Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Thanks to your family members that served and put their life at risk defending democracy, and civil liberty. I have done this as well. It is largely why I favor American politicians who are more conservative than liberal. I see present day conservatives being less war mongering than liberals.

Formerly conservatives got us in wars that were not well thought out in my view. The present leadership is not following what I view as this failed policy. I do see a disturbing trend on the other side however.

Being shot at is not fun. I had volunteered, and I have no regrets. But largely those that get shot at are lower income individuals. At the request of what I see as the elite.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I suspect we all agree the less war, especially war for bad reasons, the better.
There are days when I am bought back to the realization that there are some amongst us who will never see the beauty of the forest because of the trees! Today is such a day!
I agree. Too many can't separate fact from opinion. And when differing opinion is expressed, don't respect basic American civil liberties, and instead make passive / aggressive responses questioning the other person's character, or abilities.

All the while walking around and proudly proclaiming how tolerant and open mined they are. While their actions and posts show otherwise.

Thanks for expressing your opinion. Even if I had disagreed, I still recognize the very simple American right that allows you the freedom of expression.

American values are one of the reasons America is a world leader. I am grateful that I live in a county where only American citizens are legally allowed to pick leaders to represent them to carry forward American values.
Ohh Dear 2bi4. Really you use an Youtube loud mouth that thinks its funny to use sexual ******* as a joke.

Are your morals that low?

Yeah I figured you or Mac might try to use that as a character assassination technique - But the fact is a lot of sexual predators go free in the UK and ******* is a high crime in other countries (if you cared to pay attention to any of the rest of the video, or you can ask Germany). So, no. It's not funny - but it is True. So maybe you shouldn't take it so lightly or dismissing the facts by trying to point out my "low morals", maybe it is something that needs looked at.
Yeah I figured you or Mac might try to use that as a character assassination technique - But the fact is a lot of sexual predators go free in the UK and ******* is a high crime in other countries (if you cared to pay attention to any of the rest of the video, or you can ask Germany). So, no. It's not funny - but it is True. So maybe you shouldn't take it so lightly or trying to dismiss the facts by to point out my "low morals", maybe it is something that needs looked at.

'assasination technique'... ROFLMAO@ your asinine remark. YOU posted the video..No one else.. Of a man who uses sexual *******, sexual mis-use as a joke... And you try to defend it by passing it off as a character assassination technique by myself or mac.. The contents mean nothing the moment you use any kind of sexual subjugation of women or children as a joke to make any kind of a statement. YOU posted the video knowing full well it contained offensive material to certain groups. Yet think its fine because you can try to claim some-one is doing a character assassination.


You did a great job yourself of assassinating your own character. Only you!
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'assasination technique'... ROFLMAO@ your stupidity. YOU posted the video..No one else.. Of a man who uses sexual *******, sexual mis-use as a joke... And you try to defend it by passing it off as a character assassination technique by myself or mac.. The contents mean nothing the moment you use subjugation of women or children as a joke.

Take your false BS offended pretend morality and stick it... You are as bad as the moron that makes the jokes...

Please show proof that it is false - Or shut up.
This should be good. Maybe we'll get a link from a reporter who has been caught lying in an attempt to further the debate such as we got yesterday.

And then all sorts of name calling letting anyone who might have a different opinion know their sources are not valid. But her source, the one caught lying, is more valid than an expert in the subject matter.

Good times.
Please show proof that it is false - Or shut up.

LOl I don't have to prove anything further... Your comment is proof enough... Nice try though there though!

Also the more you try to justify the comment the further you fall... Got a parachute?
Circular logic? I don[t think that the correct term.

It is an interesting observation that the posters most likely to proclaim tolerance, also seem to be the posters that alwasy call others "stupid" and other derogatory names.

I had previously posted an article form Psychology Today about the mental state and issues of those prone to insults. The article was from Psychology Today, experts in their field, so I'm sure it's probably not very credible. I wish I could source things to known biased sources who have been caught lying to add more credibility to my posts.
I'm predicting more hostilities and name calling.

Awwww Now you're trying to use the 'I'm the victim' tactic by suggesting people will call you bad names :D...

Let me know when you go to stage three so I can get a ******* for the entertainment.
His prediction came true already. You have already called him stupid. But I give you credit, you did edit that part out.

Right here: Last edited: 13 minutes ago

Please refrain form calling people names on this thread. Some of us are trying to have an informed discussion. You are welcome to your opinion, albeit almost never with links that would lend credibility to your opinions being factual.

Again thanks for removing the name calling.
Very Fake News MacNFries. Obama never met with P U T I N privately, correct?
Right, dumbnuts, that's exactly what I said. Unfortunately, you refused to provide THAT PROOF that you regularly demand of everyone else. Go stand in front of a mirror, point at that mirror reflection and say these words ...... "I'm a hypocritical, annoying asshole".
The problem is, even when you now might have a point, no one will listen since you've been caught red handed making things up so many times.
Is that your way of saying your bullshit has been called and you can't deliver? No worry, we're use to your lips flapping in this forum. We're just studying your mouth to see how we can harness its energy to supply power to the entire United States.
Go do something productive ... go jerk yourself off.
Mr MacNFries. I posted multiple links showing Obama met with Clinton privately. Multiple, as in more than one.

You, on the other hand, keep saying my links are untrue. Posting no links furthering your argument.

Further, when asked, you refused to repost these link you said you posted. Which you didn't actually post.. Your words. But I went ahead and reposted my previously posted links.

So the truth, or fact, of the matter, is that you got caught, and won't own up to it.

Consequently, most reasonable people will discount your posts going forward.

I did not make your bed, you did.

And yes, in a friendly manner, I do call you Fake News, due to your inability to post anything proving your point, and refusing to look at a vast amount of documentation that I posted, which clearly, and without question proves my point.
need to change the title of this thread to..."stupidity run amok in the trumpard camp"

how about you investigate.....I KNOW Trump never imposed *******! and provided that yesterday and you want to agrue again today..he did hit 7 Russian millionaires...is that what you are referring to?...…….argue some more all you want.not with me!

as for Russian relations...they are fine with trump and Poroshenko...not so with most of America...even one of your fearless leaders McConnell says no to the invite.....so you commie loving fuckers that could care less about America as long as it fattens your wallet...you worship your false god...most americans know better
well except for you and HH and 2bi...as for AlanM he doesn't count....to stupid to really know any facts...just wants to be a republican and worship rush limbuagh

as for elections....paid any attention as to what is going on recently....probably not!

Hey i am not the liberal so who is the fucking stupid one. Your a typical liberal....you actual believe the lies you spout and think the more you spout them the truer they become. What a dipshit. And lets examine who the commie is. You and your Obama socialist friends in washington and all his socialist policies. Like obama care......thats a fucking communist idea. Government run healthcare. Tax the rich and give to the poor.....hmmm another communist idea..redistribution of wealth.
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