Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I grantee if the people trying to cross were conservative, Nancy P. would be at the boarder building the wall her self.


Definitely agree with you there TwoBi !!!
Whats this? Kavanaugh defending Liberals? Maybe the left simply had a knee jerk reaction to Kav.
I bet the left like him just a bit more now.


Donald Trump, military strategist supremo and geopolitical expert likes to keep those whining 'allies' guessing. 'After all they didn't want me to visit the UK and they flew that horrible baby balloon. Bad!'

there shouldn't be any guessing to it...….trump wants that tower in Russia ….and has to give something to get it....so he gave a whole country

NATO is just lucky right now ...Russia hasn't invaded any more countries right now or trump would give them up also
the only allegiance this man has is his bank account...….and I'm sure he doesn't have one here in his own name.....or there are enough people he owes money to......they might take it
there shouldn't be any guessing to it...….trump wants that tower in Russia ….and has to give something to get it....so he gave a whole country

NATO is just lucky right now ...Russia hasn't invaded any more countries right now or trump would give them up also
the only allegiance this man has is his bank account...….and I'm sure he doesn't have one here in his own name.....or there are enough people he owes money to......they might take it
It worries me what might happen if we face a genuine threat from Russia or whoever. I really don't know what set of morals he will apply in his decision making.
I really don't know what set of morals he will apply in his decision making.
Oh, that's an easy one. He's not loyal to his voters, not loyal to his promises, not loyal to the Constitution, not loyal to his businesses, not loyal to his wives ... and soon we may have it proven that he's not even loyal to his children.
"Highest Bidders Get Trump's Attention" ... that's the only moral standard Trump knows. He'll always side with the "winners" ... regardless.
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Oh, that's an easy one. He's not loyal to his voters, not loyal to his promises, not loyal to the Constitution, not loyal to his businesses, not loyal to his wives ... and soon we may have it proven that he's not even loyal to his children.
"Highest Bidders Get Trump's Attention" ... that's the only moral standard Trump knows. He'll always side with the "winners" ... regardless.
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I think if something serious did come up with Russia...congress would step in and ******* the issue...but trump on his own...is going to give to Russia...anything......p u t I n is his main source of income right now....he has so many major bankruptcies his credit is no good anywhere in the world
No American bank will loan him money...he owes banks in Europe and China...in debit 1.2 Billion....he needs Russia...and at any cost!

I also think right now even the republicans are starting to question his motives on some things...how long before they turn on him.....even knowing trump has that loyal base and they don't want to destroy that....they will only go so far....he will need to dangle some tax cuts for them or something along those lines...with the right ...just like trump money talks....but everyone has a breaking point...and Syria just might be close to that point....the non-republican trump supporters are just hooked on the bullshit and will buy anything the man says...and NOTHING will change their mind.....I don't think even the Mueller findings will change their opinion
Oh, that's an easy one. He's not loyal to his voters, not loyal to his promises, not loyal to the Constitution, not loyal to his businesses, not loyal to his wives ... and soon we may have it proven that he's not even loyal to his children.
"Highest Bidders Get Trump's Attention" ... that's the only moral standard Trump knows. He'll always side with the "winners" ... regardless.
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The love of money is the root of all evil.
.....I don't think even the Mueller findings will change their opinion
Yeah, I assume you saw the tape of Trump addressing the troops in Iraq on Wednesday. Telling them that it'd been over 10 years since they had a pay raise BUT he was going to take care of that with a 10% across the board pay raise. LOL Of course HE isn't paying for that, if it comes true, WE ARE ... his voting block will. Thing is, that came out of NOWHERE ... just made it up as he spoke. Also, the media (yeah, what liars they are about Trump) showed that the military had received pay raises every single year the last 10 years ... not 10%, but 1-2-even 6%ers ... just not 10%. Still, for that split moment, many of the military listening bit into his BS lie ... knowing that later on his statements would be proven LIES, still, he figured he had their attention for the moment. This fucker will say ANYTHING to ANYONE at ANYTIME just to make himself feel important for the moment ... then he is OFF to another location to tell yet another LIE. And HE wants to make a deal on that border wall? LOL ... who is stupid enough to trust this habitual Liar-N-Chief about anything? (except, of course, Trump drones)
Yeah, I assume you saw the tape of Trump addressing the troops in Iraq on Wednesday. Telling them that it'd been over 10 years since they had a pay raise BUT he was going to take care of that with a 10% across the board pay raise. LOL Of course HE isn't paying for that, if it comes true, WE ARE ... his voting block will. Thing is, that came out of NOWHERE ... just made it up as he spoke. Also, the media (yeah, what liars they are about Trump) showed that the military had received pay raises every single year the last 10 years ... not 10%, but 1-2-even 6%ers ... just not 10%. Still, for that split moment, many of the military listening bit into his BS lie ... knowing that later on his statements would be proven LIES, still, he figured he had their attention for the moment. This fucker will say ANYTHING to ANYONE at ANYTIME just to make himself feel important for the moment ... then he is OFF to another location to tell yet another LIE. And HE wants to make a deal on that border wall? LOL ... who is stupid enough to trust this habitual Liar-N-Chief about anything? (except, of course, Trump drones)

You wanna know why he has support ? Well one reason is he’s trying to solve the ridiculous immigration policies we have in this country. Nobody else seems to give a fuck.
Now a legal immigrant and a police officer has been killed by an illegal immigrant in a fuckin “sanctuary state” what bullshit. The politicians on both sides are useless - people were looking for change - the media and liberals - really the same - spew horseshite constantly - but Trump has tried since elected to fulfill his campaign promises more than any elected official I have seen in my life. If the idiots on both sides would get out of his way - maybe we’d get things done !!!
If the idiots on both sides would get out of his way - maybe we’d get things done !!!
Oh come on, blkdlaur, there are enough laws on the books NOW to discourage any wholesale recruitment of illegals. If our government would ENFORCE those laws, no illegal would take a single job from native born Americans for fear of the wrath of the government. Thing is, they don't enforce the laws, and even TRUMP, himself employs illegals because their labor is less than that of legal immigrants who are reporting their income. Trump doesn't give a rats ass about illegals ... they just give him a campaign topic that takes everyone's minds off our Liar-N-Chief's mischievous deeds. Did you know that many illegals pay into social security & Medicare with NO chance of ever using EITHER?
Something else to consider ... the crime in Central American countries is probably one of the worst in the entire world per capita. I'm sorry you can't relate to their situation in those locations. You can't possibly imagine what law abiding citizens go through, there. I don't believe you are realizing the whole picture.
You wanna know why he has support ? Well one reason is he’s trying to solve the ridiculous immigration policies we have in this country. Nobody else seems to give a fuck.
Now a legal immigrant and a police officer has been killed by an illegal immigrant in a fuckin “sanctuary state” what bullshit. The politicians on both sides are useless - people were looking for change - the media and liberals - really the same - spew horseshite constantly - but Trump has tried since elected to fulfill his campaign promises more than any elected official I have seen in my life. If the idiots on both sides would get out of his way - maybe we’d get things done !!!

how ...by killing the children? and etc
yes we have had an immigration problem since the first Bush...and it is time it was addressed....BUT it was NOT that big an issue until he made it one...it was resting peacefully in ******* ...until he tried to use it as a bargaining chip before...and now trying to use it as a bargaining chip for his monument/wall

and the one true way to stop immigration?....enforce the laws we have......if people wouldn't hire them they wouldn't come!
but the right likes that cheap labor so they won't say anything......the gov not going to fine some poor republican biz man...so immigration goes on...

it is no where near the problem he makes it out to be...and no worse or better than before he took office......have you looked at the numbers on all that to see the little hidden message...…..immigration UP...deportation DOWN...Mmmmm where are they?....tent city under our taxes!

what I think is truly hilarious is....2 or 3 were big trump supporters and yet were not quite citizens...now back in their home country....and the sad part to go along with it...several serving in our military with the intention of becoming citizens after have also found them selves back in their home country after having fought for ours
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Oh come on, blkdlaur, there are enough laws on the books NOW to discourage any wholesale recruitment of illegals. If our government would ENFORCE those laws, no illegal would take a single job from native born Americans for fear of the wrath of the government. Thing is, they don't enforce the laws, and even TRUMP, himself employs illegals because their labor is less than that of legal immigrants who are reporting their income. Trump doesn't give a rats ass about illegals ... they just give him a campaign topic that takes everyone's minds off our Liar-N-Chief's mischievous deeds. Did you know that many illegals pay into social security & Medicare with NO chance of ever using EITHER?
Something else to consider ... the crime in Central American countries is probably one of the worst in the entire world per capita. I'm sorry you can't relate to their situation in those locations. You can't possibly imagine what law abiding citizens go through, there. I don't believe you are realizing the whole picture.

I realize that people are sneaking into this country in flagrant disregard of our laws and the only one that seems to give a rat’s ass is Trump !!!
how ...by killing the children? and etc
yes we have had an immigration problem since the first Bush...and it is time it was addressed....BUT it was NOT that big an issue until he made it one...it was resting peacefully in ******* ...until he tried to use it as a bargaining chip before...and now trying to use it as a bargaining chip for his monument/wall

and the one true way to stop immigration?....enforce the laws we have......if people wouldn't hire them they wouldn't come!
but the right likes that cheap labor so they won't say anything......the gov not going to fine some poor republican biz man...so immigration goes on...

it is no where near the problem he makes it out to be...and no worse or better than before he took office......have you looked at the numbers on all that to see the little hidden message...…..immigration UP...deportation DOWN...Mmmmm where are they?....tent city under our taxes!

what I think is truly hilarious is....2 or 3 were big trump supporters and yet were not quite citizens...now back in their home country....and the sad part to go along with it...several serving in our military with the intention of becoming citizens after have also found them selves back in their home country after having fought for ours

We are not killing children - the parents that drag their ******* surreptitiously and illegally across our border are. Saying that is the kind of thing that makes it hard to take liberals seriously!!!
We are not killing children - the parents that drag their ******* surreptitiously and illegally across our border are. Saying that is the kind of thing that makes it hard to take liberals seriously!!!

how about the one that was taken to the emergency ward...and waited an hour and a half before getting in?

the other one went said she had a cold and sent her home...came back and died in the hospital

saying it is just a fact you want to ignore
NEVER have we treated immigrants this badly......how many children do we have here with no idea where the parents are or even who they are?..last I heard it was 800!

there are ways of dealing with immigration...but this isn't one of them......it just pleases all you right wing trump fans when some don't make it in or some die trying
like I said before if people here didn't hire them...they wouldn't come
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