Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Nope - it’s you that hoping against hope.
Nothing anyone has got convicted of has anything to do with Russian “collusion”. All the indictments and convictions are for unrelated crimes to get leverage on Trump - so far - NUTTIN - as far as obstruction charges - familiarize yourself with article 2 of the Constitution - as President - Trump can fire anyone for any reason he wants.
Nope - it’s you that hoping against hope.
Nothing anyone has got convicted of has anything to do with Russian “collusion”. All the indictments and convictions are for unrelated crimes to get leverage on Trump - so far - NUTTIN - as far as obstruction charges - familiarize yourself with article 2 of the Constitution - as President - Trump can fire anyone for any reason he wants.

I'm not saying he can't fire who he wants...but everyone that got fired was involved in the investigation.....and you say mueller is tricking them...what did Flynn say to the judge when asked about it?
all of these people are going in front of a judge and jury and have lawyers...someone must agree with mueller
The jolly ole elf - lives - if ya believe he does - what I always told my ******* - there is truth in that
this guy is going down......you may not want to believe or face the facts but.....

A quick review of 40 years of investigations into Donald ...
A book written in 1992 by the Voice's Wayne Barrett, “Trump: The Deals and the Downfall,” alleged that Trump was the subject of a bribery investigation in 1979 and a racketeering investigation ..

Mueller indictments: everyone charged so far in the Russia ...
For you that is true - for me - not so much

it just amazes me...that someone so corrupt and has been that way for so many years can get so many to believe in him...have to wonder if he isn't regretting the president thing...although with his big ego probably not...but if he hadn't been so secretive and lied so much...he may not have been investigated so much...but once they open that door and find something on one thing...they just push the door all the way open and look at the rest...look at NY...going to now get him on over 2 million in back taxes....his foundation and the whole familys corruption there...Kushner and his real estate deal with the Saudis...had he not run...he would still be involved in all that...no one the wiser

the man was very corrupt long before he ever became pres...and he just didn't change when he took office and tried using that to further enrich himself...which is another charge they have against him

the guy owes more than 1.2 BILLION dollars...there are probably some countries that don't owe that much....and you or I would be serving long jail terms for any one of the charges against him...and yet I would bet he never sees a day in jail

look at all the hell the Russian bots raised about the Clinton foundation.....and yet they found that it actually does give out money to those in need.....mostly women......but still it was under investigation for a while...and the right wanted her in jail over it and after all the investigations ..found nothing!
and now they find the trump foundation was nothing more than a personal lawyer fund and money for the ******* biz...and just shut it down and fine the pres

you guys have a little problem with double standard?
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Nope - it’s you that hoping against hope.
Nothing anyone has got convicted of has anything to do with Russian “collusion”. All the indictments and convictions are for unrelated crimes to get leverage on Trump - so far - NUTTIN - as far as obstruction charges - familiarize yourself with article 2 of the Constitution - as President - Trump can fire anyone for any reason he wants.

I think the collusion thing will be Muellers finale…….wether the right does anything or not will be another story...but I think public opinion will ******* them to do something

oh BTW I was wrong on his charitable contributions.....he did give to the march of crimes
So much for campaign promises huh??????

Health care...…..where is it...supposed to be so good we will all love it

over haul the tax code...who benefitted from that besides himself and the ones that don't need it

defeat isis in 30 days...….been 2 years now and he turned tail and run

the wall?......ain't going to happen...even the freedom caucus told him to forget it!

Imigration...losing in every court he goes to..and what he doesn't lose in court the people either die...or sent home leaving their ******* here for us feed and take care of....immigration is up...deportation is down....and yet very few coming into the country...what does that say....we are housing them at what cost to the tax payer

the only thing this snakeoil salesman is doing right now is enriching himself and embarrassing us around the world!
with us being so dumb to let Russia put a plant in the white house
what next...a Russian base in Arizona?...they already have more people (spies) here than at any time in history

How's this president working out for you now?
I know...he is still honest and dedicated to drain the swamp right

still think Hillary is such a crook?...I know...the Russians said she was....
this guy makes most crooks look like rookies!
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I don't think trump will ever go to jail...his ******* ..different story.....but I'm betting he will be bankrupt within a couple years after leaving office......his only income right now appears to be Russia...the dems will find that out soon enough they want his tax returns....with him no longer of any use to Russia...will they still give him money?

Where is there any evidence that Trump is getting income from Russia? Mueller would be all over that if there was evidence off that !!!
you are not keeping an open mind on trump at all...just blind loyalty

look at the Syria deal today....we all know how Russia wants that to get their foot in the territory...a big reason we never pulled out....just last week our troops was in a major battle there...and our people said they think Isis has about 60 thousand troops there now
and Trump today says we have beat them and are pulling out....????

that doesn't raise just a little concern in your eyes?

Yeah it does. Not happy at all about the seemingly abrupt decision against the advice of the military to pull out of Syria now.
Dinna think Isis had 60,000 left though - you sure about that???
Yeah it does. Not happy at all about the seemingly abrupt decision against the advice of the military to pull out of Syria now.
Dinna think Isis had 60,000 left though - you sure about that???

just what they said on the news a couple of weeks ago...after we had just had a pretty good battle with them

ISIS Has Just As Many Fighters In Iraq And Syria As It Did ...
Aug 15, 2018 · “Taken at face value, the U.S. government is saying ISIS has the same number of fighters in Iraq and Syria today as when the [coalition] bombing campaign began,” Foundation for …

all kinds of articles on the state of Isis and what it is doing..but nothing on actual numbers...a lot are going into Turkey...under ground in Damascus and back into Iraq
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I think the man is trying to push and get removed.....so they can't impeach him for possible treason

he just ordered half of the current amount of troops out of Afghanistan!
Where is there any evidence that Trump is getting income from Russia? Mueller would be all over that if there was evidence off that !!!
His sons made the statement to a couple of reporters long before trump ever ran for president...pick your source....

Eric Trump Reportedly Bragged About Access to $100 Million ...
Eric Trump Reportedly Bragged About Access to $100 Million in Russian Money “We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.”

Eric Trump: “We have all the funding we need out of Russia”
Some of these Russian buyers have brought more than just money to the Trump Organization—they’ve also brought links to Russian organized crime. In 1984, a Russian by the name of David Bogatin purchased five condos in Trump Tower for a total of $6 million.

Eric Trump said dad’s golf courses were funded by Russia ...
We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” he said. President Trump has denied any connections to Russia — even tweeting before his inauguration in January, “I have nothing to do with ...

Eric Trump reportedly bragged about Russian funding ...
This wouldn’t have been the first time one of the Trump offspring bragged about Russian funding. At a real estate conference in 2008, Donald Trump Jr. said that the Russian money was “pouring ...

How can you be so sold on a man and not know a little background on him?
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this guy going all out to kiss the kremlins ass......plans for after his pres runs out?

Trump administration lifts sanctions on Russian oligarch-owned companies with links to Putin
Tom Embury-Dennis,The Independent 21

The Trump administration is lifting sanctions on three companies controlled by a Russian oligarch with links to Vladimir Putin.
Following an aggressive lobbying campaign, led by a British lord who chairs one of the firms, the Treasury Department announced it would end sanctions against aluminium producer Rusal, its parent En+, and JSC EuroSibEnergo.
In return their owner, Oleg Deripaska, agreed to reduce his stakes in them to less than 50 per cent, the treasury said. The billionaire businessman, who has been accused of links to organised crime, will remain on the sanctions list.

Mueller to Save Trump for Later as Prosecutor Readies Next Steps
Chris Strohm,Bloomberg

Special Counsel Robert Mueller will be cautious about implicating President Donald Trump-- or even a thinly disguised “Individual-1” -- directly in criminal activity in legal filings he’s expected to issue in the next few months, according to people familiar with his investigation.
Mueller is planning to continue building out his case brick-by-brick in a set of legal filings, as he offers his most detailed narrative yet of Russia’s election interference. That will include identifying any Americans who may have conspired with Russia to affect the 2016 election and what Russians hoped to get in return, the people said. Mueller is also looking into whether the president sought to obstruct justice.
“Real-life cases, especially complex ones like this, rarely have one piece of irrefutable smoking-gun evidence,” said Elie Honig, a former federal prosecutor. “Real cases are built piece-by-piece and rely on evidence from various sources and common-sense inferences.”
Mueller is likely to save any findings that touch personally on Trump for his final report, which he’ll submit to the Justice Department, the people said. That report will almost certainly be reviewed by Democrats -- who will take control of the House next month -- as they consider whether to impeach the president.
“There might well come a point when Mueller is able to pull together all of his evidence and present a compelling or even overwhelming case," Honig said. “That remains to be seen, but the indicators are present."
It’s a contrast from the approach taken by U.S. prosecutors in Manhattan, who gave Trump the impossible-to-miss “Individual-1” pseudonym this month as a co-conspirator in hush money payoffs by lawyer Michael Cohen that they say violated campaign finance laws.

Iowa ******* suspect lived on land owned by GOP fundraiser
RYAN J. FOLEY,Associated

A top Republican fundraiser whose firm works for several prominent immigration hardliners is the partial owner of the land where the Mexican man accused of killing Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts lived rent-free, a farm spokeswoman said Friday.

Nicole Schlinger has long been a key fundraiser and campaign contractor for GOP politicians in Iowa and beyond, including this cycle for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Virginia Senate candidate Corey Stewart.

Schlinger is the president of Campaign Headquarters, a call center that makes fundraising calls, identifies supporters and helps turn out voters for conservative candidates and groups. Her business is one of the largest in Brooklyn, the central Iowa town where Tibbetts disappeared while out for a run on July 18.

Schlinger is married to Eric Lang, the president of the family-owned dairy that has acknowledged providing employment and housing for the last four years to Cristhian Bahena Rivera, the man charged with ******* in Tibbetts' death.


say they want to be tough on immigration and yet are part of a group that hires/houses/gives them jobs...…..strange world we live in....and so typical of the right...….do as I say not as I do
I remember this case and hated that the poor girl was found the way she was. At the time I looked at her IG account and there were lots of comments of prayers to be found alive but one particular guy kept vaguely and unintelligently referring to the reason she went missing was because she had profiles on IR dating sites or apps. This was all found to be untrue and he was just a troll but it was weird. Guy kept saying look for hidden QOS stamp in her pics
Where is there any evidence that Trump is getting income from Russia?
I guess we'll soon find out when the new Democrat House subpoena's the alt-President's income tax records for the past 10-15 years, won't we? Its for sure Trump isn't going to do what he said he'd do regarding revealing his tax records IF he was elected. No more protection from the House Republicans come Janurary 1st.
I guess we'll soon find out when the new Democrat House subpoena's the alt-President's income tax records for the past 10-15 years, won't we? Its for sure Trump isn't going to do what he said he'd do regarding revealing his tax records IF he was elected. No more protection from the House Republicans come Janurary 1st.

So what? He is a business man, of course he is probably getting income from other countries. That doesn't mean he is being "bought" or paid off.
Are you insinuating that the Russians and Trump somehow knew he would be president??? If so then we have a lot deeper problem than Trump.

I have income from Canada once in a while - does that make me a traitor?

What he gets paid 15, 10 or even 2 years ago is of no concern. What is he getting from Russia now and is/was there campaign funding from Russia? Those are the questions that need to be answered.

So far it seems all the left has is conspiracy theories and no smoking gun. If all this hyber-boil about Trump was real, and they have evidence, I just don't see how he can still be president. Whats the hold up? Not to mention investigations like these need to be conducted by a non-partisan 3rd party, not our own government. It's like having the Fox investigate why 2 chickens are missing. Your not going to get the truth out of our own government and the left will push him out simply because they lost the election. Just like the Republicans not working with Obama because they were but hurt, Sad really.
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