Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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that's what is wrong with his approval rating......Russia hasn't given it's support yet on that...I'm sure it will jump when Russia adds to it

although I really doubt his approval rating is 40%...that is more than the amount of people in the country that voted for him......and if you check the stats on that he is losing supporters by the droves....so maybe 20%? in actual numbers?!

Your insane - if you think RUSSIA has that kinda juice - certifiable!!!
don't think so...you are just mad now that Flynn gave the info on on Jr and Kushner...2 more on their way to jail!

how can your buddy say so many are lying.....when it is his entire inner circle turning on him...with documentation and collaborating each others testimony

Educate yourself - Flynn was told he didn’t need his lawyer when questioned by FBI agents that said they didn’t think he lied - a Federal judge is looking into this and is pissed!!! Mueller / McCabe playing fast and loose with the law and Flynn’s rights to council - not gonna fly :}
Educate yourself - Flynn was told he didn’t need his lawyer when questioned by FBI agents that said they didn’t think he lied - a Federal judge is looking into this and is pissed!!! Mueller / McCabe playing fast and loose with the law and Flynn’s rights to council - not gonna fly :}

Why did Flynn lie and why did Mueller charge him with ...
People who lie to the FBI generally do so because, if they told the truth, they would be admitting to a crime. But the two conversations that Flynn falsely denied having were not criminal.

Here's what Michael Flynn admitted he lied to the FBI about
The gist of it is that Flynn admits to lying about two December 2016 conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in a January 24, 2017, interview with federal investigators.

What If Michael Flynn Did Not Actually Lie to the FBI ...
But it is possible Flynn did not actually lie. In fact, we know — as the Wall Street Journal noted on Saturday — that former FBI Director James Comey told the House Intelligence Committee on March 2 that Flynn had not lied to the FBI, but had merely forgotten what had been said in his conversations.

which is why Flynn was not pursed...and Flynn did cooperate with the FBI
then why are you supporting the commie plant in the white house?

Because your delusion is a plant from liberals that were calling for impeachment right after election night and then saw the opportunity to subvert Trump’s election by claiming it’s all RUSSIA - RUSSIA - RUSSIA’S doing - WAH WAH WAH - I am sick of lefties whining - wish that fucker Mueller would get it done - but lately looks like he’s been tripping over his dick :}
Because your delusion is a plant from liberals that were calling for impeachment right after election night and then saw the opportunity to subvert Trump’s election by claiming it’s all RUSSIA - RUSSIA - RUSSIA’S doing - WAH WAH WAH - I am sick of lefties whining - wish that fucker Mueller would get it done - but lately looks like he’s been tripping over his dick :}

yes...right after the world found out he got in with the help of p u t I n!

he is a Russian plant!
So having a good relationship with a nuclear power like Russia - is cowering ???
I think NOT - what you wanna do - exchange nukes ????? You lefties are strange :|
we went for years without needing anything from Russia.....now that trump wants a tower there we need to be friends...how odd?
Why did Flynn lie and why did Mueller charge him with ...
People who lie to the FBI generally do so because, if they told the truth, they would be admitting to a crime. But the two conversations that Flynn falsely denied having were not criminal.

Here's what Michael Flynn admitted he lied to the FBI about
The gist of it is that Flynn admits to lying about two December 2016 conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in a January 24, 2017, interview with federal investigators.

What If Michael Flynn Did Not Actually Lie to the FBI ...
But it is possible Flynn did not actually lie. In fact, we know — as the Wall Street Journal noted on Saturday — that former FBI Director James Comey told the House Intelligence Committee on March 2 that Flynn had not lied to the FBI, but had merely forgotten what had been said in his conversations.

which is why Flynn was not pursed...and Flynn did cooperate with the FBI

Yeah yeah yeah - except when Flynn went in to be questioned he was told by the agents he didn’t need his lawyer - then he was charged with lying to them - even though the agents said they didn’t think he lied - Federal judge looking into this - big NO NO
why should we all of a sudden br friends with a country that has influenced our elections and swayed foreign policy....
BOTH of which they have done!

they are and always have been our enemy...even your man from Utah Romney said so when he ran...but now that your man trump is in we need them?

face it...for whatever reason you are willing to turn a blind eye to all of this and the corruption he has brought
why should we all of a sudden br friends with a country that has influenced our elections and swayed foreign policy....
BOTH of which they have done!

they are and always have been our enemy...even your man from Utah Romney said so when he ran...but now that your man trump is in we need them?

face it...for whatever reason you are willing to turn a blind eye to all of this and the corruption he has brought

They TRIED to influence our elections and have for a very long long time - but now that Trump got elected the democrats have chosen to make a big f’n deal outta nothing!!!

Maybe we should try to stay on good terms so they don’t try and blow us the fuck to kingdom come - sounds like a good idea to me.

Wrong once again - Russia was our ally in WW2 not our enemy - so they have “always been our enemy” is a fallacious statement.
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damn nothing on about the upcoming trump criminal trial ...news all about one of trumps racists again trying to shoot people

That’s cause taint happening - I watched CNN and there was enough salivating going on to fill an Olympic sized pool over some more lefty horseshite over his inauguration - soon they be investigating how he wipes his arse - maybe some executable offense thar ;}
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