Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Ha, we don't need any help down here in the South ... even the Religious Right are in on the political schemes.

can you believe all the ******* he pulled....I'm surprised he is still ...well going to be in office...under normal times the feds would step in....but with the right now controlling just about everything......they are really getting brave with trumps ability to just flagrantly rob the country seem to embolden the right even more

any bets on a trifecta in 2 years?.....first thing on the list should be voting laws...tax laws....

funny...the right having alittle trouble right now getting things done....seems the ones that didn't get re-elected....haven't shown up since
just heard an interesting comparison between Bill Clinton and Trump....
from a guy that worked for Clinton...he said when he heard Clinton announce he didn't have sex with "her"..he knew Clinton was lying...but the thing with Clinton...he never forgot who he was or where he came from...everything he did was for the good of the country..and even during the impeachment...he never attacked the right or tried to impede the investigation...just let it play it's course...and because of the good he did for the country he left office with a high approval rating....unlike mr trump...where the majority of what he does..benefits himself...he attcks the other party for no reason...he attacks the justice system...lashes out at everyone....it's all about him!...which is why his approval rating is so low

except from the republicans that are also benefiting from some of the fucking he is giving the rest of the country......

and on another front...I understand the first thing the Dems want to investigate once in office......trumps tax returns!
curious to know what trump is thinking after the Flynn ruling....where the judge said he sold out his country...borderline treasonous....and in typical trump fashion...praised Flynn and made fun of the justice system

AND Flynn said he didn't feel he was "trapped" by the FBI.....unlike what the white house would like the country to believe.....got to make trump look bad again when Flynn didn't support trumps claims
and another strange item in the news......when trump first took office he was going to stamp out isis...and he also talked about pulling out of Syria...the right was dead set against just handing it over to Russia...now he is pulling out giving it to Russia Iran and Isis....not a peep from the right...what changed?...The right doesn't care now?...trump doesn't care about Isis now?...giving it to Russia and Iran to please the fatherland?
and another thing while I am at it......the justice reform bill....bragging about bi-partisan support...….yet this same bill was brought up under Obama and McConnell refused to bring it to the floor for a vote....Mmmmm
...I understand the first thing the Dems want to investigate once in office......trumps tax returns!
well I understand NOW that the IRS is really digging in on the Trump charity foundation ... All the Trumps were involved in using the charity money for personal slush fun use. They've already liquidated the reminder of the funds ... over $42,000 on 2 painting of trump, an autographed NFL football helmet .... all worth less than a $1,000 total now. Talk about a depreciating value.
We've had several people caught here in NC for taking money out of a charity fund in the past couple years ... they're sitting in prison right now. Wonder if this will work that way for the Trumpster's family.
They hadn't put any money into the charity in over 5 years ... just using the donations that were put there.
Trump has absolutely NO integrity or reliability in his body ... he's shameless.
well I understand NOW that the IRS is really digging in on the Trump charity foundation ... All the Trumps were involved in using the charity money for personal slush fun use. They've already liquidated the reminder of the funds ... over $42,000 on 2 painting of trump, an autographed NFL football helmet .... all worth less than a $1,000 total now. Talk about a depreciating value.
We've had several people caught here in NC for taking money out of a charity fund in the past couple years ... they're sitting in prison right now. Wonder if this will work that way for the Trumpster's family.
They hadn't put any money into the charity in over 5 years ... just using the donations that were put there.
Trump has absolutely NO integrity or reliability in his body ... he's shameless.

they have so much stuff on him...most would be in prison for years......but doubt he will ever serve a day....closer it gets to the next election...I think the right will dump him to try and save some seats..but maybe not also
Well that is definitely a safe stance to take - ya kenna lose with that un !
Trump will go to prison right after they lock up Hillary ;}
Well that is definitely a safe stance to take - ya kenna lose with that un !
Trump will go to prison right after they lock up Hillary ;}

I'm not sure that Hillary will EVER be locked up...unless it's the democratic nomination for president......hahaha
but all seriousness aside...Hillary is done doubt we see much of her anymore.....and they have been digging for years and found nothing.....

where as trump...so much...the only confusion will be what to lock him up for....embezzling.... tax evasion...fraud....campaign violations....TREASON...the list is endless....hate to pop your bubble......but he is toast...good chance he will resign soon

and with trump it just doesn't end there....Jr on collusion.....Eric on taking charity money for his own biz.....all of them dipping into that foundation money...Ivanka on inauguration money fraud
I'm not sure that Hillary will EVER be locked up...unless it's the democratic nomination for president......hahaha
but all seriousness aside...Hillary is done doubt we see much of her anymore.....and they have been digging for years and found nothing.....

where as trump...so much...the only confusion will be what to lock him up for....embezzling.... tax evasion...fraud....campaign violations....TREASON...the list is endless....hate to pop your bubble......but he is toast...good chance he will resign soon

and with trump it just doesn't end there....Jr on collusion.....Eric on taking charity money for his own biz.....all of them dipping into that foundation money...Ivanka on inauguration money fraud

Keep on hoping and praying - don’t think either of em ever get any time - just seems incredibly inequitable that when they were investigating Hillary everyone connected to her investigation got immunity without giving up anything in return - and in Trump’s case - they get financially broken and thrown in jail for nothing to do with “collusion” - jus sayin.
Keep on hoping and praying - don’t think either of em ever get any time - just seems incredibly inequitable that when they were investigating Hillary everyone connected to her investigation got immunity without giving up anything in return - and in Trump’s case - they get financially broken and thrown in jail for nothing to do with “collusion” - jus sayin.

don't think...just her campaign manager was the only one...I think....but like I said they went through about everything there is to go through and found nothing...but after all the Russian bullshit put out on her and most not true at all a lot of people think there is more than there is
where as with trump...just been corrupt all his life.....and when they find he was corrupt at one...naturally they will look at more
don't think...just her campaign manager was the only one...I think....but like I said they went through about everything there is to go through and found nothing...but after all the Russian bullshit put out on her and most not true at all a lot of people think there is more than there is
where as with trump...just been corrupt all his life.....and when they find he was corrupt at one...naturally they will look at more

I don't think trump will ever go to jail...his ******* ..different story.....but I'm betting he will be bankrupt within a couple years after leaving office......his only income right now appears to be Russia...the dems will find that out soon enough they want his tax returns....with him no longer of any use to Russia...will they still give him money?
Keep on hoping and praying - don’t think either of em ever get any time - just seems incredibly inequitable that when they were investigating Hillary everyone connected to her investigation got immunity without giving up anything in return - and in Trump’s case - they get financially broken and thrown in jail for nothing to do with “collusion” - jus sayin.

you are not keeping an open mind on trump at all...just blind loyalty

look at the Syria deal today....we all know how Russia wants that to get their foot in the territory...a big reason we never pulled out....just last week our troops was in a major battle there...and our people said they think Isis has about 60 thousand troops there now
and Trump today says we have beat them and are pulling out....????

that doesn't raise just a little concern in your eyes?
Simply Russia collusion delusion - Mueller gonna keep on diggin til he finds something - or gets someone to “compose” as Alan Dershowitz says - and he’s a liberal. Usually there has to be a crime for an investigation - in this case - there’s just a target - Trump - and they’re killing themselves trying to find anything that they can pin on him - in Hillary’s case they fell all over themselves exonerating her - our government is hopelessly corrupt and ineffectual.
Simply Russia collusion delusion - Mueller gonna keep on diggin til he finds something - or gets someone to “compose” as Alan Dershowitz says - and he’s a liberal. Usually there has to be a crime for an investigation - in this case - there’s just a target - Trump - and they’re killing themselves trying to find anything that they can pin on him - in Hillary’s case they fell all over themselves exonerating her - our government is hopelessly corrupt and ineffectual.

16 indictments so far is not just a delusion...and now Roger Stone....he made the statement he is not going to talk....fine...Mueller just going to bring charges on him...probably doesn't need his testimony anyway...they have a BUNCH of different emails he sent

back to the start of all this....actually it was the Netherlands that alerted our people on several americans all of a sudden "chumy" with several Russians..start tlooking...find out they are all tied to the trump campaign...now if he wasn't your candidate you would surely have a few questions and start looking into things...the more you look the more you find...every week they find more...and getting close to your man....may have him already...but Mueller is pretty thorough ...and is just crossing his "t's" and doting his "i's "
All those indictments so far have NOTHING to do with Russian collusion - NOTHING !!!!
And from what I understand- collusion is not even a crime - go figure.
All those indictments so far have NOTHING to do with Russian collusion - NOTHING !!!!
And from what I understand- collusion is not even a crime - go figure.

true.....they have him on obstruction...not sure why they are not going with that.....as for collusion....you got me...but I would bet they will impeach him on it
If they find out he did work with Russia on all this....be hell to pay I'm sure
but you can't tell me 16 people getting indictments and he knew nothing...a little logic would apply here...and now today they find a letter signed by trump on the tower deal...while he was the gop candidate

the right is only let him do so much much.....this Syria deal is pushing the envelope
The indictments are mostly from perjury traps and for offenses going back years before the election or after the election - obstruction can’t be proven because Trump as the chief executive had the right to fire Comey for ANY reason - no obstruction there !!!!
The indictments are mostly from perjury traps and for offenses going back years before the election or after the election - obstruction can’t be proven because Trump as the chief executive had the right to fire Comey for ANY reason - no obstruction there !!!!

you are grasping at straws now......look at Flynn.....muellers team recommended no jail time...the judge read everything he did and said it was close to treason.....they go in front of a judge and jury...they lose.....look at manfort...he even had a jury trial they found him guilty on 8 out of 12 charges...and on the 4 they were just hung on....most of what they are getting nailed on is coming from their own computers and paperwork and emails...just like stone..he says he is not going to cooperate....ok so...they already have him on his own emails
it can't be just Mueller they are going to court and the court finding them guilty...so there must be a lot of evidence...I'm sure mueller has a bunch on trump also......just getting more nails for the coffin....right after jr met with the russias in trump tower with trump upstairs he called an unlisted number right after...you think the feds can't trace that number?

you are hoping against hope that he is innocent….but just way to much
how about he was still negotiating on his Russian tower and got the republican charter changed to favor Russia over crimea...don't think that was a favor for Russia...the Syria deal ...same thing

it is a lot more than just comey...how about the asst ag that went to trumps office twice to warn him that Flynn might be compromised...she got fired also...and the guy he fired and then pulled his security clearance on for talking bad about him...he also warned trump ahead of time
he has done the Nixon Saturday night massacre in slow motion that's all
llok at him firing sessions...because he didn't protect trump from the investigations...anyone who tried to warn him is now unemployed...Obama tried to tell him and look what he is doing to Obama...even wanted to pull his clearance but congress said no!
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