Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I guess we'll soon find out when the new Democrat House subpoena's the alt-President's income tax records for the past 10-15 years, won't we? Its for sure Trump isn't going to do what he said he'd do regarding revealing his tax records IF he was elected. No more protection from the House Republicans come Janurary 1st.

Senate republican support is starting to fade ….especially since the Mattis deal...and when the senate came up with a budget deal ..he agreed with McConnell on when working it out...then when Senate done...he disagrees

this guy could and probably will be a convicted traitor....and there are those that will still defend him just because he is a republican

you see it right here......blind fools...or just being asinine?....or both
he wants his wall and yet gives this money away

To Ease Pain of Trump’s Trade War: $12 Billion in Aid for ...
Jul 24, 2018 · Farmers have borne the brunt of Mr. Trump’s decision to impose tariffs, which is already costing American producers billions of dollars and threatens to inflict political pain on Republicans in ...

and then there is this little item...which the republicans say nothing about

Trump's Mar-a-Lago trips cost taxpayers about $10M so far
Trump's Mar-a-Lago trips cost taxpayers about $10M so far ... Budget watchdogs are criticizing the cost of President Trump’s visits to Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Palm Beach, Florida. Mr ...

Federal Budget Deficit Heads Back Up Under Republican Rule
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York responded Tuesday by saying McConnell and other Republicans “blew a $2 trillion hole in the federal deficit to fund a tax cut for the rich.
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See what I mean Mac about some being just to fucking stupid to read the facts...no matter how many you post...the height of stupidity!

some are stupid because they just don't know or understand......some are stupid because they want to be

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More on Basic income, The meat of it starts at around 3:30

I especially like this part, that starts at 7:43 - LOL - he's an advocate for it but doesn't want it to come out of his pocket.
So what? He is a business man, of course he is probably getting income from other countries. That doesn't mean he is being "bought" or paid off.
Are you insinuating that the Russians and Trump somehow knew he would be president??? If so then we have a lot deeper problem than Trump.
wow .... I know you're not ignorant TwoBi ... you just refuse to acknowledge the "indicators". First of all, President Trump refused to reveal his tax returns for the past 5-10 years, saying that he WOULD reveal them IF he was elected President ... soooooooo, he was elected President. Then he refused to release them because he said the voters elected him and there was no longer a need to reveal them.
If Trump had nothing to hide, he could have revealed them either before or after the election. By his refusing to reveal them now, he's admitting that he has something to hide. Same with his NOW refusing to sit in front of Mueller for questioning. He said he would, then when the time came, he makes excuses not to sit ... his own attorney basically admitted Trump is a big liar on national tv this past Sunday and can not testify under oath.
So, the BIGGEST & Most POWERFUL JOB in the world is held by a habitual LIAR who may have major ties to Russia by indebtiness and or illegal acts like money laundering, or photos of his carousing with under age prostitutes. We can't know this because the current Republican congress refuses to fully investigate Trump. He can't seem to hold a staff ... now the Secty of Defense has resigned on him for pulling out of Syria, and Afghanistan ... basically turning over those areas to the Russians, turning a cold shoulder to some of our allies ... yet YOU have an issue with the government doing what it should have done before he was elected ... its 'due diligence' of Trump. For gods sake, the man holds the codes to our nuclear weapons ... and besides being totally crazy, Trump deals on 'leverage' ... hell, he could threaten THIS COUNTRY with his power in the right moment. At BEST Trump is totally unstable and incapable of holding the office of President ... at worst, he's a total threat to every family living in the USA.
I just can't understand WHY you drones have such a issue with allowing the system to run its due course ... check his taxes, let him testify in front of Mueller. IF there's nothing there, he has no problems ... and you have a problem understanding that?????? Jesus ... the denseness of the Trump drones totally overwhelms me. Hell, Republicans put Hillary Clinton through 9 separate Republican committee hearings over Benghazi. How about you start smelling what you're shoveling out in these forums. I know you're a smart guy ... lol
See what I mean Mac about some being just to fucking stupid to read the facts...no matter how many you post...the height of stupidity!
some are stupid because they just don't know or understand......some are stupid because they want to be
In this forum, its because they want to act naïve & stupid, subhub. They're in some "state of denial". I have no doubt they're intelligent, just arrogant. I swear, if this is the BEST the Republicans can do for a President, they need to disband and go into another line of work. Continuing to FUCK UP the country is not productive work.

"If one continues to do what they've always done, they'll continue to get what they've always got!" GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif
check his taxes, let him testify in front of Mueller. IF there's nothing there, he has no problems ... and you have a problem understanding that??????

Yes I understand it just fine - but you can't just drag people into court without evidence, based on allegations. Look at it this way - what if someone decided you were a terrorist. Is it fair to simply drag you into court and pick apart your life based on nothing more than allegations??? Because that is exactly what you want to do to Trump. It's not a question if I think he is guilty or not - fuck yes I think he is guilty - but do you HAVE PROOF??? No, you do not and if Mueller had proof Trump would have been indited by now.

Why is it that you are so convinced that Trump is guilty but Hillary isn't? It is exactly the same scenario - allegations, but no smoking gun. Quite frankly I don't think it would have mattered if it was Trump or that other buffoon that was trying to get on the Republican ticket - the left would still have reacted the same way. Trump isn't the real issue - the fact that the left lost the real issue.

Your nuke scenario is just your tinfoil hat talking.

et YOU have an issue with the government doing what it should have done before he was elected ... its 'due diligence' of Trump.

And I agree, they should have - but as usual they failed. I'm not advocating he not turn them over. If that is a prerequisite, then he needs to turn them over. Maybe you will find the smoking gun there. But at least then you will have do cause to drag him into trial. These past 2 years have been nothing but a waste - why wait until now to ******* the tax return issue??? I seem to reacll someone that constantly cried - "SMOKE AND MIRRORS" hummm... maybe you will recall who that was.
In this forum, its because they want to act naïve & stupid, subhub. They're in some "state of denial". I have no doubt they're intelligent, just arrogant. I swear, if this is the BEST the Republicans can do for a President, they need to disband and go into another line of work. Continuing to FUCK UP the country is not productive work.

"If one continues to do what they've always done, they'll continue to get what they've always got!" View attachment 2304542

fact after fact and yet it's the left...….that's fucking ignorant....intentionally ignorant
I have posted so much ******* where it sure isn't the left he keeps talking about...but the party he votes for a supports repeatedly

the other "trumpie" I don't know what his problem is
do you HAVE PROOF??? No, you do not and if Mueller had proof Trump would have been indited by now.
I'm sure Mueller knows a bit more about building a case against a 'high level individual' than any of us, TwoBi. If you notice, everyone Trump hires are people who have openly voice opinion against Mueller. Its no doubt he's looking to stop the investigations ... again, why stop them IF he is so NOT GUILTY of any wrongs? Being the biggest LIAR any of us have ever witnessed in politics, bar NONE, I think the investigation shouldn't stop until they've crawled right up his big fat asshole. He's treated everyone with arrogance and needs a KARMA experience badly.
He's treated everyone with arrogance and needs a KARMA experience badly.

Well, I can't really argue that.

Even IF they find a smoking gun, because of "who they are", none of them will see jail time. Maybe a short vacation to the country club, but in no real danger of being shanked.
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The fuck is - NO one posts more liberal shite than you - leastwise in here !!!!
Tell me I’m wrong - I dare ya ;}
I wasn't talking to you...about you or even implying you in anything and you start this *******?
so I have no idea what brought this on...
but go ahead and start on your trump worship again!
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I remember this case and hated that the poor girl was found the way she was. At the time I looked at her IG account and there were lots of comments of prayers to be found alive but one particular guy kept vaguely and unintelligently referring to the reason she went missing was because she had profiles on IR dating sites or apps. This was all found to be untrue and he was just a troll but it was weird. Guy kept saying look for hidden QOS stamp in her pics


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The fuck is - NO one posts more liberal shite than you - leastwise in here !!!!
Tell me I’m wrong - I dare ya ;}
Does it bother you, deep down, to know that what is posted about Trump is very likely fact? Hell, even his own party knows and admits it.
A work associate, who's really into this "politics" drama (he reminds me a lot of TwoBi ... dislikes government in general) made a interesting comment yesterday during lunch. He says Trumps interest is in keeping his "base loyalists" excited because they represent over 70% of the overall Republican base, and Trump knows as long as he controls his own base, that he controls the Republicans ... I got to thinking about that and you know, that makes a lot of sense. And, Trump's trying to get the Senate to go nuclear on the Wall ... because he knows, as of the 1st of the year, he's pretty much "fucked".
The gloves come OFF in January ... 2019 is going to be a very rough year for the alt-President, guarantee.
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