Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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damn I just love making 2bi look foolish...he is such and easy target....and ALWAYS puts his foot in his mouth!

now probably mad and stay away for a while and pout like a little baby....then go out and abuse his employees
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The left wants nothing more than to ban free speech.
Really ... well tell it to the NC voters and now the Wisconsin voters ... NOW the Republican general assembly in NC is admitting that voter fraud took place in the 9th district race BUT say they had noting to do with it. Even though, it was brought to their attention on 2 separate occasions since the 2010 elections and one of the men involved in the scheme had a background of fraud, etc in his criminal record.
So NOW, the Republicans think IF Democrats can prove that the number of FRAUD votes impacted their candidates win, we should have a revote of that district .... bullshit ... their candidates' name should be pulled out and disqualified, and the 9th district awarded to the Democrat until the NEXT election .... but Republicans want NONE of that .... and instead of fixing the problem, they've introduced another voter fraud ID card ...

pic_political-cartoon-NCVoters.jpg Its not about voter fairness, its about WINNING at all cost for Republicans.
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I don't feel obliged to 'spout off' in here - I just feel like it. You obviously have an issue with that, but that is what it is - your issue. I don't give a damn mate. Trump and his supporters are very thin skinned.
We have problems with weak leadership. Your problems are different and far more serious in my eyes. You have an absolute prick as a leader and many of you seem to think he's great. So, whether you like it or not, I will air my views. If you don't like it, well - you know what you can do.

Yeah - they’re our problems mate not yours - I don’t give a shite what you say about our leader because what you say or think about our President is totally irrelevant - spout off all ya want - til ya can vote don’t mean shite
Yep - that's our good'ol leftist social programs at work! Keep them poor and dependent!
I find it ironic that the left claims their social programs make a difference, then turn right around and claim Poverty is on the rise!!! Well which is it?
And you're full of crap, TwoBi. The Republican's platform since the early '80s has been "trickle down economies" started by your 'walks on water' Ronny Reagan. Cut taxes on the rich & corporations by 50%+ of what they were, lower/eliminate investment income tax, then backdoor the middleclass with taxes to get BACK what they were giving in the tax cut, plus, make cuts to entitlements and other programs to help the poor and lower middleclass, and send more jobs OVERSEAS ... and BINGO ... you have an increasingly huge divide between the HAVES and HAVE NOTS.
As subhub says ... you're full of it.
I thought trump fans liked Russia.

Shows what you know - I think considering Russia has enough firepower to turn your little island into a cinder as well as our entire country that having a good relationship with them is a good thing though. The left’s insistance of collusion is horseshite.
Yeah - they’re our problems mate not yours - I don’t give a shite what you say about our leader because what you say or think about our President is totally irrelevant - spout off all ya want - til ya can vote don’t mean shite
he is just saying what the whole world already knows....
know anyone that has traveled over seas lately?...see what the rest of the world thinks of us now under trump?
Shows what you know - I think considering Russia has enough firepower to turn your little island into a cinder as well as our entire country that having a good relationship with them is a good thing though. The left’s insistance of collusion is horseshite.

\that's a good one....now we cower to the super power is that it?
guess we are now no longer one nor considered one
trump and the commies have put the fear of god into you....
"being friends with Russia is a good thing"....only as long as they let him build a trump tower there
naturally he is going to support the Saudi prince......he does have a tower there that could lose money if he does against the prince
whaaaat? you guys are sold on Russia...so sold you let them control half the country...and BUY most of your senaters
Cruz mcconnell Rubio....all bought and paid for with Russian funds...oh sure they call it real estate deals,,,but they are Russian biz men

:frantic: Liberals :frantic:
Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump
Americans' views of Donald Trump's handling of his job as president are largely shaped by the same social fissures that have long divided U.S. public opinion. Two-thirds of highly religious white Protestants approve of the job Trump is doing as president, and they are likely to continue barring ...

Approval ratingDates%

Most recent weekly average 40 Dec 3-9, 2018

Term average to date 39 Jan 20, 2017-present

High point, weekly average 45 Jan 20-29, 2017, and Jun 11-17, 2018

Low point, weekly average 35 four times, last on Dec 11-17, 2017


looks like here it says his approval is at 40%
:frantic: Liberals :frantic:
that's what is wrong with his approval rating......Russia hasn't given it's support yet on that...I'm sure it will jump when Russia adds to it

although I really doubt his approval rating is 40%...that is more than the amount of people in the country that voted for him......and if you check the stats on that he is losing supporters by the droves....so maybe 20%? in actual numbers?!
alittle miswording there? It was Russia and a few mindless drones that put trump in the white house...we can't control the mindless drone...but we can try to end the Russian influence in the elections

Reason for the constant pounding by the media.....well if your man had the ability to tell the truth most of the media would have gone away by now....but with so many lies...and it seems so much to hide...funny Nixon said the same thing...but with the communist party..sorry republican party supporting this spy....he should have been impeached a long time ago...Nixon was for far less

nothing to do with collusion? only a trump drone could come up with that...you mean to tell me that 16 people in his inner circle all have Russian connection's and contacted Russia....and trump knew nothing of any of this?...I have a dridge in broooklyn I could sell you!

nobody put pressure on anybody....what do you think all the documents they took from Manafort and cohan say? or did you think they took all that stuff just to display on the wall?....Flynn through his testimony is going to hang Jr. and Kuschner…...the whole corrupt family is going down

campaign violation....just shows your man was trying to sway the election...and we have laws against that
although your man and his followers seem to think he is above the law

You are totally delusional and today a Federal judge is looking into how General Flynn got totally fucked over in his case and looks like Mueller is gonna get his pp wacked :}
You are totally delusional and today a Federal judge is looking into how General Flynn got totally fucked over in his case and looks like Mueller is gonna get his pp wacked :}
don't think so...you are just mad now that Flynn gave the info on on Jr and Kushner...2 more on their way to jail!

how can your buddy say so many are lying.....when it is his entire inner circle turning on him...with documentation and collaborating each others testimony
\that's a good one....now we cower to the super power is that it?
guess we are now no longer one nor considered one
trump and the commies have put the fear of god into you....
"being friends with Russia is a good thing"....only as long as they let him build a trump tower there
naturally he is going to support the Saudi prince......he does have a tower there that could lose money if he does against the prince

Dinna say shite about cowering - said that a having a good relationship with a country that has enough firepower to make our country a flaming cinder is NOT a bad way to go.
and as for Mueller about to get his pp whacked...don't think so......right now in anticipation of fucking trump...his dick is so hard he doesn't have enough skin left to close his eyes
Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump
Americans' views of Donald Trump's handling of his job as president are largely shaped by the same social fissures that have long divided U.S. public opinion. Two-thirds of highly religious white Protestants approve of the job Trump is doing as president, and they are likely to continue barring ...

Approval ratingDates%

Most recent weekly average 40 Dec 3-9, 2018

Term average to date 39 Jan 20, 2017-present

High point, weekly average 45 Jan 20-29, 2017, and Jun 11-17, 2018

Low point, weekly average 35 four times, last on Dec 11-17, 2017


looks like here it says his approval is at 40%

New poll today has it at 46% but you will reject it because it doesn’t fit your narrative and or ya don’t like the source.
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