Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I realize that people are sneaking into this country in flagrant disregard of our laws and the only one that seems to give a rat’s ass is Trump !!!

wrong......he knows he has pissed off a lot of his base......and this is last big push to try and keep you people happy...so happy you are willing to pay for his monument/wall

btw...you do know that trumps in-laws just became citizens under a law he now wants to do away with....why didn't he do it when he took office? just curious...…..

Myths and Facts About Immigrants and Immigration - adl.org
Immigration trends—both over the last few decades and throughout history—show that immigration increases when the U.S. economy is booming and it decreases when the U.S. economy is doing less well, supporting the findings that people come for economic opportunity.

and your man is so tough on immigration......seems like Obama got it done without killing people

11 Facts about Immigrants | DoSomething.org | Volunteer ...
More than 1 million immigrants became legal permanent residents (LPRs) of the United States in 2011. Of the new US residents, 14% came from Mexico, 7.9% from China, and 6.4% from India. As of 2013, the Obama administration had removed nearly 2 million immigrants, the highest number under any president.
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the only one that seems to give a rat’s ass is Trump !!!
Well, then, Trump has been successful with convincing YOU. Trump cares about Trump ONLY ... and he has so many ISSUES going on he'll do and say anything to distract everyone away from the issues. The WALL seems to be the one topic that draws the most comments and attention away from his BIG problems. You refuse to admit or acknowledge that ... that's fine. But, simply INFORCING the penalties on US employers who hire illegals will eliminate quite a bit ... unfortunately, corporations pay out the big donations to those who cater to them.
But, again, the illegal immigration issue is but a deflection from what Trump is interested in ... PERIOD!
If our government would ENFORCE those laws,

You mean like the ones Trump tried to enforce, then you liberals had a fucking cow? Those laws? The ones he had to executive order to change quickly - You know the ones he was accused by the media of creating when in fact he was simply enforcing the laws already on the books - THOSE LAWS? If he enforced laws about companies hiring illegals you would be bitching about that. I can just see the head lines now "Trump kills the American dream for millions of illegal immigrants". No matter what he does you libs will find fault.

You mean like the ones Trump tried to enforce, then you liberals had a fucking cow? Those laws? The ones he had to executive order to change quickly - You know the ones he was accused by the media of creating when in fact he was simply enforcing the laws already on the books - THOSE LAWS? If he enforced laws about companies hiring illegals you would be bitching about that. I can just see the head lines now "Trump kills the American dream for millions of illegal immigrants". No matter what he does you libs will find fault.


AMEN !!!!!!
You mean like the ones Trump tried to enforce, then you liberals had a fucking cow? Those laws? The ones he had to executive order to change quickly - You know the ones he was accused by the media of creating when in fact he was simply enforcing the laws already on the books - THOSE LAWS? If he enforced laws about companies hiring illegals you would be bitching about that. I can just see the head lines now "Trump kills the American dream for millions of illegal immigrants". No matter what he does you libs will find fault.


you as an employer know fucking well just what laws we are talking about!
but you as an employer do not want those laws enforced

Myths and Facts About Immigrants and Immigration - adl.org
Immigration trends—both over the last few decades and throughout history—show that immigration increases when the U.S. economy is booming and it decreases when the U.S. economy is doing less well, supporting the findings that people come for economic opportunity.

but you would be one of those typical employers that do not want that enforced

like I said before they wouldn't come if you people wouldn't hire them
Obama got ******* done!....trump? an American fuck up!

Difference Between Trump and Obama Immigration Policies

Immigration policies are a key topic in today’s politics. All across the world, a number of politicians and political parties are looking to harshen immigration policies in order to slow down the mass scale immigration that has been taking place in the last decade. Climate change, international conflicts, civil wars, ethnical prosecutions and instable governments have pushed millions of people to leave their countries to seek asylum abroad. This phenomenon knows no boundaries, and has become a key issue in the United States, but also in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Read more: Difference Between Trump and Obama Immigration Policies | Difference Between | Trump vs Obama Immigration Policies http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/politics/difference-between-trump-and-obama-immigration-policies/#ixzz5b4GSizwF

In the United States, both former President Barack Obama and current President Donald Trump have implemented strict immigration policies, with Obama being one of the US Presidents with the highest records of deportations in history and Trump under accusation for his immigration ban and his decision to separate immigrant families at the border.

Both president have tried to reduce the rate of immigration into the United States, with Trump even pledging he would build a wall along the border with Mexico, but – despite a number of similarities – there are key differences in the ways Trump and Obama implemented their policies.

What is Trump Immigration Policy?

During the 2016 Presidential campaign, Donald Trump insisted on the importance of drastically reduce illegal immigration into the United States, and promised to build a wall along the border with Mexico. Shortly after his victory, Trump signed the so called “immigration ban”, which suspended the entry of Syrian refugees in the US indefinitely; posed limitations to the acceptance of refugees; suspended the entrance of immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries (namely Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen) for 90 days and suspended the US Refugee Admission Program for 120 days.

The ban was met with large protests across the country and all over the world, and only few months later Trump signed a second ban, revoking and replacing the first one. The second immigration ban suspended the US Refugee Admission Program for 120 days, suspended the admission of refugees within the country for 120 days, and restricted admission of immigrants from six Muslim-majority countries. Iraq was eliminated from the previous list, although the new ban called for a “thorough review” of all applications submitted by Iraqi nationals.

More recently, Donald Trump has authorized border authorities to detain immigrant families, including children. This has led to the separation of over 2,300 families and has sparked outrage and protests across the globe. Since his first day in office, Trump has worked to make access to the United States more difficult for illegal migrants, increasing the number of deportations and harshening border control strategies.

What is Obama Immigration Policy?

Much like Donald Trump, Barack Obama implemented strict immigration policies and deported hundreds of illegal migrants during his eight-year presidency. Despite a large wave of migrations, Obama did not deny access in the US to minorities and asylum seekers, but he harshened vetting and immigration policies in response to growing terrorist threats. While he had always been rather strict in controlling borders and deporting illegal aliens, Obama further harshened his stance when he issued an immigration restriction policy. The documents slowed the processing of refugees requests and “Special Immigrant Visas” – especially thought for Iraqi interpreters who had helped American troops during the war. The policy also expanded screening processes, slowed down resettlement for Iraqi refugees and called for the re-examination of thousands of Iraqis who had already been admitted in the United States, thus affecting over 58,000 people.

Like Trump, Obama agreed to detain illegal migrants, although he had to interrupt that practice when the court ruled against him. During Obama administration, some families where separated when trying to illegally enter the United States, but this was not a common practice, as it was under Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy.

Similarities between Trump and Obama Immigration Policies

Although Trump and Obama are often seen as completely different Presidents, politicians and individuals, their immigration policies have a number of aspects in common. Indeed, Trump has always been more outspoken regarding the need of halting mass immigration, but Obama – while less loud on the matter – has implemented strict policies to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants entering the United States. Some of the key similarities between Trump and Obama immigration policies include:

  1. Both have improved and intensified screening and vetting processes compared to their predecessors:
  2. Both have issued immigration bans, although Obama’s ban was issued following a specific threat and mainly targeted Iraqi nationals while Trump’s ban broadly targeted Muslim immigrants;
  3. Both deported and detained illegal migrants;
  4. Both led to the separation of families at the border, although this was not a common practice under Obama’s administration; and
  5. Both housed “unaccompanied” minors in separate facilities, although in the case of Obama they were mainly arriving to the US border already unaccompanied.

In addition, despite Obama did not specifically target Muslim-majority countries in his immigration policies, he had already identified the seven countries that were later included in Trump’s immigration bans. The Obama administration required dual citizens from those seven countries (Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Sudan, Yemen and Libya) to apply for a Visa before entering the United States, preventing them from participating in the Dual Waiver Program.

Difference between Trump and Obama Immigration Policies

Donald Trump often criticized Obama’s immigration policies, claiming that they were not effective and efficient enough to stop the wave of illegal immigrants entering the United States. As such, Trump intensified vetting and screening processes, intensified anti-immigration controls and implemented policies aimed at significantly reduce the number of immigrants entering the country. Some of the key differences between Trump and Obama immigration policies include:

  1. Under Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy, over 2,300 families have been systematically separated at the border between Mexico and the United States, and children were often detained in separate buildings. To date, some children still have to be reconnected with their parents, as the identification and registration processes have proved ineffective. During the Obama administration, some families have been separated at the border, and sometimes children have been detained in separate buildings. However, this was not a common practice at the time, and most children detained in separate facilities had already arrived unaccompanied at the border; and

  1. Obama harshened immigration policies in 2014 in response to a surge of illegal immigration. The number of illegal aliens entering the United States spiked between 2013 and 2014, and Obama implemented a “mostly punitive” approach to tackle the problem. Conversely, when Trump decided to implement its “entirely punitive” approach to immigration, the number of illegal migrants entering the country was within average, with no hikes indicated by border authorities.
Trump vs Obama Immigration policies

Building on the differences highlighted in the previous section, we can identify a number of other factors that differentiate Trump and Obama’s immigration policies.


Summary of Trump Vs. Obama Immigration Policies

Immigration policies are a key topic in today’s world. Most newly elected Presidents and Prime Ministers across the world, have won the elections largely because of their immigration policies, and all over the world we are witnessing a significant growth of nationalistic and anti-immigration movements. In the United States, Donald Trump has based much of his presidential campaign on the promise of building a wall along the border with Mexico in order to reduce illegal immigration, thus making America safer, in his opinion, and increasing job opportunities for Americans. Trump has also largely criticized the Democrat’s and Obama’s approach to immigration, especially illegal immigration, claiming that his predecessor had not done enough to stop the wave of illegal aliens entering the United States.

In reality, Obama’s immigration policies were quite strict. One of the largest numbers of deportations was registered under his administration, and his immigration ban slowed down the rate of approval and resettlement of Iraqi citizens, and perfected and intensified vetting processes. After winning the elections in 2016, Trump signed two Executive Orders, temporarily suspending the entrance in the country of citizens’ from several Muslim-majority countries, and implemented – although for a brief period – a “zero tolerance” policy to stop migrants at the border. Both Presidents have taken action to reduce and stop illegal immigration, although Trump has often taken more radical stances and targeted larger groups with his policies.

Again, people like to ignore the word ILLEGAL when they try to make a case about immigration - almost like they don't understand the difference.

Companies that hire ILLEGAL immigrant should be heavily fined - they use to be. I remember raids that would happen all the time and companies would get fined. ILLEGAL immigrants caught in the US should be deported and loose all ability to become a US citizen.
Also what people seem to like to ignore is that Trump got elected partly because of his stance on immigration and the wall - obviously a lot of Americans don’t want people scurrying across our border in violation of our laws. The sanctuary city nonsense makes my ******* boil - states basically telling the federal government to go fuck itself over enforcing the law. Used to be laws meant something - the danger is when you ignore one it gets easy to ignore more.
Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall?

Mulvaney is referring to the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which called for construction of 700 miles of fencing and enhanced surveillance technology, such as unmanned drones, ground-based sensors, satellites, radar coverage and cameras. Sen. Chuck Schumer and then-Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were among a bipartisan majority that voted in favor of the legislation, and it was signed into law by President George W. Bush.


“We don’t understand why the Democrats are so wholeheartedly against it,” Mulvaney said. “They voted for it in 2006, then-Senator Obama voted for it. Senator Schumer voted for, Senator Clinton voted for it. So, I don’t understand why Democrats apply in politics just because Donald Trump is in office.”

“Actually, what I would say is that [Democrats] are holding hostage national security,”

“The fact is that, other than the ‘Mexico will pay for it’ stuff, Trump is simply channeling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and Schumer et al. who voted for it out of political calculation are indeed hypocrites for opposing the attempt to finally bring that law to fruition,”

Again, people like to ignore the word ILLEGAL when they try to make a case about immigration - almost like they don't understand the difference.

Companies that hire ILLEGAL immigrant should be heavily fined - they use to be. I remember raids that would happen all the time and companies would get fined. ILLEGAL immigrants caught in the US should be deported and loose all ability to become a US citizen.

why don't you bring that up at your next chamber of commerce meeting?

who hires these illegals.....it is certainly not the dems/American workers.....if the republican biz man didn't hire them they might be ****** to pay the workers a living wage
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also it seems there is about 30% of the country for this high priced wall.....anyone care to guess how many trump supporters there are in the country?

since they were so gullible to believe the snakeoils salesman when he said Mexico would pay for the wall....the penalty for being that stupid should be...they pay for it!
no dem in the country...nor any sane republican would support that expense after all the tax breaks trump just gave to his cronies!
but then of course....you could cut more from the poor and the seniors to cover for it....wouldn't that be the 2bi/republican way?

10 years ago a wall MIGHT have worked...but now...hell they tunnel their way right into the city...and they have shown even the wall is not a problem getting over

building the wall is almost as stupid as Romney saying we needed more ships and military.....when everything fought anymore is with technology

the right never was the sharpest knives in the drawer......all they really know is trickle down!
no dem in the country...nor any sane republican would support that expense after all the tax breaks trump just gave to his cronies!
but then of course....you could cut more from the poor and the seniors to cover for it....wouldn't that be the 2bi/republican way?

10 years ago a wall MIGHT have worked...but now...hell they tunnel their way right into the city...and they have shown even the wall is not a problem getting over

building the wall is almost as stupid as Romney saying we needed more ships and military.....when everything fought anymore is with technology

the right never was the sharpest knives in the drawer......all they really know is trickle down!

Trickle me this Factman - why is the economy and GDP booming in spite of the current tariffs - trade wars - and interest rate hikes - O yeah Barrack did it - that’s right - he did EVERYTHING right and anything that was bad was Bush’s fault - libs live in their own unique fantasy world : |
Trickle me this Factman - why is the economy and GDP booming in spite of the current tariffs - trade wars - and interest rate hikes - O yeah Barrack did it - that’s right - he did EVERYTHING right and anything that was bad was Bush’s fault - libs live in their own unique fantasy world : |

he inherited a growing economy...….even he is not stupid enough to fuck it up yet....after all it took him over a year or so to go bankrupt each time...and then another year or so before he find some sucker to give him money again...but he has run out of suckers.....except for about 30% of the country

as for the trade wars....sure he is winning.....see how much we just gave the farmers?...that's because the trade war is working....why is it Mexico and a few others working with Portugal on corn? That biz may never come back!
and doing all this for the steel and alum industry?...look at their stocks?...they BUY all that from Canada...a country we are putting tariffs on......check how many biz have went out of biz over this....just saw a TV biz that closed it's doors over the war with China

and yes if you pay attention...but you trump supporters lack that ability......what was the economy like when Obama took over?...want a little refresher course?....I think not.....facts are something trump people are just not interested in!....they still believe in the orange buffoon!

and for trump....he will take this country down the drain for that wall.....it is his last hope for redemption among his followers
he has yet to keep any of his promises so far!
Jobs still going overseas.....and at a higher rate than ever before
wages?....guess not...they didn't keep up with inflation
alligators? checked lately....how many going to jail......you can say it is all mueller and rigged....but a jury of your fellow citizens didn't see it that way
trump owes over 1.2 BILLION...that is more than some countries owe...no bank in the world will loan him money..not here nor Europe or china....that leaves mom Russia...you think he is going to do anything to risk his only source of income.....he will give them whole countries to keep them happy
trump is disliked in most countries...see what France..Britian … Europe....Australia....Canada....and others all say about him?
the only people who like and believe in him.....is that 30%....and like WC Fields used to say...there is a sucker born every minute
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and a little food for thought...….who had complete control of government before the shutdown?
prior to the shut down.... the senate approved a budget MINUS the wall
republicans had and still do until jan 3 they could fund ...something????
goes back to trump and that 30%....most others know better

I should say there is probably a little more than 30%...after all there are people like 2bi that blindly support the right
Did Democrats Once Support Border Wall?

Mulvaney is referring to the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which called for construction of 700 miles of fencing and enhanced surveillance technology, such as unmanned drones, ground-based sensors, satellites, radar coverage and cameras. Sen. Chuck Schumer and then-Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were among a bipartisan majority that voted in favor of the legislation, and it was signed into law by President George W. Bush.


“We don’t understand why the Democrats are so wholeheartedly against it,” Mulvaney said. “They voted for it in 2006, then-Senator Obama voted for it. Senator Schumer voted for, Senator Clinton voted for it. So, I don’t understand why Democrats apply in politics just because Donald Trump is in office.”

“Actually, what I would say is that [Democrats] are holding hostage national security,”

“The fact is that, other than the ‘Mexico will pay for it’ stuff, Trump is simply channeling the 2006 Secure Fence Act, and Schumer et al. who voted for it out of political calculation are indeed hypocrites for opposing the attempt to finally bring that law to fruition,”


all this from the obstructionist party?
big difference be tween then and now
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