipping lane in the world.
Just want to add, I live in a very beautiful part of the world, but one day I plan on visiting northern California and would also like to see Maine and new England.
By the way both major parties have been for the wall or fence. Not sure why it has not been built already.

Thanks for being the first to recognize this fact - I've pointed that out many times and was told I was full of *******.

Driver-less cars are the next "frontier". Back in the day everyone had a horse. Now they are only used for leisure and sports. Drive-able Cars will soon be the same. Driver-less cars will take over, no need to own one, you just call one up on your smart device and it takes you where you want to go. BUt way off topic from illegal immigration.

Try this. Try and find a pair of American Made Blue Jeans. Yes I mean Lee, Levi, Wrangler. Or better yet a pair of running shoes. Now you know why America is in trouble.

Your preaching to the choir Bro - but again, doesn't solve the problem of illegal immigration. I assume your statement above upsets you? so you are in favor of terifs on imports?
Just want to add, I live in a very beautiful part of the world, but one day I plan on visiting northern California and would also like to see Maine and new England.

Maine is beautiful, been there a few times, Only seen a small part of New England. California will probably burn your eye balls out. ;)
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No I am not in favour of tariffs it just protects in efficient companies that don’t want to spend money on keeping current with technology. America was made great by leading the pac with an educated innovated work *******. Think Henry Ford and the like.

Then in the sixties the us started giving its jobs away. Yes giving. Most of all the leather, cow hides are shipped over seas to be made into leather to be made into shoes and boots to be shipped back here. The middle men are making a killing. You know the price of beef on the hoof. That’s the price the farmer gets has barely gone up in twenty years. The price un the shop for steak sure has. Used to be there was a butcher in the store. They cut and packaged all the meat. Now most stores don’t have a butcher. Now they are introducing self check out stations. We used to have twelve check outs in one of our stores we now have four, two are for eight items or less one for lottery tickets and one regular check out. We also have twenty four self check out stations. We are loosing jobs to automation.
No I am not in favour of tariffs it just protects in efficient companies that don’t want to spend money on keeping current with technology. America was made great by leading the pac with an educated innovated work *******. Think Henry Ford and the like.

Then in the sixties the us started giving its jobs away. Yes giving. Most of all the leather, cow hides are shipped over seas to be made into leather to be made into shoes and boots to be shipped back here. The middle men are making a killing. You know the price of beef on the hoof. That’s the price the farmer gets has barely gone up in twenty years. The price un the shop for steak sure has. Used to be there was a butcher in the store. They cut and packaged all the meat. Now most stores don’t have a butcher. Now they are introducing self check out stations. We used to have twelve check outs in one of our stores we now have four, two are for eight items or less one for lottery tickets and one regular check out. We also have twenty four self check out stations. We are loosing jobs to automation.

Reagan started that with his "one world"
we were the richest country in the world before he took over...gave big tax breaks...allowing industry to go over seas...breaking unions....taxing the workers because trickle down didn't work..and the right STILL tries to implement some of those policies today

you talk about the boots.....do you know right now.....we grow the chickens...******* them...ship to china to be cleaned...and then back again

automation is part of growing...….but sending so much work to china and etc...is just greed
No I am not in favour of tariffs it just protects in efficient companies that don’t want to spend money on keeping current with technology. America was made great by leading the pac with an educated innovated work *******. Think Henry Ford and the like.

Then in the sixties the us started giving its jobs away. Yes giving. Most of all the leather, cow hides are shipped over seas to be made into leather to be made into shoes and boots to be shipped back here. The middle men are making a killing. You know the price of beef on the hoof. That’s the price the farmer gets has barely gone up in twenty years. The price un the shop for steak sure has. Used to be there was a butcher in the store. They cut and packaged all the meat. Now most stores don’t have a butcher. Now they are introducing self check out stations. We used to have twelve check outs in one of our stores we now have four, two are for eight items or less one for lottery tickets and one regular check out. We also have twenty four self check out stations. We are loosing jobs to automation.

So lets see - you complain that nothing is made in America, but are against Tariffs. You claim they only protect those companies not wanting to step up to new technology, then complain that automation is taking our jobs. Is that about right?

And none of this really has anything to do with illegal immigration.

And by the way, Henry Ford killed his Electric car because he sold out to the oil companies - not a shining example.
Reagan started that with his "one world"
we were the richest country in the world before he took over...gave big tax breaks...allowing industry to go over seas...breaking unions....taxing the workers because trickle down didn't work..and the right STILL tries to implement some of those policies today

you talk about the boots.....do you know right now.....we grow the chickens...******* them...ship to china to be cleaned...and then back again

automation is part of growing...….but sending so much work to china and etc...is just greed
I know this will sound in sane. A few years ago word got out whether it’s true or not that and international burger company was shipping cattle over seas to have turned into burgers then shipping the burgers back. The public got wind of the story and boy dotted them for about a month. Now the company advertises that they work with national beef suppliers to make their burgers. The same it turn for their bacon and eggs. On a trip to Detroit for the auto show last year I saw similar advertising there as well. I also saw a sign in the windows of Detroit area Chinese and Italian restaurants indicating they were using local Michigan sourced meat and produce in their food.

The best sign I saw said make it so three people eat. You, me and the local farmers we buy from. I was there for a week at the auto show never missed a breakfast there.

When I can i grow it in my garden (100 by 400 feet) or source it locally. The local grocer sees me only for cereal milk and bread starting mid June until mid February. Not boasting just a fact. This garden is also used by family members as it produces to much for me. Picked the last of my ever baring strawberry this year early December and they are grown out side no cover in straw bales. Thinking next year of building cover ( it called a cold frame not a green or hot house) to see if I can have a longer growing season. On the same day I picked one hundred cherry tomatoes as well.
I know this will sound in sane. A few years ago word got out whether it’s true or not that and international burger company was shipping cattle over seas to have turned into burgers then shipping the burgers back. The public got wind of the story and boy dotted them for about a month. Now the company advertises that they work with national beef suppliers to make their burgers. The same it turn for their bacon and eggs. On a trip to Detroit for the auto show last year I saw similar advertising there as well. I also saw a sign in the windows of Detroit area Chinese and Italian restaurants indicating they were using local Michigan sourced meat and produce in their food.

The best sign I saw said make it so three people eat. You, me and the local farmers we buy from. I was there for a week at the auto show never missed a breakfast there.

When I can i grow it in my garden (100 by 400 feet) or source it locally. The local grocer sees me only for cereal milk and bread starting mid June until mid February. Not boasting just a fact. This garden is also used by family members as it produces to much for me. Picked the last of my ever baring strawberry this year early December and they are grown out side no cover in straw bales. Thinking next year of building cover ( it called a cold frame not a green or hot house) to see if I can have a longer growing season. On the same day I picked one hundred cherry tomatoes as well.

truth be known.....who knows what kind of ******* we eat...….
did you know that the shrimp done here is fed human waste to grow them...those black viens you see in them are??????
that's why we buy sea shrimp...more money...but I ain't eating someone's *******!
we also have a good sized garden and grow way more than we can eat...we have 2 apple trees and 2 pisimon trees and one peach tree...but trade back and forth with the neighbors on different things....also they have a store here called "sprouts" all fresh everything with no chemicals...kind of high priced...but at least you know what you are eating!
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