Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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If he's so innocent of everything, how come he won't testify in front of Mueller ... Hillary Clinton showed up for HERs, and was drilled for 11 straight hours by a very biased Republican committee, and the Republicans found HER innocent. Nine Republican Benghazi committees and nothing ever came of those ... N-O-T-H-I-N-G! Then Republcans finally admitted it was to destroy her credibility to the voters. Just like the Trump lie about Obama not being a natural citizen of the US. Six frikn' years you dildos swore by his story ... NOTHING!
Ok, so ... you got TRUMP ... now it is the Democrats turn ... and the LiarNChief won't testify in front of Mueller ... after saying many times he couldn't wait. I believe you're gonna see your FUCKTARD President go DOWN in 2019 ... rest assured. And he's taking the whole Republican party with him when he does.
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Still nothing on Trump. Everything Mueller has prosecuted has come from perjury traps and nothing to do with so-called collusion. Every single indictment is unrelated to collusion and is for things that happened after or before the election. Keep hoping - keep praying - ya just never know ;}
now it is even looking like Trump Jr and Ivanka may be involved in all the money laundering......what these trumptards seem to forget is...Cohan has documents and emails and even tape recordings

this guy didn't know anything about the stormy daniels deal either...until the voice recording from cohan came out

this guy is going down!...maybe even the whole family!

Yeah they should throw Baron in prison just on general principle ;}
Ah, the original posters still posting old news, and putting her spin on it. Incorrectly, as per the norm.

Please Google Felix Sater. Read all of the story. Then explain to me how this is going to come back on DJT, without first harming our IC.

What does anyone want to bet that DaphneD cannot answer this one serious question, based on fact, documented in federal court filings. Not based on my opinion, and certainly not based on her wishful thinking.
It’s clear the left wants Trump and will do everything they can to get him - just can’t get over Hillary losing and want to delegitimize and remove him - the hell with the election - the Mueller investigation now has taken to trying to extort testimony from witnesses by breaking them financially and threatening long prison terms if they do not lie to show a connection between Trump and Russia. Americans are not stupid and all of this will become apparent soon.
It’s clear the left wants Trump and will do everything they can to get him - just can’t get over Hillary losing and want to delegitimize and remove him - the hell with the election - the Mueller investigation now has taken to trying to extort testimony from witnesses by breaking them financially and threatening long prison terms if they do not lie to show a connection between Trump and Russia. Americans are not stupid and all of this will become apparent soon.

you are listening to a known liar and fox news...….if you think that why is it all his closet friends are the ones putting the nail in his coffin...just before they go to jail on something he helped them with....I think collusion is already a given now...with all the testimony against him....and give mueller just a little more time and if we are lucky....trump might find under his Christmas tree....and indictment for treason!
think it just might go there pretty soon....already established a lot of his earlier decisions was based on pleasing Russia!
Still nothing on Trump. Everything Mueller has prosecuted has come from perjury traps and nothing to do with so-called collusion. Every single indictment is unrelated to collusion and is for things that happened after or before the election. Keep hoping - keep praying - ya just never know ;}

you have your head in your ass and just pull it out enough to put it in trumps!

you are listening to a known liar and fox news...….if you think that why is it all his closet friends are the ones putting the nail in his coffin...just before they go to jail on something he helped them with....I think collusion is already a given now...with all the testimony against him....and give mueller just a little more time and if we are lucky....trump might find under his Christmas tree....and indictment for treason!
think it just might go there pretty soon....already established a lot of his earlier decisions was based on pleasing Russia!

Yes and the elf on the shelf really does move himself around ;}
we went past the obstruction part over a year ago
and just about past the collusion part
soon to be working on the treason part


something trump has none of!
and his supporters seem to be ok with
what does that say about his supporters?
Undt - you call us Nazis !!!

protecting a dicktator?
hell he has either fired or trying to put everyone against him in jail....isn't that the Nazi way?
just following his standards!
what's the old saying about treating others as you would like to be treated...(although does not apply here...dealing with trumptards)
he has been trying to run this like a dictatorship since he started...and still crying about comey and Clinton and now even rosenstien in jail...for what...haven't broken any laws...he just doesn't like them...kind of like what hitler did...
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If he's so innocent of everything, how come he won't testify in front of Mueller ... Hillary Clinton showed up for HERs, and was drilled for 11 straight hours by a very biased Republican committee, and the Republicans found HER innocent. Nine Republican Benghazi committees and nothing ever came of those ... N-O-T-H-I-N-G! Then Republcans finally admitted it was to destroy her credibility to the voters. Just like the Trump lie about Obama not being a natural citizen of the US. Six frikn' years you dildos swore by his story ... NOTHING!
Ok, so ... you got TRUMP ... now it is the Democrats turn ... and the LiarNChief won't testify in front of Mueller ... after saying many times he couldn't wait. I believe you're gonna see your FUCKTARD President go DOWN in 2019 ... rest assured. And he's taking the whole Republican party with him when he does.
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No one ever said he is "innocent" of anything. But there is a big difference between being guilty and being able to prove someone is guilty.
Those committees on Hillary didn't find her innocent, they just didn't find a smoking gun that the people would demand her incarceration. Beside, she is a politician and her last name is "Clinton". She is NOT going to jail even if she shoots someone in front of everybody - she would get away with it (That sounds familiar, wonder who said that?) Any ways, Hillary not being charged doesn't exonerate her any more than it exonerates Trump. They aren't going to jail simply because of who they are and the positions they hold. Why? because there is no definitive proof.

Then Republcans finally admitted it was to destroy her credibility to the voters.
I'm sure part of it was - and you don't think that some of that is true about Trump as well? ???? These are politicians we are talking about.

Fact is Mac, the stuff that is going on in the news right now is simply BS. Truth or not, it is nothing more than the keep the people distracted and divided. If there was any validity to this Russian thing he would have been removed from office day one. They wouldn't let a "Russian spy" sit in office for almost 3 years while they take their sweet time to "investigate". THAT would be asinine, think about it. Sounds almost as stupid as letting a non-citizen sit in office for 8 ;)

I don't think Trump will win a second Term (unless Hillary tries to run again). I'm sure a Democrat will win and they will have the tri-fecta once again. So prepare for stagnation of Jobs (my clients are), Stagnation of technological advancement (my clients are), higher health care cost, increase tax on the middle class, increase in poverty (as they do regardless of the President) and more violence and civil unrest stepping up a notch. After 2020 We will see censorship infringement on the 1st amendment and near eradication of the 2nd. Trump will still be investigated for "wrong doing". The left will use Trump as "reasons" to place restrictions on the 1st amendment and my guess is you will swallow it all and blame Trump for "taking out rights away" and everything else the left forces on the people in the name of "National Security" and "Safety" and to "Prevent anything like Trump from Happening again".
But there is a big difference between being guilty and being able to prove someone is guilty

how many of his little crew is NOT under indictment or in jail or going to jail?....all people he brought into this

Those committees on Hillary didn't find her innocent, they just didn't find a smoking gun that the people would demand her incarceration

the right has been doing what they can to discredit or even jail her for over 20 years...blaming deaths on her. I'm surprised they don't blame climate change on her....she has been the rights whiping post long before Benghazi or the emails

Beside, she is a politician and her last name is "Clinton".
true and h8ub bailed out a mess created by the right and made them look bad...….hated him for it ever since and even though most of the country likes them!

Any ways, Hillary not being charged doesn't exonerate her any more than it exonerates Trump

after over 20 years of digging if they had ANYTHING she would be in jail....where as there is a lot pointing to trump right now...to include family members!

They aren't going to jail simply because of who they are and the positions they hold. Why? because there is no definitive proof.

I think with trump there will be proof....way to much "circumstantial" right now and Mueller know what the facts are...but will agree I doubt he ever sees jail time

I'm sure part of it was - and you don't think that some of that is true about Trump as well?

trump has brought so much on himself...he alone probably could have stopped it a long time ago
to start with siding with Russia after the whole world knows they tampered with the election...and another his tax returns..and so much more...instead he chose to lie and deceive...which just irritated people more and the press will dig...same as they would do had it been anyone else...he dug his own hole....think the firing of Comey may have opened the flood gates!

If there was any validity to this Russian thing he would have been removed from office day one

he has been doing whatever he can to obstruct....but I'm betting the feds know a lot more than what they are telling...just like Obama not wanting it out....sour any and all elections....besides there is no real way of ever knowing exactly what all they did with their ads and propaganda and facebook….how many people bought into all the bullshit...it would appear some here!
you see them saying ******* all the time with no idea what they are talking about

They wouldn't let a "Russian spy" sit in office for almost 3 years while they take their sweet time to "investigate". THAT would be asinine, think about it. Sounds almost as stupid as letting a non-citizen sit in office for 8 ;)

takes time to find out just how much the man is involved in Russia....with all his cronies finally breaking down....we just found out this week with some of Cohans testimony that trump lied about being done with trying to get a trump tower in Russia...it was still going on when he was already the nominee...and he got the republican platform changed in favor of Russia...look at back with his private meeting with Russia where he gave away classified info hurting the UK and Israel....how much more?

I'm sure a Democrat will win and they will have the tri-fecta once again. So prepare for stagnation of Jobs
checked history lately...….The dems have ALWAYS put more people to work than the right...just because your tax breaks will fade away doesn't mean the rest of the country is falling apart...far from it...the country has always prospered un a dem...EVEN OBAMA!

violence and civil unrest stepping up a notch

might want to check your facts again...….since trump took office hate crimes are up 17%
you are starting to sound like a typical trumpie now spouting ******* that is far from true
Hate Crimes Rise Under Trump: Report | News One
It’s Official: Hate Crimes Rise Under Trump What everyone has suspected is true – the Trump campaign set a climate for more antagonism in this country.

Hate on the Rise After Trump’s Election | The New Yorker
A Hate Crime at Hopewell. Six days before the U.S. election, Hopewell Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi, was burned and vandalized with “Vote Trump” graffiti.

  1. Hate, harassment incidents spike since Trump election ...
    And it’s not just crimes against minorities. Four people were arrested in Chicago after an attack on a Trump supporter, during which “ You voted Trump! You voted Trump !” was shouted.
    • Founded: Sep 18, 1927
  2. U.S. hate crimes up 20 percent in 2016, fueled by election ...
    U.S. Hate Crimes Up 20 Percent in 2016, Fueled by Election Campaign: Report People demonstrate at a Stand Against Hate rally at Independence Mall on March 2, 2017 in Philadelphia.
Does The Economy Do Better Under Democrats Or Republicans ...
Jun 13, 2016 · Even today, as Republicans criticize the pace of the recovery under President Obama, the record shows that the economy has performed better during his presidency than his predecessor's.

Clinton: Economy Better Under Democrats - FactCheck.org
The U.S. economy performs much better when a Democrat is president than when a Republican is.” The analysis considered a 64-year period beginning with President Harry Truman and ending with ...

These 5 charts prove that the economy does better under ...
Dec 28, 2015 · “The U.S. economy has performed better when the President of the United States is a Democrat rather than a Republican, almost regardless of how one measures performance.

Lucky or not, the economy does better under Democrats ...
www.marketwatch.comEconomy & PoliticsPaul Brandus
Data show the economy, and the market, perform better under a Democratic administration than a Republican one. That might be more luck than skill, writes Paul Brandus.

now spout some more of you trumptard facts!
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