Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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View attachment 2253567...... Oh god, here ya go parroting Trump again. I wonder if Trump said his crap would turn to GOLD BARS how many of you idiots would believe him and buy one from him?

Nothing has been proven that Trump did anything illegal - NOTHING !!! Do you suggest giving up presumption of innocence??? Never mind of course you do you’re a liberal and still pissed Hillary didn’t get elected. I think smarmy liberals that think they are smarter than everyone they don’t agree with and call those people idiots - show by their very invectives - who - infact - the idiot is.
And now it's being reported that Mr. Putin was to get a $50 million Penthouse gift atop the New Trump hotel development in Moscow! Who was to be the bearer of such tidings to Mr. Putin? Who is this generous bearer of such joy and generosity? Well, he says he is the most intelligent man on earth, more handsome than Elvis Presley, more wealthy than anyone could believe, learns more from his gut than the smartest people around him, women love for him to grab them by them pussy! Can you guess who this Hypocrite might be?
I'll sleep much better tonight than I have for the past two plus years!

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No, no. Special counsels, formerly special prosecutors, and violations of civil liberty are o.k. when it is done against Trump supporters. But very, very bad when used against William Jefferson Clinton. Fake News Mac-n-Fries is very non hypocritical.

Just like that time when Trump met with P U T I N privately. The only American POTUS to ever do this. Except he wasn't, and there is video evidence to suggest otherwise. But people like Fake News Mac-N-Fries, being as fair mined and objective as they are, pretty much get to state whatever they wish, devoid of logic and fact, and expect everyone to buy into it.

We are on page 155 of a thread, where the OP misquoted a passage in her original post, still not corrected, and had several factual inaccuracies within her first several paragraphs. Only to follow up posting old news, and old news taken out of context. Although she took her time to attempt to explain what these news pieces meant. Look, I don't like making personal insults, but she isn't very smart. If someone were smart, they would likely post things to further their argument, rather than things irrelevant, or even hurting their argument.

Think about that for a moment. And either spend your time elsewhere, or not. The selective outrage in this thread, by both sides, but specifically by a couple of left leaning posters, is both entertaining, and revealing. Revealing not in a good way.
And now it's being reported that Mr. Poroshenko was to get a $50 million Penthouse gift atop the New Trump hotel development in Moscow! Who was to be the bearer of such tidings to Mr. Poroshenko? Who is this generous bearer of such joy and generosity? Well, he says he is the most intelligent man on earth, more handsome than Elvis Presley, more wealthy than anyone could believe, learns more from his gut than the smartest people around him, women love for him to grab them by them pussy! Can you guess who this Hypocrite is?

I'll sleep much better tonight than I have for the past two plus years!


You LUV that Clinton News Network - still nothing illegal - nothing at all - keep hoping for something - CNN is right there with ya hoping against hope that something will turn up - and in the meantime - they like you - will harp on drivel - that is irrelevant - ad infitium.
Nothing has been proven that Trump did anything illegal - NOTHING !!! Do you suggest giving up presumption of innocence??? Never mind of course you do you’re a liberal and still pissed Hillary didn’t get elected. I think smarmy liberals that think they are smarter than everyone they don’t agree with and call those people idiots - show by their very invectives - who - infact - the idiot is.
why is it that everyone who doesn't agree with you or like trump must be a liar and an idiot?
And now it's being reported that Mr. Poroshenko was to get a $50 million Penthouse gift atop the New Trump hotel development in Moscow! Who was to be the bearer of such tidings to Mr. Poroshenko? Who is this generous bearer of such joy and generosity? Well, he says he is the most intelligent man on earth, more handsome than Elvis Presley, more wealthy than anyone could believe, learns more from his gut than the smartest people around him, women love for him to grab them by them pussy! Can you guess who this Hypocrite might be?
I'll sleep much better tonight than I have for the past two plus years!


I saw that and trump saying Cohan was doing that without his knowledge …...right......you believe that you would believe blklump is a libber
No, no. Special counsels, formerly special prosecutors, and violations of civil liberty are o.k. when it is done against Trump supporters. But very, very bad when used against William Jefferson Clinton. Fake News Mac-n-Fries is very non hypocritical.

Just like that time when Trump met with P U T I N privately. The only American POTUS to ever do this. Except he wasn't, and there is video evidence to suggest otherwise. But people like Fake News Mac-N-Fries, being as fair mined and objective as they are, pretty much get to state whatever they wish, devoid of logic and fact, and expect everyone to buy into it.

We are on page 155 of a thread, where the OP misquoted a passage in her original post, still not corrected, and had several factual inaccuracies within her first several paragraphs. Only to follow up posting old news, and old news taken out of context. Although she took her time to attempt to explain what these news pieces meant. Look, I don't like making personal insults, but she isn't very smart. If someone were smart, they would likely post things to further their argument, rather than things irrelevant, or even hurting their argument.

Think about that for a moment. And either spend your time elsewhere, or not. The selective outrage in this thread, by both sides, but specifically by a couple of left leaning posters, is both entertaining, and revealing. Revealing not in a good way.

just when I thought maybe you were coming out of your rantings....you go right back and want to relieve old *******

How exactly does one, and I quote, "relieve old *******"?

Also, the post wasn't directed at you, never mentioned you, or had anything to do with you, but as always, everyone on here is grateful for your enlightened input.

If you could go ahead and explain your quote, we'd all appreciate it. Most of us are unable to decode whatever language you prefer to use.
How exactly does one, and I quote, "relieve old *******"?

Also, the post wasn't directed at you, never mentioned you, or had anything to do with you, but as always, everyone on here is grateful for your enlightened input.

If you could go ahead and explain your
quote, we'd all appreciate it. Most of us are unable to decode whatever language you prefer to use.

Ya know reshit - ******* - ya already ******* out - liberals do it all the time ;}
Nothing has been proven that Trump did anything illegal - NOTHING !!! Do you suggest giving up presumption of innocence???
If he's so innocent of everything, how come he won't testify in front of Mueller ... Hillary Clinton showed up for HERs, and was drilled for 11 straight hours by a very biased Republican committee, and the Republicans found HER innocent. Nine Republican Benghazi committees and nothing ever came of those ... N-O-T-H-I-N-G! Then Republcans finally admitted it was to destroy her credibility to the voters. Just like the Trump lie about Obama not being a natural citizen of the US. Six frikn' years you dildos swore by his story ... NOTHING!
Ok, so ... you got TRUMP ... now it is the Democrats turn ... and the LiarNChief won't testify in front of Mueller ... after saying many times he couldn't wait. I believe you're gonna see your FUCKTARD President go DOWN in 2019 ... rest assured. And he's taking the whole Republican party with him when he does.
If he's so innocent of everything, how come he won't testify in front of Mueller ... Hillary Clinton showed up for HERs, and was drilled for 11 straight hours by a very biased Republican committee, and the Republicans found HER innocent. Nine Republican Benghazi committees and nothing ever came of those ... N-O-T-H-I-N-G! Then Republcans finally admitted it was to destroy her credibility to the voters. Just like the Trump lie about Obama not being a natural citizen of the US. Six frikn' years you dildos swore by his story ... NOTHING!
Ok, so ... you got TRUMP ... now it is the Democrats turn ... and the LiarNChief won't testify in front of Mueller ... after saying many times he couldn't wait. I believe you're gonna see your FUCKTARD President go DOWN in 2019 ... rest assured. And he's taking the whole Republican party with him when he does.
View attachment 2253912

I read last night that Trumps foolishness in refusing to answer Muellers question he just played right into Muellers hands...giving him even more time.to coordinate the lies that trumps team has put out....and by trumps own admission on the "deal" with Russia.....he broke 3 more impeachable laws....and sooner or later even the repub's are going to say enough is enough...…..they have already figured out he duped the republicans by changing their platform and favoring Russia over Crimea was because he was still working on a deal with Pu t I n on that hotel there....everything about money...country be fucked
they have so much on him for campaign finance....if he ever leaves office it will just be to go to jail on all that
We may need to start a whole new thread for these trumptards to cry on each other shoulders when he goes down....and he is going down. no matter how much they keep their heads in the sand!
now it is even looking like Trump Jr and Ivanka may be involved in all the money laundering......what these trumptards seem to forget is...Cohan has documents and emails and even tape recordings

this guy didn't know anything about the stormy daniels deal either...until the voice recording from cohan came out

this guy is going down!...maybe even the whole family!
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Hillary Clinton showed up for HERs, and was drilled for 11 straight hours by a very biased Republican committee, and the Republicans found HER innocent.
Bullshit...as usual. They actually referred her testimony to the DOJ for prosecution since she clearly committed perjury. You probably missed seeing this through your rose colored Obummer glasses. Here's the actual referral:

We may need to start a whole new thread for these trumptards to cry on each other shoulders when he goes down....and he is going down. no matter how much they keep their heads in the sand!

Remember the old saying, "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and acts like a duck, it's a duck!" Undoubtably there are those within this thread that would deny this fact and prescribe to the alternative-fact, "No! They are not ducks, they're geese!"
Why bother trying push water uphill???
Remember the old saying, "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and acts like a duck, it's a duck!" Undoubtably there are those within this thread that would deny this fact and prescribe to the alternative-fact, "No! They are not ducks, they're geese!"
Why bother trying push water uphill???

Priceless given who posted this.


nothing has been proven that Trump did anything that is illegal

Really? LOL. Guess the recent loses in federal court must mean he's winning...Also 75+ more open court cases against him. And that's not including anything Mueller has on him. Trump has been sued in federal court more than a 135 times. Lost most of them also.

I believe stupid is believing what you - want to believe

Says the man who believes every one of Trumps 4300 lies.

Keep on hoping for something to show up - taint happened yet!!!?

Wrong! Recent released documents show Trump WAS involved in Russia. Something you keep denying.

November 30, 2018

WASHINGTON — In two major developments this week, President Trump has been labeled in the parlance of criminal investigations as a major subject of interest, complete with an opaque legal code name: ‘‘Individual 1.’’

New evidence from two separate fronts of special counsel Robert Mueller III’s investigation casts fresh doubts on Trump’s version of key events involving Russia, signaling potential political and legal peril for the president. Investigators have now publicly cast Trump as a central figure of their probe into whether Trump’s campaign conspired with the Russian government during the 2016 campaign.

Together, the documents show investigators have evidence that Trump was in close contact with his lieutenants as they made outreach to both Russia and WikiLeaks — and that they tried to conceal the extent of their activities.

On Thursday, Trump’s longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress when he insisted that Trump was not pursuing plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow after January 2016, casting Trump’s repeated claims that he had no business interests in Russia in a new light. A draft special counsel document revealed Tuesday also indicates that prosecutors are closely scrutinizing Trump’s interactions with a longtime adviser, Roger Stone, as he was seeking information about WikiLeaks’ plans to release hacked Democratic emails.

If you're going to lie, at least try to make it so it cannot be debunked within 3 seconds!
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