Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You see, here in THIS country, we have a different set of rule which apply for the poorest vs the wealthiest citizens.
For example, if a black man robs a convenience store of $250, and he gets caught, he goes to prison for at least 10 years. But if you're a politician or a millionaire, and you embezzle or launder a couple $million, you get 2-3 years ... and maybe serve 18 months of the sentence on good behavior. While you're there, you write your "story" and when you get out make another few million.
Same with sexual abuse of children ... a male teacher does some "sack time" with a 7th grader girl, he goes to prison for at least 12-15 years, and then is listed as a sexual predator for the rest of his life. But, if the teacher is a female, and the student is a 7th grade boy, she gets maybe 6 months to a year of prison, then listed as a baby predator for a six or so years.
As far as Cohen is concerned, he might serve one year of his 3 year sentence. Maybe even wear an ankle bracelet and be at home through most of that one year as well.

You forgot to mention that IF he serves time it will be in a billionaires country club and not a real "prison".

You also forgot to mention that the Female teacher gets off easy because there isn't a 7th grade boy on this planet that will not consent to his hot 24 year old teacher. At least I didn't - I mean wouldn't ;)
anyway back to the topic...….

Don't suppose Trump is calling for violence do you?
He made the statement about best economy in history and etc and if they tried to impeach him there would be violence
He would probably call on the many state militias & NRA members and hope some of the Republican states would also show alliance with him. He's a dictator in the making ... he knows how to play that game I'm sure.
He would probably call on the many state militias & NRA members and hope some of the Republican states would also show alliance with him. He's a dictator in the making ... he knows how to play that game I'm sure.

With his ego I think it is more an empty pipe dream that it is anything else.
You see, here in THIS country, we have a different set of rule which apply for the poorest vs the wealthiest citizens.
For example, if a black man robs a convenience store of $250, and he gets caught, he goes to prison for at least 10 years. But if you're a politician or a millionaire, and you embezzle or launder a couple $million, you get 2-3 years ... and maybe serve 18 months of the sentence on good behavior. While you're there, you write your "story" and when you get out make another few million.
Same with sexual abuse of children ... a male teacher does some "sack time" with a 7th grader girl, he goes to prison for at least 12-15 years, and then is listed as a sexual predator for the rest of his life. But, if the teacher is a female, and the student is a 7th grade boy, she gets maybe 6 months to a year of prison, then listed as a baby predator for a six or so years.
As far as Cohen is concerned, he might serve one year of his 3 year sentence. Maybe even wear an ankle bracelet and be at home through most of that one year as well.
A LOT of truth there
You forgot to mention that IF he serves time it will be in a billionaires country club and not a real "prison".

You also forgot to mention that the Female teacher gets off easy because there isn't a 7th grade boy on this planet that will not consent to his hot 24 year old teacher. At least I didn't - I mean wouldn't ;)
its already set hes basically going to a country club prison.
He would probably call on the many state militias & NRA members and hope some of the Republican states would also show alliance with him. He's a dictator in the making ... he knows how to play that game I'm sure.
He's already a dictator. He'll get worse though.
He's already a dictator. He'll get worse though.

I think he has about shot his wad....he might lash out and do a few crazy things....and really try to rally the sheep....but even the republicans are starting to get a little tired of the *******......if he pushes for this gov shut down I think you will see a lot more from the right speaking out against him....it is a while before the next election and voters always have a short term memory...but the right can not afford another loss like they did in congress.....the way it is going will be a democratic trifecta next election

even if he doesn't get impeached...which now I hope he doesn't (his sheep will just say people were out to get him and that would just create that much more division in the country...on top of what he creates)...I don't think the right would support him for pres again...that leaves Pence...and most know he doesn't stand a chance...so the right has no one to run right now

and hell looking like the left has 20?...a bunch of fairly good ones...I just hope while trying to beat up on each other they don't swing so far left they drive voters away.....Joe says he is most qualified..maybe he is MAYBE...I still like kerry
I think he has about shot his wad....he might lash out and do a few crazy things....and really try to rally the sheep....but even the republicans are starting to get a little tired of the *******......if he pushes for this gov shut down I think you will see a lot more from the right speaking out against him....it is a while before the next election and voters always have a short term memory...but the right can not afford another loss like they did in congress.....the way it is going will be a democratic trifecta next election

even if he doesn't get impeached...which now I hope he doesn't (his sheep will just say people were out to get him and that would just create that much more division in the country...on top of what he creates)...I don't think the right would support him for pres again...that leaves Pence...and most know he doesn't stand a chance...so the right has no one to run right now

and hell looking like the left has 20?...a bunch of fairly good ones...I just hope while trying to beat up on each other they don't swing so far left they drive voters away.....Joe says he is most qualified..maybe he is MAYBE...I still like kerry
Reading this I'm thinking, 'they don't see what we see'. I'm aware that I might be seen as this British guy moaning about America, but the world sees America in a different light now. I hear people saying that the American people aren't what we thought. They actually agree with what he says and does. The emphasis has changed from 'Haha look at this clown', to, 'omfg they are defending him and agree with him'.
There is something in the air at the moment in global politics and the USA has turned in on itself.
Reading this I'm thinking, 'they don't see what we see'. I'm aware that I might be seen as this British guy moaning about America, but the world sees America in a different light now. I hear people saying that the American people aren't what we thought. They actually agree with what he says and does. The emphasis has changed from 'Haha look at this clown', to, 'omfg they are defending him and agree with him'.
There is something in the air at the moment in global politics and the USA has turned in on itself.

I agree he has changed the opinion of the world about us......but he doesn't represent the majority of America...look at the actual vote for one thing....look at his Russian help...he does have those that he has brainwashed...that just blindly listen to and follow....and he has those republicans that like what he is doing to their wallet....but that is not mainstream America!

It will be pretty hard for him to escape jail time...although he has an army of lawyers that will keep him out...the New York attorney general already has him on some felony charges....and we haven't even got into the mueller charges...obstruction is a given......collusion is looking more and more like it also...he has already done far more than Nixon did and was impeached for...but those republicans like how he is feeding their wallets...and right now they are party over country.....the question is are they willing to stick with him and gamble on the next election?

a good example.....all those meme's I posted yesterday....none of those came off any political sites.....all came from IR sites on tumbler....tells you what some people think of him and it is spreading!
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I think he has about shot his wad....he might lash out and do a few crazy things....and really try to rally the sheep....but even the republicans are starting to get a little tired of the *******......if he pushes for this gov shut down I think you will see a lot more from the right speaking out against him....it is a while before the next election and voters always have a short term memory...but the right can not afford another loss like they did in congress.....the way it is going will be a democratic trifecta next election

even if he doesn't get impeached...which now I hope he doesn't (his sheep will just say people were out to get him and that would just create that much more division in the country...on top of what he creates)...I don't think the right would support him for pres again...that leaves Pence...and most know he doesn't stand a chance...so the right has no one to run right now

and hell looking like the left has 20?...a bunch of fairly good ones...I just hope while trying to beat up on each other they don't swing so far left they drive voters away.....Joe says he is most qualified..maybe he is MAYBE...I still like kerry

20 good ones ??? Kerry paaaaaaalease - be way better with gaffe machine ole uncle Joe - most of the rest are so far left be like Russia round here - democratic trifecta - yuck :{
Reading this I'm thinking, 'they don't see what we see'. I'm aware that I might be seen as this British guy moaning about America, but the world sees America in a different light now. I hear people saying that the American people aren't what we thought. They actually agree with what he says and does. The emphasis has changed from 'Haha look at this clown', to, 'omfg they are defending him and agree with him'.
There is something in the air at the moment in global politics and the USA has turned in on itself.

You guys have enough of your own problems - I don’t try to involve myself in your myriad of issues - funny you feel obligated to spout off in here - about the U.S.A.
I agree he has changed the opinion of the world about us......but he doesn't represent the majority of America...look at the actual vote for one thing....look at his Russian help...he does have those that he has brainwashed...that just blindly listen to and follow....and he has those republicans that like what he is doing to their wallet....but that is not mainstream America!

It will be pretty hard for him to escape jail time...although he has an army of lawyers that will keep him out...the New York attorney general already has him on some felony charges....and we haven't even got into the mueller charges...obstruction is a given......collusion is looking more and more like it also...he has already done far more than Nixon did and was impeached for...but those republicans like how he is feeding their wallets...and right now they are party over country.....the question is are they willing to stick with him and gamble on the next election?

a good example.....all those meme's I posted yesterday....none of those came off any political sites.....all came from IR sites on tumbler....tells you what some people think of him and it is spreading!

All I see is the left’s constant attempts to subvert an election. Between the never ending constant pounding of the biased liberal Main Street Media and the gadfly Democrats - you lefties in here keep thinking they have something but SO far all they have is their blather. All the so called convictions have NOTHING to do with so called COLLUSION - what they do have in common is that they are all designed to put pressure on the people convicted to testify in some way against Trump. A campaign violation - long way from your beloved collusion - they all do it - and far from a lock. Keep praying and hoping - ya never know.
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