Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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True insofar as Reagan did compromise on spending with liberals. And when we had the Newt economy, things were good becuase William Jefferson Clinton, whose Presidency up until that point had been a failure, was ****** to concede to Newt, and when he did, becuase of Newt, we had good times. Newt was responsible for that, Clinton got, and took the credit. JFK was certainly more hawkish on war than DJT is. Most Democrats are actually war mongers.

We could have a discussion about history based on facts, or we could have a discussion on history using what people are told by major network television news, which is largely opinion, and devoid of critical thinking and fact.
True insofar as Reagan did compromise on spending with liberals. And when we had the Newt economy, things were good becuase William Jefferson Clinton, whose Presidency up until that point had been a failure, was ****** to concede to Newt, and when he did, becuase of Newt, we had good times. Newt was responsible for that, Clinton got, and took the credit. JFK was certainly more hawkish on war than DJT is. Most Democrats are actually war mongers.

We could have a discussion about history based on facts, or we could have a discussion on history using what people are told by major network television news, which is largely opinion, and devoid of critical thinking and fact.
So, to summarize your yet once again brilliant insight, you are unable to show any areas of significant policy disagreement between John F Kennedy and Donald John Trump.

I mean I already knew the answer, but thanks so much for verifying this for all of us.

Maybe DaphneD can weigh in? She always has some entertaining, albeit inaccurate posts, much like yourself.

she knows more about our politics than you do!...hell everyone does....
you just look for some obscure topic to start ******* on...….nothing on the topics being discussed....guessing your lack of input matches your lack of knowledge of just what is going on!

so keep digging for another topic that no one gives a ******* about to start an argument over!....and then get pissed and complain when no one answers...or cares to answer

as for me...….

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So, still unable to make a cogent argument, or answer the questions posted.

Again, everyone on here already knew this, but thinks for taking the bait, and proving us correct.
Blkdlaur you are not going to get emotional on us when your man goes to court are you

why don't you go hang around the court house and watch sentencing for a few days to prepare yourself

although I don't blame you....even the republicans don't want pence!
you already got all the reply I am going to give......see post 3148!

Again, which means you are either unable, or unwilling to answer the questions presented. In your case, probably both unwilling and unable. Unable being the case 100% of the time with you, unwillingly because when you're not at work, you probably are allowed to make very minor decision for yourself.
Blkdlaur you are not going to get emotional on us when your man goes to court are you

why don't you go hang around the court house and watch sentencing for a few days to prepare yourself

although I don't blame you....even the republicans don't want pence!

No thanks - recently spent 7 weeks on jury duty for a ******* trial - had enough of court rooms.

Talk about being delusional - taint never gonna happen - except for in the minds of liberals anyhoo.
That's already happening you fool. Look what's happening to the internet now ... objectable topics being removed from the internet, voter suppression ... pull your head out of your ass and look around.

LOL You mean sites like Google, Twitter, YouTube, FaceBook - ALL LIBERAL sites THOSE sites you are referring to? Trump has NOTHING to do with that - you are the fool. It's all the democrats and liberal that have been screaming for censorship.
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If they get the Trifecta, you can look for Medicare for ALL, TwoBi ... with Medicaid as the catch net for the poor.

Oh I'm sure that will work out just fine and dandy - but you are wrong. You think the insurance business is just going to sit back and allow the Demo-crooks to put them out to pasture? LOL Good luck with that one. They paid off Obama to make them billions, it worked.
You mean sites like Google, Twitter, YouTube, FaceBook - ALL LIBERAL sites THOSE sites you are referring to? Trump has NOTHING to do with that - you are the fool.
You guys sure are wanting to argue ... read what you posted THEN you call me a fool? You ASK ME a question as to what I was referring to, THEN you assume you KNOW what I'm referring to, and then call me a fool?
FUCK OFF ... I have no time for your foolishness tonight ... why don't you and golfer boy Skyp each other and jerk off in front of your screens? Give you something to do instead of bothering ME! I was referring to Internet Neutrality being given to the FCC ... another brilliant idea from Trump & Republicans.
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You guys sure are wanting to argue ... read what you posted THEN you call me a fool? You ASK ME a question as to what I was referring to, THEN you assume you KNOW what I'm referring to, and then call me a fool?

WTF are you talking about - I made a statement - I didn't ask you anything, you fucked up on your reply.

Nap time for Mac, he's getting cranky.
WTF are you talking about - I made a statement - I didn't ask you anything, you fucked up on your reply.
You really are some special kind of stupid tonight ... READ your first sentence and see what you ended it with ... sure isn't a "period" l or maybe you don't know the difference between a period and a question mark???????
You really are some special kind of stupid tonight ... READ your first sentence and see what you ended it with ... sure isn't a "period" l or maybe you don't know the difference between a period and a question mark???????

Your pretty thick Mac, You stated - "objectable topics being removed from the internet, "
I simply stated WHO removes those "objectionable" topics. The form of a question was sarcasm.

I don't know a single right wing organization that bans people from the internet, Organizes protest so people can't speak on campus, or harasses reporters at their home. I's not the republicans that are removing peoples rights, it's the left - and people such as yourself are demanding it and as usual, the left will point the finger at everything else but themselves.
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Oh I'm sure that will work out just fine and dandy - but you are wrong. You think the insurance business is just going to sit back and allow the Demo-crooks to put them out to pasture? LOL Good luck with that one. They paid off Obama to make them billions, it worked.
Yes this is typical MacNLies bullshit. The Democraps had the trifecta with a super majority in the Senate when they rammed obummercare up our asses. They could have given us medicare for all or anything else they wanted. Republicans were utterly powerless to stop them. But as has been pointed out before, Health and Insurance were two of the top three lobbyists in 2009. Pay off enough democrap politicians and you can get the government to make it illegal not to buy your insurance product.

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