Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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They TRIED to influence our elections and have for a very long long time - but now that Trump got elected the democrats have chosen to make a big f’n deal outta nothing!!!
listen to the news much....probably even in Mad magazine...THEY did influence the election...and with you being so adamant against it makes me thing you might be one of those Russian bots

Maybe we should try to stay on good terms so they don’t try and blow us the fuck to kingdom come - sounds like a good idea to me.
more cowering?...no problem with them trying to run our country as they see fit!
they got trump and comp to change the republican platform against Crimea and in favor of Russia...and the right just went right along with it...even though they were against it

Wrong once again - Russia was our ally in WW2 not our enemy - so they have “always been our enemy” is a fallacious statement.

true for a short period of time...mainly because they were being invaded and needed us...they didn't jump in by choice.....and remember patton's words at the time? now that we have the Nazi's under control we just as well take care of Russia while we are here!
That’s cause taint happening - I watched CNN and there was enough salivating going on to fill an Olympic sized pool over some more lefty horseshite over his inauguration - soon they be investigating how he wipes his arse - maybe some executable offense thar ;}

they need to check his ass
to see if p u t I n uses a condom or not

face it...your man is going down...…..far faster than he ever went down on p u t I n
listen to the news much....probably even in Mad magazine...THEY did influence the election...and with you being so adamant against it makes me thing you might be one of those Russian bots

more cowering?...no problem with them trying to run our country as they see fit!
they got trump and comp to change the republican platform against Crimea and in favor of Russia...and the right just went right along with it...even though they were against it

true for a short period of time...mainly because they were being invaded and needed us...they didn't jump in by choice.....and remember patton's words at the time? now that we have the Nazi's under control we just as well take care of Russia while we are here!

Da comrade


Me dear ole Da served in WW2 in Patton’s 3rd Army and he loved the man - he fought all the way to the Check Republic - he believed Patton was correct in that and so do I.
they need to check his ass
to see if p u t I n uses a condom or not

face it...your man is going down...…..far faster than he ever went down on p u t I n

How could they tell ???
Do you liberals have a means of investigating up arseholes - nvm - i’m Sure ya do : |
been investigating this one top to bottom for a couple years now....he looks pregnant....and like Monica's dress ..seems to be skid marks on the back of his trousers

Monica’s dress would indicate to me that ole Slick Willy had some range to his wad ;}
Still wish I had one o them thar tricked out cigars o his !!!
That’s cause taint happening - I watched CNN and there was enough salivating going on to fill an Olympic sized pool over some more lefty horseshite over his inauguration - soon they be investigating how he wipes his arse - maybe some executable offense thar ;}

you watched CNN?...I turned on CBS
Da comrade


Me dear ole Da served in WW2 in Patton’s 3rd Army and he loved the man - he fought all the way to the Check Republic - he believed Patton was correct in that and so do I.

whaaat? and now you defend a man that likes Russia...what would he say about that?

I took some training at Ft knox with 3rd army...all kinds of Patton stuff there
matter of fact I finished up my Army time with the big red one at Ft. Riley and there was all kinds of patton stuff there also
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Monica’s dress would indicate to me that ole Slick Willy had some range to his wad ;}
Still wish I had one o them thar tricked out cigars o his !!!
there was only one...I think...and he made an issue of smoking it during a cabinet meeting
although at the time only he and monica knew about the cigar
I soooooooooooytainly did - Erin Burnett is foxy - we had this discussion - I watch CNN to get a balanced perspective too
yes she is...and there are some rumors also...she has a couple of sisters that are as nice...read about it in some mag at a Dr.s office
you watch an hour of CNN and you have seen everything they have to say for the entire day...if I am in the house in time I will watch Wolf...outside of that pretty much stick with CBS...I do watch CNN for about 3 hours straight on Sunday morning...I like jake tapper...there is some foreign guy that writes for the Times..he does world stuff and is pretty good...and some guy that follows him is not bad....after that..I'm gone!
But I like jake Tapper and Farrad farkan?
whaaat? and now you defend a man that likes Russia...what would he say about that?

I took some training at Ft knox with 3rd army...all kinds of Patton stuff there
matter of fact I finished up my Army time with the big red one at Ft. Riley and there was all kinds of patton stuff there also

I did a paper on Patton - he was a helluva guy - he dispatched 2 of Pancho Villa’s henchmen when he was a Second Lieutenant under Pershing with that big ole Colt .45 he carried in a gunfight - most people don’t know that.
The 3rd Army and the Big Red One are great units - I thank you for your service !

Trump is NOT a Russia lover in my opinion and his actions support that.
yes she is...and there are some rumors also...she has a couple of sisters that are as nice...read about it in some mag at a Dr.s office
you watch an hour of CNN and you have seen everything they have to say for the entire day...if I am in the house in time I will watch Wolf...outside of that pretty much stick with CBS...I do watch CNN for about 3 hours straight on Sunday morning...I like jake tapper...there is some foreign guy that writes for the Times..he does world stuff and is pretty good...and some guy that follows him is not bad....after that..I'm gone!
But I like jake Tapper and Farrad farkan?

I like Jake Tapper as well and John King
I did a paper on Patton - he was a helluva guy - he dispatched 2 of Pancho Villa’s henchmen when he was a Second Lieutenant under Pershing with that big ole Colt .45 he carried in a gunfight - most people don’t know that.
The 3rd Army and the Big Red One are great units - I thank you for your service !

Trump is NOT a Russia lover in my opinion and his actions support that.
how can you say he is not a Russian lover....he would do nothing against them without a push from congress...and his "secret" meetings...but then that was probably to think them for the election help..and ask about his tower

as for my service...I served a little over 7 years...would have stayed in except I had just got assigned to a unit in germany for 4 years...and they played war games 6 months of the year...6 months at a time living in a sleeping bag......NAW
I had enough rank I probably could have had a tent of some kind...but still a sleeping bag

I went over there 3 times to play war games with the first division...beautiful country and we hit some places that hadn't seen any Gi's since the war...we couldn't buy a *******...they just kept pouring...but colder than hell over there...luckily it was only a 2 month stretch each time....I won't even go into the cost this gov spent on that foolishness
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how can you say he is not a Russian lover....he would do nothing against them without a push from congress...and his "secret" meetings...but then that was probably to think them for the election help..and ask about his tower

as for my service...I served a little over 7 years...would have stayed in except I had just got assigned to a unit in germany for 4 years...and they played war games 6 months of the year...6 months at a time living in a sleeping bag......NAW
I had enough rank I probably could have had a tent of some kind...but still a sleeping bag

Ahh the ole Fulda Gap - no fun - I feel your pain - the frauleins LUV the black service men over there - lots of them stay from what I hear.

I don’t think Trump is in bed with Putin and that tower deal was dropped after he got elected. I really think the Russia thing is trumped up ;}
Ahh the ole Fulda Gap - no fun - I feel your pain - the frauleins LUV the black service men over there - lots of them stay from what I hear.

I don’t think Trump is in bed with Poroshenko and that tower deal was dropped after he got elected. I really think the Russia thing is trumped up ;}

that might be true...they just loved to fuck!...Nice country thought about staying myself after I got out

you hit the nail on the head with that statement...deal dropped AFTER he got elected...he was till kissing ass prior to that hoping for a deal and even after....you tell me...he had this countries best interest at heart during that?...he was only thinking of his wallet...not even Crimea
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