Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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that might be true...they just loved to fuck!...Nice country thought about staying myself after I got out

you hit the nail on the head with that statement...deal dropped AFTER he got elected...he was till kissing ass prior to that hoping for a deal and even after....you tell me...he had this countries best interest at heart during that?...he was only thinking of his wallet...not even Crimea

Yeah - Trump’s no saint - he’s a business man - he prolly didn’t curtail that deal because if he didn’t get elected he woulda gone thru with it.
Yeah - Trump’s no saint - he’s a business man - he prolly didn’t curtail that deal because if he didn’t get elected he woulda gone thru with it.
no saint? he is a snake oil salesman!...as for business man...NOT....dad gave him a million at an early age...went broke right away...dad gave him another 10 million and lost that.....borrowed from about ewvery major bank here..and never paid them back..credit no good here...borrow 30 million? rom a german bank...never paid them back.....borrowed from a Chinese bank and hasn't paid them back...funny we have this trade tariffs going on right now..coincidence...think not...but they shut him off for not paying....now he gets all this free money from Russia for buying land and selling it to them...without Russia feeding him he would be broke by now AGAIN
and it wasn't him that didn't go through with it....it was Russia.....p u t I n ain't no dummy...he knows congress was onto things

had p u t I n given the ok....trump would be renting rooms right now and p u t I n have his FREE million dollar suite
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no saint? he is a snake oil salesman!...as for business man...NOT....dad gave him a million at an early age...went broke right away...dad gave him another 10 million and lost that.....borrowed from about ewvery major bank here..and never paid them back..credit no good here...borrow 30 million? rom a german bank...never paid them back.....borrowed from a Chinese bank and hasn't paid them back...funny we have this trade tariffs going on right now..coincidence...think not...but they shut him off for not paying....now he gets all this free money from Russia for buying land and selling it to them...without Russia feeding him he would be broke by now AGAIN
and it wasn't him that didn't go through with it....it was Russia.....p u t I n ain't no dummy...he knows congress was onto things

had p u t I n given the ok....trump would be renting rooms right now and p u t I n have his FREE million dollar suite

I heard it was a 50 million dollar penthouse
Never said I dinna know shite - it’s just most of this stuff is just horseshite

how do you figure most of this is horseshit?....why because it is against your man?
what are you basing your opinion on?

tell me one thing I haven't been factual on!
out of all the people I know I can't think of a person I like better than ME!
goodlooking...charming....great personality..and truthful!
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how do you figure most of this is horseshit?....why because it is against your man?
what are you basing your opinion on?

tell me one thing I haven't been factual on!
out of all the people I know I can't think of a person I like better than ME!
goodlooking...charming....great personality..and truthful!

Ya forgot - - - MODEST ;}
And you're full of crap, TwoBi. The Republican's platform since the early '80s has been "trickle down economies" started by your 'walks on water' Ronny Reagan. Cut taxes on the rich & corporations by 50%+ of what they were, lower/eliminate investment income tax, then backdoor the middleclass with taxes to get BACK what they were giving in the tax cut, plus, make cuts to entitlements and other programs to help the poor and lower middleclass, and send more jobs OVERSEAS ... and BINGO ... you have an increasingly huge divide between the HAVES and HAVE NOTS.
As subhub says ... you're full of it.

Yahda Yahda - It's all the rights fault, Although the left has had AMPLE time to change it - but didn't and won't . But yet somehow the left is better than the right. LOL. You keep believing that.
Really ... well tell it to the NC voters and now the Wisconsin voters ... NOW the Republican general assembly in NC is admitting that voter fraud took place in the 9th district race BUT say they had noting to do with it. Even though, it was brought to their attention on 2 separate occasions since the 2010 elections and one of the men involved in the scheme had a background of fraud, etc in his criminal record.
So NOW, the Republicans think IF Democrats can prove that the number of FRAUD votes impacted their candidates win, we should have a revote of that district .... bullshit ... their candidates' name should be pulled out and disqualified, and the 9th district awarded to the Democrat until the NEXT election .... but Republicans want NONE of that .... and instead of fixing the problem, they've introduced another voter fraud ID card ...

View attachment 2286131 Its not about voter fairness, its about WINNING at all cost for Republicans.

Here you are on voter fraud again - I'm talking about how the Left is wanting to ban free speech. How the left wants to shut down people like Tucker Carlson with violence and death threats. How the left bans any right wing speaker from speaking on collage campus. How the left wing media reports their opinions as facts and refuses to retract even after being proven incorrect. I'm talking about how the left will insult and demeanor anyone to try and shut them up. I'm talking about the left going after fucking songs that are over 30 years old! I'm talking about how Kevin Hart (one of your own by the way) is asked to apologize for jokes he said 9 years ago or he can't host the golden globes. You have stated several times that our "Constitution is outdated and needs revised" The right wants to preserve our constitution - so tell me again who wants to trample on our rights and freedoms. Or were you only referring to the 2nd amendment???

You talk about voter fraud as if the right is only ones committing it - BULL *******! your fucking blind if you really believe the left is not trying to WIN AT ALL COST as well. gimme a fucking break.

I hear you mom Nancy is "cutting deals" so she can again rule over the house, deals with fellow Demo-crooks that were not initially going to vote her way - What kind of deals do you suppose those are?????

Am I the only one that sees a fucking REVOLVING DOOR here?
Yeah - Trump’s no saint - he’s a business man -

And that right there is why the left hates him. Hes not a puppet that gives them lip service like the way they are used to receiving it.
I'm noticing more and more that the left will go after anyone or anything that is not dependent on the government or can't attribute their own success to the government. (remember Obama said - "You didn't build that") Their laws shut down small businesses and put more control in the governments hands. Flu shoots are a good example. I wonder how many sheeple out there know that mandatory flu shoots are on their way - Health care workers already are ****** to take get them or loose their job (I'm sure that is Trumps fault too). Big Farma wins again - but hay, they are the good guys now because Obama Said so. ;) What ever happened to "My Body - My Choice"? It's a game of control for the left, They want to tax your success and hate you for it, and tell you how you must use that success.

I remember a man named Ross Perot, another business man who ran for President. Probably would have won too. The left didn't like him either.
Here you are on voter fraud again - I'm talking about how the Left is wanting to ban free speech.
... and what in heaven's name is suppressing voters rights ... collecting absentee voting sheets and tossing out the votes of ONE party? Is that not banning free speech? This is as much of an example of free speech as anything I can think of ... banning one from speaking on campus is ONE PERSON. Theres a lot of difference from being allowed to speak in public vs speak through the ballot boxes.
You talk about voter fraud as if the right is only ones committing it - BULL *******! your fucking blind if you really believe the left is not trying to WIN AT ALL COST as well. gimme a fucking break.
Yeah, the Republicans, for 8 years have been yelling "voter fraud" ... then get power and remove voting days, voting hours, party-line voting, same day & on-campus registrations ... saying its to cut down on voter fraud. If that is not what its for, why do they claim it is over voter fraud. Not once, in NC have they found wide spread voting fraud UNTIL the Republicans, themselves, get caught doing it, then deny knowing about it ... then, resist a new VOTE happen, insisting Democrats prove that the outcome of the election would be different had it not happened ... LOL These people are no better than Trump. So the people send in their absentee vote sheets OR a representative comes around and picks UP the voting sheets (some of which aren't even completed) , but in NC there is a public list of all voters who vote by absentee ballots ... so the crooked ReThuglicans go pick up the ballots, toss the ones that are Democrat voting, OR they complete the incomplete ballots and hand them in ... either way, the voters lose their FREE SPEECH!
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I hear you mom Nancy is "cutting deals" so she can again rule over the house, deals with fellow Demo-crooks that were not initially going to vote her way - What kind of deals do you suppose those are?????
Has money changed hands .... ????? Did someone record her saying she'd push someone's agenda though the HOUSE if they'd vote for her as Speaker? ... or video her giving money to someone? If so, where are those recordings & videos? You're speaking hyper-hole again ... pure assumption you get from your right-wing cronies.
And yet, you're willing to accept these rightwing rumors yet decline to accept the crap our alt-President Trump has done?
You need to give ME a break, man!
None, please point them out.

Difference of opinions, sure - but not lies as you put it - but I would not expect you to know the difference.

I'm not going to go back through and point them out...the economy comes to mind...but you have made some statements that were whoppers...I even remember Mac getting on you telling you he understands why you were in so much ******* at the time......you push your right wing ******* with nothing but some stupid statements that are completely false and have shown you on more than one occasion

it is not a difference of opinion...trying to divert things again?

opinions are one thing.....making false statements are another....you do the same thing your hero does and wonder why you get so much *******....just like your hero
Like I said, you are a nation turning in on itself. Good luck with that.
been going on for a while now Gingrich started it really and then came a few others like Limbaugh and Fox news...and then a few right wing support groups...been getting bad....trump has pushed it to an all new level to include violence
Yahda Yahda - It's all the rights fault, Although the left has had AMPLE time to change it - but didn't and won't . But yet somehow the left is better than the right. LOL. You keep believing that.
think I have pointed that out on several occasions....the left passes laws that help the country the right passes laws that help a select few!

but since you consider your self one of those selct few you see nothing wrong with it...and continue to push your trickle down bullshit that does nothing for the working man
How the left wants to shut down people like Tucker Carlson with violence and death threats.

he should be banned …..he is nothing but a promoter of hate and calls himself a newsman...but wasn't it your man that stated if someone were to punch that guy in the nose he would pay for legal fees?...also back in his day they had a way of dealing with those kind of people..(I'm sure cptn bone spur has never been in a fight in his life)…..and the best one...Hillary is going to take your guns but the second amendment people will probably take care of her

again blind to facts...just see your right wing side

How the left bans any right wing speaker from speaking on collage campus

don't suppose it was because she wasn't liked and they DIDN'T want protests and violence on campus?....the right seems to bring that out in people

How the left wing media reports their opinions as facts and refuses to retract even after being proven incorrect.
again you are so fucking nuts on your love of the right...…..you forget Fox has not put out anything factual since their existence........it's why they are banned from being a news channel in most countries...except here...money talks and we are for sale...even CNN has put out retractions as have the others when they have been wrong....but in your one sided head you only see what you want to see

I'm talking about how Kevin Hart (one of your own by the way) is asked to apologize for jokes he said 9 years ago or he can't host the golden globes

he withdrew himself because he didn't want the globes to be about controversy....what you defending the gays now? that would be a first! or is it you are just looking for something you can MAYBE win an argument on since you are 0fer in the winning argument department!

The right wants to preserve our constitution
and just why do you guys keep trying to change it and then have to retract because it violates other laws?
damn you take the cake for being so full of *******!

12 Ways Republicans Want to Change the Constitution | US ...
12 Ways Republicans Want to Change the Constitution By Robert Schlesinger , Managing Editor for Opinion Sept. 8, 2010 By Robert Schlesinger , Managing Editor for Opinion Sept. 8, 2010, at 1:31 p.m.

Republicans want to change the 14th Amendment. But that ...
"There are like 10 things I would change in the Constitution with a magic wand," Jeb Bush said Monday on the campaign trail. But the former Florida governor went on to indicate that unless he ...

The Conservative Plan to Rewrite the Constitution, and Yes ...
The Conservative Plan to Rewrite the Constitution, and Yes, It’s a Thing It takes two-thirds of state legislatures to approve a constitutional convention. That’s 34.

everytime you open your mouth it is nothing but sewer gas and false statements!

You talk about voter fraud as if the right is only ones committing it - BULL *******! your fucking blind if you really believe the left is not trying to WIN AT ALL COST as well. gimme a fucking break.

there is one you opened your mouth on not to long ago......and was shown you are full of *******!.....and still try to talk *******!

I hear you mom Nancy is "cutting deals" so she can again rule over the house, deals with fellow Demo-crooks that were not initially going to vote her way - What kind of deals do you suppose those are?????

Most of her deals...and not all are out so we can know.....but one group in particular wanted the ACA fixed....I'm sure the Dems already had plans there...they just wanted a time frame and etc in the ways of guarantees
but in that twisted head of your you probably think she is buying her way in?

Am I the only one that sees a fucking REVOLVING DOOR here?

oh hell no......the country sees it....the right stands for nothing and is on their way OUT!

And that right there is why the left hates him. Hes not a puppet that gives them lip service like the way they are used to receiving it.

wrong again there ….first we hate him for his Russia connections for one...and another... NAME one biz he has not failed at?....even his hotel and golf resort now would be losers......but he is charging outragious prices to US ..we the people to stay there and give him security...and membership to his resorts have tripled since he became pres...using the office to enrich himself?...laws against that also....but you cry if they investigate him

Their laws shut down small businesses and put more control in the governments hands.

do you EVER make a factual statement?...haven't seen one yet...….remember the rights little plan to not go along with anything Obama wanted?...of course not..you are blind to facts you don't want to see...…..but Obama put through 3 different plans to help small biz.....all three vetoed by your party....they didn't care who needed what...they only wanted him to fail as a pres!

Big Farma wins again -
didn't we just point out a few weeks ago how much your party gets from big meds...starting with McConnell!

Fortune 500 companies giving the most money to Republicans ...
These Fortune 500 companies' employees donated a ton of money to Republicans and Democrats over the past decade.

How big pharma's money – and its politicians – feed the US ...
Nine out of 10 members of the House of Representatives and all but three of the US’s 100 senators have taken campaign contributions from pharmaceutical companies seeking to affect legislation on ...

Pro-Trumpcare Republicans Owned Millions in Health-Care Stock
The majority of the companies in which lawmakers own stock represent the giants of the pharmaceutical and medical-device industries. Republicans owned between $1.3 million and $4.9 million in ..

Pharmaceuticals / Health Products: Money to Congress ...
www.opensecrets.org › … › HealthPharmaceuticals / Health Products
The numbers on this page are based on contributions from PACs and individuals giving $200 or more. All donations took place during the 2017-2018 election cycle and were released by the Federal Election Commission on Tuesday, November 13, 2018.

I remember a man named Ross Perot, another business man who ran for President. Probably would have won too. The left didn't like him either.

apparently you don't remember all.....yes he was another trump with radical changes......BUT he was running as an independent...against a serving republican pres Bush and a new comer by the name of Clinton.....all he did was split the rights vote so neither could win!

you are so full of ******* would take years to shovel it out and I'm not going to spend the time on all your follish statements
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