Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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OMG now another idiot jumping in...and this one with even less intelligence than the other 3!

lets start with the sanctions......the other 3 seem to ignor the facts when they are posted and I expect you to be just as fucking dumb.....he didn't impose anything!...everything done so far has been by Obama and congress.....he signed sanctions.....but let the time frame go and NEVER imposed any..NONE!...use your friggn search engine!...and look!

trump pushing for more oil and gas....that's just to feed his rich buddies.....Europe already cut a deal to buy from RUSSIA!....that will really hurt the Russian economy!

Trump administration holds off on new Russia sanctions, despite law

No need for Europe to buy US gas at triple the price, will continue imports from Russia – Austria

Trump scolded Germany for buying gas from Russia. Here’s what we know

these trump groupies sure like to spout the ******* and yet know nothing of what they Talk about


Really....this took about 2 seconds to find and i found a bunch other articles so what the fuck are you talking about. See in todays world people can google ******* and find the truth....
I'm saying I refuse to recreate/copy links that already exist in this forum. I refuse to respond to more of your dribblings ... you're political history is totally retarded at the very BEST!
We'll sit back, now, and watch Mueller work his magic on the Trump administration ... so far he's hitting homeruns ... 32 indictments, plea deals coming in weekly ... I suspect Trump will simply desire to slip out of the country rather than stand a chance at siting in a state or federal prison.

Just in case an edit is attempted.
The Russians provided their own recording; no 'leaks' ... the US got a copy of the meeting, verified it with Trump, and reported it.

Name one President who has met privately with an adversary in which no recording of the meeting exists, nongolfer. You keep repeating this fact less statement, then provide no proof. It certainly isn't in Google ... there are transcripts, interpreters, etc that exists. Just not of Trump and his meetings with Russians.
President Trump is a notorious LIAR, surely you know that by now ... hell, he's lied at least 20-30 times in the past couple weeks. He's still denying that he knew nothing of the "Russian hacking" before he became President.

Source??? ... You keep saying this ... prove this in some way or shut up about it. I couldn't find a thing.

IN case an edit is attempted. No recording exist of Obama and P U T I N's PRIVATE meeting. That anyone knows about. We would logically assume both Russian and American intelligence recorded it. Just was we would assume that Russian and American intelligence recorded trump private meeting w/ P U T I N


Now before any of you idiots start the lame its a secret and therefore you're in trouble. This document has been available in the public domain for over a year and hasn't been removed ot challenged. So think before you speak!

So what is your point of this article. It doesnt say Trump was in collusion with the Russians. Do you really think this is the first time in history the Russians ever hacked an election or tried political espionage against the US. They do it all over the world.

How do we know this article is 100 percent true??? How do we know the NSA didnt plant some of this information to make us think the Russians hacked the election. Personally when it come to the government i rarely believe what the say.

Second time I posted yesterday. But Fake News MacNFries denies this in the face of empirical data.

Are we all agreed now, Trump is the only guy ever to meet with P U T I N privately, notwithstanding mountains of evidence to the contrary.
Hey i am not the liberal so who is the fucking stupid one. Your a typical liberal....you actual believe the lies you spout and think the more you spout them the truer they become. What a dipshit. And lets examine who the commie is. You and your Obama socialist friends in washington and all his socialist policies. Like obama care......thats a fucking communist idea. Government run healthcare. Tax the rich and give to the poor.....hmmm another communist idea..redistribution of wealth.

LOLOL So going by what you have said that countries like the the UK who have a Government health care system, are communist??????... Shee well done for proving you do talk ******* and lots of it! Also, unlike the US a lot of western countries tax the rich at a higher rate for social programmes.... So nearly all of Europe is a communist country according to YOUR values and comment..

Please stop talking you're an embarrassment!
So what is your point of this article. It doesnt say Trump was in collusion with the Russians. Do you really think this is the first time in history the Russians ever hacked an election or tried political espionage against the US. They do it all over the world.

How do we know this article is 100 percent true??? How do we know the NSA didnt plant some of this information to make us think the Russians hacked the election. Personally when it come to the government i rarely believe what the say.

If you have to ask what the point is then why are you trying to take part in any discussions as the article is very clear. Also please stop with the 'its a plant' bullshit. Its quite clear that's your last line of defence when you have NOTHING!
He also said socialist. Wikipedia is likely fake news since it really supports this.


I have appointed myself arbitrator of fake news, and in this case, based on a link, actaul documentation, I'd have to give the edge to Alanm. Per Wikipedia, Great Britain certainly has strong socialist leanings. And according to the link below, even shows Communist tendancies.


Links. The great filtering process to judge a poster, and their posts credibility.
Very Fake News MacNFries. Obama never met with P U T I N privately, correct?

The problem is, even when you now might have a point, no one will listen since you've been caught red handed making things up so many times.

Try that on your boss at work this morning, see how that works out for you.
LOL, I've long since lost count of how many times I caught ole MacNLies red handed posting complete bullshit. The one thing you can bet on is he'll never admit being wrong despite incontrovertible proof. He'll deflect, deny, and denigrate with elementary school name calling....not necessarily in that order.
View attachment 1993506

Really....this took about 2 seconds to find and i found a bunch other articles so what the fuck are you talking about. See in todays world people can google ******* and find the truth....

ROFLMAO@ that lame attempt.

The only reason the Orange menace signed anything was due to the outrage of the senate. Trump had previously stated he would refuse to sign anything that brought more sanctions on Russia......As for the truth... Judging by some of your dubious sources and claims you're one of the last to claim the truth

Trump ****** to act on sanction by congress.

Moral of the story.... Trump was ****** to sign by congress.... Something you left out, oh truthfull one !!!!!!!
So what is your point of this article. It doesnt say Trump was in collusion with the Russians. Do you really think this is the first time in history the Russians ever hacked an election or tried political espionage against the US. They do it all over the world.

How do we know this article is 100 percent true??? How do we know the NSA didnt plant some of this information to make us think the Russians hacked the election. Personally when it come to the government i rarely believe what the say.

I'd have to agree with you. The fact that Russia attempted to hack is old news. Years old. The articles, and the redacted documents, are also old news. I'd have to assume, based on the very ambiguous post of the poster, the point is Russia attempted a cyber invasion on the US. Which no one, including Trump, is denying.

I believe it was Devin Nunes who pointed this out back in 2011. Without going back to find a link from 2011, here is one from 2014 where he sounded the alarm, and the alarm was ignored by the administration at that time:


Who was the administration at that time? Shall we look to Wikipedia so we can factually know? Yes.


I've already posted links showing that our IC has started the most extensive operation combating cyber attacks in American history. Within the last month. Who was President within the last month? Hey, maybe we should check Wikipedia again?


Based on these facts, it is clear to most that the attacks of 2016 were caused by lack of action of the administration in power at that time. Until recently, and Donald J Trump, no extensive operations were underway to prevent this. As was recently testified to Congress.

I'll probably be told I never posted that link. I'll probably be asked to post it again. I'll post it again. Multiple times. And then I'll be told I never posted it. And then I'll be asked to post it again.

Another example of having to clean up a mess caused by someone else's lack of instinct, and inaction.

To be fair it isn't clear if anyone else was in power, they would have acted any differently.

Posting one fact at a time, to combat emotional fact free posts. God Bless America, and God Bless Donald J Trump for his leadership!
View attachment 1993506

Really....this took about 2 seconds to find and i found a bunch other articles so what the fuck are you talking about. See in todays world people can google ******* and find the truth....

well again your lack of...…..your statement was we are hurting Russia through oil sales...looks like you gave up having any smarts at all on that one....and now want to jump into another one with others...is there a point to that?
you can't win one......and they aren't either so you just want to be on a team?...even a losing one!
Except Reuters, an obviously huge Trump supporting publication, tends to agree about oil sales:


Linky Dinky - Linky Dinky has facts, posts many time do not.

I can post more. Can you find a link where increased oil production, and increased sales to Europe is benefiting Russia?

We will all be breathlessly waiting for you to post a link that is 1st) On topic, and 2nd) supports your post with some facts
as trump's sanction.....he didn't do *******!...there was already a bill in congress forsing him to...there was an out on that bill.....if Russia made amends for it's election hacking...and it hasn't......but trump tried using that as a way out of implementing them...and couldn't

look it up...there are page after page on it...nongolfer and hh are trying to HE DID....they are wrong...he was ****** and dragged his feet on it for as long as he could.....even letting one of the signing dates laps but never got away with it

so in fact he has not done *******...except what he was ****** to do by congress
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