Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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the Russian spy girl we have in jail....they are saying now she was trying to set up back cannels between the kremlin and the republican party......makes sense...the world know how corrupt the right is and can be bought
Wll Mac looks like the republicans just ******* in their mess kits in NC....someone going to jail!
one has been under investigation before and now find out she has been doing it for the past several elections

the state kept trying to just blow it off....but doesn't look like the press is going to let that happen!
MMMMMmmm would seem that the only time trump hates illegals is when it is convenient to rile up his brain dead....doesn't mind employing them same as most other biz in the coutry

Donald Trump -- Immigration Hypocrite Who Ignores American ...
In his quest for the Republican presidential nomination, Mr. Trump has stoked his crowds by promising to bring back jobs that have been snatched by illegal immigrants or outsourced by corporations …

Donald Trump and Undocumented Workers at Trump Tower ...
Watch video · At one point, a lawyer for the Poles testified, Trump threatened, through his own lawyer, to call the Immigration and Naturalization Service and have the workers deported.

Workers at Trump's DC hotel say most came here as illegal ...
Workers at Donald Trump's DC hotel blast mogul admitting many came to US as illegal immigrants An interview with workers at Donald Trump's hotel site in Washington DC revealed that many came to ...

Donald Trump to Foreign Workers for Florida Club: You’re ...
Feb 26, 2016 · To find foreign workers for his resorts, golf clubs and vineyard, Mr. Trump uses a recruiter based in upstate New York, Peter Petrina. Mr.
Mmmmmmm...the chump found guilty today by his own judges on 2 felony counts!
not good
have to say now he is an illegitimate president and should be removed
most of that came from tapes and documents out of cohan's office

but I'm betting Blakdlaur still doesn't believe any of it
Wll Mac looks like the republicans just ******* in their mess kits in NC....someone going to jail!
one has been under investigation before and now find out she has been doing it for the past several elections
the state kept trying to just blow it off....but doesn't look like the press is going to let that happen!
Voters, here, have had enough ... this voter ID was started wholly and purposely to suppress minority voting in NC ... Republicans have continued to defend their position that its about fraudulent voting. Thing is, they specifically left OUT absentee voting even as it was brought to their attention many times that this would be the easiest way to cheat a fair voting system. A lot of this really started in 2010 when Obama was assuming is Presidency ... and has been gaining momentum each voting cycle. Judges have calld out Republicans on the gerrymandering three different times and Republicans have either dragged their feet in responding, or simply totally ignored the judges. Personally, I've lost all respect for the party of Lincoln ... I imagine Abe has turned over in his grave many times over what's been going on in NC. Thing is, as no one has been able to really stop this, and by the way the Republicans have been very aware of this for sometime but just keep denying it, and it is spreading into other states like Wisconsin, etc. I've been mentioning this in these forums for YEARS now ... but, conservative posters don't seem to realize that this is a an attack on our very constitution and rights, not just a party thing. No doubt that when Democrats gain a trifecta again, they will remember and reciprocate ... its up to us liberals to call our party affiliates into line ... something that the Republicans refuse to do. No one and no party is to be valued above the constitution and citizens rights to vote and be heard.
Voters, here, have had enough ... this voter ID was started wholly and purposely to suppress minority voting in NC ... Republicans have continued to defend their position that its about fraudulent voting. Thing is, they specifically left OUT absentee voting even as it was brought to their attention many times that this would be the easiest way to cheat a fair voting system. A lot of this really started in 2010 when Obama was assuming is Presidency ... and has been gaining momentum each voting cycle. Judges have calld out Republicans on the gerrymandering three different times and Republicans have either dragged their feet in responding, or simply totally ignored the judges. Personally, I've lost all respect for the party of Lincoln ... I imagine Abe has turned over in his grave many times over what's been going on in NC. Thing is, as no one has been able to really stop this, and by the way the Republicans have been very aware of this for sometime but just keep denying it, and it is spreading into other states like Wisconsin, etc. I've been mentioning this in these forums for YEARS now ... but, conservative posters don't seem to realize that this is a an attack on our very constitution and rights, not just a party thing. No doubt that when Democrats gain a trifecta again, they will remember and reciprocate ... its up to us liberals to call our party affiliates into line ... something that the Republicans refuse to do. No one and no party is to be valued above the constitution and citizens rights to vote and be heard.

hoping if we get the trifecta again....and could happen....we do something about the voting laws....need a lot of work!

and the republicans just don't give up....look at the Comey thing right now...still trying to get things off the pumpkin and push blame someplace else

I think the country has had enough of the right and their push to power and to keep it at all costs!
but when you have so many that just will not see the facts or open their eyes...and you see them on here...hard to change things
luckily they are only about 1/3 of the country....the left 1/3 and the independents is what pushes things one way or another....think a bunch of them have had their eyes opened with this Pres....and now after yesterday he was found guilty on 2 felony counts....going to be interesting to see where this goes....I'm sure he will try to push those to the supreme court where he has stacked the deck in his favor...might get out of it....but not in the public eye!
plus he like to tout the economy....a bunch of economists predicted a while back that we would be in serious trouble next year...and looks like that is coming also....not looking good for the right no matter how you look at or how fucking dumb and blind they are to the facts

and you have to wonder just how far these republicans are willing to let Russia control the country as long as they can stay in power and make money

this country really is for sale!

******* McCarthy would go nuts with all the Russian sympathizers in our gov right now!
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Voters, here, have had enough ... this voter ID was started wholly and purposely to suppress minority voting in NC ... Republicans have continued to defend their position that its about fraudulent voting. Thing is, they specifically left OUT absentee voting even as it was brought to their attention many times that this would be the easiest way to cheat a fair voting system. A lot of this really started in 2010 when Obama was assuming is Presidency ... and has been gaining momentum each voting cycle. Judges have calld out Republicans on the gerrymandering three different times and Republicans have either dragged their feet in responding, or simply totally ignored the judges. Personally, I've lost all respect for the party of Lincoln ... I imagine Abe has turned over in his grave many times over what's been going on in NC. Thing is, as no one has been able to really stop this, and by the way the Republicans have been very aware of this for sometime but just keep denying it, and it is spreading into other states like Wisconsin, etc. I've been mentioning this in these forums for YEARS now ... but, conservative posters don't seem to realize that this is a an attack on our very constitution and rights, not just a party thing. No doubt that when Democrats gain a trifecta again, they will remember and reciprocate ... its up to us liberals to call our party affiliates into line ... something that the Republicans refuse to do. No one and no party is to be valued above the constitution and citizens rights to vote and be heard.

Voter fraud or no fraud, I think a voter ID or at LEAST a state ID to show your citizenship status is a must in this day and age. Look at the number of illegals, sorry but you can't convince me that NONE of them are trying to vote and take advantage of our system.

But I will agree with you on the voter BS that goes on in a lot of states, it needs to stop, and the left needs to stop teaching illegals how to cheat the system. Voting shouldn't be this complicated. I understand both parties are going to do what they can to ensure a win every time and the people be damned.

Didn't a Democrat win in NC?? can't - or won't do anything about it? Edit - NM, NC is still Republican majority.
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But I will agree with you on the voter BS that goes on in a lot of states, it needs to stop, and the left needs to stop teaching illegals how to cheat the system.

oh yes just like a republican...….I totally agree with you..but we must stop these democrats....
that's right up there with all these people on welfare drive cadillacs

that's more of your trump style thinking....what has been shoved into your head since you became a republican...and major problem with the republican party.....how much of that ******* have you guys cried about and for how long....and yet nothing ever proven...even your man in the white house appointed a guy to look into it...just like your Hillary *******...came to nothing.....and yet what do we find? Naturally it's the republicans fucking the voters!.same as always....same ones that do all the crying do all the cheating.....what's the old saying..skunk smells his own hole first

where in the hell do all you republican bimbos come up with all this *******?
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Didn't a Democrat win in NC?? can't - or won't do anything about it? Edit - NM, NC is still Republican majority.
The Republicans have held the majority since 2010 when all this "voter fraud" BS started. They still hold the majority because of all the gerrymandering that's been done to keep them in office. After the 2010 elections, a lot of complaints were directed at the very issue (absentee voting) that was taking place ... 900 absentee votes for Republicans show up to just 14-15 absentee votes for Democrats ... people going around and collecting the absentee votes, then trashing any with Demorcrat votes ... the very man accused THIS TIME had been used twice before by Republicans, yet THEY say they didn't know anything about it. Oh yeahhhh .... if they didn't know anything about it WHY DID THEY pass new voting laws that specifically ignored 'absentee voting' but addressed all other forms of voting? Republicans said they were eliminating same day registration, college campus registration, party-line voting, cutting the number of voting days in half, eliminating and relocating poling locations, etc etc .... all to cut down on voter fraud???????? Give me a frik'n break; it had NOTHING to do with voter fraud, never did. It was to suppress voting. Just like Republicans push their Trickle Down Economics ... its not to put more money in the hands of the average tax paying citizen, its to put more money in the pockets of the wealthy & the corporations ... its all ONE BIG LIE. Always has been. Just like the Trumpcare was to be much better and less expensive than Obamacare .... Republicans never intended to provide a health plan ... that was their CARROT dangling in front of the people to secure THEIR VOTES .... once voting was over with, NO HEALTH PLAN .... never was, never will be.
Yet you Republicans keep believing the BS promises they keep shoveling out to you. The party is ONE BIG FRAUD ... nothing about it is what it seems.
Top Catholic Magazine Rescinds Kavanaugh Endorsement

Citing credibility issues and the #MeToo movement, the influential Catholic Jesuit magazine Americahas rescinded its endorsement of its once-favorite Catholic *******, Judge Brett Kavanaugh. “There are many good reasons to support the nomination of a qualified judge who is committed to a textualist interpretation of the Constitution to the Supreme Court,” the magazine editors wrote after the hearings ended Thursday. But they went on to say they don’t want to be associated with a man whose sexual-assault allegations may never be completely put to rest. “His nomination has also become a referendum on how to address allegations of sexual assault,” the Jesuits wrote. “We continue to support the nomination of judges according to such principles—but Judge Kavanaugh is not the only such nominee available.”
Just about #metoo...
Just about #metoo...
View attachment 2275192[/QUOTE]

what's your point?
some gals like bondage...some like being slaves....whatever floats your boat...

Kav will be well worth the trouble trump had ...and with Trump now being a convicted felon....when his felony charges get there and kav drops them for him

what the hell......what good is it being a corrupt president if you don't take advantage of what you have put in play....wasn't that why Kav got the job...knowing sooner or later some of this would make it's way there
Just about #metoo...
View attachment 2275192

what's your point?
some gals like bondage...some like being slaves....whatever floats your boat...

Kav will be well worth the trouble trump had ...and with Trump now being a convicted felon....when his felony charges get there and kav drops them for him
Again just about #metoo, and Coulter has the opposite perspective of the continuum the vilifies males that's all.
As I said above "just about #metoo".
Again just about #metoo, and Coulter has the opposite perspective of the continuum the vilifies males that's all.
As I said above "just about #metoo".

Like any and all protests America has ever had......it has gone to far....I'm sure there was some legitimate ones....like a few of those movie producers and now a few at CBS....but I think a few are a little uncalled for....Kevin Spacey comes to mind....ok Spacey is gay....and he hit on some guy/kid....the guy was old enough to walk away...instead of ruining Spacey's career....and a pat on the ass should not be counted in the me too....like I said now it's all out of hand and wore out it's welcome
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