Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Welcome to 2019:

our phones-wireless
Dress sleeveless
feelings- heartless
we are speechless
Our leaders-worthless
I'm scared shitless

Thank you for writing in a bold and larger font. For me it means not having to go look for my glasses.

Some of your less’s Are not new.
I live in an area that has a unique problem. Locally there are three types of jobs.
This is a rural area and the farms and orchards have a hard time getting workers. Even the vineyards have problems staffing.
We also have manufacturing jobs going empty as the youth do not like working shift even thought the jobs pay better than minimum wage. They want nine to five Monday to Friday with four weeks off to start.
We have resort or tourist jobs going empty because they expect weekends, nights etc and are not year round.

Against this we have higher rents and few homes to buy well at least for local wages.

So the young move to the city and don’t come back.

I work in the manufacturing sector. On the factory floor. I see new staff come in twice a month usually eight to ten the first day lucky to have two stay at the end of a month.
Once Again the other night during a speech (not sure if it was a repeat broadcast) i watch an American state they needed the wall to keep Mexicans out of the US. Because they were Mxxxxxs. So decided to check these facts out with the US Department of Prisions.

Total people on Death Row Nation Wide is 2768 as of Nov 2018
Of these 53 are of Mexican nationality
Which means they represent 0.02 % total

Remember this is just the people on Death Row.
Of these 3 may have mental issues (State of Califoenia)

Of these 33 did not have the Mexican Goverment notified as per an international treaty signed by the US.

Race on Death Row Nation wide
White 42 %
Black 41 %
Latino 13 %

Those Excuted since 1976 (when capital Punishment Reinstated)
Blacks 35.5 %
White 55.6 %
Latino 8.3 %

These were not the numbers i was expecting from the The Was this American was Speaking I thought the numbers were a lot higher.

I guess i should check out the numbers for total Population of the US prision System.

Bet the numbers are a lot different. From the Media I suspect Blacks make up 85 % of Prisions, 14.9 are Latino and 0.1 are white.
I'm starting to enjoy listening to VP Pence trying to lie & make excuses for the President now.
The world got a bit smaller today with another tie-in to Trump & Russia's involvement in the election. Probably why the President is trying to call all the attention to his WALL. Mueller just staying on course ... gonna get interesting.
A number of years ago a factory where i worked closed and six hundred jobs were lost. As a closing gift each of us was given a nice leather jacket on our last day. We were a union shop and we were assured that the jackets were sourced from union factories in NORTH AMERICA.

Here is a picture of the labels in my jacket. Not sure if the label was made in China or the jacket.


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To those that are making fun of our border security yes i have seen the guy with the hockey stick riding the moose.

We have two type of immigrants the regular ones that follow the rules and show up at the regular points of entry and yes we love them for letting us know they want to come and are coming. The other type are the ones fleeing the Safe Country of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. They are the ones crossing at illegal un manned border points and yes we that great pride in the fact that Canada and the USA share the longest un defended border in the world. I would ask that if you are helping them make this crossing please do so where we might catch them so they can be processed. To those out west please call the nearest town, village city police department and let them know. It being winter we do not want them to freeze to death making the crossing. Don’t worry we will not hold it agains you. In this country they are called illegal immigrants by some and irregular immigrants by the goverment. If possible please cross into Canada from North Eastern States. If possible do so into the province of Quebec so that our Selfie Prime Minister can personally welcome you as this is an election year for him.
Thanks for being the first to recognize this fact - I've pointed that out many times and was told I was full of *******.

Driver-less cars are the next "frontier". Back in the day everyone had a horse. Now they are only used for leisure and sports. Drive-able Cars will soon be the same. Driver-less cars will take over, no need to own one, you just call one up on your smart device and it takes you where you want to go. BUt way off topic from illegal immigration.

Your preaching to the choir Bro - but again, doesn't solve the problem of illegal immigration. I assume your statement above upsets you? so you are in favor of terifs on imports?
What’s next all GM Ford and Chrysler’s cars made in China just so they would be less expensive to build. Would you like to see westerns filmed in Vietnam with great actors John Wayne Chin, and Clint Eastwood Wong. Sorry some things are just wrong.
I'm starting to enjoy listening to VP Pence trying to lie & make excuses for the President now.
The world got a bit smaller today with another tie-in to Trump & Russia's involvement in the election. Probably why the President is trying to call all the attention to his WALL. Mueller just staying on course ... gonna get interesting.
have to agree on that......his chief of staff said a month ago trump could care less about his wall.....I think this is all just a distraction to keep the dems busy and off his ass....also more ******* coming down tying trump closer to russia
if you notice all the news is about the wall.....none of the other that's going on
What’s next all GM Ford and Chrysler’s cars made in China just so they would be less expensive to build. Would you like to see westerns filmed in Vietnam with great actors John Wayne Chin, and Clint Eastwood Wong. Sorry some things are just wrong.
Well unfortunately this is free market economics! If you want capitalism then this is what it is and what it might eventually mean. Here in the UK we are terrified of US medical organisations and the threat they pose to our National Health Service, post independence. When we leave the EU and try to pursue trade deals we are also concerned that we will be ****** to accept US foodstuffs, like beef, chicken and genetically modified vegetables and grains as a condition of free trade. The standard of welfare with regards to ******* husbandry/ use of ******* and chemicals etc is lower in the US and the British public do not want genetically modified organisms in the food chain. We have been protected from that stuff whilst being in the EU.
Well unfortunately this is free market economics! If you want capitalism then this is what it is and what it might eventually mean. Here in the UK we are terrified of US medical organisations and the threat they pose to our National Health Service, post independence. When we leave the EU and try to pursue trade deals we are also concerned that we will be ****** to accept US foodstuffs, like beef, chicken and genetically modified vegetables and grains as a condition of free trade. The standard of welfare with regards to ******* husbandry/ use of ******* and chemicals etc is lower in the US and the British public do not want genetically modified organisms in the food chain. We have been protected from that stuff whilst being in the EU.

true...you see it on here...they complain about all the restrictions stopping them from making more money......perfectly legitament excuse.....they should be allowed free enterprise...….the country's health be damned
we are a country of greed and it will be our downfall some day

just like education...you think the right cares about that?...NO...they send their ******* to private schools!

you think they care about health care?...hell no...they can afford the best Dr's

you would think they would care about food..water...air....but that good old greed kicks in again
true...you see it on here...they complain about all the restrictions stopping them from making more money......perfectly legitament excuse.....they should be allowed free enterprise...….the country's health be damned
we are a country of greed and it will be our downfall some day

just like education...you think the right cares about that?...NO...they send their ******* to private schools!

you think they care about health care?...hell no...they can afford the best Dr's

you would think they would care about food..water...air....but that good old greed kicks in again
I was shocked to learn that the harvesting of rainwater is illegal in some states. I just can't get my head around how a natural process can be commoditised in that way.
I was shocked to learn that the harvesting of rainwater is illegal in some states. I just can't get my head around how a natural process can be commoditised in that way.

In Florida it's illegal to live "Off Grid". Even if you have solar - it must be tied to the grid or you get charged.
I know a few people who are off grid up north. They still have to pay a "minimum fee" to the utilities.

It's big government greed at it's finest. Tax - tax - tax.
In Florida it's illegal to live "Off Grid". Even if you have solar - it must be tied to the grid or you get charged.
I know a few people who are off grid up north. They still have to pay a "minimum fee" to the utilities.

It's big government greed at it's finest. Tax - tax - tax.
'Land of the free'
In Florida it's illegal to live "Off Grid". Even if you have solar - it must be tied to the grid or you get charged.
I know a few people who are off grid up north. They still have to pay a "minimum fee" to the utilities.

It's big government greed at it's finest. Tax - tax - tax.
I suspect the government is bowing to pressure from the power industry.
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