Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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That’ll be the day - cigar dippin Democrats like Slick Willy are extremely rare !!!
what Obama didn't save the country from a major recession?

since you are big on one liners and short on knowledge/facts

Don't Blame Obama For Doubling The Federal Deficit - Forbes
Jan 15, 2018 · President Obama’s debt actually grew at a slower annual rate than any of the Republican presidents even though there were events that negatively impacted the deficit that started before he ...

The Deficit/Debt Problem & Federal Revenue - Obama vs Bush ...
2009 Fiscal Budget and Deficit: Bush vs Obama Something else worth mentioning is the 2009 deficit, which Obama has been unfairly blamed by his critics for. As Dan Mitchell of the CATO Institute (and active opponent of government spending, regardless of political party) points out in his article, Who’s To Blame for the Massive Deficit? , the 2009 fiscal year began in October of 2008 .

what Obama didn't save the country from a major recession?

since you are big on one liners and short on knowledge/facts

Don't Blame Obama For Doubling The Federal Deficit - Forbes
Jan 15, 2018 · President Obama’s debt actually grew at a slower annual rate than any of the Republican presidents even though there were events that negatively impacted the deficit that started before he ...

The Deficit/Debt Problem & Federal Revenue - Obama vs Bush ...
2009 Fiscal Budget and Deficit: Bush vs Obama Something else worth mentioning is the 2009 deficit, which Obama has been unfairly blamed by his critics for. As Dan Mitchell of the CATO Institute (and active opponent of government spending, regardless of political party) points out in his article, Who’s To Blame for the Massive Deficit? , the 2009 fiscal year began in October of 2008 .

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Mr. Facts as I’ve stated before facts can be presented in many different ways and to show many different points of view - the FACTS in this particular case are that when Obama took office in 2008 according to quarterly U.S. Treasury data the National Debt was
$10,699,805,000,000. In 2016 based on the same data when he was set to leave office and Trump was to take over the National Debt stood at
$19,970,000,000,000 or 19.97 Trillion - almost a doubling of the National Debt !!!
Mr. Facts as I’ve stated before facts can be presented in many different ways and to show many different points of view - the FACTS in this particular case are that when Obama took office in 2008 according to quarterly U.S. Treasury data the National Debt was
$10,699,805,000,000. In 2016 based on the same data when he was set to leave office and Trump was to take over the National Debt stood at
$19,970,000,000,000 or 19.97 Trillion - almost a doubling of the National Debt !!!

are you referring to this?

Here is some simple math for the Obama worshippers: $585 billion, the deficit at the end of the Obama presidency, is higher than $459 billion, the deficit at the beginning of the Obama presidency.

but look at all of it!

the vote for the bail out was bi-partisan…..MEANING THE RIGHT SUPPORTED IT ALSO!
are you referring to this?

Here is some simple math for the Obama worshippers: $585 billion, the deficit at the end of the Obama presidency, is higher than $459 billion, the deficit at the beginning of the Obama presidency.

but look at all of it!

the vote for the bail out was bi-partisan…..MEANING THE RIGHT SUPPORTED IT ALSO!

Not looking to get into a pissing contest over this but democrats never seem to give a shite about the National Debt unless and until a Republican gets into office - the facts are basically when Obama took office we we’re roughly 10 Trillion in debt and when Trump took over he inherited roughly 20 Trillion in debt.
Mr. Facts as I’ve stated before facts can be presented in many different ways and to show many different points of view - the FACTS in this particular case are that when Obama took office in 2008 according to quarterly U.S. Treasury data the National Debt was
$10,699,805,000,000. In 2016 based on the same data when he was set to leave office and Trump was to take over the National Debt stood at
$19,970,000,000,000 or 19.97 Trillion - almost a doubling of the National Debt !!!

It's hard for the left to accept certain truths, so they will twist anything they can to make is sound like it's not their fault. but .. but.. RUSSIA!

Doubling the debt isn't Obama's fault! This opinionated article says so!!
Not looking to get into a pissing contest over this but democrats never seem to give a shite about the National Debt unless and until a Republican gets into office - the facts are basically when Obama took office we we’re roughly 10 Trillion in debt and when Trump took over he inherited roughly 20 Trillion in debt.

wrong again there Mr. Short on facts!

read this and learn something...

US Deficit by President: What Budgets Hide - The Balance
For example, President Bush's stated budget deficits totaled $3.294 trillion. But he added $5.849 trillion to the debt. He borrowed the rest from Social Security in off-budget transactions. Having said that, the president with the highest deficits are still the presidents who contributed the most to the debt.
What are the greatest examples of hypocrisy by Republicans?
What are the greatest examples of hypocrisy by Republicans? The Deficit: Republicans rail about the deficit when Democrats are in control, but the moment Democrats are not in control, the GOP starts cutting taxes and increasing spending.

Democrat versus Republican Economic Records, 1981 to 2016
Feb 27, 2016 · Wild Bill balanced 5 budgets, which is 5 times as many balanced budgets as the prior 5 Republican Presidents combined. Clinton produced the greatest job creation numbers in recorded history, the greatest expansion in the stock market in recorded history, and the greatest increase in wealth in recorded human history.

The Republican Party Is A Deficit Fraud - Forbes
Oct 08, 2017 · Republican-proposed-and-supported budget policies could easily result in a permanent $1 trillion annual budget deficit for the U.S. and dramatically increased federal government borrowing.

U.S. Federal Deficits, Presidents, and Congress
Democratic Presidents (except Obama) tend to be "troughs" in the above graph, relative to their Republican successors and predecessors. Before 1964, the pattern is reversed: three of the four Democratic Presidents ran deficits over their time in office, while three of …
It's hard for the left to accept certain truths, so they will twist anything they can to make is sound like it's not their fault. but .. but.. RUSSIA!

Doubling the debt isn't Obama's fault! This opinionated article says so!!
facts are facts.....you ever see a republican take the blame for anything....look at now...the reason for deficit going up?...not the tax breaks they just gave out...it's the social programs!

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Not looking to get into a pissing contest over this but democrats never seem to give a shite about the National Debt unless and until a Republican gets into office - the facts are basically when Obama took office we we’re roughly 10 Trillion in debt and when Trump took over he inherited roughly 20 Trillion in debt.


Obama spent less to try and decrease the deficit...could have done more if hadn't been for the "cock blockers"
when are you guys just going to give up and admit you have been brainwashed into supporting the WRONG party?

Time to wear a white hat...be a good guy...and support America...instead of those only interested in supporting the 1%

there is not one facts that supports anything good the right has done for this country!
No reasoning with lefties - you only see things the way you want to - and find “facts” supplied by other lefties to support your point of view. The facts I stated came from U.S. Treasury data - I rest me case
No reasoning with lefties - you only see things the way you want to - and find “facts” supplied by other lefties to support your point of view. The facts I stated came from U.S. Treasury data - I rest me case

do you ever use your search engine....all of that came off the net...there was a good 10 or 15 different ones...you want me to post them all so you can pick the source you like....I posted one stating the same thing you did...and 3 others going into detail about how he did reduce and could have done more...had the right stepped up to the plate...but they didn't...they wanted to Obama to fail and would do nothing to help in anyway....everything that man did..he did on his own with no help from the right!

you wants facts on that?

Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1 - The ...
(The first National Republican Congressional Committee attack ads would run in less than two months.) Win the spear point of the House in 2010. Jab Obama relentlessly in 2011.

Senate GOP Pledge to Block Dems' Legislation - CBS News
The letter comes after comments by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and others in his party that the voters made it clear in the elections they want lawmakers to focus on economic issues.

Democrats condemn GOP's plot to obstruct Obama as ...
The Republicans have done that, bringing Washington to a near standstill several times during Obama's first term over debt and other issues.

GOP leader's top goal: Make Obama 1-term president ...
The Senate's Republican leader has a simple postelection message for President Barack Obama: Move toward the GOP or get no help from its lawmakers.

Republicans’ mindless obstruction has helped create ...
Republican lawmakers, fearing pressure and primary challenges from extreme conservatives, refused to engage in anything that might be perceived as cooperating with Obama — and so the legislature ...

there is plenty of sources there...take your pick....but you are not really interested are you....goes against what you want to believe...your alternative facts!

do you ever use your search engine....all of that came off the net...there was a good 10 or 15 different ones...you want me to post them all so you can pick the source you like....I posted one stating the same thing you did...and 3 others going into detail about how he did reduce and could have done more...had the right stepped up to the plate...but they didn't...they wanted to Obama to fail and would do nothing to help in anyway....everything that man did..he did on his own with no help from the right!

you wants facts on that?

Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1 - The ...
(The first National Republican Congressional Committee attack ads would run in less than two months.) Win the spear point of the House in 2010. Jab Obama relentlessly in 2011.

Senate GOP Pledge to Block Dems' Legislation - CBS News
The letter comes after comments by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and others in his party that the voters made it clear in the elections they want lawmakers to focus on economic issues.

Democrats condemn GOP's plot to obstruct Obama as ...
The Republicans have done that, bringing Washington to a near standstill several times during Obama's first term over debt and other issues.

GOP leader's top goal: Make Obama 1-term president ...
The Senate's Republican leader has a simple postelection message for President Barack Obama: Move toward the GOP or get no help from its lawmakers.

Republicans’ mindless obstruction has helped create ...
Republican lawmakers, fearing pressure and primary challenges from extreme conservatives, refused to engage in anything that might be perceived as cooperating with Obama — and so the legislature ...

there is plenty of sources there...take your pick....but you are not really interested are you....goes against what you want to believe...your alternative facts!

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I said facts can be presented based on your point of view - and - you call me dense - and then prove my point.
I said facts can be presented based on your point of view - and - you call me dense - and then prove my point.

how is that? I gave you your choice of sites with the facts....what none of them match what fox news tells you?
all of those are off a search engine.....didn't know there was such a thing as a political search engine!
face it....all you do is post one liners....or ******* that can be disproved very easy meaning you know nothing of the subject except what you have heard from fox
how is that? I gave you your choice of sites with the facts....what none of them match what fox news tells you?
all of those are off a search engine.....didn't know there was such a thing as a political search engine!
face it....all you do is post one liners....or ******* that can be disproved very easy meaning you know nothing of the subject except what you have heard from fox

HEY - I got that stuff from a search engine - it’s U.S. Treasury data - and you have the unmitigated gaul to call me dense.
HEY - I got that stuff from a search engine - it’s U.S. Treasury data - and you have the unmitigated gaul to call me dense.

I didn't call you dense...but I will now...you are fucking dense!
I posted the same facts you did stating the same thing you did...along with the other facts...but as usual you have no plan on reading...just throwing the one liners!

see post 3294....MR Dense!
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