Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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LOL You mean sites like Google, Twitter, YouTube, FaceBook - ALL LIBERAL sites THOSE sites you are referring to? Trump has NOTHING to do with that - you are the fool. It's all the democrats and liberal that have been screaming for censorship.
*******....I didn't know you had to fill out an app. and state your political affiliation when you got on those
As if they don't track your preferences, and as if by using them, you don't consent for them to do so.

Meanwhile, back in reality.....................
Health and Insurance were two of the top three lobbyists in 2009. Pay off enough democrap politicians and you can get the government to make it illegal not to buy your insurance product.
combined they spent over a billion to STOP the ACA....you think they don't have money to spare?
besides I remember Grassley for one being on it at the the first...BEFORE ALL THE REPUBLICANS went against it.....look up just about any republican you want and see where their money comes from!

Big Pharma Political Contributions - Drugsdb.com
Traditionally ******* companies gave to both, but gave more to Republicans. In the 2000 election, 36% of pharmaceutical giving went to Democrats vs. 69% to Republicans and …

******* companies are pouring money into GOP coffers - STAT
The ******* industry has traditionally leaned Republican, and this year more Republican members are at risk than sitting Democrats. Even so, 2016 appears notably lopsided.

Senate Healthcare Bill: Big Pharma, Insurance Lobbies ...
Altogether, 13 Republican senators, including McConnell, on average received $214,000 in contributions from health insurance and pharmaceutical companies from November 2010 to November 2016, money ...
Your pretty thick Mac, You stated - "objectable topics being removed from the internet, "
I simply stated WHO removes those "objectionable" topics. The form of a question was sarcasm.

I don't know a single right wing organization that bans people from the internet, Organizes protest so people can't speak on campus, or harasses reporters at their home. I's not the republicans that are removing peoples rights, it's the left - and people such as yourself are demanding it and as usual, the left will point the finger at everything else but themselves.

you must have brown eyes...….you are so full of *******!
Your pretty thick Mac, You stated - "objectable topics being removed from the internet, "
I simply stated WHO removes those "objectionable" topics. The form of a question was sarcasm.
Then you're not interested in know that that it was Trump & Republicans that removed Internet Neutrality by allowing the FCC to allow websites to remove any objectionable material from the internet? Obviously you're not reading between the lines either, as I know a lot of web sites, like Tumblr and similar sites to enforce new restrictions on adult material, thus driving the adult websites (like this one, eventually) underground!? See, it isn't about adult websites, TwoBi, its about freedom of speech and what one conceives it to be. What if this was clean drinking water we were talking about, instead? Every municipality decides what their own standard of clean drinking water IS ... comprenda'? [/QUOTE]

I don't know a single right wing organization that bans people from the internet ..... I's not the republicans that are removing peoples rights, it's the left - and people such as yourself are demanding it and as usual, the left will point the finger at everything else but themselves.
So you've been sleeping through the past 10 frik'n years with the gerrymandering and voter suppression that's been taking place ... all Democrats doing that, too, huh? I have an article from THIS morning's newspaper about one of the counties in NC where they (Democrats found it) voter fraud has taken place to get a Republican voted IN .... 300+ mail-in votes in which 100% of those mail-in votes were ALL republicans. The election was determined by less than 150 votes ... I'll copy it today and post it to this post when I get some time.
Gott run .... football gave starts in 45 minutes.

Oh, and I don't have time to waste on H-H ... would you call his attention to this, please?
"H-H .... fuck you" .... gif_yellowball-FuckOFF.gif
True insofar as Reagan did compromise on spending with liberals. And when we had the Newt economy, things were good becuase William Jefferson Clinton, whose Presidency up until that point had been a failure, was ****** to concede to Newt, and when he did, becuase of Newt, we had good times. Newt was responsible for that, Clinton got, and took the credit. JFK was certainly more hawkish on war than DJT is. Most Democrats are actually war mongers.

We could have a discussion about history based on facts, or we could have a discussion on history using what people are told by major network television news, which is largely opinion, and devoid of critical thinking and fact.


Oh I'm sorry....you need a link?

Then you're not interested in know that that it was Trump & Republicans that removed Internet Neutrality by allowing the FCC to allow websites to remove any objectionable material from the internet?
Obviously you're not interested in the topic enough to educate yourself sufficiently to speak about it intelligently. Why bother when you can just spew hyperbole against Trump and the republicans right???

47 U.S. Code § 230 grants ISPs and websites the legal right to remove any objectionable material. Specifically section (c) (2) (A) protects a provider for:

(A) any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected;


When did that dastardly demon Trump sign this internet travesty, 47 U.S. Code § 230, into law??? Oops...good ole Billy blow jobs from interns Clinton signed that into law in 1996. You'd think given Ole Bubba's proclivities he might have thought twice before signing that!



I can hear it now....but...but..RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!
ain't it nice to be loved...…….and so respected world wide!

Trump vs. the world: The president finds himself isolated at G20

he is not liked outside the country any better than he is inside the country
maybe he shouldn't have sided with Russia over everyone else to include the US
but the right still loves him....but then they never side with America anyway
Then you're not interested in know that that it was Trump & Republicans that removed Internet Neutrality by allowing the FCC to allow websites to remove any objectionable material from the internet?

Um, no.

I've said in the past, Net neutrality is the only thing Obama got right. Yes I'm aware that Trump removed it but Net Neutrality has little to do with the 1st amendment. Net Neutrality does not prevent corporations from removing any content they so desire. The web sites I pointed out would still be able to censor their content - just as any corporation has the right to censor their employees. Lets say we use the sides of buildings to post our Social media BS. The people that own those buildings would still have the right to sand blast it off, like graffiti. Like I said - you will twist anything to your own narrative to make EVERYTHING the republicans fault. Soon all our rights will be stripped, and when that happens you damn well better point your finger at yourself. Because when it happens - it's because we ALL LET IT HAPPEN.

Here - I suggest you learn what Net Neutrality is, (hint - It;s about the money - not it's content.)
Obviously you're not interested in the topic enough to educate yourself sufficiently to speak about it intelligently. Why bother when you can just spew hyperbole against Trump and the republicans right???

47 U.S. Code § 230 grants ISPs and websites the legal right to remove any objectionable material. Specifically section (c) (2) (A) protects a provider for:

(A) any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected;


When did that dastardly demon Trump sign this internet travesty, 47 U.S. Code § 230, into law??? Oops...good ole Billy blow jobs from interns Clinton signed that into law in 1996. You'd think given Ole Bubba's proclivities he might have thought twice before signing that!



I can hear it now....but...but..RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!

you will say and post anything to get the topic off trumps upcoming impeachment
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