Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Does it bother you, deep down, to know that what is posted about Trump is very likely fact? Hell, even his own party knows and admits it.
A work associate, who's really into this "politics" drama (he reminds me a lot of TwoBi ... dislikes government in general) made a interesting comment yesterday during lunch. He says Trumps interest is in keeping his "base loyalists" excited because they represent over 70% of the overall Republican base, and Trump knows as long as he controls his own base, that he controls the Republicans ... I got to thinking about that and you know, that makes a lot of sense. And, Trump's trying to get the Senate to go nuclear on the Wall ... because he knows, as of the 1st of the year, he's pretty much "fucked".
The gloves come OFF in January ... 2019 is going to be a very rough year for the alt-President, guarantee.

I feel that most of what’s posted about Trump is liberal propaganda - some might be true - the majority of it is horseshite. If the liberals hadn’t been trying to pull him down since he won on election night you might be more believable. I also dislike government in general - for the most part less government is better than more government - when government gets involved in things more often than not they screw things up. It very well may be true what you say about Trump keeping his base loyalists excited - most politicians stir up their bases. Yup the Democrats come the first of the year gonna give Trumps fits - country be damned - no doubt bout that. The way most of this plays to me is that liberals are spoiled brats that didn’t get their way and can’t get over losing.
If the liberals hadn’t been trying to pull him down since he won on election night you might be more believable.
If that IS the case, wouldn't it be a big dose of KARMA? While B. Obama was being sworn in (1st time) a group, led by Newt Gingrich & the Tea Party members were in a Caucus Room secretly conspiring how to disrupt Obama's presidency and make him a one-term. Eric Cantor & Mitch McConnell were outlining their "No Honeymoon" plot and the Party of NO. When Obama called John Boehner with his plan to meet with each Republican to discuss his economic recovery plan, Boehner called the Republicans to "refuse" to meet with Obama. The Republican meeting consisted of Cantor, Kevin McCarthy (our current Spkr of House), Paul Ryan, Pete Hoeikstra, Dan Lungren, Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl, Tom Coburn, John Ensign, Bob Coker, Frank Luntz and Newt Gingrich. When the meeting broke, Newt was laughing saying "You people will remember this day as the day the Seeds of 2012 were sown" ... and thus began the polarization of American politics.
Yup the Democrats come the first of the year gonna give Trumps fits - country be damned - no doubt bout that.
The Democrats, along with some Republicans, are trying to stop Trump from destroying the USA, blkdlaur. This man is a dictator, not a unifying President ... he deals with power, not negotiations. He calls it negotiating when he's getting what HE WANTS. Now he's closing down the government because HE broke his promise that the WALL would be paid for by Mexico ... hell, anyone with any common sense knows we can't ******* a country to build a retaining wall against their own wishes on American soil ... that's flat out stupid. Yet Trump convinced his followers to do just that ... now, he wants THEM and the rest of US to actually PAY for that wall .... fuck him! For one thing, the length of wall that $5 billion would build is less than 250 miles. blkdlaur, how long is the border between the US & Mexico? ... go look it up. Less than 12% of the overall length of our border ... so that socalled WALL is just plain bullshit. On top of that, Trump is a habitual LIAR, no lone believes anything he says anymore.
QUOTE="blkdlaur, post: 2141811, member: 86496"]The way most of th plays to me is that liberals are spoiled brats that didn’t get their way and can’t get over losing.[/QUOTE]
Well, you got almost half of that right ... yes, Democrats are pissed off because they lost, but it is HOW they lost that they are pissed off. Well over half of the voters know that, had Trump not cheated, lied, covered up his "whore activities" and had help from Russia, it wouldn't have been close. As far as I am concerned, I won't be happy until I see Trump & his entire family behind federal bars ... for at least 5 years or longer.
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If that IS the case, wouldn't it be a big dose of KARMA? While B. Obama was being sworn in (1st time) a group, led by Newt Gingrich & the Tea Party members were in a Caucus Room secretly conspiring how to disrupt Obama's presidency and make him a one-term. Eric Cantor & Mitch McConnell were outlining their "No Honeymoon" plot and the Party of NO. When Obama called John Boehner with his plan to meet with each Republican to discuss his economic recovery plan, Boehner called the Republicans to "refuse" to meet with Obama. The Republican meeting consisted of Cantor, Kevin McCarthy (our current Spkr of House), Paul Ryan, Pete Hoeikstra, Dan Lungren, Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl, Tom Coburn, John Ensign, Bob Coker, Frank Luntz and Newt Gingrich. When the meeting broke, Newt was laughing saying "You people will remember this day as the day the Seeds of 2012 were sown" ... and thus began the polarization of American politics.

The Democrats, along with some Republicans, are trying to stop Trump from destroying the USA, blkdlaur. This man is a dictator, not a unifying President ... he deals with power, not negotiations. He calls it negotiating when he's getting what HE WANTS. Now he's closing down the government because HE broke his promise that the WALL would be paid for by Mexico ... hell, anyone with any common sense knows we can't ******* a country to build a retaining wall against their own wishes on American soil ... that's flat out stupid. Yet Trump convinced his followers to do just that ... now, he wants THEM and the rest of US to actually PAY for that wall .... fuck him! For one thing, the length of wall that $5 billion would build is less than 250 miles. blkdlaur, how long is the border between the US & Mexico? ... go look it up. Less than 12% of the overall length of our border ... so that socalled WALL is just plain bullshit. On top of that, Trump is a habitual LIAR, no lone believes anything he says anymore.
QUOTE="blkdlaur, post: 2141811, member: 86496"]The way most of th plays to me is that liberals are spoiled brats that didn’t get their way and can’t get over losing.
[/QUOTE=“Well, you got almost half of that right ... yes, Democrats are pissed off because they lost, but it is HOW they lost that they are pissed off. Well over half of the voters know that, had Trump not cheated, lied, covered up his "whore activities" and had help from Russia, it wouldn't have been close. As far as I am concerned, I won't be happy until I see Trump & his entire family behind federal bars ... for at least 5 years or longer.[/QUOTE]
View attachment 2306356[/QUOTE]

I understand what you’re saying and from your point of view it all makes perfect sense -there is no doubt at this point that our government is broken and looks like no fix in sight. It just amazes me we have reached this state and it’s prolly only gonna get worse. I grew up in the days when the people supported their president not constantly tried to pull him down. I was not a fan of Obama’s politics but once he was elected I hoped for his success not his demise.
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there is no doubt at this point that our government is broken and looks like no fix in sight. It just amazes me we have reached this state and it’s prolly only gonna get worse
I believe it may get better soon, after the dividers inside Washington can be removed, starting (in my opinion) with most of the Tea Party members. They & Newt started this "war between parties" with the backing of the Koch Brothers money, and taking the Republican party hostage in many states by running "well financed" Republicans against traditional Republicans. Recall Grover Norquist and his catch phrase "shrinking government down to a size you can drown it in a bathtub" ... which caught on with Newt and his Tea Party friends, Paul Ryan and Ron / Rand Pauls? It was the Tea Party that promised to freeze government until THEY got THEIR way ... basically tore the Republican party apart, and why the likes of John Boehner and other traditional Republicans left politics. You saw what happened to Eric Cantor ... in Virginia ... they voted his sorry TeaBag ass out of government for voting to freeze government. In North Carolina, we voted out a few of the Tea Party members, but we're stuck with the likes of Tom Tillis in the US Senate, and there is so much corruption going on in our state with voting, and no judge wants to step up and start tossing the law breakers in jail.
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I believe it may get better soon, after the dividers inside Washington can be removed, starting (in my opinion) with most of the Tea Party members. They & Newt started this "war between parties" with the backing of the Koch Brothers money, and taking the Republican party hostage in many states by running "well financed" Republicans against traditional Republicans. Recall Grover Norquist and his catch phrase "shrinking government down to a size you can drown it in a bathtub" ... which caught on with Newt and his Tea Party friends, Paul Ryan and Ron / Rand Pauls? It was the Tea Party that promised to freeze government until THEY got THEIR way ... basically tore the Republican party apart, and why the likes of John Boehner and other traditional Republicans left politics. You saw what happened to Eric Cantor ... in Virginia ... they voted his sorry TeaBag ass out of government for voting to freeze government. In North Carolina, we voted out a few of the Tea Party members, but we're stuck with the likes of Tom Tillis in the US Senate, and there is so much corruption going on in our state with voting, and no judge wants to step up and start tossing the law breakers in jail.

that's the problem Mac....don't see the dividers in Wash being removed......each state thinks their man is doing a fine job...while it's the others messing things up....so nothing really ever changes...I am really surprised that there was that much change in congress...but then congress does go through SOME changes......the senate..not so...those fuckers are pretty much there for life or for however long they decide to stay.....good example being congress man King from Iowa...admitted to some paper over seas about favoring white nationalism...all kinds of hell raised over it...even his own party wouldn't support him for re-election...the state news paper made fun of him and wouldn't support him...and they are a republican paper...but his district is in the heart of farm country...and they just will not vote for a DEM!...he got re-elected...last week he was in some hearing and asked some stupid questions where most others laughed at him...but he is a republican...and some just will not budge off that...
goes back to newt...and now even mcconnell ...promoting that party hate!
hell look at 2bi...continues to make the same false statements over and over.....no matter how much you show him the facts and how he is wrong....just ignores them and says the same dumb ******* again...…..die hard republican...never change!.....when you get heavy into his ******* he says he votes independent......but that is pretty hard to believe after all his support for the right!
I believe it may get better soon, after the dividers inside Washington can be removed, starting (in my opinion) with most of the Tea Party members. They & Newt started this "war between parties" with the backing of the Koch Brothers money, and taking the Republican party hostage in many states by running "well financed" Republicans against traditional Republicans. Recall Grover Norquist and his catch phrase "shrinking government down to a size you can drown it in a bathtub" ... which caught on with Newt and his Tea Party friends, Paul Ryan and Ron / Rand Pauls? It was the Tea Party that promised to freeze government until THEY got THEIR way ... basically tore the Republican party apart, and why the likes of John Boehner and other traditional Republicans left politics. You saw what happened to Eric Cantor ... in Virginia ... they voted his sorry TeaBag ass out of government for voting to freeze government. In North Carolina, we voted out a few of the Tea Party members, but we're stuck with the likes of Tom Tillis in the US Senate, and there is so much corruption going on in our state with voting, and no judge wants to step up and start tossing the law breakers in jail.

There is merit to what you say - the Republican Party is in disarray. I however do believe less government is better than more government. As I stated before government seems to mostly screw things up and get in the way of things.
that's the problem Mac....don't see the dividers in Wash being removed......each state thinks their man is doing a fine job...while it's the others messing things up....so nothing really ever changes...I am really surprised that there was that much change in congress...but then congress does go through SOME changes......the senate..not so...those fuckers are pretty much there for life or for however long they decide to stay.....good example being congress man King from Iowa...admitted to some paper over seas about favoring white nationalism...all kinds of hell raised over it...even his own party wouldn't support him for re-election...the state news paper made fun of him and wouldn't support him...and they are a republican paper...but his district is in the heart of farm country...and they just will not vote for a DEM!...he got re-elected...last week he was in some hearing and asked some stupid questions where most others laughed at him...but he is a republican...and some just will not budge off that...
goes back to newt...and now even mcconnell ...promoting that party hate!
hell look at 2bi...continues to make the same false statements over and over.....no matter how much you show him the facts and how he is wrong....just ignores them and says the same dumb ******* again...…..die hard republican...never change!.....when you get heavy into his ******* he says he votes independent......but that is pretty hard to believe after all his support for the right!

Term limits - LONG overdue - our founding fathers wanted citizen legislators - not immovable permanent professionals that never leave office once elected !!!
Never happen though - cause once elected they all wanna stay forever and they’d have to pass the law to end that parTay and give up their chance for all that graft and privilege!!!
subhub, the only reason the Republicans held the Senate this past election is because many of them were not up for re-election in 2018; it won't be so in the 2020 Presidential ... and we, here in NC, are already planning to remove Tom Tillis in 2020.
The Koch Bros spend serious millions to put the Teabaggers in government; running Tea Party republicans against their incumbent Republicans in the primaries. We had 5 or 6 that took over; one Tea Party member was taken out by the Koch Bros themselves for not voting the way they wanted her to vote ... she was there for one term and gone. Then the Tea Party made the announcement that IF you won't support the Tea Party wishes, you'll be voted OUT next term, using her as an example.
As far as getting rid of these people in congress, we need AGE & TERM limits, donation transparency, and lobbyists restricted from the halls of congress. The people need to know how often their congressmen are working in Washington, and how often they are in their perspective states, and what they are supporting. It'll take more than one or two election cycles to do this but ultimate we need to do this or see our democratic system crumble, as Trump is trying to do right now.
Term limits - LONG overdue - our founding fathers wanted citizen legislators - not immovable permanent professionals that never leave office once elected !!!
Never happen though - cause once elected they all wanna stay forever and they’d have to pass the law to end that parTay and give up their chance for all that graft and privilege!!!

never happen...they have to vote on it.....and they are not going to ******* the golden goose!
subhub, the only reason the Republicans held the Senate this past election is because many of them were not up for re-election in 2018; it won't be so in the 2020 Presidential ... and we, here in NC, are already planning to remove Tom Tillis in 2020.
The Koch Bros spend serious millions to put the Teabaggers in government; running Tea Party republicans against their incumbent Republicans in the primaries. We had 5 or 6 that took over; one Tea Party member was taken out by the Koch Bros themselves for not voting the way they wanted her to vote ... she was there for one term and gone. Then the Tea Party made the announcement that IF you won't support the Tea Party wishes, you'll be voted OUT next term, using her as an example.
As far as getting rid of these people in congress, we need AGE & TERM limits, donation transparency, and lobbyists restricted from the halls of congress. The people need to know how often their congressmen are working in Washington, and how often they are in their perspective states, and what they are supporting. It'll take more than one or two election cycles to do this but ultimate we need to do this or see our democratic system crumble, as Trump is trying to do right now.

they have a lot of it rigged and stacked in their favor......for a reason.....
remember trump going to drain the swamp and get rid of lobbyist and etc.....lobbyist the highest it has ever been....no matter who or what...every year it just gets worse

I really think it is going to take something drastic to wake people up....and if the predictions are true on trumps policies.....they are saying economy in for a serious dump next year......keeps giving away to the rich..with nothing coming in to make up for it....housing slowing.....figures show middle class living off credit cards right now...wall street up and down....banks just giving money away like they did the last time with no checks and balances…….something has to break...if he doesn't change something......

all of the signs are there
IF that happens I think we will see a major shakeup in politics
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the best thing to help the country...….
and both parties always talk about it..but never happens...….the infrastructure....puts more people to work with better paying jobs...which means more taxes going to the US......all of that will help...but is it enough?

not sure it will even make it......trump ran on it....but hasn't fulfilled any promises so far.....the dems have ran on it twice now and just did again...so not convinced it will happen and will it be enough

the thing is...the gov needs more money...especially after his little tax cut package...those taxes have to come from somewhere.....you just can't keep cutting from the poor and the elderly to pay for it
I think it would help if we'd refer to the government's income as revenue instead of taxes. The word taxes is a negative word similar to Obamacare ... it has an established negativity about it and people automatically respond likewise. Just as we need to refer to our spending as obligations.
The Republicans have their game plan down pretty good ... they just can't co-ordinate it with all the distractions the party continues to have.
Step One: Promise to put more money in the tax payers' pockets with tax cuts (trickle down) so they can pay bills and live more freely.​
Step Two: The wealthiest benefit & pocket their added income; the poorer taxpayers do not, and have to pay more as goods & services cost more with inflation. With obligations now more than the revenue, poorer taxpayers spending declines, economy declines, Democrats take over the government, attempt to increase revenue with more taxes, mainly on the wealthiest, but everyone has to pay.​
Step Three: Republicans blame Democrats for the declining economy & added taxation, take back the government, and the cycle continues to repeat itself. In the meantime, the Nat'l debt continues to climb with each party blaming the other.​
Thing is, each tax cut only establishes more debt, and more support, by Republicans, to suggest & implement certain cuts to benefits & services to the common tax payors. Its a vicious cycle because the Republcan END GAME is to minimize or totally eradicate taxation to the people (mainly the wealthiest & corporations. Grover Norquist announced that, himself. They'll always be returning to the table to request tax cuts UNTIL there no taxes to cut, and social services to the poorest wage earners will be the ones to suffer.
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I think it would help if we'd refer to the government's income as revenue instead of taxes. The word taxes is a negative word similar to Obamacare ... it has an established negativity about it and people automatically respond likewise. Just as we need to refer to our spending as obligations.
The Republicans have their game plan down pretty good ... they just can't co-ordinate it with all the distractions the party continues to have.
Step One: Promise to put more money in the tax payers' pockets with tax cuts (trickle down) so they can pay bills and live more freely.​
Step Two: The wealthiest benefit & pocket their added income; the poorer taxpayers do not, and have to pay more as goods & services cost more with inflation. With obligations now more than the revenue, poorer taxpayers spending declines, economy declines, Democrats take over the government, attempt to increase revenue with more taxes, mainly on the wealthiest, but everyone has to pay.​
Step Three: Republicans blame Democrats for the declining economy & added taxation, take back the government, and the cycle continues to repeat itself. In the meantime, the Nat'l debt continues to climb with each party blaming the other.​
Thing is, each tax cut only establishes more debt, and more support, by Republicans, to suggest & implement certain cuts to benefits & services to the common tax payors. Its a vicious cycle because the Republcan END GAME is to minimize or totally eradicate taxation to the people (mainly the wealthiest & corporations. Grover Norquist announced that, himself. They'll always be returning to the table to request tax cuts UNTIL there no taxes to cut, and social services to the poorest wage earners will be the ones to suffer.

revenue...obligations...call it whatever.....a skunk is still a skunk

that's just it...how long or what will it take for the right to see the trickle down doesn't work...and just puts more people on the gov handouts!
they have tried it what 3 times now...and hasn't worked yet...this one is bigger than the others...bigger fall than the others?
first time under Reagan......look at the debt when he left office.....bush just did it and look at the mess Obama had to deal with..and on that one the right did everything they could to make him fail!.....and what hurt the country big time!........and then what blame the mess on him?
anyway the right has to wake up sooner or later...and never do!

It all boils down to we are now a country of greed....what can you do for me?!

I don't mind the difference in policies for the 2 parties.....the right does have a few good ideas...except for trickle down.....but we need a major flush and get the parties back to working for the good of the country and not the party
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Don't understand trump shutting down the gov over 5 million for the wall......hell we have no control over Mexico's budget...and can't put that money into their expenditures for them
Don't understand trump shutting down the gov over 5 million for the wall......hell we have no control over Mexico's budget...and can't put that money into their expenditures for them

HEY - Mr. Facts - that’s 5 Billion - with a B
Pisses me off to no end all that bullshite of Mexico paying for the wall too - I’ll give you guys that
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