Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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protecting a dicktator?
hell he has either fired or trying to put everyone against him in jail....isn't that the Nazi way?
just following his standards!
what's the old saying about treating others as you would like to be treated...(although does not apply here...dealing with trumptards)
he has been trying to run this like a dictatorship since he started...and still crying about comey and Clinton and now even rosenstien in jail...for what...haven't broken any laws...he just doesn't like them...kind of like what hitler did...

It is completely unbelievable that someone that so freely accuses people of being - stupid or idiots - and not being able to see the woods for the trees - makes such obvious imbecilic statements ! It’s the left jailing people just to get to Trump - trying to create evidence of collusion by extortion !
we went past the obstruction part over a year ago
and just about past the collusion part
soon to be working on the treason part

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something trump has none of!
and his supporters seem to be ok with
what does that say about his supporters?

I see the left as treasonous - trying to unseat a sitting President over complete horseshite!!!
Trying to undo an election by manufacturing a case that doesn’t exist - except in their own desperate minds - Hillary LOST - ya might as well SUCK up and BELIEVE it !!!!!
not being able to see the woods for the trees -

I think a few of those trees fell on you!
no one can be that blind to the facts...or that brainwashed....glad you didn't go to Johannesburg!

I see the left as treasonous - trying to unseat a sitting President over complete horseshite!!!
Trying to undo an election by manufacturing a case that doesn’t exist - except in their own desperate minds - Hillary LOST - ya might as well SUCK up and BELIEVE it !!!!!

said the same thing about Nixon...and he did far less....he just broke into Democratic hdq and stole info.....what all has this guy done? far more

imbecilic statements

what did you just call me a name? ….for shame!

It’s the left jailing people just to get to Trump

you have been blinded by Trumps snakeoil pitch...wake up and smell the roses....watch ANY news channel but Fox...you might get an education!
how about your man hinting at pardons to people if they don't talk?

trying to create evidence of collusion by extortion

Oh no they can spend the rest of their life in prison...or tell what they know and get a little knocked off....but Mueller is no dummy and not his first Circus......he brought down the mob when a bunch of people had tried...a tid bit of news here a tid bit there...next thing you know....trump is in deep *******!
and the longer he looks the more he finds...now he is honed in on Don Jr and Ivanka for money laundering...just like dear old dad....buy that property cheap...sell it to the Russians for 10 times the price....and you think they don't have an idea of what he paid for it?...the money is a gift!...and for what....
I just can not believe you can be so blind

see post 3083 and 3098
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DaphneD indicates, "It Has Been Written" (even though it really hasn't, or was very badly misquoted. which is stunning in the age of Google searches and cut and paste)
Americans are not stupid and all of this will become apparent soon.
Maybe uninformed and a bit naïve, Republicans obvously thing voters are stupid. The recent elections showed Americans are wising up, blkdlaur ... had a majority of the Senate been up for election in the mid-terms, Democrats would OWN the Senate as well. Repubilcans only hope is that the Mueller investigation bombs on Trump if the Republicans are even to hold ground in 2020. You're ignoring the State charges against Trump ... regardless of what happens with Federal charges where Pence might pardon the President, the LiarNChief can't be saved by pardon in the state charges pending.
What gets me is that Trump has been caught so many times lying, cheating, THROUGHOUT his life ... 3 wives, over 3 thousand lawsuits against him. He says whatever is on his mind and swears its the FACTS ... he's lied to YOU and everyone else since becoming President. Remember him bringing up another Middleclass Tax Cut a month before the mid-term elections; it had never been discussed with Republicans ... it was a lie Trump brought up to persuade voters to vote for Republicans ... haven't heard it mentioned since, have you? The fucker is a CROOK .. . and you drones are the most brain washed suckers I've ever seen.
Not sure what you're talking about. I got a tax cut. A fairly big on. I think I'm going to direct some of my income to be derived from a c-corp. Perfect. Tax free the first 20% on the s-corp, and 15% rate on the c-corp. S-corp wages now flowing through to a lower individual tax rate

Producers like myself deserve this, so people like Fake News Mac-N-Fries can stay employed.

Hard for some of you to understand. The Democrats, by their opposition, favored large corporations, and hurt small businesses. From where a majority of new jobs come from.

Democratic Party = Big Insiders and Wealthy Persons.

Republican Party = Only Favoring Wealthy Persons who earned it and create jobs, as well as the average guy.
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The other stunning thing is that

Donald J Trump = John F Kennedy.

Most Modern Day Democrats = Richard Nixon and Herbert Hoover.
So prepare for stagnation of Jobs (my clients are),
Didn't happen under Obama ... didn't happen under Cllinton. Jobs are moving overseas even as we speak ... Trump has done nothing to create jobs in
higher health care cost, increase tax on the middle class,
If they get the Trifecta, you can look for Medicare for ALL, TwoBi ... with Medicaid as the catch net for the poor.
After 2020 We will see censorship infringement on the 1st amendment and near eradication of the 2nd.
That's already happening you fool. Look what's happening to the internet now ... objectable topics being removed from the internet, voter suppression ... pull your head out of your ass and look around.
All this stupid statement proves is you know NOTHING about John F Kennedy


Please list some areas of significant policy disagreement between John F Kennedy and Donald John Trump.

When I say major, let me give you some categories:

1) Tax policy
2) Immigration
3) National Defense

Then explain away John F Kennedy's comments, that are almost 100% of Donald J Trump's comments, in an area "experts" now call conspiracy theory. But strangely enough, seen]m to have forgotten about JFK's comments.

Knowing you either cannot, or will not do this, let me summarize what is fact.

Donald John Trump = John Fitzgerald Kennedy

John F Kennedy = Republican

Please list some areas of significant policy disagreement between John F Kennedy and Donald John Trump.

When I say major, let me give you some categories:

1) Tax policy
2) Immigration
3) National Defense

Then explain away John F Kennedy's comments, that are almost 100% of Donald J Trump's comments, in an area "experts" now call conspiracy theory. But strangely enough, seen]m to have forgotten about JFK's comments.

Knowing you either cannot, or will not do this, let me summarize what is fact.

Donald John Trump = John Fitzgerald Kennedy

John F Kennedy = Republican

you are just spouting ******* trying to stir something....hell, even Obama said we need to work on the tax policy it was hurting small biz....but the right in their ultimate wisdom chose to throw the country to the wolves rather than work with Obama

besides when Kennedy was spouting his tax policy....we did not have a deficit....the middle class had good paying jobs and were paying taxes....jobs and biz not going overseas.....things a lot different back then....hell lets use "Ikes" tax policy of 95% to the gov unless.....

trump gave his tax breaks and the worker has seen very little of it....most went overseas very little of it has gone into the economy...and we are even losing more and more jobs overseas everyday...more so under trump
that's like comparing apples and oranges
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So, to summarize your yet once again brilliant insight, you are unable to show any areas of significant policy disagreement between John F Kennedy and Donald John Trump.

I mean I already knew the answer, but thanks so much for verifying this for all of us.

Maybe DaphneD can weigh in? She always has some entertaining, albeit inaccurate posts, much like yourself.
So, to summarize your yet once again brilliant insight, you are unable to show any areas of significant policy disagreement between John F Kennedy and Donald John Trump.

I mean I already knew the answer, but thanks so much for verifying this for all of us.

Maybe DaphneD can weigh in? She always has some entertaining, albeit inaccurate posts, much like yourself.

trump stands alone......in impeachment...possible treason...definitely some jail time....probably won't serve any....but a lot of charges against have jail time!
actually if your man Reagan hadn't fucked the country up....the tax thing might work.....corps/big biz/manuf all those jobs were still here...people making good money and companies supplied health care...very little in the way of the social programs...no need good jobs everywhere

there is no one left to pay....the corps take all their money overseas....the middle class...what's left of it...are barely making ends meet...whos left?....the poor and the social programs! and that's what the right is after...go ahead and push them into crime to get by!
when the economy sours crime always goes up....and the economy is showing signs right now of falling apart
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