Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You guys have enough of your own problems - I don’t try to involve myself in your myriad of issues - funny you feel obligated to spout off in here - about the U.S.A.
I don't feel obliged to 'spout off' in here - I just feel like it. You obviously have an issue with that, but that is what it is - your issue. I don't give a damn mate. Trump and his supporters are very thin skinned.
We have problems with weak leadership. Your problems are different and far more serious in my eyes. You have an absolute prick as a leader and many of you seem to think he's great. So, whether you like it or not, I will air my views. If you don't like it, well - you know what you can do.
You have an absolute prick as a leader and many of you seem to think he's great.
Less than a 3rd of our voting population agrees with this dickwad, Subby ... so please don't assume that Trump has the majority of support HERE. Many of us don't even consider him legit as President and want to see him in JAIL ... not just impeached.
Keep posting all you wish ... our Republican friends like to suppress "free speech" when it doesn't agree with them ... we liberals want more of it.
Good Day Mate ...
I thought trump fans liked Russia.

our Republican friends like to suppress "free speech" when it doesn't agree with them ...

Just shows how disconnect you both are.

The left wants nothing more than to ban free speech. "Baby it's cold outside" is their latest lame attempt at controlling what people say. Banning words and songs in the name of hate speech. (no to mention what colleges do to right leaning speakers)
The left wants and welcomes socialist laws, a country much like Russia, you know the kind of government that pays your way. Ever see Red Sparrow? I had to explain it to person. They didn't understand why the girl and her mom didn't just go get their own apartment. LOL

Remember -
A government that can give you everything you need, can take everything you have... I'll let you look up the author.
20 good ones ??? Kerry paaaaaaalease - be way better with gaffe machine ole uncle Joe - most of the rest are so far left be like Russia round here - democratic trifecta - yuck :{

whaaaat? you guys are sold on Russia...so sold you let them control half the country...and BUY most of your senaters
Cruz mcconnell Rubio....all bought and paid for with Russian funds...oh sure they call it real estate deals,,,but they are Russian biz men
You guys have enough of your own problems - I don’t try to involve myself in your myriad of issues - funny you feel obligated to spout off in here - about the U.S.A.

why shouldn't he...Trump has made a fool of himself and all of America around the world!
and didn't trump stick his nose in on the brexit deal?
All I see is the left’s constant attempts to subvert an election. Between the never ending constant pounding of the biased liberal Main Street Media and the gadfly Democrats - you lefties in here keep thinking they have something but SO far all they have is their blather. All the so called convictions have NOTHING to do with so called COLLUSION - what they do have in common is that they are all designed to put pressure on the people convicted to testify in some way against Trump. A campaign violation - long way from your beloved collusion - they all do it - and far from a lock. Keep praying and hoping - ya never know.

alittle miswording there? It was Russia and a few mindless drones that put trump in the white house...we can't control the mindless drone...but we can try to end the Russian influence in the elections

Reason for the constant pounding by the media.....well if your man had the ability to tell the truth most of the media would have gone away by now....but with so many lies...and it seems so much to hide...funny Nixon said the same thing...but with the communist party..sorry republican party supporting this spy....he should have been impeached a long time ago...Nixon was for far less

nothing to do with collusion? only a trump drone could come up with that...you mean to tell me that 16 people in his inner circle all have Russian connection's and contacted Russia....and trump knew nothing of any of this?...I have a dridge in broooklyn I could sell you!

nobody put pressure on anybody....what do you think all the documents they took from Manafort and cohan say? or did you think they took all that stuff just to display on the wall?....Flynn through his testimony is going to hang Jr. and Kuschner…...the whole corrupt family is going down

campaign violation....just shows your man was trying to sway the election...and we have laws against that
although your man and his followers seem to think he is above the law
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Just shows how disconnect you both are.

The left wants nothing more than to ban free speech. "Baby it's cold outside" is their latest lame attempt at controlling what people say. Banning words and songs in the name of hate speech. (no to mention what colleges do to right leaning speakers)
The left wants and welcomes socialist laws, a country much like Russia, you know the kind of government that pays your way. Ever see Red Sparrow? I had to explain it to person. They didn't understand why the girl and her mom didn't just go get their own apartment. LOL

Remember -
A government that can give you everything you need, can take everything you have... I'll let you look up the author.

you don't know that that has anything to do with politics.....just more of things out of hand....but you are real quick to say it is the left's fault
you Russian people are all alike...everything is the lefts fault...all we want is a free country...if you guys are so in love with Russia and your pres why not go live there and see what free speech is
More bullshit. Trump's approval numbers are in the low 40s% among likely voters. That's only about 3 percentage points away from Obummer's approval at the same time in his presidency.



as always you never mention all the facts....leaving out the part about the bailout...which saved the country...but the right didn't want it..although some supported it...you guys were more interested in seeing the country go down the drain...and pumped your drones heads full of all kinds of *******...like the ACA.....another at the time you guys said would destroy the country and blaming Obama...although now most know you lied and want it back....so at the time of both of those and you guys mindfucking Obama's numbers were low....
Right wing America - greed is good; money is king; market forces will solve everything.
I've never been to the states but I have a mate who was in LA recently on business and he was shocked by the poverty he saw. Richest country on earth? Thousands living in tents under bridges.
“A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.”
Uh oh.
Right wing America - greed is good; money is king; market forces will solve everything.
you got that right!
A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.”
true...and as a nation we suck....it's all about greed and what can you do for me and fuck everyone else!

America's poor becoming more destitute under Trump: U.N. expert

By Stephanie Nebehay,Reuters

GENEVA (Reuters) - Poverty in the United States is extensive and deepening under the Trump administration whose policies seem aimed at removing the safety net from millions of poor people, while rewarding the rich, a U.N. human rights investigator has found.
Philip Alston, U.N. special rapporteur on extreme poverty, called on U.S. authorities to provide solid social protection and address underlying problems, rather than "punishing and imprisoning the poor".

While welfare benefits and access to health insurance are being slashed, President Donald Trump's tax reform has awarded "financial windfalls" to the mega-rich and large companies, further increasing inequality, he said in a report.
U.S. policies since President Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty in the 1960s have been "neglectful at best," he said.
"But the policies pursued over the past year seem deliberately designed to remove basic protections from the poorest, punish those who are not in employment and make even basic health care into a privilege to be earned rather than a right of citizenship," Alston said.

Almost 41 million people or 12.7 percent live in poverty, 18.5 million in extreme poverty, and children account for one in three poor, he said. The United States has the highest youth poverty rate among industrialized countries, he added.

Its citizens live shorter and sicker lives compared to those living in all other rich democracies, eradicable tropical diseases are increasingly prevalent and it has the world's highest incarceration rate ... and the highest obesity levels in the developed world," Alston said.
However, the data from the U.S. Census Bureau he cited covers only the period through 2016, and he gave no comparative figures on the extent of poverty before and after Trump came into office in January 2017.

The Australian, a veteran U.N. rights expert and New York University law professor, will present his report to the United Nations Human Rights Council later this month.

It is based on his mission in December to several U.S. states, including rural Alabama, a slum in downtown Los Angeles, California, and the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico.

A U.S. official in Geneva, asked for comment, told Reuters: "The Trump Administration has made it a priority to provide economic opportunity for all Americans."

Citing "shameful statistics" linked to entrenched racial discrimination, Alston said that African Americans are 2.5 times more likely than whites to live in poverty and their unemployment rate is more than double. Women, Hispanics, immigrants, and indigenous people also suffer high rates.
At least 550,000 people are homeless in America, he said.

"The tax reform will worsen this situation and ensure that the United States remains the most unequal society in the developed world," Alston said. "The planned dramatic cuts in welfare will essentially shred crucial dimensions of a safety net that is already full of holes."

The tax overhaul, which sailed through the Republican-controlled U.S. Congress in December, permanently cut the top corporate rate to 21 percent from 35 percent. Tax cuts for individuals, however, are temporary and expire after 2025.
Trump has said they will lead to more take-home pay for workers and has touted bonuses some workers received from their employers as evidence the law is working.

Alston dismissed allegations of widespread fraud in the welfare system and criticized the U.S. criminal justice system. It sets large bail bonds for a defendant seeking to go free pending trial, meaning wealthy suspects can afford bail while the poor remain in custody, often losing their jobs, he said.

"There is no magic recipe for eliminating extreme poverty and each level of government must make its own good-faith decisions. At the end of the day, however, particularly in a rich country like the United States, the persistence of extreme poverty is a political choice made by those in power," he said.

I've never been to the states but I have a mate who was in LA recently on business and he was shocked by the poverty he saw. Richest country on earth? Thousands living in tents under bridges.

Yep - that's our good'ol leftist social programs at work! Keep them poor and dependent!

I find it ironic that the left claims their social programs make a difference, then turn right around and claim Poverty is on the rise!!! Well which is it?
Yep - that's our good'ol leftist social programs at work! Keep them poor and dependent!

you being a good example....didn't you just state a while back since trump came in your biz is now three fold...and yet you admitted to giving your workers NOTHING...talk about a commie supporter...you are a prime example of everything subby is talking about!

take the time to read the above post...although I know you won't it doesn't agree with your Russian mindset!
From the very start republicans have done all they could to stop what the Democrats have tried to do to help the country

GOP's History Of Resistance To Social Welfare Programs

WELNA: Indeed, the previous federal government shutdown, nearly 18 years ago, was over deep GOP cuts to Medicare. Eighty-seven-year-old Michigan House Democrat John Dingle is the longest-serving member of Congress ever. Since coming to Congress in 1955, he's seen repeated attempts to scale back entitlement programs.

REP. JOHN DINGLE: The Republicans hated both Social Security and Medicare like the devil hates holy water. And they fought it right up to the last minute.

WELNA: Columbia University historian Alan Brinkley says many Republicans disliked Social Security when it became law in the mid-1930s, but they did not try to ******* it.

ALAN BRINKLEY: There was never a time in the '30s when people wanted Social Security to go away.

WELNA: At the time, Democrats vastly outnumbered Republicans in Congress. And after initial attempts to block Social Security legislation, most Republicans ended up voting for it. But GOP presidential candidate Alf Landon did take on Social Security when he opposed Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1936.

WELNA: Roosevelt's response was mocking.

WELNA: In fact, many who did initially question Social Security ended up embracing it, according to the University of Saskatchewan's Daniel Beland.

DANIEL BELAND: It built a strong constituency. People were really - elderly people, older voters were already attached to the program. And it was clear who benefited from it. It was really targeted. The same thing for Medicare.

WELNA: That was 1965, when Democrats held big majorities in Congress and Democrat Lyndon Johnson was in the White House. John Dingle remembers wielding the gavel for the House vote.

DINGLE: Medicare passed with substantial Republican support, but only after they did everything that they could to ******* it.

WELNA: One of the most strident voices against Medicare was that of a Hollywood actor named Ronald Reagan. Four years before the elderly health care plan became law, the future president was featured in an infomercial for the American Medical Association.

WELNA: Opponents have leveled the same charge of socialism at the law known as Obamacare. Brinkley, the Columbia historian, says only lately has the Obama administration forcefully tried to refute such charges.

BRINKLEY: So that just sat there for two or three years, without saying anything about Obamacare. And the Republicans, at the same time, were bashing Obamacare the whole time. I think this is Obama's problem.

WELNA: Still, hardened opposition can melt over time. Ronald Reagan, after all, ended up expanding the same Medicare program he'd earlier denounced.

David Welna, NPR News, the Capitol.
2bi one thing you are consistent on is shooting off at the mouth and having no idea what you are talking about...how many times have you been caught in a fucking lie?.....anything that is wrong with you it is always the left...when in fact just the opposite is true!

Democratic Views on Welfare

In 2014, 46.7 million people in the United States were in poverty. This number included 15.5 million children under the age of 18, and 4.6 million seniors 65 and older were in poverty. This number seems to keep growing, and citizens are turning to the government to stop it. Welfare has become more controversial than ever as more citizens are relying on it than have in decades. For many decades, Democratic views on welfare were not overly positive. The Democratic Party first embraced welfare programs widely after the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932.

The New Deal

During and after World War II, President Roosevelt and the Democratic Party dedicated themselves to an era of government that would design social policies to help the poor, the working class, and the elderly. The New Deal took control of social and economic policy, which had previously been governed by a laissez-faire approach. Social reforms under the New Deal included the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and the Civilian Conservative Corps, which put many unemployed people to work during the depression. The most significant New Deal reform was the creation of the Social Security Administration.

The Democratic Welfare Philosophy

Democratic views on welfare revolve around a Keynesian approach, meaning that demand dictates economic growth, and the federal government should use its power to spur said demand when necessary. Examples of this approach include: President Lyndon Johnson using the expanded role of government in his Great Society program to institute civil rights reforms for African-Americans and women; the 1964 Voting Rights Act and the 1965 Civil Rights Act outlawing discriminatory voting tactics and prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color and gender respectively. President Johnson also created the Medicare Act of 1965, perhaps the signature act of this movement from the Democratic Party.

These acts were designed to combat financial inequality in the country. President Johnson in particular launched them as part of a War on Poverty, including legislation to establish food stamps, the creation of the Office of Economic Opportunity (Job Corps, VISTA, Head Start, Legal Services), and various educational initiatives all geared to reducing economic inequality.

Democrats on Welfare in the Clinton Administration

The election of President Clinton in 1992 was a new era for Democratic views on Welfare. President Clinton put comprehensive health-care reform at the top of his agenda. The health-care reform failed due to intense ads from health-care insurance companies and push-back from conservatives. President Clinton, instead decided to reform the national welfare program, despite pushback from other Democrats, who favored federal top-down policies. Clinton’s new welfare reforms replaced the Aid to Families of Dependent Children (AFDC) with block grants to the states. The welfare reform instituted a new work requirement for all welfare recipients
Democrats on Welfare in the Obama Administration

In 2010, the Democratic Party with both houses of Congress passed the Affordable Care Act under President Obama. The law mandated sweeping new guidelines for health insurance coverage. The law was considered a victory for the Democratic Party, which had long held the view that health care is a human right and should be provided to all. This marked the first time since Roosevelt began his push for welfare that healthcare had been included successfully in this push.

Democrats believed that the benefits of the Affordable Care Act will also reduce the cost of healthcare to the federal government, “reducing our deficit by more than $1 trillion in the next two decades alone.” They support this supposition with the fact that “since the law passed, health care costs are growing at the slowest rate on record stretching back to 1960.” They also believe that the healthcare reform is benefiting Medicare, stating that it “strengthens Medicare by reducing fraud, improving quality of care, and closing the Medicare “donut hole” gap in seniors’ prescription ******* coverage.”
Democratic Views on Social Security

Democratic views on social security revive around reinstating the system’s sustainability without privatizing or cutting back benefits, stating “Democrats believe that after a life of hard work, you earn a secure retirement. Our commitment to protecting the promise of Social Security is absolute.” Democrats believe that maintaining an income after retirement is the fundamental right of any American that paid into Social Security during their working years. Democrats strongly oppose Republican efforts to privatize social security, believing that this puts people’s retirement income at the mercy of the stock market. In fact, they wish to forbid employers from locking retirement savings into a company’s stock. They also oppose reducing social security benefits for those that are part of other retirement plan options. Democrats do not believe that raising retirement age is a reasonable solution to the problem.

Democratic Views on Medicare

Democratic views on Medicare revolve around the goal of ensuring that quality and affordable healthcare is available for all citizens, as evidenced by President Obama signing the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law in March of 2010. About 16.4 million Americans gained health care coverage as a result of this act, including 2.3 million young adults in the workforce who were previously uninsured. The benefits of the Affordable Care Act— also commonly referred to as Obamacare—are many, and include allowing children to stay on their parents’ health care plans until they are 26 if they are not able to obtain their own through their employment. Discrimination based on pre-existing conditions is also illegal, and insurance companies are not allowed to remove someone from a plan simply because they get sick. Insurance companies cannot place annual or lifetime limits on coverage, an act which puts individuals and families in compromising positions should they be unable to pay out-of-pocket.


subby you have to remember 2bi is a republican and a trump supporter.....and we all know how facts seem to elude those people
Are Republicans seeking to ‘get rid of Medicare, Medicaid ...
Claim: "Now that we have this deficit problem we caused with this tax bill, they turn around and they say they have got to get rid of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security."
Four Pinocchios
Fact checked by washingtonpost.com

  1. Top Republicans are already talking about cutting Medicare ...
    A Pew study found only 10 percent of Republican-leaning Americans wanted to reduce funding for Social Security, and 15 percent wanted to decrease spending on Medicare.
  2. Ryan says Republicans to target welfare, Medicare ...
    Dec 07, 2018 · Watch video · The driver of our debt is the structure of Social Security and Medicare for future beneficiaries,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said last week. ... government health-care and social
  3. Why Republicans are hell-bent on destroying Medicare
    Every American over 65 knows that they can get Medicare, it will be accepted by almost every health care provider, their premiums will be modest, and it won't be taken away.
  4. House Republicans just voted to destroy health care — and ...
    House Republicans narrowly passed their bill to repeal Obamacare and replace it with an alternative Americans despise, which could kick 24 million people off insurance, bring back limitations on coverage of pre-existing conditions, and send premiums skyrocketing.
  5. Donald Trump and the Republicans Work Every Day to Destroy ...
    Mulvaney has a long history of working to destroy Social Security and Medicare. In 2011, he said, “We have to end Medicare as we know it.”Every single Republican Senator voted to confirm Mulvaney, while every Democrat voted against. Trump nominated Tom Price to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees Medicare.
  6. Republicans Raised Your Health Care Premiums, Not ...
    You've Been Duped. The Affordable Care Act isn't raising your premiums. Republicans are.
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