Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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And seeing you are still fixated about Trump any thoughts about "The Boss" Bruce Springsteen?
A man who is most famously renown for singing about being a man "Born in the USA" ?

Like you, @subhub174014, he loathes Trump. For the benefit of those others reading this I provide my evidence here:

However, he was recently quoted as saying something very different where he believes Trump will
win a second term:

Perhaps Trump just might get his second term? That is if a man like Bruce Springsteen is correct?
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Like any and all protests America has ever had......it has gone to far....I'm sure there was some legitimate ones....like a few of those movie producers and now a few at CBS....but I think a few are a little uncalled for....Kevin Spacey comes to mind....ok Spacey is gay....and he hit on some guy/kid....the guy was old enough to walk away...instead of ruining Spacey's career....and a pat on the ass should not be counted in the me too....like I said now it's all out of hand and wore out it's welcome
It's definitely something that should be addressed and like Weinstein and Cosby his time is coming, however,
is it really punishment to lock up a gay man in a prison full of men? But being a chi[d molester I don't think
he would have an easy time in there as urban legend has it there are lots of inmates that have a dim
perspective of pedophiles ( possibly because they were victims? and it might be a way of getting revenge?)
and jail justice might be given to him?
like Weinstein and Cosby his time is coming,
they already are getting their just due

is it really punishment to lock up a gay man in a prison full of men?
put them in solitary?

But being a chi[d molester I don't think
he would have an easy time in there as urban legend has it there are lots of inmates that have a dim
perspective of pedophiles

I don't think they look forward to prison time as it seems they are not real popular there to say the least

we really need to rethink our whole culture...this country has some serious issues....to me it goes back to the economy years ago....when the mom had to start working and the baby got daycare or...????
right now someone else is raising our *******...and by what standards?...to them raising them is just a job and they don't care either
we have the highest prison population of any country

goes back to getting paid a living wage...and having that stay at home mom...but this country lives on greed....fuck the other guy..if he is a problem put him in jail!
they are to stupid to realize just what they pay in taxes to keep those jails going
you don't think maybe china is taking over the world with trade...and all that income just builds their army...and all the technology they steal from others...looks like there may come a day we need to learn to speak Chinese

And seeing you are still fixated about Trump any thoughts about "The Boss" Bruce Springsteen?
A man who is most famously renown for singing about being a man "Born in the USA" ?

Like you, @subhub174014, he loathes Trump. For the benefit of those others reading this I provide my evidence here:

However, he was recently quoted as saying something very different where he believes Trump will
win a second term:

Perhaps Trump just might get his second term? That is if a man like Bruce Springsteen is correct?

don't see that happening....more like impeachment...
Don't worry about your national debt because Trump won't be here.
Problem solved lol.
hope you are right...and now with him a convicted felon on 2 and maybe 3 counts starting to look more and more like he won't be...although he is pretty good at working those courts if he can stay in office long enough to get to the supreme court where he now has it stocked in his favor who knows......but can we repair the problems he has created?....debt/tax issues and etc
I'm just citing Bruce Springsteen's opinion. So you are disagreeing with him.

I like the "boss" although he screwed me...but not unhappy about it...remember his throat problem? going to put out one more album….I bought it and back then it was big bucks...then never did even slow down...but still love his music....no matter what my feelings for the boss or any other entertainer...…..I am a big fan of...they should keep their mouth shut and just entertain...they want in politics quit what they are doing and get into politics....should not be allowed to use their platform for one party or another.....just like all the crooked politicians we have....if they had to live on just what we pay them instead of all the kick backs...they might listen to us

besides if you want to cite entertainers opinions...how about Robert De Niro's?
I like the "boss" although he screwed me...but not unhappy about it...remember his throat problem? going to put out one more album….I bought it and back then it was big bucks...then never did even slow down...but still love his music....no matter what my feelings for the boss or any other entertainer...…..I am a big fan of...they should keep their mouth shut and just entertain...they want in politics quit what they are doing and get into politics....should not be allowed to use their platform for one party or another.....just like all the crooked politicians we have....if they had to live on just what we pay them instead of all the kick backs...they might listen to us

besides if you want to cite entertainers opinions...how about Robert De Niro's?
also you seem sold on him being so great...…..the only way he is going to get out of jail right now......is if he was to die!...and he could drag it out in court long enough so he doesn't serve time ….right now the only fight is...can we indict a sitting president?
those felonies look to be a done deal...and that is just the start...most of his cabinet either in jail or under indictment themselves....Mueller has worked his way up to the top
I like the "boss" although he screwed me...but not unhappy about it...remember his throat problem? going to put out one more album….I bought it and back then it was big bucks...then never did even slow down...but still love his music....no matter what my feelings for the boss or any other entertainer...…..I am a big fan of...they should keep their mouth shut and just entertain...they want in politics quit what they are doing and get into politics....should not be allowed to use their platform for one party or another.....just like all the crooked politicians we have....if they had to live on just what we pay them instead of all the kick backs...they might listen to us

besides if you want to cite entertainers opinions...how about Robert De Niro's?
There are no shortage of celebrities that hate Trump. Springsteen was interesting as he has conflicting views while he still hates Trump. Perhaps others might feel the same way but they are too scared to say it as publicly as Springsteen because he is so beloved? I doubt Springsteen would get any death threats because he stated Trump will win.
There are no shortage of celebrities that hate Trump. Springsteen was interesting as he has conflicting views while he still hates Trump. Perhaps others might feel the same way but they are too scared to say it as publicly as Springsteen because he is so beloved?

I doubt that Springsteen has to be an oddball....most either love him or hate him!....same with most of the country
That NYT article dates back to 1992. So, it's according to plan. Or rather the plan didn't work. At the end of the Cold War in 1991, the question was: "What are we going to do now that we are the sole superpower ? How are we going to prevent rivals from rising ?" (Wolfowitz doctrine as mentioned in the article).
That NYT article dates back to 1992. So, it's according to plan. Or rather the plan didn't work. At the end of the Cold War in 1991, the question was: "What are we going to do now that we are the sole superpower ? How are we going to prevent rivals from rising ?" (Wolfowitz doctrine as mentioned in the article).

well by buying all that cheap China *******...we made them a superpower with more money than they know what to do with

and thanks to trump and a lot of republicans Russia has figured out this country is for sale.....make them able to manipulate the US

our word and beliefs used to be good around the world...not any longer...we are no longer respected

we are not what we used to be...just bullshitting our way through
yellowball-ThumbsUP.gif .... "Everyone starting to make their deals ... who'll be left without a chair when the music stops? Once they prove Trump knew of the $30+ million being flunneled by the Russians through the NRA for his election ... it'll be that nasty word time ... ESPIONAGE .... and big time prison sentence for the Trumpster & family.


GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif....."Looking worse for the ole "Trump Team" ... no one wants to work for the sleezeball anymore. He'll find some drone that will, I'm sure."
View attachment 2279713 .... "Everyone starting to make their deals ... who'll be left without a chair when the music stops? Once they prove Trump knew of the $30+ million being flunneled by the Russians through the NRA for his election ... it'll be that nasty word time ... ESPIONAGE .... and big time prison sentence for the Trumpster & family.


.........View attachment 2279712
View attachment 2279720....."Looking worse for the ole "Trump Team" ... no one wants to work for the sleezeball anymore. He'll find some drone that will, I'm sure."

I think by the time it is all said and done....the NRA is going to be just as corrupt as everyone else in Trump's administration....and like everything else in this country ...they can be bought...and have been!
I think by the time it is all said and done....the NRA is going to be just as corrupt as everyone else in Trump's administration....and like everything else in this country ...they can be bought...and have been!
I most certainly agree ... it can be stopped ... all this bribery money, but Republicans have to join IN to stop it ... transparency on donations, rescind Citizens United, kick out the lobbyists in Washington, FIX the election system (ID cards are fine but fix the gerrymandering, the voter suppression tactics , etc, and update our antiquated voting system ... hell, Florida is still using voting machines from the 1960's-1970's.
But, FIRST and FOREMOST, make an example of Trump and his fascist form of government ... he's a liar, a fraud, fake, stupid on government, and has absolutely no integrity whatsoever, as do any of the ones he's appointed to positions.
I most certainly agree ... it can be stopped ... all this bribery money, but Republicans have to join IN to stop it ... transparency on donations, rescind Citizens United, kick out the lobbyists in Washington, FIX the election system (ID cards are fine but fix the gerrymandering, the voter suppression tactics , etc, and update our antiquated voting system ... hell, Florida is still using voting machines from the 1960's-1970's.
But, FIRST and FOREMOST, make an example of Trump and his fascist form of government ... he's a liar, a fraud, fake, stupid on government, and has absolutely no integrity whatsoever, as do any of the ones he's appointed to positions.
View attachment 2280709
the Dems in Broward County only keep the voting machines from the 60s-70s so they can toss out and hide thousands of ballots. Just ask Brenda Snipes.
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