Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I most certainly agree ... it can be stopped ... all this bribery money, but Republicans have to join IN to stop it ... transparency on donations, rescind Citizens United, kick out the lobbyists in Washington, FIX the election system (ID cards are fine but fix the gerrymandering, the voter suppression tactics , etc, and update our antiquated voting system ... hell, Florida is still using voting machines from the 1960's-1970's.
But, FIRST and FOREMOST, make an example of Trump and his fascist form of government ... he's a liar, a fraud, fake, stupid on government, and has absolutely no integrity whatsoever, as do any of the ones he's appointed to positions.
View attachment 2280709

that is the problem...the right is going to do nothing!
I saw a quick interview with Orin hatch today and they asked him about trumps problems....he said "you can make any law read however you want, done nothing that I can see except be a good president"

that pretty much sums up the republican party

although I think hatch is speaking out of turn...because it looks like there are a bunch of republicans about had enough...when will they speak up?....If trump shuts down the gov...think some of them might speak up!
Is that your personal opinion or do you have credible source on that information "oh great guru?" ........... View attachment 2281393

fuck no he hasn't got *******!
he just heard on the news they were having trouble with the machines

although put on your thinking cap and remember back ….....when Congress supposedly funded a bunch of money for new equipment...Rubio was asked about it......and said the money wasn't used or needed and put back into the coffers....

Marco Rubio wrong on states not spending on voting ...
There’s debate over whether there’s enough money in the pipeline to replace older voting machines and take other steps to harden state systems, but here, we focus on Rubio’s statement that ...

States "haven't even begun to spend the (election security) money they have now."

Marco Rubio on Thursday, August 2nd, 2018 in an interview with CBS News

Against the backdrop of Russian election meddling, Senate Democrats came up
empty-handed in their effort to pump an additional $250 million into election security money for states. The vote was 50-47 in favor, but they needed 60 to bring the measure to the floor.

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., voted against it. When asked why, he emphasized that Washington just sent the states $380 million a few months ago.

"The money we've already appropriated is money that was based on professional assessment of what the needs were from a national level," Rubio told CBS News Aug. 2. "If an additional amount is necessary in the future, we will provide it, but there's no outcry from states saying they need more money. They haven't even begun to spend the money they have now."

In Rubio’s home state, Florida’s Secretary of State Ken Detzner approved over $10 million in election security grants to 49 of 67 counties in late July.

Florida’s Secretary of State Ken Detzner
A republican!
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anyway back to the topic...….

Don't suppose Trump is calling for violence do you?
He made the statement about best economy in history and etc and if they tried to impeach him there would be violence
Your country is fucked. Can't believe this guy is being jailed, obviously and blatantly for Trump. Disgusting.
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Your country is fucked. Can't believe this guy is being jailed, obviously and blatantly for Trump. Disgusting.

well yes we are fucked...been that way since trump got in
But if you are talking about Cohan...he got off pretty easy....he ad charges from the Mueller investigation and he had a bunch of charges from the NY AG...…..he got 2 months in the Mueller thing because he cooperated with them and gave them everything they wanted...although they already had most of it from when they raided his office...he got time for the money laundering and campaign finance and several areas along that line from the NY attorney general...and he used his position as trumps lawyer to broker a few deals for himself...and for all of that he only got 3 years...so he got off pretty easy...he could have got it a little easier had they all been state charges, they usually only have to serve about half of that time.....but being federal charges.....he will serve at least 2 years or more.....he still might broker a deal where he cuts that time down....if they find out he has more info they need
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Your country is fucked. Can't believe this guy is being jailed, obviously and blatantly for Trump. Disgusting.
You see, here in THIS country, we have a different set of rule which apply for the poorest vs the wealthiest citizens.
For example, if a black man robs a convenience store of $250, and he gets caught, he goes to prison for at least 10 years. But if you're a politician or a millionaire, and you embezzle or launder a couple $million, you get 2-3 years ... and maybe serve 18 months of the sentence on good behavior. While you're there, you write your "story" and when you get out make another few million.
Same with sexual abuse of children ... a male teacher does some "sack time" with a 7th grader girl, he goes to prison for at least 12-15 years, and then is listed as a sexual predator for the rest of his life. But, if the teacher is a female, and the student is a 7th grade boy, she gets maybe 6 months to a year of prison, then listed as a baby predator for a six or so years.
As far as Cohen is concerned, he might serve one year of his 3 year sentence. Maybe even wear an ankle bracelet and be at home through most of that one year as well.
hope you are right...and now with him a convicted felon on 2 and maybe 3 counts starting to look more and more like he won't be...although he is pretty good at working those courts if he can stay in office long enough to get to the supreme court where he now has it stocked in his favor who knows......but can we repair the problems he has created?....debt/tax issues and etc

HEY - when did he get convicted ?????
And what did he get convicted of ?????
News to me !!!!
HEY - when did he get convicted ?????
And what did he get convicted of ?????
News to me !!!!
you are behind!...Judges that he appointed even nailed his ass!
and no he hasn't been to trial

Donald Trump could face criminal charges if he loses 2020 ...
Federal prosecutors in New York reportedly believe President Donald Trump could be charged with campaign finance violations if he loses the 2020 election. Prosecutors in the Southern District of ...

Federal prosecutors in New York reportedly believe President Donald Trump could be charged with campaign finance violations if he loses the 2020 election. Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York, who on Friday outlined their conclusion that Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen committed two campaign finance violations at the direction of the now-president, have examined the statute of limitations on the crime, according to a report from The New York Times on Saturday.

In a sentencing memo for Cohen, prosecutors signaled that they had come to their own conclusion that the former “fixer” was being truthful when he said in a plea agreement in August that he had been following Trump’s orders when committing the felonies. The campaign finance violations center on payments made prior to the 2016 election to two women—Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal—in order to ensure their silence about alleged affairs with Trump.

“During the campaign, Cohen played a central role in two similar schemes to purchase the rights to stories - each from women who claimed to have had an affair with Individual 1 - so as to suppress the stories and thereby prevent them from influencing the election,” prosecutors wrote

“In particular, and as Cohen himself has now admitted, with respect to both payments, he acted in coordination with and at the direction of Individual 1,” they added. The assertion marks the first time that federal prosecutors have deemed Trump an active participant in the conspiracy.”

you need to brace yourself.....your man is going down!!
The main question now is...can you indict a sitting president?
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