Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Which Party Is Better for the Economy? - Politics That Work
Which Party Is Better for the Economy? ... A third way is to look at how the economy performs in places where one party tends to have more power compared to how the economy performs in places where the other party has more power. All three approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, but by weighing all three, one can potentially get a ...

Opinions of economists
There are many different ways to assess the consensus of economists on policy issues. Much of the public believes that economists tend to be libertarian and to favor laissez faire economic policy. That idea- that economic wisdom favors leaving all things to the free market- is actually dead wrong. Economists generally tend to support policies at least as liberal as the policies the Democratic Party supports. Some examples:

• 71% of economists favor using government to redistribute wealth and only 8% strongly oppose it. In fact, the concept of the diminishing marginal utility of wealth is a very well established and non-controversial economic principle. Even Adam Smith expressed the view that the government should redistribute wealth.

• Only 12% of economists take the view that the costs of the stimulus outweighed the benefits- a view passionately held by nearly all Republicans.

• 75% of economists favor government tuning the economy with monetary policy- an idea often vehemently rejected by the Republican Party- while only 4% of economists strongly oppose it.

• Zero percent- not a single economist in the entire sample- of economists agree with the central tenant of Republican fiscal policy that cutting tax rates would boost the economy enough to cause revenues to increase.

• 94% of economists support taking action to address climate change.

In terms of specific policies, economists appear to consistently and overwhelmingly either support the Democrats' policies or to be to the left of the Democrats. This stance on policy issues unsurprisingly translates into which party economists support: Democratic economists outnumber Republican economists by 2.5 to 1. In 2012, economists felt that President Obama had a better grasp of economics than Mitt Romney by a margin of almost 2-to-1 and that President Obama would grow the economy faster than Mitt Romney by a a margin of 20 points
see what I'm talking about blkdlaur…...no end to the stupidity for some.....made the same stupid statement last week and I posted the facts....did he even try to educate himself...nope....he falls into a special category not mentioned in our previous conversation...or maybe all of them with a few more categories thrown in
and you wonder how/why the call trumpies names

the height of stupidity...and wants everyone to know it
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third time now...I was wrong...already posted the same stupid comment 2 times before...remember this us fighting about it a second time.....of course not....doesn't register right!

TwoBiFour said:
I'm sure a Democrat will win and they will have the tri-fecta once again. So prepare for stagnation of Jobs (my clients are), Stagnation of technological advancement (my clients are), higher health care cost, increase tax on the middle class, increase in poverty (as they do regardless of the President) and more violence and civil unrest stepping up a notch. After 2020 We will see censorship infringement on the 1st amendment and near eradication of the 2nd. Trump will still be investigated for "wrong doing". The left will use Trump as "reasons" to place restrictions on the 1st amendment and my guess is you will swallow it all and blame Trump for "taking out rights away" and everything else the left forces on the people in the name of "National Security" and "Safety" and to "Prevent anything like Trump from Happening again".

and remember me telling you we don't need an ignor tab for you we need an igor-ant...and that's when blkdlaur jumped in to play peacemaker!

now find a mod and tell them you are being picked on

"The economy is strong, but growth is still expected to slow in 2019 as the extra juice injected through the tax cuts fades. Trade tensions are not going away. The jobless rate, already circling near a half-century low, will probably inch down even more. Swoops in the stock market will continue to be unpredictable, and anxieties about global growth remain. Moreover, as Janice Mays, managing director in the accounting firm PwC’s Washington National Tax Services, said: “You’re going to have the same president.”

I stand by my predictions. Everything will stagnate and come to a halt for the next 2 years.
I stand by my predictions. Everything will stagnate and come to a halt for the next 2 years.
Well, that's safe for you to say ... talking about the future is nothing more than opinion. Hell, a broken clock is right twice a day, you know. What accomplishments have Republicans done in the two opportunities they had trifectas in the past 16-18 years? We all know they didn't do ******* during Obama's entire 8 years but be obstructionists ... trying to fuck up anything that Obama tried to do. They even admitted that was what they were doing, remember? They even had meetings to agree to just say NO to Obama on everything, remember?
subhub did provide you a lot of documentation ... so, do you agree or disagree with what he posted? We all lived through it when Bush left office and Obama took office; jobs were crashing at 700-800,000 per month when Obama took office. The second month of Obama's first term, job growth reappeared ... in fact for 74 consecutive months, more than any other president. Do you deny that? Practically all the major markets were crashing ... do you deny all that? Cheney was running around during the Bush second term saying "deficit spending didn't matter" ... that tax cuts pay for themselves. Did they? Of course not!
Your hatred for Democrats is simply because you have this vision in your head that all Democrats do is give continual "handouts" ... hell, if Republicans would quit fucking up the economy with their Trickle Down Economics theory and "handouts" to the rich & corporations .... possibly the poor and the shrinking middle class wouldn't have to depend on those "handouts". You really need to pull your head out of your ass, TwoBi ... the day I hear that loud "POP" ... I'll know you probably just did ... LOL!
You know, what's funny is that I don't think Democrats will come into office before the economy crashes again ... it'll be another 'deja vue' as whoever becomes President in 2020 (actually January 2021) will AGAIN inherit a failing/crashing economy and Republicans on the sidelines will be hollering "Democrats are gonna raise your taxes" yet again. Yet, in 2 decades the Republicans hadn't done diddily squat for the common workers of the US.
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Well, that's safe for you to say ... talking about the future is nothing more than opinion. Hell, a broken clock is right twice a day, you know. What accomplishments have Republicans done in the two opportunities they had trifectas in the past 16-18 years? We all know they didn't do ******* during Obama's entire 8 years but be obstructionists ... trying to fuck up anything that Obama tried to do. They even admitted that was what they were doing, remember? They even had meetings to agree to just say NO to Obama on everything, remember?
subhub did provide you a lot of documentation ... so, do you agree or disagree with what he posted? We all lived through it when Bush left office and Obama took office; jobs were crashing at 700-800,000 per month when Obama took office. The second month of Obama's first term, job growth reappeared ... in fact for 74 consecutive months, more than any other president. Do you deny that? Practically all the major markets were crashing ... do you deny all that? Cheney was running around during the Bush second term saying "deficit spending didn't matter" ... that tax cuts pay for themselves. Did they? Of course not!
Your hatred for Democrats is simply because you have this vision in your head that all Democrats do is give continual "handouts" ... hell, if Republicans would quit fucking up the economy with their Trickle Down Economics theory and "handouts" to the rich & corporations .... possibly the poor and the shrinking middle class wouldn't have to depend on those "handouts". You really need to pull your head out of your ass, TwoBi ... the day I hear that loud "POP" ... I'll know you probably just did ... LOL!
You know, what's funny is that I don't think Democrats will come into office before the economy crashes again ... it'll be another 'deja vue' as whoever becomes President in 2020 (actually January 2021) will AGAIN inherit a failing/crashing economy and Republicans on the sidelines will be hollering "Democrats are gonna raise your taxes" yet again. Yet, in 2 decades the Republicans hadn't done diddily squat for the common workers of the US.

I posted an article a couple months ago that over 100 economists predicted the economy would crash next year if trump maintains his current pace.
housing market they say is always the first indicator...and it's not doing good
also they said now with the easy money....the majority of the middle class was living off it's credit cards again...how long before that credit card is maxed and they can't pay it back?
there were several other things pointing towards it
Well, that's safe for you to say ... talking about the future is nothing more than opinion. Hell, a broken clock is right twice a day, you know. What accomplishments have Republicans done in the two opportunities they had trifectas in the past 16-18 years? We all know they didn't do ******* during Obama's entire 8 years but be obstructionists ... trying to fuck up anything that Obama tried to do. They even admitted that was what they were doing, remember? They even had meetings to agree to just say NO to Obama on everything, remember?
subhub did provide you a lot of documentation ... so, do you agree or disagree with what he posted? We all lived through it when Bush left office and Obama took office; jobs were crashing at 700-800,000 per month when Obama took office. The second month of Obama's first term, job growth reappeared ... in fact for 74 consecutive months, more than any other president. Do you deny that? Practically all the major markets were crashing ... do you deny all that? Cheney was running around during the Bush second term saying "deficit spending didn't matter" ... that tax cuts pay for themselves. Did they? Of course not!
Your hatred for Democrats is simply because you have this vision in your head that all Democrats do is give continual "handouts" ... hell, if Republicans would quit fucking up the economy with their Trickle Down Economics theory and "handouts" to the rich & corporations .... possibly the poor and the shrinking middle class wouldn't have to depend on those "handouts". You really need to pull your head out of your ass, TwoBi ... the day I hear that loud "POP" ... I'll know you probably just did ... LOL!
You know, what's funny is that I don't think Democrats will come into office before the economy crashes again ... it'll be another 'deja vue' as whoever becomes President in 2020 (actually January 2021) will AGAIN inherit a failing/crashing economy and Republicans on the sidelines will be hollering "Democrats are gonna raise your taxes" yet again. Yet, in 2 decades the Republicans hadn't done diddily squat for the common workers of the US.

Rinse Repeat - What the fuck do you think I have been saying? Same *******, different year. Why do you think I don't vote for either one? Just because I am more conservative and support conservative views doesn't mean I hold any love for republicans. Over the past 40 years has anything really changed????

With Republicans it's pretty obvious, Democrats however has everyone fooled.
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Just another cog in the republican wheel?!….by hook or by crook!

Brian Kemp's Credibility Is Shredded Before He Even Takes Office
Charles P. Pierce,

The Republican candidate, you may recall, also was serving as Georgia's Secretary of State and, therefore, was tasked with overseeing a close election in which he was one of the candidates. The AJC added yet another big window into the veritable Plato's Retreat of ratfcking that was that election.
It was Nov. 3, a Saturday, 72 hours to Election Day. Virtually tied in the polls with Democrat Stacey Abrams, Kemp was in danger of becoming the first Georgia Republican to lose a statewide election since 2006. And, now, a new threat. The secretary of state’s office had left its voter-registration system exposed online, opening Kemp to criticism that he couldn’t secure an election that featured him in the dual roles of candidate and overseer. But by the next day, Kemp and his aides had devised one solution for both problems, an investigation by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution shows.​
They publicly accused the Democratic Party of Georgia of trying to hack into the voter database in a failed attempt to steal the election. The announcement added last-minute drama to an already contentious campaign. More important, it also pre-empted scrutiny of the secretary of state’s own missteps while initiating a highly unusual criminal investigation into his political rivals. But no evidence supported the allegations against the Democrats at the time, and none has emerged in the six weeks since, the Journal-Constitution found. It appears unlikely that any crime occurred.​
To recap: Kemp was overseeing his own election, and he was so bad at it that, three days before the polls opened, it was discovered that the registration system was ridiculously hackable. This called for some serious hackery in response. Kemp already had proven to be up to the task.

In 2015, Kemp’s office accidentally sent political organizations, media outlets and others a trove of confidential information about every Georgia voter. Kemp blamed a single employee, whom he fired. The following year, Kemp was one of just seven state election directors who rejected the federal government’s help to secure their voting systems. Kemp called the offer an “overreach” by the administration of President Barack Obama after hackers stole emails from the Democratic National Committee. “It seems like now it’s just the D.C. media and the bureaucrats, because of the DNC getting hacked – they now think our whole system is on the verge of disaster because some Russian’s going to tap into the voting system,” Kemp said...At that moment, the computer servers that ran Georgia’s election system were wide open to potential intruders. Voters’ personal data, passwords that poll supervisors used on Election Day, the coding for memory cards with which voters cast ballots – all of it was readily accessible.


From Esquire
I was in Georgia on Other Business over the weekend, and I was lucky because the Atlanta Journal-Constitution broke a brilliant story that pretty much shreds what was left of the credibility of both the recent gubernatorial election and the new governor it produced, Brian Kemp. The Republican candidate, you may recall, also was serving as Georgia's Secretary of State and, therefore, was tasked with overseeing a close election in which he was one of the candidates. The AJC added yet another big window into the veritable Plato's Retreat of ratfcking that was that election.
It was Nov. 3, a Saturday, 72 hours to Election Day. Virtually tied in the polls with Democrat Stacey Abrams, Kemp was in danger of becoming the first Georgia Republican to lose a statewide election since 2006. And, now, a new threat. The secretary of state’s office had left its voter-registration system exposed online, opening Kemp to criticism that he couldn’t secure an election that featured him in the dual roles of candidate and overseer. But by the next day, Kemp and his aides had devised one solution for both problems, an investigation by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution shows.​
They publicly accused the Democratic Party of Georgia of trying to hack into the voter database in a failed attempt to steal the election. The announcement added last-minute drama to an already contentious campaign. More important, it also pre-empted scrutiny of the secretary of state’s own missteps while initiating a highly unusual criminal investigation into his political rivals. But no evidence supported the allegations against the Democrats at the time, and none has emerged in the six weeks since, the Journal-Constitution found. It appears unlikely that any crime occurred.​
To recap: Kemp was overseeing his own election, and he was so bad at it that, three days before the polls opened, it was discovered that the registration system was ridiculously hackable. This called for some serious hackery in response. Kemp already had proven to be up to the task.
In 2015, Kemp’s office accidentally sent political organizations, media outlets and others a trove of confidential information about every Georgia voter. Kemp blamed a single employee, whom he fired. The following year, Kemp was one of just seven state election directors who rejected the federal government’s help to secure their voting systems. Kemp called the offer an “overreach” by the administration of President Barack Obama after hackers stole emails from the Democratic National Committee. “It seems like now it’s just the D.C. media and the bureaucrats, because of the DNC getting hacked – they now think our whole system is on the verge of disaster because some Russian’s going to tap into the voting system,” Kemp said...At that moment, the computer servers that ran Georgia’s election system were wide open to potential intruders. Voters’ personal data, passwords that poll supervisors used on Election Day, the coding for memory cards with which voters cast ballots – all of it was readily accessible.​

Meanwhile, a guy named Logan Lamb, a specialist in cybersecurity from Kennesaw State, where Georgia's servers are located, spent several months ringing the alarm bell before anyone in Kemp's office deigned to get involved. Have I mentioned that Kemp was running for governor at the time, and that a story about incompetence centered on the office he already held might have proven to be a drag on that effort?
But it wasn’t until seven months later, when Lamb and a colleague found that the data still had not been secured, that officials shut off unauthorized access to the servers. Kemp said at the time that he expected the FBI to catch the “perpetrators.” “There were no perpetrators,” Lamb, who works for the Atlanta-based online security firm Bastille, said recently. “We are computer security professionals. We were trying to go through the process of responsible disclosure to make sure the system was secure.” For months, Lamb said, “anyone could just have downloaded” – or manipulated – all the state’s election files.​

At this point, it might have become obvious to all but the dimmest voter that Kemp shouldn't be entrusted to manage anything more complicated than a food truck. A new strategy was needed because, after all, those rats won't fck themselves. On Dec. 8, 2016, Kemp wrote to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, demanding to know why the federal agency “was attempting to breach our firewall.” Kemp said a computer traced to Homeland Security had executed a “large unblocked scan” of the secretary of state’s website. The intrusion, Kemp suggested, was in retaliation for his refusing the government’s help before the 2016 election. Johnson replied four days later. He said a worker at his agency’s Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Brunswick, Georgia, had merely verified the professional licenses of job applicants – “a service, as I understand it, your website provides to the general public,” Johnson wrote.

Kemp wasn’t satisfied with Johnson’s response. “I will be elevating my concerns to the incoming administration,” he wrote back, and the same day, he asked Trump, then the president-elect, to investigate the Obama administration’s “failed cyberattacks” on Georgia. Republicans in Congress warned Johnson not to destroy evidence of what Rep. Jason Chaffetz, then chairman of the House Oversight Committee, called a possible breach of “state sovereignty” and a violation of state and federal laws. Finally, in June 2017, a report by Homeland Security’s inspector general said a digital forensic investigation found no evidence of a cyberattack.​
This is pure bubblespeak, aimed at an audience conditioned for decades to believe anything that strokes their ideological G-spots. (That Jason Chaffetz had a cameo in this farce was almost comically predictable.) And it roped in the Department of Homeland Security, which had to hunt all the snipes Kemp had set loose in the minds of his voters. Was it time to turn things up to 11? Of course, it was.

Kemp’s aides broke their silence early Sunday. At 4:47 a.m., Candice Broce, the secretary of state’s spokeswoman, received a message from the online news site WhoWhatWhy, which says it practices “forensic journalism.” Its reporters had heard about Wright’s email and were preparing to post a story at 6 a.m. The website said it told Broce its story would describe a security breakdown in the secretary of state’s office, not a failed hack by the Democrats.​
Exactly one hour later, a statement appeared on the secretary of state’s website, on the same page where voters search for sample ballots, find their polling place or check their registration. In all-capital letters, the headline announced: “AFTER FAILED HACKING ATTEMPT, SOS LAUNCHES INVESTIGATION INTO GEORGIA DEMOCRATIC PARTY. “While we cannot comment on the specifics of an ongoing investigation,” Broce was quoted as saying, “I can confirm that the Democratic Party of Georgia is under investigation for possible cyber crimes."​
This is great work by the AJC, especially the survey of how so many news operations, both in Georgia and nationally, ran with the phony accusation. Kemp's people did what they did full in the knowledge that there wasn't enough time before the election for them to get called on it. (That it also was picked up by Sputnik, the Russian misinformation laundromat, is even less surprising than Chaffetz's appearance in the story was.) The Democratic party in Georgia admits in the story that its rapid-response operation wasn't nearly as rapid as it should have been. But, in general, the AJC's story is another one to add to the now towering pile of evidence that the Republican party has become unmoored from any attachment it still had to actual democracy.

******* Mac this guy could teach your state a few pointers on how to rig an election and sucker the public...hope this fuck goes to jail!
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Trump charity to dissolve under deal with N.Y. attorney general
By Brendan Pierson,

The lawsuit against the Donald J. Trump Foundation also seeks to recoup $2.8 million and ban Trump and his three eldest children from leadership roles in any other New York charity. The
lawsuit against the Donald J. Trump Foundation also seeks to recoup $2.8 million and ban Trump and his three eldest children from leadership roles in any other New York charity.
The agreement, which must be approved by a New York state judge, would give state Attorney General Barbara Underwood the power to vet the charities that receive the foundation's remaining assets.

******* ...who is going to pay all his legal fees now ….with no charity money to do it with....oh hell I forgot he still has his campaign contributions...oh wait...that is under investigation also
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Mmmm Mar-a Lago and another trump golf course under investigation now for over 100 thousand dollars in "phony" charities

does this guy even know what laws are?
is there anybody he wouldn't screw for money?

you got to admit screwing a charity out of money is pretty low

How Donald Trump Shifted *******-Cancer Charity Money Into ...
Jun 06, 2017 · Outsiders still donated, though, allowing Trump to dole out their money to a smattering of more than 200 charities as if it were his own, with many …

Eric Trump funneled cancer charity money to his businesses ...
The tax filings also show that the Eric Trump Foundation made a 2014 payment of $87,665 to another Trump property, the Trump National Golf Club in Washington, D.C., for fundraising events.

Trump cheats charities, lies about donations | Capitol ...
When the Trump Foundation did give money, it often went to…Trump. The foundation’s largest donation, the Post reported, was $264,631 for renovation of a fountain outside Trump’s Plaza Hotel. ... Trump’s record of cheating charities is well-known among others who do support philanthropy. ... What you will find out is that only about 10% …

Trump Used His Charity as His Checkbook, New York State Says

Shahien Nasiripour,Chris Dolmetsch,Christie Smythe
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Your hatred for Democrats is simply because you have this vision in your head that all Democrats do is give continual "handouts" ...

Ohhh it's much deeper than that Mac, While it's true that the left likes to throw money (Tax Payer money) at every little problem, it's just the tip of the Iceberg as what is wrong with Democrat politicians. Republicans are simply greedy businessmen. Democrats however - they are a different breed all together.
..... Republicans are simply greedy businessmen. Democrats however - they are a different breed all together.
Well I totally disagree with the first sentence. At least the last 10 years a new breed of Republican has ruined any integrity that party has. Meddling in the outcome of elections, to me, is way more serious. Example, the Republicans have been yelling about voter fraud the past 2 elections by minorities ... never proven, however. Then they suddenly get caught hiring a known felon of fraud to rig the 9th district on NC. Even Republicans now say "yes, it happened" BUT, they want the Republican to be approved by the Board of Elections BECAUSE there is NO PROOF that the amount of illegal activity would have resulted in the Democrat winning the district. The difference was less than 900 votes.
Republicans have backed a dishonest President ... knowing he's dishonest, therefore becoming an accomplice of the President's Wrong Doings.
They've backed "tax cutting plans" where they communicated the tax cuts for everyone, but knew that the tax cuts would benefit the wealthy disproportionately. I could go on and on a d on ...
But, I'm listening ... please expand on the Democrats being a different breed. I'll seriously try to look at it from your point of view this time.
"Ok, I'm ready ... proceed"
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