Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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tell you how bad it is in this state...they are so brainwashed and mind fucked...….probably only 4 democrats on the ticket...everything else either republican..independent...or libaterian…!
you run as a democrat around here...chances are not going to get any votes!
Do as I say...Not as I do???????

China grants more trademark approvals for Ivanka Trump firm - including voting machines
Reuters 15 hours ago

China last month granted initial approval for 16 new trademarks for the fashion brand of U.S. President Donald Trump's ******* and adviser Ivanka, including voting machines, a search of official records on Tuesday showed.

The group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington made the findings about the new China trademarks in a Monday statement, and said it was the largest number of new Chinese trademarks her company has received in a single month since her ******* took office.
The latest China trademarks cover things like shoes and jewelry, but also more offbeat items like voting machines and nursing homes, according to a search of records on the Chinese State Administration for Industry and Commerce's Trademark office.
The trademarks were applied for in 2016.
Intellectual property lawyers say trademark applications are often very broad to give the applicant the most comprehensive protection for their brand.
The Chinese government has previously denied anything untoward in granting her company the trademarks.
tell you how bad it is in this state...they are so brainwashed and mind fucked...….probably only 4 democrats on the ticket...everything else either republican..independent...or libaterian…!
you run as a democrat around here...chances are not going to get any votes!
As it should be!
tell you how bad it is in this state...they are so brainwashed and mind fucked...….probably only 4 democrats on the ticket...everything else either republican..independent...or libaterian…!
you run as a democrat around here...chances are not going to get any votes!
yes but everyone knows independent and libertarian equals democrat siding
when they drop out of the election who do they usually support- the democrats.

I think you are confusing Liberals with Libertarians.

The party generally promotes a classical liberal platform, in contrast to the Democrats' modern liberalism and progressivism and the Republicans' conservatism. Gary Johnson, the party's presidential nominee in 2012 and 2016, states that the Libertarian Party is more culturally liberal than Democrats, and more fiscally conservative than Republicans. Current fiscal policy positions include lowering taxes,[10] abolishing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS),[11] decreasing the national debt,[11] allowing people to opt out of Social Security[12] and eliminating the welfare state, in part by utilizing private charities.[13] Current cultural policy positions include ending the prohibition of illegal *******,[14] advocating criminal justice reform,[15] supporting same-sex marriage,[16] ending capital punishment[17] and supporting gun ownership rights.[18] Many Libertarians believe in lowering the drinking age to 18.

I'm a libertarian, and I don't know any that vote Democrat.
Another 2 years of stagnation - Well at least this way nothing should get rammed down our throats. The two sides at some point will have to shake hands.

not sure about that...but I think all these secret deals are over......for example...trumps tax returns!

trump claimed victory last night but let's see what he says in a few months...although Pelosi threw out a rope...stating time to work together....but that's NOT trump's way!

REALLY hated to see Cruz and Blackburn win.....would have liked to see the fla and ga gov races go the other way...but to be expected there

here we are 50th in education for one thing...18 different teachers I think running for state congress 11 of them made it...the dem for Gov was a former teacher...he didn't make it...so I guess education not a priority here...also for Congress we had an asshole by the name of Mark Wayne Mullin running for re-elction...we are in the bottom 5 in the nation in health care here.....he was taking some heat for voting against the ACA he was arguing with the crowd and they told him he works for us...he told the crowd his biz pays enough in taxes he doesn't work for anyone but himself!...and he got re-elected...definitely a republican state
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not sure about that...but I think all these secret deals are over......for example...trumps tax returns!

trump claimed victory last night but let's see what he says in a few months...although Pelosi threw out a rope...stating time to work together....but that's NOT trump's way!

REALLY hated to see Cruz and Blackburn win.....would have liked to see the fla and ga gov races go the other way...but to be expected there

here we are 50th in education for one thing...18 different teachers I think running for state congress 11 of them made it...the dem for Gov was a former teacher...he didn't make it...so I guess education not a priority here...also for Congress we had an asshole by the name of Mark Wayne Mullin running for re-elction...we are in the bottom 5 in the nation in health care here.....he was taking some heat for voting against the ACA he was arguing with the crowd and they told him he works for us...he told the crowd his biz pays enough in taxes he doesn't work for anyone but himself!...and he got re-elected...definitely a republican state
I don't know if id take that line on education. The Democrats and the unions OWN the education system lock, stock, and barrel. Look at all the schools is the big cities they all suck.....once again Democrat owned.
as for the gov in Fla and Ga...just shows how well that voter suppression works!
I was glad 'Texas' Ted pulled it off, the only accomplishment Beto has is a DUI. Im happy Blackburn won because Taylor Swift was endorsing Bredesen so that's a given he was no good.
Trump won it for DeSantis and Gillum is under FBI investigation for corruption understandable there.
As far as Ga with Oprah and Obama stumping hard for Abrams, im wondering if Kemp didn't win by a larger margin than he did.
I don't know if id take that line on education. The Democrats and the unions OWN the education system lock, stock, and barrel. Look at all the schools is the big cities they all suck.....once again Democrat owned.

you are so mind fucked...….you don't suppose they are controlled by state run budgets do you?
and who manages those?
go ahead take a guess......I will wait.....but no more than a year or so for you to think of the answer!
if you can't figure it out ask someone who runs the state budget and funding for the schools and teachers...although cities are supposed to help also with local taxes....but again who controls that?....look it up..it sure isn't unions and democrats...could be a dem on occasion if you have one as Mayor...but not to many of those in the south!

now go back to your job of skin diving for roto rooter!
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I was glad 'Texas' Ted pulled it off, the only accomplishment Beto has is a DUI. Im happy Blackburn won because Taylor Swift was endorsing Bredesen so that's a given he was no good.
Trump won it for DeSantis and Gillum is under FBI investigation for corruption understandable there.
As far as Ga with Oprah and Obama stumping hard for Abrams, im wondering if Kemp didn't win by a larger margin than he did.

I'm sure your wondering is quite painful....with nothing up stairs to wonder with.........….but again your brain dead typical right wing response......you let partisan politics do your thinking...try thinking on your own for a change.....if capable it might do wonders....

Tennessee if you look is a very red state that was an uphill battle to begin with
as for Gillum...another of those blown out of control republican tricks to win an election...although another state where they suppress the vote but that will change soon....the Feds have already said Gillum himself is NOT under investigation...but that is not the way DeSantis portrayed it to be....
Ga and Oprah even though another very red state.....not over yet!.....if he did win it's by less than 1%....but then throw in the 300,000 votes he threw out and did he win?....funny if he did win and they find out he "fudged" and went to jail...wouldn't that be a yuk?
and it would not be the first corrupt republican in jail...although Mueller is going to add to that collection

again you think about it while trying to dig your head out of your ass!

Luckily the dems took over the house and there will be some investigating instead of all this right wing bullshit that floats around all the time!
and who knows next election enough people will get sick of the right...all they have is the hard core brain dead republicans...won't be able to buy a independent vote!
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I was glad 'Texas' Ted pulled it off, the only accomplishment Beto has is a DUI. Im happy Blackburn won because Taylor Swift was endorsing Bredesen so that's a given he was no good.
Trump won it for DeSantis and Gillum is under FBI investigation for corruption understandable there.
As far as Ga with Oprah and Obama stumping hard for Abrams, im wondering if Kemp didn't win by a larger margin than he did.

as per our previous conversation about Trump liking watersports here is more on it

Trump, Russian Spies and the Infamous ‘Golden Shower Memos’

Updated | The story began making the rounds at Washington dinner parties late last summer: Donald Trump had been caught in a compromising sexual position by Russian intelligence agents during a business trip to Moscow. According to one version, told by a high-ranking Obama administration diplomat, Russian intelligence services, acting on Trump’s well-known obsession with sex, had arranged an evening for him with a bevy of ******, with hidden cameras and microphones recording all the action. The jaw-dropping detail that topped the story? Trump had somehow engaged in “golden showers,” sex acts involving urine.

Now, according to a leaked annex to the combined U.S. intelligence agencies’ report on Kremlin intrigues in the American elections, Russian security agents watched Trump engaging in “perverted sexual acts” that were “arranged/monitored by the FSB,” the Kremlin’s leading spy agency. The FSB, it said, “employed a number of prostitutes to perform a golden showers (urination) show in front of him.” Not only that, according to the report’s anonymous Russian sources, Trump deliberately chose for his escapade “the Ritz Carlton hotel, where he knew President and Mrs. Obama (whom he hated) had stayed on one of their official trips to Russia and defiling the bed where they had slept.”

he veracity of the report and its sourcing have not been verified. CNN reported only that a two-page summary of the report “was presented last week to President Barack Obama and President-elect Trump [and] included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.” It cited “multiple U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the briefings,” and said the FBI was investigating. BuzzFeed published what it said was the full report ”compiled by a person who has claimed to be a former British intelligence official.”
“It's all fake news," Trump said referring to the allegations on Wednesday. "It’s all phony stuff."


so I would say piss on your man...but he would probably like it...after all he is a republican and they get pretty kinky...some even serve time over it
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